avalonshakarian · 3 days
I wish they brought back Talia's sense of independence back. So many people write her nowadays as having no life outside of the League of Assassins (except for a brief fling with Bruce) which sucks. And half the time they claim her love for Bruce is somehow her father's machinations rather than a weird meet cute where they were both kidnapped together.
In her introduction she is an independent globe trotter who is studying medicine in Cairo and orchestrates her own plans for revenge against the men who hurt her father (which he straight up didn't know about). Anyway, DC please bring back corporate girlboss whistleblower Talia.
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avalonshakarian · 3 days
How people can mistakenly think or just subconsciously feel food works: there are “unhealthy” foods like pizza or fried chicken and “healthy” foods like fruit salad or steamed vegetables. Every time you eat an “unhealthy” food you’ve harmed yourself in some way.
How food actually works: foods contain carbs, proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, minerals, fiber and/or other nutrients. Your body needs and uses all of them but it would like to have a little of everything every day. If you ate pizza or fried chicken for lunch then that’s probably your fat and protein for the day with extra that your body will make use of in time, so it’s a good idea to make your next meal something different like that fruit salad or steamed veggies. You can have that fatty lunch every single day if you just maintain balance and stay active enough to actually use what you’re stocking up on because foods aren’t “good or bad;” they just either fit into the rest of your diet and lifestyle or they don’t.
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avalonshakarian · 3 days
Today I introduced my sister to “the problem of Susan” and I had to explain to her that Susan was left out of Narnia cuz she liked boys and lipstick now and without missing a beat she said but what about Peter? Does Peter not like girls? And I knew she was pointing out the inherent misogyny at the center of the “the problem of Susan” but the implications of that question are a source of much hilarity to meeee LMFAO like Does Peter not like girls? Does he like boys? Is he Gay? Is Narnia really just a homo-utopia where Lucy is also a lesbian and Edmund is a bisexual disaster and Susan was kicked out cuz she was too straight??? Can I make CS Lewis turn over in his grave with this new reading?
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avalonshakarian · 7 days
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For those who missed it, I just opened an Etsy shop and I'm having a 20% OFF sale storewide :) there are 3 days left of the sale before prices return to normal.
Get them here YuumeiArts.Etsy.com
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avalonshakarian · 7 days
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avalonshakarian · 9 days
We don't talk enough about how the Post-Shower Drying Off segment sucks
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avalonshakarian · 12 days
"contract grading" "only 4 absences or you drop to an F" "in this class we will be teaching about disabilities. attendance is mandatory and i do not accept late work" "please respond to at least two of your peers in this discussion post" "people with autism need time to decompress in a classroom environment. your class is four hours long with a 7 minute break." "we like to let students learn the way THEY want to learn. please buy our 150 dollar textbook."
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avalonshakarian · 13 days
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avalonshakarian · 16 days
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awesome story. black doctors and nurses are the best.
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avalonshakarian · 18 days
Hey, if you have half a minute and care about the LGTBQIA+ community in the EU, I'd suggest you take a look at this initiative to ban conversion therapies in the EU.
1 million people are required to sign, but there's barely 100k. The form takes less than a minute, it only requires your ID, name and surname.
Please, help spread the initiative so that it can reach the goal ASAP!
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avalonshakarian · 19 days
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pink moon.
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avalonshakarian · 19 days
cant stop thinking about this video
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avalonshakarian · 22 days
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I think everyone should read this whole thing at least once. Jason Todd, my beloved.
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avalonshakarian · 23 days
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avalonshakarian · 23 days
'punch a nazi!!' how about we start small and you can name two jews who feel comfortable talking about judaism openly around you
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avalonshakarian · 23 days
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avalonshakarian · 23 days
Today in niche genres of joke that I can never get enough of and will probably still be secretly thinking about four years later
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