automation-rick · 7 years
He looks at her as he hears sirens in the distance, police sirens. He looked at the wall next to it and raised his hand, shooting a portal from his palm, "Well, I'm on my way to an alien world, you can come with or you can stay here. Yes, I can drop you off at your house when we're done. Either way, I have to go."
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
"Know more Ricks and Mortys? All I have to do is point at the wall and I can take you to a world were it's nearly infinitely populated by Ricks and Mortys." He says, "But I can say I've made acquaintances with a few across the multiverse. Punk Mortys. Abandoned Mortys. Fish Rick and Morty. Yeah, I've seen quite a lot."
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
"Hmm. That sounds like something half the central finite curve might do. I don't know what I could do to help you if your about to ask for anything, I'm not even sure I can even assist you properly." He said it almost indeterminate from his regular speech pattern, even if he meant to be 'nicer'. He must be on the fritz again, "But I guess I can do something for you, I'm here aren't I? Do you have anymore questions?"
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
Rick would have cried "Multiverse theory!" at her but that was a major attitude change he couldn't handle right now. The last thing he needed was an angry female with deja vu.
"It's a bad habit, that's just it. No real explanation." He said, his florescent optics meeting hers, "And your probably remembering a flesh version of me, because we've never officially meet before."
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
As they made they're way over to the door, he holds it open for her as he follows her outside. He watched the other patrons suspiciously as he closed the door behind him.
He slumped his shoulders slightly in relief at being out of public eyes, "Okay, what did you want to talk about?"
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
So you must be mechanical?
“My scans picked up a sentient mechanical life form. I always stop to investigate those. I am Tavi Iota-Sanchez of Iota 42-7. I was created by Rick Sanchez of the same dimension. Are you created? Self made??”
"Always you say?" He questions the bot, his processor calculating for any lies, "And your based purely on the guy that created you? What are you an errand droid or a mech based clone?"
He wasn't avoiding the questions, he's just drawing out this talk. He didn't know why himself.
0 notes
automation-rick · 7 years
He glanced at her and back at the door he had been making a beeline for. The waiter had gone almost undisturbed and all his liquor was still on his serving tray as he lowly walked away from him.
"Yeah, yeah sure. How about we talk out there," The Rick points to the side exit door, "I'd be much more nice."
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
Bars aren't his scene, they aren't because he had no physical mouth to move. He only had yellow glass that symbolized a row of teeth, he also had no proper organs to situate that type of liquid in. He didn't dream of ruining his already clocked innards and their slagged functioning.
But he had to cut through one to get to his destination, so... bad irony?
He takes a few large strides and people gawk as he tries to make his way out swiftly. He hadn't counted on a male waiter not moving to make room as he walked so he was forced to bump clumsily into a brunette standing at the bar.
((Introduction rp)) ((when characters first me))
@automation-rick *brittney is chilling at a bar sipping on her wine, a little tipsy but not too much*
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automation-rick · 7 years
((would you like to roleplay with me sometime? I have information about my character saved that I can show you in messages.))
[ @brittney-sanchez ]
// Yes, just send it over and I'll get to it went I can!
0 notes
automation-rick · 7 years
Tavi stared in shock. Another mechanical type Rick being? " Greetings"
[ @mechanrickal-heart ]
He looked over and watched the other Rick make way to him, “Hey. So, what are you up too around this part?”
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automation-rick · 7 years
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automation-rick · 7 years
Ryker daringly steps forward. "Wow look at you. Big tough robot douche. Man, how long did it take to collect the scrap metal for your hunk of ass?"
“As long as it took billions of generations to gestate your poor excuse of a carbon based meatbag.” He wasn’t backing down, “How’s your body doing after 70 years of neglect? Mines perfectly capable after… eons? I don’t know.”
0 notes
automation-rick · 7 years
The Morty might have had his eyes glued to the alien behind the dark yet lighten room's veil, but he could see that his hands never hesitated to clench at his side. Maybe they'll get out of this with time to spare... and body parts.
Behind the glass desk, near the reinforced full-length windows was a stereotypical Earth alien. Greying green skin, black unblinking eyes, bulbous cranium, and four fingers. In all it's glory.
Wow, this dimension really had kicks in the crotch at "coincidences".
Rick decided to speak first when they locked eyes, tbe aliens optics slamming open in shock, "Listen, muchacho, we're just here for your Crystal Radialite. You obviously don't know what your carrying, so it'd be best if we took it willingly from you then from some assassin from your cold dead hands."
Subtly to the wind, than.
Off Without A Hitch
The android scanned the card, and a green light flashed next to the device. Morty was looking at Rick with wide eyes, wondering when did he steal those without even him noticing. At the mention of his name, the boy snapped out of his astonishment. He straightened up his back and tried to appear as confident as possible, even if he wasn’t sure the android could see him.
It took him a few seconds to remember why the name of his so-called superior sounded so familiar: Tammy was his sister’s friend, and, since this party (or this disaster, from his point of view) Rick and Summer had organized, Bird Person’s girlfriend. Morty liked to come with his grandpa and his sister when they were paying them a visit.  Hearing Rick talk of her as an agent of the Federation was confusing, but now wasn’t the time to ask questions. Maybe in this dimension, she wasn’t as kind as the one he knew.
- Please, wait.
The android stayed silent for an instant, then granted them the access to the other room. Morty instantly located the possible ways out (the door they came by, and another at their left), as well as the guard standing next to it. The person sitting behind the huge glass desk in front of them only got his attention once he had finished.
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automation-rick · 7 years
"Hello, lead scientist, CGZ-034," Rick said with confidence and ease, "I believe the Galactic Federation has given me new orders from the very top, I'd like to see if my orders were changed."
Rick quickly flashed a security card with those exact numbers and a barcode underneath. Rick, while he had been shaking hands and making false pleasantries with those drunk idiots downstairs, he swiped three security cards. One from a private cop who worked here, another was a vaccine maker, and one more was the leading scientist for the man upstairs.
Stupidly enough, and what made his day, the scientists keycard didn't have a photo badge. Only a secret number, no actual name.
"This here," he rolled his shoulder in Morty's direction, "Is a younger Federation veteran, he's here to make sure everyone's in order. Do you know agent Tammy of the Federation? He's working under her."
Off Without A Hitch
[ @yogurtmorty​ Liked for a starter ]
Rick picked up his chest piece and scoffed at the bullet holes that rittled the surface and punctured the inside material. He looked down and noticed the bullet holes that also decorated him from his bare armorless chest to his knees. It wasn’t bad but he could have sworn he was better off then this.
God, his left arm hurt so bad…
He began to walk out of the warehouse when one of the two hundred men that had ambushed him began to crawl away with weak moans of horror trailing after him. Rick didn’t care anymore, he was just glad no one bad punctured his core and shut down his whole existence.
‘Jesus Christ, all this for some plutonic rock from Veet Jtero 7…’ He mentally kicked himself before he began to limp out the rusted building.
He looked around after he’d gotten about a mile out from the building before he was stopped by a yellow shirt he was quite familiar with. He turned to the boys trailing calls for his name… wait, a jacket and backpack? Was this another hitchhiking Morty or was he asking directions?
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automation-rick · 7 years
bad idea starters.
❛on a scale of one to ten… how illegal do you think doing this is?❜
❛okay, but, consider this: i don’t care. i’m gonna do it.❜
❛there are certain moments where i consider you someone with brilliant ideas and a good future. this is not one of those moments.❜
❛how hard is it to do a wheelie on a motorcycle? how many feet can you go, doing a wheelie, without crashing?❜
❛it’s three in the morning and i’m bored and you’re the only one awake. let’s break into a gas station store.❜
❛is it a bad idea to use mountain dew instead of milk in your cereal?❜
❛i heard if you suck up enough helium, your voice starts to sound really squeaky… wanna go buy some balloons?❜
❛can you cook bacon with a hair straightener? asking for a friend.❜
❛yes, i did beat him up and i will not apologize.❜
❛complaining helps the situation, like, not at all.❜
❛sooooo, i kind of adopted a puppy.❜
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automation-rick · 7 years
"Your welcome, but it's not your fault, how would you have fought off that predator without getting gunned by police..." Rick made a sighing noise and watched the chrome and brown elevator interior shake as the made their way to the roof, "I should have been behind you, just in case some shit like that happens..."
He watched the Morty slowly begin to bite his nails and make small noises of distress, the whole ride up with painfully like this. But Morty did ask about his gun.
"No. Have it close to your hand, if you have anywhere to put it. Like your gun in your waistband, your hand in your closest pocket." Rick said with confidence, "Just in case thinks go south. I'll try to negotiate, I can't take much more damage and we have one more stop after this."
Off Without A Hitch
[ @yogurtmorty​ Liked for a starter ]
Rick picked up his chest piece and scoffed at the bullet holes that rittled the surface and punctured the inside material. He looked down and noticed the bullet holes that also decorated him from his bare armorless chest to his knees. It wasn’t bad but he could have sworn he was better off then this.
God, his left arm hurt so bad…
He began to walk out of the warehouse when one of the two hundred men that had ambushed him began to crawl away with weak moans of horror trailing after him. Rick didn’t care anymore, he was just glad no one bad punctured his core and shut down his whole existence.
‘Jesus Christ, all this for some plutonic rock from Veet Jtero 7…’ He mentally kicked himself before he began to limp out the rusted building.
He looked around after he’d gotten about a mile out from the building before he was stopped by a yellow shirt he was quite familiar with. He turned to the boys trailing calls for his name… wait, a jacket and backpack? Was this another hitchhiking Morty or was he asking directions?
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automation-rick · 7 years
Oh, this shit was done for. Rick was a patient robot, he made his own body with only a laptop and half of an old rusty Robot Rick prototype that had been discarded. He'll spare you knowing how long it took, but it felt like eternity. He had patience, but even eternity passing by hadn't gotten him this angry.
This did, though. 
Suddenly, his sensory were showing a rise in hostility amongst the crowd; the party goers were either frightened by a skirmish or were looking forward to it, causing a suffocating circle with them trapped in it, and the guard robots were tugging at the buddies uniforms to get their attention or groping their weapons as they drew in closer. The anti-federation men he spotted stationed here looked trapped, even with their potentially stored weapons, they must be green.
Rick felt the Morty tug at his lab coat and he turned around to face the scared boy, 'You came here for a reason... You came here for a reason... You came here for a reason..."
He sighed and wiped his face with his sleeve, his face hard and deadly, he said lowly, "You are not leaving here unscathed."
Morty dragged him away back into their path to the elevator, but no one but the unlucky alien could hear him say that.
Off Without A Hitch
[ @yogurtmorty​ Liked for a starter ]
Rick picked up his chest piece and scoffed at the bullet holes that rittled the surface and punctured the inside material. He looked down and noticed the bullet holes that also decorated him from his bare armorless chest to his knees. It wasn’t bad but he could have sworn he was better off then this.
God, his left arm hurt so bad…
He began to walk out of the warehouse when one of the two hundred men that had ambushed him began to crawl away with weak moans of horror trailing after him. Rick didn’t care anymore, he was just glad no one bad punctured his core and shut down his whole existence.
‘Jesus Christ, all this for some plutonic rock from Veet Jtero 7…’ He mentally kicked himself before he began to limp out the rusted building.
He looked around after he’d gotten about a mile out from the building before he was stopped by a yellow shirt he was quite familiar with. He turned to the boys trailing calls for his name… wait, a jacket and backpack? Was this another hitchhiking Morty or was he asking directions?
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