avatard99 · 11 days
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Older Zuko and Katara with their babes
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avatard99 · 3 months
"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara that he chose to invite.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Azula knew to aim at Katara.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the scene was romamtically coded.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Katara needed to get to heal him.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara who was with him in season finales.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But he needed to choose Katara over Azula.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Shu needed to survive in this life.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the writers deliberately chose Katara.
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Inspired by @captain-konami-code 's "They were enemies"
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avatard99 · 3 months
I want to clear up a mistake people make with Azula and Ursa.
Ursa didn’t play favorites.
Ursa didn’t think Azula was a monster.
Ursa simply, unequivocally, just didn’t enable Azula’s worst traits like Ozai did.
Ozai’s favorite child was Azula, but Ursa still loved her more.
Because enabling isn’t love.
What did Ozai’s enabling do? It made Azula into the type of person to never have any loyal friends. It made the type of person that Mai and Tai Lee would betray at the risk of their own lives.
Ursa pushed Azula to be with her friends. To be with Zuko. Ozai pushed Ursa away, and both kids suffered for it. Azula became a sadist, enjoying seeing her brother get burned—while Zuko was pushed away because he cared for his people.
Azula thought her mom hated her because her mom was the only one who cared enough to tell her no.
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avatard99 · 3 months
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omg thank you atla live action for giving me the scarf scene
The scarf looked SO PRETTY on katara I was sad that she took it off the next scene 😔
So I had to draw a scene of zuko later in the series gifting her a new scarf mumbling sth like "it suits you better than what that jet guy gave you"
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avatard99 · 3 months
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avatard99 · 3 months
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avatard99 · 3 months
The Discourse: Azula was evil at the core, rotten and twisted even as a young child, a born psychopath, she can’t be saved and is completely irredeemable
The Narrative:
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avatard99 · 3 months
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avatard99 · 3 months
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My baby here on Earth
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avatard99 · 3 months
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Even if the new adaptation ends up being bad, we’ll always have the OG!
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avatard99 · 3 months
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some softer zoots
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avatard99 · 3 months
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watching atla for the first time
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avatard99 · 3 months
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fire lady.
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avatard99 · 3 months
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I love her bad temper and mean words <3<3 rip every spinoff and adaptation but I'm different
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avatard99 · 3 months
Zutara Childhood-Friends-to-Lovers Alter-Egos Forbidden-Romance AU (part III)
If the plan had been to keep this stealthy hawk from making her annual trips to the Southern Water Tribe, Zuko would not have guessed it by the way his uncle did not seem to notice the bird's absence, or the little messages she carried in her wing. For six months out of the year, Caiduri found a home in the icy glaciers, staying warm under the furs and fireplaces brought by her co-master, Katara.
The messages were not anything discreet; they were simply folktales retold in writing... stories that Zuko and Katara had shared in bits and pieces during those lengthy summers together, when they would eat their fruit and pretend to be ancient warriors fighting monsters in the gardens. Zuko wrote about the crescent moon, how it was the archery bow of Yazmina... daughter of the Sun God... who defied her father one night and stole flames from the Sun, launching them into the night sky to give people the stars. Katara wrote about the crescent moon as well, how it was the famous fishing hook of Hirruk, a legendary hunter of the Southern tribes who'd been given this hook by the gods to ice-fish the impossible Humpback Trout and save his village from starvation.
With each letter, Katara signed The Painted Lady. Zuko, The Blue Spirit.
It was safer this way.
They could find their way into each others’ life through letters those first four years…  and with careful strategy as the Blue Spirit and Painted Lady... Zuko and Katara read between the lines in their folktales that both the Fire Nation and Water Tribes are hoping to gather in the Earth Kingdom Capital to continue their separate trade agreements with King Kuei. Zuko promises to his uncle that he will not step out of line, Katara promises to Sokka that she will wash his socks for a month if that's what it takes to go to Ba Sing Se.
And when they each step on their respective ships headed toward the neutral Earth Kingdom territory, Zuko can feel the eagerness in his shaking hands. Katara can barely hold herself together, too.
They'd written about meeting under a plum tree that first night, after dark... though neither of them knew if plum trees were even native to the Earth Kingdom. It didn't matter, Katara thought. She would search every tree around the palace to find him.
Dressed in black, Zuko didn't find a plum tree anywhere... but he found himself walking under vines of deep purple grapes lined under the pergola of the King's grand palace gardens. This is close, he thought, maybe she might... I should wait. He climbed onto the top of the pergola and laid himself down to hide. I'll wait.
Zuko waited the entire night, his eyes almost drifting to sleep. A ruffling sound of vines jolted him back to look at the intruder. The. girl was dressed in black, approaching the pergola so curiously and carefully... as she always did. When he caught the wavy brown hair of her tribal braid, his heart pummeled against his chest.
At first, she was alarmed at the mentioning of her name, as using their real names had NOT been a part of their plan, but the rasp in his voice was too much. It brought a smile to her entire face, and then she saw his eyes resting on the pergola. Extending his hand among so many hanging bunches of grapes, Katara let her friend pull her up to where he was. And they held each other, their voices muffled in laughter, and little words, and tears, and kisses.
The only witness was a crescent moon.
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avatard99 · 3 months
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Katara's sketch ✍️🌊💦
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avatard99 · 3 months
Zuko to Katara: 20 years from now I guarantee you I will be your second husband
Katara: what happened to my first husband
Zuko: nothing you can prove.
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