autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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Alice Carrier
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
hogwarts houses as my friends
ravenclaw : saying things out of context ; binge watching serials ; early mornings ; tea with milk ; memes ; introverted ; hoodies ; daydreaming ; cares about friends the most ; mountain scenery ; artsy ; resting bitch face ; loves the moon ; lame conspiracy theories ; greek mythology ; thousands pics of sky in gallery ; messy notes
slytherin : dying hair ; lots of friends, but close with few of them ; ready to fight anyone who hurts their friend ; junk food ; pinky promises ; playing many instruments ; weird humor ; knitting ; vinyls ; sleepless nights ; deep talks ; awkward silence ; cold hands ; sound of movie in the background ; green tea ; dry lips ; best presents
hufflepuff : naive ; ice coffee ; pets every dog they see ; messy hair ; sweaters ; cooking ; rosy cheeks ; drinking alcohol with friends ; talking about love life ; cinemas ; loud laughs ; summer ; sharing food with friends ; smaller than all of their friends ; nice writing ; sporty ; nervousness
gryffindor : loud ; friends with everyone ; loves sports ; competitive ; best hugs ; sweet tooth ; matching clothes ; pc games ; summer camps ; hungry all the time ; says their thoughts out loud ; kind to elders ; warm bedsheets ; baking ; breeze ; ponytails ; traveling
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
Ravenclaw Stats
30% of Ravenclaws have all their holiday gifts planned out.
70% of Ravenclaws are still trying to buy all the gifts on their list
100% of Ravenclaws are screaming into the void
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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Excuse my messy bathroom, but progress!! Starting 165lbs now 154lbs
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
Been running for the last few days! I've been increasing my distance by small amounts too!
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
Ravenclaw: I’m freaking out!
Slytherin: About what?
Ravenclaw: Oh, nothing in particular.
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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Hogawrts House Aesthetics!
It was about time that I make these!
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
The Homework Assignment is due in a month, what does each house do?
Hufflepuff: Creates a detailed outline evenly breaking up the work they need to get done each day to finish.
Ravenclaw: Claims to be researching for the assignment, actually has just been looking up other things. Eventually throws together something a few days before the due date.
Slytherin: Has a flawless idea of what they want to write about. Still spends the month tweaking and changing the idea to make it “perfect.”
Gryffindor: “Who dares me to do the assignment the night before lol?”
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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Ravenclaw Aesthetic 1/?
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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happy halloween
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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Sometimes you gotta post when you're feeling yourself
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
how to get over someone
1. delete everything to do with them from your phone. EVERYTHING.
2. burn anything given to you. (drawings, letters, clothes,etc.)
3. do NOT at all costs listen to those songs until you are completely over him. you know which ones im talking about.
4.work on yourself, get your nails done, workout, read books, take baths, treat yourself and better yourself as a person
5. flirt with others, be free you ARE single, dont take it for granted. rebounds are allowed/expected/necessary
6. If you do end up getting a boyfriend/girlfriend take things slow. don’t rush and don’t get attached too fast. its okay to take precaution but dont let it ruin your life.
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
“No more wasting time thinking about this and feeling sad. I accept that it’s over. I’m ready to move on and get back to living my life.”
— Affirmation of the day.
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
You’re better off being alone then being with someone who makes you feel alone.
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autumnalraven-blog1 · 6 years
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