autumncox1227-blog · 4 years
Rhetorical Analyses in “The Goldilocks Number."
Rhetorical analyses is stating the writers purpose of the text. Why it is being wrote? Is the topic being conveyed right and if not why not? I loved the comic "The Goldilocks number" because it addresses the lack of facts these days. I have also heard that number before on a lot of statistics and wondered how it came upon. In the comic she breaks it down and shows how false facts are spread around including by the media and how we run with it. Sounds a lot like what we are experiencing right now. 
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autumncox1227-blog · 4 years
Gretchen Rubin’s “faking it till you feel it”
Last year in 2019, after months of having the worst joint and muscle pain and an unidentifiable rash on my feet, I finally got answers. Systemic lupus, after spending that whole year miserable in the bed, I told myself 2020 would be different.
I faked it till I feel it like Gretchen Rubin did. I acted as if I had more energy than I really did and let me say that everyone around me could tell a difference. Regardless of how I felt, I stopped putting off things. I could notice differences, even though my health was at its worst, with faking it to I felt good, I got a lot accomplished.
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autumncox1227-blog · 4 years
"four habits" that McWilliams believes are "character building” in  Saving The Self In The Age Of The Selfie
Spending time alone can be lonely but can be beneficial. When your alone it gives you the ability to think and discover who you are. I had plenty of alone time, to reflect a couple years ago, and after reflecting I had clarity and happiness.
       I found having a meaningful conversation helped shape my character and brought me happiness. My husband is a tattoo artist, and we had a customer that was traveling from Florida that stopped in for a small tattoo. She was an older woman, my five-year-old son walked by her and she asked him what his name was and tried to engage with him, but he ignored her. Before I could explain, she said her son was high functioning autism and he is 17, He was nonverbal the first 6 years of his life. She was able to give me more real-life knowledge and tips to destress my son from stimming than any doctor has been able to tell me.
 I fail horrible, in forming friendships to build character. Since life happens and everyone tends to go their own way, I do not have any friends besides my husband.
The fourth habit that McWilliams believes is character building is pursuing an activity within a community. Every opportunity I have, I try to feed the homeless or assist in some type of way. Once when driving I seen a homeless man feeding food to his dog. His dog was his companion, and he was giving the little bit that he had to the dog, so I went and bought a bag of dogfood. Do something for someone brings me happiness. With everything that is going on, my husband and I went out and protested in our community several times. That can build character because the community is coming together to get heard. This helps people to get exposed to different cultures and change their way of viewing.
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autumncox1227-blog · 4 years
Having meaning in Life
Emily Esfahani Smith makes a distinction between a happy life and a meaningful life with the four pillars of meaning. Belonging, purpose, transcendence, and storytelling.
Example for belonging  
Emily Esfahani Smith said, “Each morning my friend Jonathon buys a newspaper from the same vendor and they take the time to slow down and talk. You can find belonging among family and friends.
  Example for Purpose
Purpose is less, what you want and more what you give. Examples of purpose she provided was through work and children. Some people can become Disengaged because they are not able to work and feel like they have no purpose. Purpose gives you something to live for
Example of transcendence
Emily refers to this as Rare moments when you feel lifted above and feel connected to a higher power. The examples she provided are Church, art, and for Emily writing.
She spoke of a Study that students were to stand and look at 200 tall trees for a minute. After they felt less self-centered after and wanted to help others if needed.
The last pillar is story telling. This is the Story you tell yourself about yourself. This Helps you understand how you became you. You can change your story add or edit and retell your story and keep the facts.
The example for story telling she provided was about an athlete that got injured and told his story as the injury ruined my life. He retold his story later stating that the before his injury his life was purposeless and after I became a better man.
I agree with the four pillars of meaning. I have not built up all four pillars, but I can relate to two pillars. Which are my purpose and storytelling. I am always trying to give rather than take because it makes me feel good about my self that I am helping. At this time do not see that it gives me more satisfaction or meaning because the downside is that someone will always take advantage.
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autumncox1227-blog · 4 years
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