avasjunkpile · 24 days
Yearly Reminder that C.S Lewis encouraged his fans to write fanfiction about Susan Pevensie becoming a friend to Narnia and reuniting with her family once again.
Literally inviting his fans to write Susan’s adult, angsty character development with a happy ending.
Do your duty fans. Write that fanfiction.
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avasjunkpile · 3 months
At intermission for the outsiders musical and omfg these youths next to me so t fucking shut up. Also everyone around me was on their phones during act 1. It’s bad. Like this why people can’t stand going to shows/movies anymore.
Otherwise the show is so good!
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avasjunkpile · 4 months
This is a story and stories have arcs. Characters are a certain way in the start, experience things, learn from those things and often change - for the better or for worse. There is often foreshadowing which hints at where a certain arc is leading us.
Christian is already getting into deals with Devi, is most probably sincere about them and it is pretty clearly leading to him eventually turning into a traitor among the Britishers and helping out Devi, whether or not she is romancing him. Having this mole on our side while also being wary of any possible betrayals, definitely betraying him several times and all else this path can entail is pretty intriguing to me and I suspect would be pretty fun.
What is fun in stories if we are not going to discuss and dissect all the elements going on in them that suit our tastes.
This is not a battle of the virtuous. The most moral character might be Ram, or if we are being honest, Ratan but romancing Christian in no way implies that Christian is a better person or a better partner, it simply means I find his path to be more intriguing and want to explore that. It is normal and fun to hate certain characters including Christian! It just gets insufferable and weird when you start targetting actual real people just for their choices in a story and start calling them names instead of just creating an anti-Christian post. Say whatever you want about fictional characters, just don't make the fandom toxic.
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avasjunkpile · 4 months
Damn some of you guys really remind me of Baptist women clutching their pearls during the satanic panic
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avasjunkpile · 4 months
As much as I hate Ian....... I don't think Ian romancers justified him first? How? People who hate have their reasons but bullying everyone who loved him just because they are living their lives is PATHETIC. Romancing someone doesn't mean justifying...
Dude for real
I can’t even imagine anyone trying to justify him, especially on tumblr. That’s like inviting the firing squad into your house so they’re more comfortable
It’s wild how every generation fails to learn that playing a game doesn’t make you a monster
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avasjunkpile · 4 months
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shoutout to my brother for setting me up for this
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avasjunkpile · 9 months
gabe ugliano is (so far) not enough of an asshole he’s just kind of a jackass :/
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avasjunkpile · 10 months
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If you have the means to donate gifts to toy drives or shelters, please keep the above tips in mind so you can help meet people’s wants and needs! 💓
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avasjunkpile · 11 months
You know what I love about Ugly Betty? It looked like it was going to be a story of not-conventionally attractive awkward woman falling for handsome playboy Daniel but it ended up being four seasons of Daniel falling in love with Betty while she had an active love life, made loads of friends, learned a lot, built a career and eventually left the country to be super successful.
Total switch around.
And I loved that it ended with Betty being happy and successful and Daniel becoming her assistant. He’s the one making the effort to change his life to suit her.
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avasjunkpile · 11 months
Little boy standing in the stroller just looked around the crowded coffee shop, pointed at me and asked his mom "What's HIS name" and his mom said "I don't know!" and he asked me "What's YOUR name" and I called back "I'm Al" across the whole coffee shop and he went "HI AL!"
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
I like to imagine when students go to class really early or suddenly need to visit Professor Sallow for discussing an assignment, they would see him smile softly at the letters sent to him they believe are from his lover.
Oh, this is really sweet but how about this curve ball: They're from Anne. After he became Professor, she sent him a letter. The first one since Solomon died.
"Well done. - Anne"
It was short, but it was everything. He'd reply with a simple phrase of gratitude and carefully inquire how she was faring. They would get to writing again, even if she wouldn't yet visit him, her letters clearly showed she'd want him back in her life in some form. He would take whatever she'd be willing to give and read her notes in order, in awe of how she'd slowly start to trust him and open up again. He would craft his responses carefully, ensuring not to miss a single detail she hid in her letters.
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
No one asked but I wanted to write down my opinion on Hogwarts' legacy after 213 hours of playtime.
I'm on my third playthrough of the game, I started with a Hufflepuff character and because I was so excited I practically rushed through the game because I just wanted to experience everything.
My second playthrough was with a Slytherin Character which I've 98% completed the game with, I just can't find the last fucking landing platform and a few of the enemies.
and I'm playing a third time with another Slytherin character purely to just record the cutscenes with a cute Slytherin boy because I want screenshots and edit material.
but that's not what I'm wanting to talk about, I want to talk about how despite the fact that I love the game for all that it is, I won't like when I say it doesn't feel fully realized to the potential it could have been.
When I say that I mean that, it's very obvious where the content was cut, and I'm still trying to understand why they would have cut said content as much as they try to hide it and make it seem like the game we got is the game that was intended, the in-game dialogue gives it away.
Why did it seem like there should have been two VERY different endings to the game, but then you couldn't actually do anything but make a choice right at the end that is supposedly a good or bad ending but whichever you choose you to end up with practically the same outcome with no consequences?
About halfway through Sebastian's quests, it seems like it's leading towards an outcome where you would have been able to confront the seekers about Isadora. Why was her painting destroyed, why were they trying to silence her?
Obviously, she did a bad thing, but with the way they had Sabastian practically begging you to talk to the seekers about her because he believes her ability to remove pain is what could save ann and he wants you to learn the ability and ask the seekers to teach you it makes it seem like that's something that should have been an option, but right after it seems like you agree to talk to them for Sabastian the game says "yeah so that whole idea can just fuck off" and nothing about that moment gets addressed at all.
I don't want to turn this into a political debate but we can all agree that the goblin side of the story does hold some antisemitic themes. which does make me wonder why that is the direction the game took when I'm sure almost everyone who played can easily say that Sabastian's story arc is by far WAY more interesting than the main story.
we could have had the game without anything to do with ranrok at all, to be honest. Why wasn't the game more about the player's morality than about "quelling a rebellion".
I would have honestly rathered the game focus more on the player having to choose between being seduced by the Dark Arts or sticking to the good side and making the correct choices, I wanted so bad to be able to talk to other characters between missions and get unique dialogue based on the choices I'd made throughout the game that made every playthrough feel different.
it's so evident how much was cut from the game just by what's been recovered through mods like the companion mod where you can hear all of this unique dialogue that you'd never hear on a normal playthrough because the devs removed the companion feature, and the mod alone shows just how extensive the relationship quests would have originally been with characters like Imelda and Amit who you only do singular missions with being able to be followers.
I love the game I really do, but at the same time it truly had the potential to be something so much better too and I hope over time the Devs decide to reimplement these features in some way.
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
remembering march exists between february and april and i still got weeks until i can play this fucking game
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
I can't go on a date with you, but we can study together in the library.
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
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avasjunkpile · 2 years
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In the Shadow of Time
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