avariea · 4 years
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Heads up pet keepers: zebra mussels have been spotted in Petco Betta Buddy brand moss balls.
If you don't know what zebra mussels are, they're an invasive aquatic species that reproduces incredibly quickly, to the point where it can damage power plant equipment and pipes, and also is a major threat to native mussels as it rapidly outcompetes them. They are a scourge on lakes across the midwest and spread easily on boats or other watercraft thats been exposed to them.
Finding one in a chain pet store item is BAD NEWS. These items are sold across the entire country and this has the potential to be a major spreader event. If you spot a zebra mussel on marimo or on any other aquarium plant please make a report to the relevant wildlife officials so they can be controlled. Do not dispose of any aquarium animal or plant in a waterway.
If we are vigilant, we can help keep our native mussels safe.
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avariea · 4 years
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I came across this very odd pond in a forest
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avariea · 4 years
this is mine now o3o
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Does anyone want a TG gen 1 with a LOOOT of lore? As in a ton.
She has so much lore! And I wrote it all! AND I STILL FORGOT I HAD HER
So like. Uh. Why keep her if I can’t even remember her?
She has ties to Amberspire which you are free to keep or discard. Heck, you can get rid of all the lore if you want, idc, truly. But she does come with it.
1.5kG? Haggleable.
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avariea · 4 years
hold on a fucking second. delaware is a state?? i thought it was a river? or is the river more important than the state? why don't i know this? (i should mention i don't like in america, i'm just confused)
there is delaware (state) and delaware (river) 
both are equally strange
the state is a tiny little cryptid thing
the rive is a monster that spans new york, pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. also washington crossed it once and that was like kinda a big deal i guess. like crossing the rubicon in rome.
the state tries to me more important with its “im the first state!!!” bs (seriously its even on the fucking license plates) but we all know. its the river.
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avariea · 4 years
Hello all
I would like to give my deepest apologies to Snaphance #2380 on flight rising. I used thier drawing as a basis for my pencil drawing of priya (linked below) and did not credit them. At the time of the drawing I was unaware of the original artist as it was an image I found on google that linked to pinterest with no link to the original. As I did not want to credit a random site and not the artist I did not post credit to that image.  And so to clarify, the drawing I did of priya in my sketchbook is heavily referenced off of Snaphance’s drawing and I would like to properly give them credit now that I know who the original artist is.
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avariea · 4 years
Feeding Nassarius Snails - The Nassarius Snail is an efficient scavenger and detritus eater and is the perfect member of your reef aquarium cleanup crew. You will be pleased at how quickly a small group of Nassarius Snails will clear detritus, uneaten food, decaying organics, and fish waste.
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avariea · 4 years
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thanks my whole school thinks im a furry now because i forgot i had these on oh no
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avariea · 4 years
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A wildclaw I doodled for one of the Lightning VOLT team members as a raffle prize
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avariea · 4 years
How come semi trucks in Europe look like “toot toot :)” and in North America they look like “HONK HOOOOOOOONK >:|”
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avariea · 4 years
southerners in the snow storm—
if your car is outside, go run it for a bit so the battery doesn’t die
scrape your car if there’s any snow on it
If you have a fireplace, learn how it works (gas or wood) and look up how to use it
leave your faucets dripping and open cabenits under the sink
if you can get supplies, get what you need for fire (wood, matches, fire starters), kitty litter to keep in your car and sprinkle around if you lose traction, warm clothes including gloves, socks, and thermal underwear, water bottles
if you must drive make sure you have warm clothes in the car
While driving keep a long follow distance, go slowly, don’t expect anyone else to be able to stop easily
Dont brake if you lose control of your vehicle, or during any turns
this isn’t a comprehensive list by any means
Northerners/People who live in cold/snowy places—
Realize that the South doesn’t have the same infrastructure to plow and salt roads and that most people are never taught how to deal with cold
Also most houses aren’t built for it and we have external water pipes and power lines
So shut up about how people can’t handle a little cold and actually give helpful advice if you must speak (:
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avariea · 4 years
Here's how to help:
Dallas: Dallas Homeless Alliance President and CEO Carl Falconer said donations can be made to Our Calling, who is managing the city’s shelter at the convention center.
Austin: Chris Davis, communications manager for Austin’s Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, or ECHO, said people can find a list of ways to help here. These donations range from sleeping bags to monetary donations for hygiene and snack kits.
San Antonio: South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless Executive Director Katie Vela said their biggest area of need is volunteers to work the overnight shifts, especially those living in the downtown area who might be able to walk to the shelters. Vela also said the shelters are also in need of hot meals beginning Tuesday. People can find the list of shelters here.
Houston: Catherine B. Villarreal, the director of communications for the Coalition for the Homeless, said people can donate to any of the organizations in The Way Home listed here.
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avariea · 4 years
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Mel is an Arcane exalt.
Mel is a quiet Pearlcatcher.
Mel loves her friends.
Mel’s friends keep disappearing.
Mel disappears sometimes.
Mel says she likes having alone time.
Mel’s friends keep disappearing.
Mel keeps disappearing.
Beldam is a dangerous shade beast.
Beldam is under no circumstances to be took on alone.
Beldam’s body is not hers.
Beldam’s body belongs to several different dragons.
Beldam strikes dragons when they’re alone.
Beldam keeps appearing.
Beldam loves her friends.
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avariea · 4 years
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Logo commision for MariNotSorry on twitch
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avariea · 4 years
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Recent logo commision for a twitch streamer named Ace
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avariea · 4 years
Girl Scout Cookie Time!
You can buy cookies online from any troop with a page set up.  People bought so many cookies from troop 6000 (who is based out of a homeless shelter in NYC) that is broke the counter on the website.
Here’s six troops from high poverty areas that may struggle to reach their goals. Individual troops list on their page what they’re doing with funds. for many of these its simple things like badges or craft supplies. Get yourself some cookies.
troop 168 Sabra Grande, Puerto Rico 
 Troop 3559 Chinlee, Az (Navajo nation)
 Troop 31897 Meadow Bridge, West Virginia 
Troop 70115 Rena Lara, Mississippi 
 Troop9626 Kykotsmovi Village, AZ  -Hopi Nation
Troop 30349 Darien, GA 
You can also just donate cookies on there and they’ll be distributed to the local community. (I work at food pantry here and clients are always excited to see cookies on the shelves)
You can look up your local troop by zip code on https://www.girlscouts.org/   If they’re similarly struggling to raise funds, reblog and add ‘em on to the chain.
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avariea · 4 years
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a bit of sketch art of my girl priya to try and get back into this tumblr thingy 
based on a drawing by Snaphance #2380
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avariea · 5 years
Osiem!! I still own live update! 
He still has your art attached to him as well ♥
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