autonom-us-project · 26 days
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autonom-us-project · 27 days
Post About It: Social Media Outreach to Spread the Word
Social media can be a powerful tool for spreading information and rallying support for reproductive justice in the U.S. Whether it’s TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or even Tumblr (where you’re reading this now!), a single post can amplify your voice to thousands of people. A quick video or tweet can be an accessible and fast-paced way to share crucial updates on abortion access laws, court cases, and other relevant news, as well as community resources for those in need and methods of activism for those who want to get involved. 
Even if you can’t post yourself, you can still show your support by reposting, sharing, or boosting engagement with posts from notable organizations like Planned Parenthood or the ACLU, healthcare professionals, fellow activists, or even some of your favorite celebrities talking about the issues that matter.
Below are some examples of ways you can use social media to spread awareness, and some awesome examples!
Planned Parenthood- #BansOffOurBodies
This resource from Planned Parenthood provides tips for how to talk about abortion and abortion access on social media, hashtags and graphics to use, and links to other resources to help you craft your post. 
Amnesty International Abortion Advocacy Social Media Guide
Amnesty International gives a breakdown of how to approach abortion advocacy on social media, ideas for your post, keywords to use, and language to be conscious of in a comprehensive, easy to follow guide! 
Amplify the Message!
Even if you can't post yourself, another great way to engage is to repost, add to your story, or otherwise share important social media posts from other accounts! Below are a few ways to do that:
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autonom-us-project · 27 days
Speak Up: Email or Call Your Elected Official!
When we elect our representatives into office, they have a duty to represent the interests of us, the voters. A simple and free way to do this is by contacting them when we have concerns or feel they aren’t acting in our best interests. Especially in states with restrictive reproductive healthcare laws, voicing your concerns via email or phone ensures your voice is heard. Remember, these officials work for you, the constituents who put them in office to begin with!
If you need help getting started, check out the links below for some scripts you can use to write up your message to your state’s elected officials. 
Find Your Representative
This tool from the US House of Representatives will help you locate your representative based on your ZIP code, and provide their website and contact information.
Emailing Your Legislators 101
This resource from Planned Parenthood outlines in detail where to locate your representative’s contact information, tips for how to structure your message, and where that email goes after you send it. Additionally, it provides an email template at the bottom for added guidance. 
ACLU- Defend Reproductive Freedom Now
This page from the ACLU provides another helpful template for crafting your message to the Senator or Representative of your state.  
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
State-by-State: What are your abortion rights in 2024?
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court made the morally bankrupt decision to overturn the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously ruled that the choice of whether to end or continue a pregnancy belonged to the individual rather than the government, federally protecting the right to abortion.
Now, with the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be hard to keep track of the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on each state’s current legalities, restrictions, and other need-to-know details regarding your reproductive autonomy below*.
To see information about abortion rights in your state, simply click the hyperlink. This is a work in progress, so if your state isn't posted yet, check back soon!
ϴ=abortion is banned entirely, [Highest Risk]
▼​= abortion is legal but heavily restricted and threatened, [High Risk]
▽= abortion is legal but unprotected, [Moderate Risk]
√= abortion is legal and protected, [Low Risk]
Alabama ϴ Alaska √ Arizona ϴ Arkansas ϴ California √ Colorado √ Connecticut √ Delaware √ Florida ▼ Georgia ▼ Hawaii √ Idaho ϴ Illinois √ Indiana ϴ Iowa ▼ Kansas √ Kentucky ϴ Louisiana ϴ Maine √ Maryland √ Massachusetts √ Michigan √ Minnesota √ Mississippi ϴ Missouri ϴ Montana √ Nebraska ▼ Nevada √ New Hampshire ▽ New Jersey √ New Mexico ▽ New York √ North Carolina ▼ North Dakota ϴ Ohio √ Oklahoma ϴ Oregon √ Pennsylvania ▽ Rhode Island √ South Carolina ▼ South Dakota ϴ Tennessee ϴ Texas ϴ Utah ▼ Vermont √ Virginia ▽ Washington √ West Virginia ϴ Wisconsin ▼ Wyoming ▼
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case, if possible.
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Kansas
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Kansas’ current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Kansas?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Kansas.
When did Kansas’ current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of Kansas officially repealed its Pre-Roe ban in 1992, and the Kansas Supreme Court determined in 2019 that the state constitution’s Bill of Rights protects all Kansas citizens’ right to “personal autonomy,” and by extension, the right to make their own decision on whether to continue an abortion.
When an amendment was placed on the ballot in 2021 to retract this right to abortion, the majority of Kansas voters opposed it, allowing the Kansas constitution to continue to protect abortion access. Abortion is legal in Kansas up until viability, or 21-weeks, but a variety of medically unnecessary, harmful restrictions to access are still in place in the state. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Kansas?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access up until the point of viability, the point at which a fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus, or 21 weeks. 
Past this point, an abortion is only allowed if a pregnant individual’s life or health are in danger, as determined by a physician. 
The specifics can be read in Kansas Legal Code 65-6709
I am pregnant in the state of Kansas and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Kansas:
Kansas Abortion Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Kansas. Offers financial aid for abortion.  See their website for more information. 
Midwest Access Coalition [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Kansas. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, gas money, transit (local and long-distance), food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in New Mexico
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about New Mexico’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of New Mexico?
Abortion is currently legal but unprotected in the state of New Mexico.
When did New Mexico’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of New Mexico repealed its Pre-Roe v. Wade abortion ban back in 2021, and currently allows abortion throughout the entirety of pregnancy.There are no express legal protections for abortion at this time, as New Mexico’s Supreme Court has not yet decided if the state constitution's Equal Rights Amendment applies to abortion, but the state of New Mexico provides several aids to abortion access, such as public funding for medically necessary abortions and laws shielding in-state abortion providers from out-of-state legal prosecution.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of New Mexico?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access at any stage in a pregnancy.
I am pregnant in the state of New Mexico and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in New Mexico:
Whole Woman's Health- Abortion Wayfinder Program [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, lodging, and transit. See their website for more information. 
Mariposa Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers financial aid for abortion. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Pink House Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers financial aid for abortion and provider referrals. See their website for more information. 
The Stigma Relief Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers financial aid for abortion. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Planned Parenthood Arizona [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit (local and long-distance), provider referrals, gas money, clinic escorts, food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, rental car assistance, childcare assistance, abortion doula services, judicial bypass support, interpretation services, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from New Mexico. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, food assistance, and interpretation services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Ohio
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Ohio’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Ohio?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Ohio.
When did Ohio’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state of Ohio began enforcing a 6-week ban on abortion, but this was subject to a preliminary injunction and is currently not in effect. Abortion is legal until viability and, in November of 2023, Ohio voters approved Issue 1, a constitutional amendment to protect the right to reproductive decision making, which went into effect in December of that year. As a result, the right to abortion continues to be upheld, and Ohio’s Attorney General has submitted a filing requesting that the court strike down the enjoined 6-week ban as unconstitutional. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Ohio?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access up until the point of viability, or the point at which a fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus, typically occurring at 24 weeks. 
Past this point, an abortion is only allowed if a pregnant individual’s life or health are in danger, as determined by a physician. 
Those who provide abortion services in violation of this law face a fourth-degree felony charge, and risk losing their healthcare license.
The specifics can be read in Ohio Legal Code 2919.201
I am pregnant in the state of Ohio and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Ohio:
Agnes Reynolds Jackson Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Ohio. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit, and gas money. See their website for more information. 
Abortion Fund of Ohio [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Ohio. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Midwest Access Coalition [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Ohio. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, gas money, transit (local and long-distance), food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Faith Choice Ohio [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Ohio. Offers support in the form of lodging, transit (local), gas money, food assistance, emotional support, language services, rideshare, rental car assistance, childcare assistance, and interpretation services. See their website for more information. 
Ohio Women's Alliance, Member Assistance Program [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Ohio. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit (local and long-distance), provider referrals, gas money, cash assistance, food assistance, language services, childcare assistance, and interpretation services. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Michigan
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Michigan’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Michigan?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Michigan.
When did Michigan’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
In November of 2022, Michigan voters approved Prop 3, a constitutional amendment permanently adding protection for reproductive freedom to the state constitution. In 2024, Michigan law was enhanced to position abortion access as a fundamental right. In addition to the right to abortion being legally and constitutionally protected in the state of Michigan, several expanded protections for abortion access have been put in place. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Michigan?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access at any stage in a pregnancy. 
What expanded protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Michigan?
Interstate Shielding: The Governor of Michigan has issued executive orders prohibiting executive branch departments and legal agencies from cooperating with out-of-state investigations or extraditions related to abortion services occuring legally in the state of Michigan
Clinic Access: Michigan protects clinic access and safety by prohibiting trespassing and harassment.
The specifics can be read in Michigan Legal Codes ED 2022-5 and 333.2019
I am pregnant in the state of Michigan and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Michigan:
The Hydra Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Michigan. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit, and childcare assistance. See their website for more information. 
Reclaim Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Michigan. Offers support and financial aid for abortion and transit. See their website for more information. 
Midwest Access Coalition [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Michigan. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, gas money, transit (local and long-distance), food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Fountain Street Church [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion from Michigan. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
YWCA Reproductive Health Fund  [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from from Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, transit, emotional support, abortion doula services, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Wisconsin
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Wisconsin’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Wisconsin?
Abortion is currently legal but restricted in the state of Wisconsin.
When did Wisconsin’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state of Wisconsin attempted to enforce their Pre-Roe ban on abortion, but this ban is currently in court to determine whether or not it is enforceable. For now, abortion is legal before 21 weeks of pregnancy, and a variety of other medically unnecessary restrictions to abortion access are in place in Wisconsin. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Wisconsin?
Currently, abortion access is legal up until 21 weeks in the state of Wisconsin. 
Past this point, an abortion is allowed only when necessary to preserve the life or health of the patient, or in the case of a reported rape or incest, as determined by a physician.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of Wisconsin law face a Class I felony charge, punishable by up to 3.5 years in prison and/or a fine of $10,000.
The specifics can be read in Wisconsin Legal Code 253.107
I am pregnant in the state of Wisconsin and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Wisconsin:
Pregnancy Options Wisconsin: Education, Resources, & Support [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Wisconsin. Offers supoprt and financial aid for abortion, transit, provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and interpretation services. See their website for more information. 
Midwest Access Coalition [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Wisconsin. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, gas money, transit (local and long-distance), food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Women's Medical Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Wisconsin. Offers financial aid for abortion. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Access Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Nebraska
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Nebraska’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Nebraska?
Abortion is currently legal but restricted in the state of Nebraska.
When did Nebraska’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state of Nebraska enacted a 12-week abortion ban, which they have upheld in court alongside a slew of other medically unnecessary restrictions to abortion access.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Nebraska?
Currently, abortion is banned past 12 weeks in the state of Nebraska. Past this point, there are exceptions only in the following cases:
Rape or Incest: In the case of rape or incest, a physician may perform an abortion past 12 weeks.
Medical Necessity: If necessary to prevent the death or serious, irreversible injury of the mother, as determined by a physician, an abortion may be performed past 12 weeks.
In these cases, an abortion does not violate Nebraska law, but still must be carried out in strict accordance with Nebraska state law.
The specifics can be read in Nebraska Legal Code LB 574
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of Nebraska?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion after 6 weeks in the state of Nebraska.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of Nebraska law face a Class IV felony charge, punishable by up to 2 years in prison.
The specifics can be read in Nebraska Legal Code S. 474
I am pregnant in the state of Nebraska and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Nebraska:
The Nebraska Abortion and Reproductive Justice Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Nebraska. Offers financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit, food assistance, and childcare assistance. See their website for more information. 
Justice Through Empowerment Network [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Nebraska. Offers financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit, food assistance, language services, childcare assistance, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill), and interpretation services. See their website for more information. 
Midwest Access Coalition [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Nebraska. Offers financial aid and support in the form of lodging, transit, gas money, transit (local and long-distance), food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Access Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in Utah
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Utah’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Utah?
Abortion is currently legal but restricted in the state of Utah.
When did Utah’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, Utah attempted to enforce a trigger total ban on abortion, but as the ban is currently enjoined. In its place, Utah is enforcing a ban on abortion past 18 weeks, as well as a slew of other medically unnecessary restrictions to abortion access.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Utah?
Currently, abortion is banned past 18 weeks in the state of Utah. Past this point, there are exceptions only in the following cases:
Rape or Incest: In which an “official police report has been filed” alleging the crime of rape or incest, so long as the pregnancy has not reached 20 weeks.. 
Medical Necessity: If necessary to prevent the death or serious physical injury of a pregnant individual, as determined by a physician, an abortion may be performed past 18 weeks. 
Non-Viability: In the presence of a fatal fetal anomaly “incompatible with life” as determined by a physician, an abortion may be performed past 18 weeks.
In these cases, an abortion does not violate Utah law, but still must be carried out in strict accordance with Utah state law.
The specifics can be read in Utah Legal Code 76-7-302
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of Utah?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion after 6 weeks in the state of Utah.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of Utah law face a second-degree felony charge, punishable by 1-15 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.
The specifics can be read in Utah Carolina Legal Code 76-7-314.5
I am pregnant in the state of Utah and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Utah:
Utah Abortion Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion from Utah. Offers financial aid for abortion. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information.
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in South Carolina
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about South Carolina’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of South Carolina?
Abortion is currently legal but restricted in the state of South Carolina.
When did South Carolina’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, South Carolina instituted a partial ban on abortion past 6-weeks of pregnancy, which was declared constitutional by the South Carolina Supreme Court in August of 2023. It is worth noting that this legislation bans abortion after the detection of embryonic or fetal cardiac activity, which usually occurs before most people are even aware they are pregnant. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of South Carolina?
Currently, abortion is banned past 6 weeks in the state of South Carolina. Past this point, there are exceptions only in the following cases:
Rape or Incest: In which an “official police report has been filed” alleging the crime of rape or incest, so long as the pregnancy has not reached 20 weeks.. 
Medical Necessity: If necessary to “prevent the death… or…the serious risk of a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function,” of a pregnant individual, as determined by a physician, an abortion may be performed past 6 weeks. This does not include risks to mental or emotional health. 
Non-Viability: In the presence of a “fatal fetal anomaly,” as determined by a physician, an abortion may be performed past 6 weeks.
The specifics can be read in South Carolina Legal Code S. 474
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of South Carolina?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion after 6 weeks in the state of South Carolina.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of South Carolina law face a felony charge, punishable by up to 2 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.
The specifics can be read in South Carolina Legal Code S. 474
I am pregnant in the state of South Carolina and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by your appointment date.
If you need financial assistance or other support to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with any other needs or costs of seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support,judicial bypass for minors, etc. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in South Carolina:
Carolina Abortion Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from South Carolina. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, emotional support, childcare assistance, abortion doula services, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Access Reproductive Care - Southeast [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from South Carolina. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and lodging. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Palmetto State Abortion Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion from South Carolina. Offers financial aid for abortion, lodging, transit (local and long-distance), provider referrals, gas money, food assistance, emotional support, childcare assistance, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 29 days
Abortion Rights in North Carolina
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about North Carolina’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of North Carolina?
Abortion is currently legal but restricted in the state of North Carolina.
When did North Carolina’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state of North Carolina enacted a 12-week abortion ban, which took effect in July of 2023. In addition to this, the state has several medically unnecessary, burdensome restrictions to abortion access in place. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of North Carolina?
Currently, abortion is banned past 12 weeks in the state of North Carolina. Past this point, there are exceptions only in the following cases:
Rape or Incest: In which the individual is a victim of rape, incest, or human trafficking, they may receive a legal abortion before 20 weeks.
Medical Necessity: If necessary to save a pregnant individual’s life or prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical damage, an abortion may be performed at any point.
Non-Viability: If the pregnancy is non-viable, or the unborn fetus would not survive outside of the womb, due to a fatal fetal abnormality, abortion is allowed before 24 weeks. 
In these cases, an abortion does not violate North Carolina law, but still must be carried out in strict accordance with the law. Otherwise, a legal abortion must occur before 12 weeks.
The specifics can be read in North Carolina Legal Code SB 20
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of North Carolina?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion in the state of North Carolina.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of North Carolina law face a fine of up to $5,000, and the possible loss of their healthcare license. 
The specifics can be read in North Carolina Legal Code SB 20
I am pregnant in the state of North Carolina and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in North Carolina:
Carolina Abortion Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from North Carolina. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, emotional support, childcare assistance, abortion doula services, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Mountain Area Abortion Doula Collective [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from North Carolina. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 30 days
Abortion Rights in Washington
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Washington’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Washington?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Washington.
When did Washington’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of Washington repealed its Pre-Roe statutes in 1992, after Washington voters approved a ballot initiative protecting the fundamental right to reproductive medical autonomy. As a result of this, Abortion access is now expressly protected under Washington law, and in the years since, the state has gone on to put several expanded protections for abortion access in place.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Washington?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access up until the point of viability, or the point at which a fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus, typically occurring at 24 weeks. 
Past this point, an abortion is only allowed if a pregnant individual’s life or health are in danger, as determined by a physician. 
What expanded protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Washington?
“Safe-Harbor” Interstate Shield Laws: In 2023, Washington enacted Interstate Shield Laws protecting those who provide, receive, or help others access abortion services from the reach of out-of-state investigations, information disclosure, legal prosecution, or licensure consequences. These protections include gender-affirming care as well. 
Medical Funding: The state of Washington provides public funding for abortion and requires private insurances covering maternity services to cover abortion as well. 
Clinic Access: Washington protects clinic access and safety by prohibiting the obstruction of healthcare facilities. 
Out-of-State Investigations: In June of 2022, the governor of Washington issued a directive that State Patrol must refrain from cooperating with out-of-state legal action/investigation into reproductive healthcare that is legal in the state of Washington, and must report such requests for cooperation to the governor. 
Data Privacy: The Washington My Health Data Act  regulates the collection, use, and sharing of health data, and prohibits the sale of health data without consumer consent. 
The specifics can be read in the following Washington Legal Codes WAC 182-532-120, 9A.50.020, 22-12,  7.115 RCW, 18.130.450 RCW, 19.373 RCW
I am pregnant in the state of Washington and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Washington :
Northwest Abortion Access Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Washington. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, transit (local and long-distance), lodging, gas money, food assistance, rideshare, and childcare. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women in Need Fund of Cedar River Clinics [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Washington. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, transit, lodging, and food assistance. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
0 notes
autonom-us-project · 30 days
Abortion Rights in Oregon
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Oregon’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Oregon?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Oregon.
When did Oregon’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of Oregon repealed its Pre-Roe Ban in 1983, and has fundamentally protected the right to abortion under the law since 2023. In addition, Oregon has put several expanded protections for abortion access in place. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Oregon?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access at any stage in a pregnancy. 
What expanded protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Oregon?
Interstate Shield Laws: In 2023, Oregon enacted Interstate Shield Laws protecting those who provide, receive, or help others access abortion services from the reach of out-of-state investigations, information disclosure, legal prosecution, or licensing consequences. The law also states that minors under the age of 15, which is the usual age informed consent can be provided without parental involvement, can consent to abortion care. 
Medical Funding: The state of Oregon provides public funding for abortion and requires private insurance to cover abortion as well. 
Abortion Providers: Oregon does not restrict which types of healthcare practitioners can provide abortion care. 
Clinic Access: Oregon protects clinic access and safety by prohibiting the obstruction of healthcare facilities. 
The specifics can be read in the following Oregon Legal Codes HB 2002, 410-130-0562, ORS 743A.067, and 164.365
I am pregnant in the state of Oregon and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by your appointment date.
If you need financial assistance or other support to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with any other needs or costs of seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support,judicial bypass for minors, etc. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Oregon:
Northwest Abortion Access Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Oregon. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, transit (local and long-distance), lodging, gas money, food assistance, rideshare, and childcare. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Cascades Abortion Support Collective [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Oregon. Offers aid in the form of lodging, transit (local and long-distance), provider referrals, gas money, clinic escorts, food assistance, emotional support, rideshare, childcare assistance, abortion doula services, and emergency contraception (morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in law and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
1 note · View note
autonom-us-project · 30 days
Abortion Rights in Alaska
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Alaska’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Alaska?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Alaska.
When did Alaska’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of Alaska has protected the right to abortion since 1997, when the Alaska Supreme Court interpreted the privacy provision protecting a pregnant individual’s right to make reproductive decisions as a fundamental right. As a result, Alaska law constitutionally protects the right to abortion in the absence of Roe v Wade. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Alaska?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access at any stage in a pregnancy. 
What expanded protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Alaska?
State Funding: Under the state equal protection clause, the Alaska Supreme Court found that limits on public funding for abortion were unconstitutional. 
The specifics can be read in the following repealed Alaska legal code 43.140
I am pregnant in the state of Alaska and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not available, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Alaska:
Northwest Abortion Access Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Alaska. Offers support and financial aid for abortion, transit (local and long-distance), lodging, gas money, food assistance, rideshare, and childcare. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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autonom-us-project · 1 month
Abortion Rights in Pennsylvania
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Pennsylvania’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Pennsylvania?
Abortion is currently legal but unprotected in the state of Pennsylvania.
When did Pennsylvania’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
Pennsylvania’s  Pre-Roe v. Wade abortion ban was repealed back in 1974, when it was deemed unconstitutional by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. There are no express protections for abortion at this time, the right to abortion will remain legal for now, as the current governor has outwardly supported abortion rights. However, sentiments towards abortion access have been historically mixed, and there are currently many medically unnecessary restrictions making it difficult to access abortion services in Pennsylvania. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Pennsylvania?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access up until the point of viability, or the point at which a fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus, typically occurring at 24 weeks. 
Past this point, an abortion is only allowed if a pregnant individual’s life or health are in danger, as determined by a physician. There are, however, many medically unnecessary restrictions in place making abortion care difficult to access in the state of Pennsylvania.
What protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Pennsylvania?
Executive Order: While the state of Pennsylvania does not legally protect the right to abortion, an executive order was issued in July of 2022 which:
Prohibits cooperation with out-of-state investigations or legal actions arising from abortion services legally obtained in Pennsylvania.
Advises licensing boards to work with executive agencies to protect abortion providers from having their licenses suspended/removed for providing/assisting with abortion services. 
Requires executive agencies to take steps to educate the public on reproductive healthcare services offered by the state of Pennsylvania.
The specifics can be read in Executive Order 2022-01 
I am pregnant in the state of Pennsylvania  and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Pennsylvania:
Western Pennsylvania Fund for Choice [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Pennsylvania. Offers financial aid and support for abortion, lodging, transit, and childcare assistance. See their website for more information. 
Women's Law Project [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Pennsylvania. Offers provider referrals and judicial bypass support. See their website for more information. 
Abortion Liberation Fund of PA [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Northeast Pennsylvania. Offers financial aid and support for abortion, lodging, transit, and emotional support. See their website for more information. 
Southern Tier Women's Health Services [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Northeast Pennsylvania. Offers financial aid and support for abortion, and transit. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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