autthapan-blog · 10 years
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ENDES 5.2 & 6.1
Autthapan Aur-oopatum (Mark)
ID: 5634821525
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autthapan-blog · 10 years
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Assignment 5.1 - Light
Autthapan Aur-oopatum (Mark)
ID: 5634821525
There's two beds, a fan and laptop in the room. The 8 light sources are
1. Laptop Screen
2. Lamp
3. Fan Switch
4. Light Bulb
5. 4 Lights from the ceiling
The plan showing where the light sources are located in the room.
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autthapan-blog · 10 years
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Assignment 4.1
Autthapan Aur-oopatum (Mark)
ID: 5634821525
TUT's Cafe @ Paradise Park
This photo shows a theme of Egyptian mixed with European style. The highlighted part is a wall decorated with Egyptian style, the chairs and tables are European style. The black ceiling gives the feeling of dark and cold like inside of the Pharaoh's Coffin. There are so many mixed style in this particular place. 
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
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Sectional Experience
Autthapan Aur-oopatum (Mark)
ID: 5634821525
Plan and Section showing people in space and colour of the space.
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
Sectional Experience
Autthapan Aur-oopatum (Mark)
ID: 5634821525
This video shows how I move through interior spaces with different heights, width and shapes. The first room is a square room with medium height, the second is a walkway path with lower height. Lastly, is the circle room with the tallest height.
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
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Acoustic of 3 Spaces
Autthapan Aur-oopatum
ID: 5634821525
Plan drawings of the 3 spaces shows how the sound bounce and create echo.
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
Acoustic of 3 Spaces
Autthapan Aur-oopatum
ID: 5634821525
Firstly, the most echo room. It is a very tall and narrow room where the sound can bounce very freely and create lots of echo. Secondly, the medium echo room. Even though this room is narrow, it is too small for the sound to bounce all around to create loud echo. Lastly, the least echo room. The room is wide and short with two side of opened space so it creates very little or no echo. 
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
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Introduction to Environmental Design - Behaviour
Autthapan Aur-oopatum - Mark 5634821525
Athikom Sirijindaphan - Mickey 5634818725
The drawings show how people react to the abnormal behaviour of person pointing up in the sky.
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
Introduction to Environmental Design - Behaviour
Autthapan Aur-oopatum - Mark 5634821525
Athikom Sirijindaphan - Mickey 5634818725
The test is to see how people react when they see a person pointing up in the sky randomly. Many people just look what the person is looking at and just walk pass quickly. Some even paid more attention by slightly stopping and look. 
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autthapan-blog · 11 years
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Mark - Autthapan Aur-oopatum 5634821525 
Altering Behaviour
The room consist of a bed, fridge, television, a computer, mirror and two cupboards. Human can interact with the furnitures more than one way. For example, human can both sit and lie down on the bed. The room has a free space in the centre for human to conduct activities such as doing sit-ups or play board game  with friends. The mirror and photo frame also brighten up the room.
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