avas21braincells · 6 months
pasta is so comforting. pasta is my best friend. pasta my beloved. pasta is my boyfriend pasta is a god pasta is the breeze in my hair in the weekend pasta is a relaxing thought!!!
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avas21braincells · 6 months
April 6, 2024
At this point this is kind of just a dumping ground for how much I love my boyfriend.
When I was little, there was a very specific situation I wanted to live through as a teenager. When I got older, I got more insecure and I never thought it would happen.
That was until I met you. Sometimes I worry that there’s no way I would have been given someone as amazing as you at 16 and be able to keep you for the rest of my life, but I will do everything in my power to be able to do that. I love you and I need you to know that.
The very specific situation was having my own car that I drove around and having a boy in it with me, talking and watching the sunset. It was very simple, but to me that was independence and love and exploration and teenager- ness epitomized. And today I got to do that because of you.
I loved walking around the town I’ve lived in since I was born and showing you places I’ve passed a million times. It’s weird to think I never knew that at that exact spot one day I would be with the love of my life. Thats romantic isn’t it? That you can go somewhere everyday and have no clue what would one day happen to you there?
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avas21braincells · 7 months
you can be both an ethereal faerie dream girl and a horrid little dirt gremlin creature. the duality of woman
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avas21braincells · 7 months
Music is so good, especially when you are walking across campus in the rain, pretending to be a main character.
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avas21braincells · 7 months
"have you learned how to drive yet" i have the spirit of friendship in my heart. the joy of lifes little things in my soul. the whimsy of magic. the beautiful enjoyment of nature. the answer is no though
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avas21braincells · 7 months
you know what. fuck this shit (turns into a salmon and 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟)
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avas21braincells · 7 months
*entering any conversation* hello I am the most nervous animal on earth please socialize with me I have nothing to say
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avas21braincells · 7 months
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avas21braincells · 7 months
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— A. Y.
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avas21braincells · 7 months
people are like “i am fine” and then stare into the void all night.
its me, i am people.
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avas21braincells · 7 months
please do not engage i am better as a concept
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avas21braincells · 7 months
i have pretty titties so i think making sense is optional for me
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avas21braincells · 7 months
why sleep when you can stay up late every night being sad then feel like shit the next day 
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avas21braincells · 7 months
we were meant to live slowly!!!! we were meant to savor moments and feel unabashedly lazy and frolic and smell the flowers and laugh with our entire hearts and love with our entire souls!!!!! don’t ever feel guilty for resting!!!!!! don’t ever feel guilty for slowing down!!!!!! enjoying life shouldn’t be something you’re ashamed of
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avas21braincells · 7 months
*thursday, March 7
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Mon, Mar 4 - Feeling like shit.
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avas21braincells · 7 months
do you think, for a potato chip, being dipped in an onion-based condiment is like seeing an old friend for the first time in years, both of you fundamentally changed and soon destined to die but nonetheless still here in this moment?
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avas21braincells · 7 months
Hey America I really love having three lockdowns in a row. Great job with that keep it coming
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