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good job twitter for blowing past every stretch goal of strip meme with flying colours! 🫡✨
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Middle school Puffs vs. Ruffs! 
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Your art is really pretty and I love what I've read of the comic too! How do I read it from the beginning tho?
Thank you!! If you’d like to read my oldest PPG comics to the current ones I have a few Guides on my Instagram that can help
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Basically these guides have every comic listed in order (a few of my older comics aren’t on tumblr 😅). You can check out Pt. 1 for all my comics from late 2019-2020 and Pt. 2 for all the comics I’ve done recently!
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Here’s a mini breakdown of their special abilities in my AU! A few of these powers were displayed in the original show but I’m gonna ignore most of the abilities from “Nuthin’ Special” because there were SO MANY in that episode. They’d be extremely overpowered (and that would not be good for someone like Butch pfft). I also like to think there’s a possibility that they could gain more abilities related to the powers they already have or their elements :D (wallpapers available on Patreon)
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Not the blindfold and the honey 😭😭😭
*Deidara goes into Hidan’s room*
Deidara: Oi, Hidan, do you —
*walks in to see Hidan tied to the wall*
Deidara: … what the fuck?
Hidan: Oh, hey blondie.
Deidara: What’s going on, hm? Are you in the middle of one of your weird prayer rituals again??
Hidan: Nope. Waiting on Kakuzu to come back with the honey and the blindfold.
Deidara: Why is —
Hidan: If you’re smart, you’ll stop your line of questioning right there. And word of warning, you might want to use ear plugs when you go to sleep tonight.
Deidara: Understood. Have a good night.
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random thought but Kakuzu and Deidara would probably get along really well and/or bond over the fact that both are thoroughly creeped out by what their significant others do.
neither of them have a problem with killing. it’s part of the shinobi lifestyle. it’s been ingrained in them since birth.
Kakuzu is quick to shank a bitch over a dollar. and Dei? all you have to do is say one little negative thing about his “art” and that’s pretty much the end of you.
so they understand their partners’ killing of others 
but Sasori and Hidan get way too intimate with their kills. too personal.
Hidan with his prayer-ritual that seems to take years and involves taking someone apart at the seams. and the maniacal laughing he does for each and every victim …
but somehow Sasori’s is worse. he too takes apart a person bit by bit but … he does it quietly. no talking, no laughter, days spent locked in his lab everything illuminated with bright lights his tools around him and he’s standing there elbows-deep in somebody’s intestines. cutting into them, examining, absently scratching his head and staining his wood with the blood caught underneath his fingernails.
Deidara went in to talk to him exactly (1) time, when Sasori was working on a new puppet. Sasori held his gaze and spoke in such a cool, pleasant-sounding voice, just completely detached from the gruesome task he was engaging in. and Deidara just. he loves this man, but God, a part of him really fears him. 
the same way Kakuzu’s sat on a large rock and watched from afar as Hidan went through a ritual. the “praying”. the way he almost seems to be experiencing an orgasm based on his victim’s tortured cries. and then afterwards walk up to Kakuzu with blood all over him and his clothes torn to shreds and mention dinner as if they’d just spent a quiet day at the seaside.
but anyways yeah, Deidara and Kakuzu should have one night a week where they go out and drink and eat and vent about their fucking weird boyfriends. on Deidara’s dime, of course.
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Can't stop thinking about making out with Muzan and giving him a hickey knowing he can heal it with his demon powers in an instant but he just... doesn't
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Those red flags start looking kinda orange when his titties are big enough.
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Why is this so cannon tfff😭😭😭
Kyojuro, Sanemi, and Tengen having that primal urge to just start doing pullups whenever they see a suitable tree branch or door frame.
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I love this man so fucking much it's insane
I've seen others do this for characters thought it looked fun to write! These are my headcanons for Rengoku x GN reader
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Congratulations! You just banged the perfect gentleman.
You want a glass of water? Rengoku is in the kitchen, pouring you the most filtered, ice-cold, refreshing beverage of your life. 
You need cuddles? He will snuggle FOR DAYS if you let him. 
Hips a little sore? He’s already massaging them (although that can often result in another round… he has magic hands.)
He loves when you fall asleep in his arms and will fight off sleep as long as possible so he can just soak in the sensation of holding you and knowing you’re content.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s pretty proud of his body, but not vain about it. He’s proud of his strength and what his body can achieve. I think Kyojuro’s the type of guy to flex when he’s alone, though he’s too modest to do it in public. He’s pretty proud of his biceps and he likes when you touch them (it will absolutely give him a boner.)
As for you? It’s a toss up between your stomach or your chest. They’re comfortable to lie his head on. if you let him put his head on your chest and you stroke his hair he'll be asleep in seconds. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) 
Yours? UMAI.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s a futon humper. His favorite way to get off when he’s alone is to grind his hips against the futon and imagine it’s you. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Regardless of experience, you can bet your ass that he’ll dedicate himself entirely to learning how to please you. Please be open with him about what you like. He wants to learn and he wants to make you happy.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything face-to-face so he can maintain eye-contact. His hearing isn’t great so he likes to watch your reactions and make sure you’re loving it as much as he is.
Doggie feels great too, but he’ll be leaning over the entire time to kiss your neck and jaw. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I don’t think he’s especially goofy (although he will absolutely laugh if things go awry before getting right back to it. He’s great at relieving tension). He smiles a lot though. Pleasing you makes him so happy he could burst.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet matches the eyebrows. I hope you like bush. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’ll hold your hand throughout, entwining his fingers with yours while he showers you in compliments and kisses. “You’re so beautiful,” "So perfect," “You’re taking me so well,” “You feel so good.” 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
The first time he jacked off while thinking about you, he felt so guilty he followed Tengen around for a day trying to pluck up the courage to get it off his chest and ask for advice.
Tengen’s response? “Ask if they wanna watch next time.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Edging! The longer you can delay his gratification the better. Kyojuro thrives on discipline and he loves savoring sensations.
It also goes without saying that this man has a praise kink (both giving and receiving)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers privacy, somewhere you won’t be disturbed and he can take as long as he wants to. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?)
Oh this poor man. With you it feels like everything gets him going. Eye contact, your laugh, your strength when you train together,  the way your body feels against his when you hug him, your hands, your scent. He's smitten. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won’t hurt you. Even spanking makes him nervous. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
UMAI! You may as well rename your bits "the bento box", because Kyojuro is going to eat them many, many times.
As much as he loves getting blowjobs, this man is the absolute king of going down. He’ll spend days between your thighs if you let him. If you want to make his year, grip that little ponytail and push his face down as you grind against his mouth. He’ll never stop thinking about it. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He'll be whatever you need him to be, but he prefers to take his time. It takes a lot of convincing for him to be rough with you though. He doesn't want to hurt you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If you want a quickie, he will happily oblige, but it's all for you. He might not cum (but he'll absolutely make sure you do.)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He'll try new things with you. But risks? This good boy? Nah. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Three words: total concentration breathing. He has a lot of control over his body, so he can last a loooooong time, but once he cums he's done (as long as you don't need anything you've got about two minutes until he's passed out). But don't worry, he's the foreplay king. You'll cum plenty of times. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Not unless you want to use them. If you do, prepare for the tag team of a lifetime. Congratulations, you just gave Kyojuro a new way to make you happy, and he's going to make sure you're delirious by the time he's through with you. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh boy. If you're in the mood for teasing, he will absolutely indulge you. He'll spend all night touching you ALMOST exactly where you need him to until you're begging him to let you come. He'll take it so slow, telling you to control your breathing when you get too excited, making sure that every nerve in your body is tingling. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
You better start baking lots of tasty treats for your neighbors. Kyojuro has no idea how loud he is and he will 100% let you know how much he's enjoying himself. Whimpers, groans, wanton moans. And if you edge him long enough he's not above begging. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He blushes a lot, all the way down to his stomach when he's really turned on. And he'd love it if you took charge. Pin him down, tell him he's pretty, tease his poor cock until its weeping rivers of precum. He loves when you kiss (and gently bite) his hips and thighs too. Having your lips just a few inches from his cock drives him wild. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's exceptionally average but will put his entire soul into fucking you. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He's good at suppressing urges when they come at inappropriate times, but he is absolutely DTF whenever you are. He never knows when he'll be called away on a long mission, so he'll take any opportunity for intimacy he can. 
Those moments he's just staring and not blinking? He's thinking about going down on you until you're a panting mess. 
The only time he'll make you wait is if he's training, and even then he'll invite you to watch. If it's a secluded spot, he'll maybe strip to the waist and continue training, knowing you're absolutely checking him out but feigning innocence. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you're content and there's no possible way he can make you happier, he'll fall asleep quickly. He sleeps better when you're touching him (spooning is his favorite– big or little spoon, he doesn't care. Please cuddle this man and stroke his hair. He deserves it.)
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Deidara: *walks into Sasori’s lab*
Deidara: Okay, Danna. That’s it. Put down that puppet, go take a shower, and put on “normal” clothes, hm. You’re taking me out tonight.
Sasori: … why?
Deidara: Because since you became my boyfriend, you’ve gotten really lazy with this relationship. You don’t make any kind of effort and you only spend time with me when it’s convenient for you, hm. Well, not anymore. Things will change or I’m leaving you. Understood?
Sasori: Dear, I feel like you’re exaggerating. I —
Deidara: No, no; this is not up for debate. I follow your lead all the time, but it’s my way or nothing at all with this. I deserve more of your time and attention, and dammit, that’s exactly what I’m going to get! Now, again; am I understood?
Sasori: I understand. *stands and pulls out his desk chair* I — I’m going to take a shower. Please sit here and wait for me. Is t-there any particular color you want me to put on?
Deidara: Dark green.
Sasori: Dark green. Understood. *kisses Deidara’s cheek* I’ll be ready in about twenty minutes.
Sasori: *hurries out of room*
Hidan, passing by: Holy shit, that was amazing, blondie! You just walked in here and laid down the law and got what you wanted!
Deidara, grinning: That WAS pretty impressive, wasn’t it?
Hidan: Fuck yeah it was! I saw puppet-dick’s face when he walked out and he was completely shocked. You can probably get him to take you anywhere you want! So where ya going?
Deidara: Honestly I have no clue. Hell I didn’t think I would get this far … ooh what if I said something completely ridiculous, like, the moon?  And made a REALLY big deal about it, and cried and everything? He’d probably be out in the yard trying to build a rocket ship, hm!
Hidan: That is a petty and evil thing to do.
Hidan: And this is 100% why we’re best friends. 
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Bad kenma bad 😭😭😭
Bokuto texting Kenma: Your boyfriend broke my arm! Go scold him!
Kenma: ok lol
Kenma texting Kuroo: Break the other one, while you’re at it 👍
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Omg I love this smmm
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bokuakakuroken scenario I came up with
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Tokyo Revengers: Daddy's Got Hit On!
Hey hey hey dust bunnies! Got to talk again about tokrev daddies and here I come with this idea! How does mommy react when daddy's get hit on, at kindergarden?
Characters: Haruchiyo Sanzu, Chifuyu Matsuno, Ran Haitani
Warnings: Some Cursing, Fluff
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"Daddy daddy you're here!" the blonde kid says running towards her father, "Princess!" the bonten executive says kneeling down and taking her into his arms, "Let's go, the teacher wants to talk with you" the babbling child says pointing to young teacher, "This is Haruka Sensei" the child says, "Thanks for taking care of Ayame" Sanzu says seriously and shaking his hand with hers, languid eyes stare towards his scars and Sanzu suddenly shoves a menacing look towards her who's still keeping his hand "Mr Sanzu, your daughter is causing some troubles to her classmates, can we talk privately about this problem?" the teacher says trying to near him and make him uncomfortable, "Whatever you have to tell about my daughter's behaviour you fuckin tell it here in front of everyone, how long's it been? Did you talk with my wife?" the girl blushes and avoiding his gaze, she says "Well it's not that simple, people are afraid by your appearance and Ayame seem to get an aggressive attitude towards them, but we don't think it's your fault, I actually thought we could work on it together, after school" "We could work on it together" Sanzu mockingly repeats and continues "Do you fuckin think to get hit on m-?" "LANGUAGE DAD!" the little girl says interrupting her father "Speak properly unless you don't want mommy to discover that the teacher likes you!" wide eyes from the teacher and Sanzu smirks to his young carbon copy, "You're right princess, let's go mommy is waiting for us, movie night and candies for you!" he says turning back to the speechless teacher who can't even say goodbye.
"HARUKA SENSEI LIKES DADDY!" your daughter screams as soon she enters the house with Sanzu, a smirk on his face and looking at him you say "And what did daddy do?" "He said mean words, turned back and said that he wanted to come home and watch movie all together!" the girl says running around, "Haru you have to explain later!" you say while kissing one of his scar, "Don't worry babygirl, no problem in distance after tonight!" he says smiling and kissing your lips.
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"My daddy has tons of animal in the shop!" Keiko says presenting the work of her beloved father "He has kitties, bunnies, chameleons, snakes, even spiders!" she shouts with happiness, Chifuyu blushed seeing the energy his daughter tell about the beloved animals in the shop, she gave name to all of them and once someone bought them she cries until Chifuyu magically makes it come back. "It's true Keiko, we have lot of animals the cute ones but even the exotic ones, they come from afar!" he says tryin to give a kid explanation about the fauna of the shop, "I really need a cat in my life, perhaps you could help me choosin one" the teacher says caressing his arm, "Daddy manage orders and money! It's uncle Kazutora, that works with the clients!" Keiko shouts feeling endangered by sudden confidence from the teacher.
"DADDY LOVES MOMMY" Keiko cries as soon as your daughter sees you entering the car, "Eh?" you turn looking at Chifuyu, "Sensei has been mean touchin daddy, but he looked at the cat photos all the time so he has been good!" she says with a pout "Keiko dear, of course we love each other, don't worry about other people because as long as daddy cares of us, nothing is going to divide us!" you say while lookin to your husband who smiles and says an I love my princess while putting his hand on your swollen belly.
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"Goodmorning Ms. Kato, where's Ren?" Ran says looking towards the crowd of toddlers playing all together, pointing to her Ran eyes wide as soon as he sees a woman touchin and bothering his daughter, "What do you think you're doing with my daughter, miss?" Ran says adjusting his braids and looking to the woman with his mischevious smile "Mrs, not Miss" she corrects "Then I have to believe that your significant other is waiting at home, you and your kid" he replies, "We could organize a play date, my son seems to enjoy her company. She's beautiful, just like her father!" "DAADAA HAS MAMAA" Ren shouts clinging to her father, fat tears pouring down her smooth cheeks, "I know water lily don't worry, daddy loves mama" he emphasizes the last part looking to the woman who suddenly blush and leaves his daughter, to finally be held by her dear father, "Shhh shhh water lily calm down" he says bouncing her to alt her cries, the wails pursued until they got home and seeing her watery eyes, you look confused to Ran, it wasn't normal to see your daughter crying since she loves to be held by her father, "Shhh, water lily got worried cause a mean mama tried to hit on daddy" with a smile you kiss your daugther's crown and say "Awww, don't worry Ren mama loves daddy so so much" your daughter turns and says "W-weally?" she says with tender voice, "Of course lily don't worry! See daddy loves mama so so much and mama loves him even more" you say and Ran smiling give you a kiss on your lips and then snuggle his nose with his daughter who laughs and say "I love you and your mom more than your little brain could image, don't worry about it sweetheart" "Love you too dada".
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could you write about having your first time sex with draken and he's super careful and praises you so so so much and helps you overcome your shyness and stuff
i feel like he's so good at it
draken is so sweet and gentle with you.
his large hands cupping your face and placing soft kisses on your cheeks and lips. you have your breast covered up by your hands, he smirks, “no need to be shy, baby..” he coos, “ima take good care of you, i promise.” he says into your ear as a whisper.
you remove your hands and reveal your breast to the man above you. he smiles at you, taking his large hands and squeezing your plumps, using his tongue to swirl around and suck your nipples. you squirm and whimper as he continues this.
you’re just so beautiful underneath him like this.
your fingers run through his black hair, “ken..” you whimper softly, tears building up in your eyes. draken uses his finger to wipe the tear away, “you’re being such a good girl for me so why the tears, princess?” he asks softly.. you’re already this sensitive and he’s just getting started.
draken kisses your lips once more, slightly biting your bottom lip. your hands roam through his well toned body, feeling his abs. he breaks away from the kiss, breathing heavily. “may i take your panties off?” he asks. you nodded, earning another kiss on the lip.
he slowly takes off your panties.. throwing them to the side where your other clothes are discarded at. he carefully opens your legs up, revealing your cunt. he swears it’s so pretty, almost too pretty. he takes one finger and glides it up against your slit, you moan in return and draken sees that you’re already so wet.
draken hums then looks at you with lust filling his eyes. “im gonna go down on you.. alright? if you’re uncomfortable or anything, let me know and I’ll stop.” he says to you. “mhm..” you responded, closing your eyes shut as draken place your legs over his shoulders and diving between your legs.
he gives your thighs soft kisses then kisses your slit, making you squeal.. he finally takes his tongue and licks a long strip of your slit, diving his tongue inside of your wetness. you try to close your legs but his strong arms keeps them from closing.
you try to push his head away from the stimulation you’re feeling but he just dives his head deeper inside. “ken, please!” you moaned, gripping his locs. he’s surely is enjoying tasting you for the first time.. your sweet whimpers and moans making his dick twitch in his sweats.
you feel like you’re about to explode but draken leans his head up, his chin covered with your slick.. “you taste sweet.” he says as he licks his lips. “my sweet girl..” he says as he kisses your inner thigh.
draken continues to praise you throughout the night.. making sure you’re comfortable and being as careful as he can be.
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ban-NSFW Alphabet template
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act) i feel like hes sleep knocked out snoring his life away hes extremly tired so after he makes sure u have some water and a small snack (idk a bow of "the snack that smiles back..goldfish" or somthing like that) hell turn on the tv and bg noise and then roll over with u in his arms with a kiss on the forhead "i love you so much you are my queen a i will worship u till the end of time" then hes asleep
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
F= Favorite position
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
H= Hair (grooming habits)
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
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It’s not really nasty but the reader fem or g/n walking in on best friend Iwa masterbating to the thought of them and helps him finish
Screaming, crying, vomiting, shitting my pants,committing fraud, committing arson, kidnapping iwa
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Iwazumi x f!reader
Cw: NSFW , minors dni, mutual pining,male masturbation, perv Iwa, oh my god and they were roommates, unintentional voyeurism???, Dubcon, oral(m.receiving), panty sniffing, panty licking, scent kink?,this is totally unedited and probably rlly bad Bc I wrote this while having a concussion :)),I think that’s it lol<3
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Lilac. That was the color of iwaizumis favorite pair of lace panties you always seemed pranced around the apartment with, way too comfortable for your own good around the former volleyball player.
Those same pair of lacey polyester hajime seemed to love so much, were now tangled in a hurried blur of heavy pants, groans and the prickly smell of sex.
Iwaizumi knew this was wrong, sneaking into your room when you left for morning class, your workout clothes from earlier that morning sprawled messily on the floor of your bathroom.
The rush you were in evident by the normally clean and organized bathroom being in a state of chaotic disarray.
Iwaizumi swallowed harshly, throat constricting and drying as he set his sights on the pair of lilac panties that were thrown haphazardly into the corner.
Iwaizumi hajime was nervous.
His hands were trembling uncontrollably, the chill of a cold sweat beginning to form on the apex of his back as he reached for the bunched up garment. His calloused fingers graced the lace, picking up the intimate wear with such delicacy, you’d think he was holding fine China.
A shaky exhale left the brawny male, the thick drip of arousal rolling off of him in heavy waves as he shakily brought the lace to his face.He inspected it for a bit, breath getting caught in his throat as he noticed the wet patch on the underwear, almost mockingly so.
A sound somewhere between a growl and a whine left the male, heavy cock straining almost painfully against his gym shorts. His mind began to wonder, what were you thinking about to cause this wet patch? Someone at the gym? Random thoughts? He couldn’t help but groan at the thought of you, squeezing your thighs together to alleviate the little naughty thoughts that caused you to wet your panties like this.
Iwaizumi couldn’t stop even if he wanted to, bringing the soiled lace to his nose, breathing in the heavy scent of you. Hajime could cum from this alone, the scent was overwhelming, ambushing his senses in a haze of nothing short of pure arousal.
He couldn’t wait, hastily shoving his gym shorts down, a pained hiss escaping through clenched teeth as thick heavy cock smacked against his hard core. Pre cum drooled from his tip, flushed a pretty pink from his escapade, balls hanging heavy and full ready to burst at the seams. A heavy hand encased his cock, tentatively squeezing the weeping head slightly. Iwaizumis knees almost buckled, because fuck you were too much.
His hand moved in a furious flurry, wrist flicking with familiar practiced flicks as he inhaled the musky scent of your cunt. Garbled sounds of groans, growls and whines of your name were boasted into the air. If iwaizumi was being honest, he was on cloud 9.
Thinking about your pretty little face when you smile up at him, the cute little dance you do everytime he gets you your favorite takeout or even those sinful fucking moans you let out when he gives you a neck massage, begging the athletic trainer to relive some of the tension knots from your neck.
Fuck were you going to be the death of him.
Iwaizumi couldn’t think straight, tongue absentmindedly darting out, licking the wet spot of the lace. He let out a pained Yelp, mind drawing blank as his hips bucked harshly into his hand. He was going to cum, and cum hard.
Helpless breathy whimpers of your name left his pouty swollen lips, drool threatening to spill from his clenched teeth as he pumped his heavy cock with your pretty little panties wrapped around his cock.
This was the last sight you expected to see coming back to your shared apartment.
Lace panties lewdly being violated, tall brawny male pumping his cock in your bathroom; nothing couldve prepared you for this. It wasn’t necessarily your fault coming back unannounced, morning class was canceled last minute; your professor sending out a brief email about the inconvenience.
You had tried calling iwaizumi a multitude of times, to let him know about the schedule change, maybe even possibly go and get brunch due to the free time. Unfortunately all calls went to voicemail, which left you a little dejected and starving.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your cozy little apartment you so happily shared with Iwaizumi, hastily opening the door ready to bombard the male with playful demands to get up and get brunch. It was uncharacteristically still in the apartment. Iwaizumi was a relatively quiet guy, but something was off about the heavy vibe mitigating throughout the apartment.
‘Maybe he’s not home..’ you had originally presumed, only for your suspension to be foiled by his keys and shoes sitting in their respective places. You quirked an eyebrow, staring at the items intensely before blindly making your way into your room, head in the clouds wondering where the bulky man you had an intense crush on, was.
You strolled into your room, ready to call your missing roommate once again only for your body to completely shut down.
He looked concentrated, a sheer film of sweat covering his entire body, beads of perspiration rolling down his chiseled face and chest. There was a furious blush that bloomed like flowers across the males chest, a matching dusting of pink salaciously covering his cheeks, ears and nose as heavy pants left his swollen and parted lips. His eyes were glazed over, low and nearly rolling in the back of his head at every pass of his rough hand across the sensitive flesh of his cock. There stood Iwaizumi hajime, gym shorts pooled around his ankles, fucking your favorite pair of lace panties around his cock.
“..h-haji..?” You dumbly called, voice upping an octave as you felt the familiar burn of arousal pooling in the depths of your tummy. Iwaizumis eyes quickly regained their focus, only to his horror coming face to face with you, who stood mere feet away from him, face resembling that of a guppy.
“..y-y/n, fuck!” He scrambled, heart dropping to his stomach as he tried to cover himself up, fumbling around clumsily to pull up his fallen shorts.
“Y/n fuck! I am so..I am so fucking- shit! I’m sorry!” He cried, hands trembling in nothing short of gut wrenching fear as he watched you watch him, face still in shocked as you tried to find the right words to say. Hajime couldn’t lose you. You were his everything, his day one, the love of his fucking life.
“Haji…” you meekly whispered, eyes taking in the panicked state of the male infront of you.
“Y/n I’m so fucking so-“
“Can I help you?”
Iwaizumi almost choked. He couldn’t have heard you right. You bit your lip harshly, gnawing at the flesh as you slowly stepped forward reaching out to the frazzled male.
“W-what?-y/n!“ he sputtered, voice getting caught in his throat as you gripped him through his shorts, eyes fluttering up to look in his pretty green ones.
“I can help you haji…”you whispered, rubbing his cock that strained against the fabric of his shorts. A guttural moan of your name slipped through hajimes lips, eyes beginning to unfocus as he began to pant.
“Y/n…stop I-…fuck baby I can’t” iwazumi protested, shaky hands coming to grip your wrist tight as he looked at you with pleading eyes. A pout drew on your lips, a dissatisfied breath leaving your glossy lips.
“Do you not want my help? I-I promise I’ll make you feel good..” you mumbled, eyes darting away from his intense stare, feeling small under his scrutinizing gaze.
“I cant-…I cant ruin our relationship Princess…” iwazumi breathlessly whispered, chest heaving quickly. You shook your head in defiance, dropping to your knees slowly, eyes trained on the growing wet patch of his shorts.
“Haji…want you…” you whispered, mind going subservient as peered up at him through your lashes, hands fumbling with the hem of his shorts as you pulled them down; mouth parting slightly at the sight of his painfully hard cock.
“S-shit!” Iwazumi hissed, a trembling hand finding it’s way to your cheek as he ran his thumb softly across your lips. Iwazumi bit his lip harshly, watching in a daze as you marveled at his heavy cock bobbing against his abdomen.
“Baby-fuck..a-are you sure?” He asked hesitantly, voice strained as he looked at you. Chest heaving erratically with his hurried breath.
You didn’t answer him, how could you when his pretty cock sat right in your face, begging to be shoved down your throat? You reached out absentmindedly, lips suctioning around his weeping head as a soft moan vibrated from your mouth.
A punched out gasp left iwaizumis swollen lips, mouth parting as he looked at you with frantic eyes.
“My..g-god fuck” he groaned, your tongue teasing the Prominent vein running up the length of his cock. Iwaizumi sucked in a warbled breath, hands shakily moving to grip your hair gently. You looked up at him through your lashes, mouth finally sinking onto him, your hand covering whatever couldn’t fit.
The stretch of him in your mouth was downright sinful, heavy cock assaulting the squishy,hot, wet plains of your mouth as you took him with fervor. Hajime felt his knees buckle at the feeling of your throat tightening around the sensitive head of his cock, body lurching forward as he stabled himself against the wall with a strong arm, effectively trapping you.
His hand tightened around your hair, hips beginning to thrust into your mouth, the sickening click of his cock hitting your throat making him groan.
“Fuck baby…look at you..” he breathed out softly, a whine leaving your lips at the pet name.
“y’so pretty like this…” iwazumi mumbled, thumbing at the tears coating your lashes.
“You happy now? Happy my cock is fucking your- fuck..f-fucking your throat h-huh?” Iwazumi hissed through clenched teeth, cock heavy and throbbing as you dutifully took him in your throat, hands coming up to teasingly play with his heavy balls. The action earned you a heavy groan, as you fluttered your eyes up to the male, the sight making your clit throb.
He was looking at you in a daze, eyes unfocused and glossy. His lips were parted, hot pants leaving his mouth in unspoken words. A furious blush littering his chest and face. Your lace panties that you had seeming forgot about, were clutched firmly in the confines of hajimes rough hands. You watched in nothing short of pure lust he brought the pair of underwear to his face, inhaling the heady scent of both his cock and your slick.
His eyes rolled in the back of his head, face contorting in pure pleasure as a rather loud moan of your name reverberated from his lips.
“M’gonna cum baby, m’gonna cum!” Iwazumi cried, voice shaky with need as he plummeted near his high.
You pulled away from his cock momentarily, lips and chin messy with spit and pre cum as you squeezed your hand around his cock.
You were drunk on his cock, drunk on him. Unearthed, unspoken feelings for the man before you were crawling in your throat like bile, as you gazed at him as though he hung the stars.
“Love you s‘ much haji” you whimpered before wrapping your lips around his heavy balls, hand focusing on his weeping tip. Hajimes body grew taut, unabashed moans and growls left his lips like a mantra, hips bucking erratically in your hand as he bared his teeth, hands coming up to grip the roots of his hair.
“C-c-…cum…I-..holy shi- I-I’m cumming!” He cried before his hips stuttered, hot spurts of his cum landing on your face and lips as he rode out his high. A loopy smile decorated your messy face as you smiled up at iwazumi, hearts in your and a mess between your thighs.
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