ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“No. I’m not a Forced Conduit” he shook his head. “I have the gene which was triggered by a Sequence event, and puberty, but you know the story.” Or she should know the story. “The point is… their experiments are dangerous.” 
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Ava really didn’t know much about what PRIME did behind closed doors. She wanted, instinctively, to trust her brother and everything he had dedicated his life to. So she didn’t really know what to say here... How could she know what was true and what wasn’t?
“I see...”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“No.” Oliver shook his head then leaned towards her. “How would you feel if you were once a plain, ordinary human without any type of Conduit gene then suddenly you had them after having it forced on you?.They literally get in there and splice it together.” Forced Conduits made him angry, it should be a crime against nature. 
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Ava didn’t have to think too hard on that. Even though her gene had come on its own, it often felt like it had intruded on her life and destroyed any chance at normality for her. Still, she wasn’t sure how bad that would be for someone who wanted it... Genetic mutation couldn’t have been that painful. She couldn’t understand why he was so upset about it, unless...
“Are... Um... Did that happen to you?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“Because they’re the scum in the pond that is the universe.” There was even a tone of distaste in his voice. 
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Wow, he didn’t even need to think about that, it seemed... It surprised Ava, honestly, because she had still not had any kind of contact with PRIME, and although her brother refused to let her near it, he seemed to enjoy what he did... 
“Don’t you think that’s a little... intense?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“Yeah, I don’t know whether you noticed, but there was a war.” It didn’t surprise him that some younger Conduits were probably sheltered from the reality of what had happened beyond their front doors. He didn’t have that luxury. 
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She was sure she had a million questions she could have asked him about his experience, but all of them seemed far too inappropriate considering she still wasn’t sure how much longer they could tolerate each other. It was times like this she kind of wished she could read minds.
“So, um... Why not PRIME, then?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“Because it was either that, PRIME or be a cop after I served. The latter of the two I’d rather keep away from.” Oliver finished up the food in record time, it was almost like he had inhaled it all.
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“You served?” she asked before her thoughts caught up to her, reminding her that asking about such a thing might be rude. It just caught her off guard when people talked about the war sometimes... Her parents had done such a good job of keeping her locked up through all of it, sometimes it just didn’t feel real. 
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Malcolm smiled softly and nodded his head as started gathering the ingredients to make sweet sangria.  “Sweet and fruity it is then.”  He was quiet while he prepared her drink, letting her tell her story in her own time.  It was a skill he had cultivated over the years, the ability to pay attention to the conversations going on around him without appearing to focus too much.  Some people found his quiet concentration disconcerting.
“The head and the heart often talk at cross purposes to each other.  Just because you know a thing logically, doesn’t mean you’ll feel it as truth.”  Finishing the mixing, Malcolm poured two glasses, one for each of them, and set the woman’s in front of her.  “I think you’ll find that to your liking.”  Taking a sip, he nodded his head, satisfied at the taste.  “Focusing on something else doesn’t fix the first issue darlin, it only delays it.  Sounds as though you may be working too hard.”
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Ava rested her chin on her hand while she listened to him. She liked the way he sounded. He seemed so confident in his words, like she had no trouble believing that he knew exactly what he was talking about. And she didn’t get the sense that he was being judgmental, either, which was something she was always on alert for. It was rare, at home, that she didn’t hear judgement in someone’s voice. It was a comfort, listening to him speak. She almost wished he wouldn’t stop.
When he handed her the drink, she took a small sip; then another, surprised by how much she had liked the first. 
“It’s very good, thank you,” she said softly as she set it back down in front of her and thought about what he had said before.
“But... how are you supposed to get rid of a feeling that doesn’t make any sense?” Or, in reality, something she felt she couldn’t fix...
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
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9.10.16 oh boy am I pale, but I’ve given up on sunlight
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Oliver just continued to eat the food in front of him and didn’t even look at her, because he knew exactly what she was thinking, you didn’t need to be a mind reader for that. 
Glancing up at her question, he gave her his standard answer; “Private security.” Which wasn’t too far from the truth, but Oliver didn’t exactly tell everyone that he was in fact, a Maverick. They had lasted this long after the war for a reason. 
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“Private security,” she breathed in repetition, as though she were testing out the sound of it to see if it were true while she began picking at her food again. “What made you decide to do that?” 
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“Shut it.” Oliver knew that she had heard it from the smirk on her face and wanted to make sure she didn’t say it. 
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Hearing him tell her to keep her mouth shut just made it harder not to smile, feeling like she had definitely won this time. Although, she knew she shouldn’t jump the gun too much. There was still plenty of time for her to find more reason to hate him. 
“So, uh, what do you do when you aren’t... bothering the general public?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Aaron exhaled loudly with an annoyed look on his face, all in a joking manner of course. “Fine,” he tossed the bag over to her outstretched hands. “If you wanna kick me out.”  He made it look like he was headed for the door but then turned instead to get a glass of water.  He laughed as he reached for the glass.
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She had already stuck half the donut in her mouth as she noticed him beginning to leave and she was half prepared to yell, mouth full, for him to stop. Thankfully, he seemed to be only joking and she smiled to herself as she finished chewing her donut before speaking up. 
“So what have you been up to?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Oliver grit his teeth but he didn’t move the plate this time, just left it in front of himself. Just then, his stomach gave away just how hungry he was, causing him to wince a little, grump a bit more then pull the plate towards him so he could eat the food. “Happy?” 
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Even though it was pretty noisy in the restaurant there, he was close enough that she heard his stomach rumble and a little smirk appeared in the corner of her lips as she took a bite of her own food and hummed softly in agreement.
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“So the science behind the power itself eh?” Nik smiled at Ava she was different completely different than he was. Not that he didn’t concern himself with the exact mechanics of his powers; he just knew there was no way in hell he’d completely understand them. “Not sure if you had noticed or not. But I’m more of the brawn type than the brains. Not exactly a dumb jock mind ya. But I barely get biography courses.”
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Ava’s brow furrowed in confusion for a solid minute while she tried to figure out if he had meant to say “biography” or “biology”... She wanted to believe he had said it as emphasis to his point.
“Everyone is capable of understanding anything. You just need to start with the basics... Like... With sports, for example,” she began, straightening up where she sat as she began to get more passionate about the topic. 
“When I see a sport being played... It looks like complete chaos. But I know that sports have rules. They have objectives and roles and guidelines... So does science. Before you can understand something in its entirety, you start by learning the rules, one-by-one... To know the score, you need to know the scoring system. To know the scoring system, you have to know the restrictions and fouls... Right?”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
woah woah what about ten, eleven and twelve???
“That’s a very good point. I’m not sure why those numbers were excluded from the answer. There didn’t seem to be any reasoning as to why the chain was limited to three.”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
“So you’re saying that plants are really really really old then eh?” With a smirk, Nik let out a slight chuckle. “So you learned a lot about botany then? I suppose I should have studied up on water or temperature or something. A lot of work though to be told I can just freeze a lot of stuff.” At least that was the jist of his powers. Controlling the temperature of the moister around him and manipulating the frozen results definitely had a crazy amount of science behind it.
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She wished she could see her abilities as simply as ‘she controls plants,’ but she could never see it that way. She’d spent her whole life trying to control  everything that she could, to prove to everyone that she was not what her powers made her. The best way to control herself was to understand herself and how she could do what she did.
“Well, there’s more to it than that. Some understanding of chemistry and physics could tell you exactly how you can just freeze a lot of stuff. I, uh, find it fun to learn about, anyway.”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Oliver watched the plate coming back to him so he pushed it back towards her. “I told you, I’ve already eaten. You have it.”
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“I already have food so just... leave it, please, ” she said as she shoved it back in his direction.
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
... because seven eight nine
“Well, yes, they are consecutive numbers, but I don’t see how that matters.”
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ava-sequencexii · 7 years
Why was six afraid of seven?
“Because... larger organisms tend to more easily ascend the food chain through predatory evolution or depriving smaller organisms of necessary resources.”
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