avefausa · 8 months
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"Huh?" Netto was caught off guard by his initial statement. "You left your PET at home? How are you going to get anything done?"
He didn't have time to think on that. The stranger's next question had him looking up in thought. "Well... There have been more viruses than normal on the net. We're still not sure what the source of them are!"
Not to mention they look kind of strange... He can't say he's ever seen viruses like those before!
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"Net...battling?" Sora trails off a little, cupping his chin in thought. He'd never heard of that before. Maybe Tron would know? Sora would have to ask him about it later. It sounded computer-y.
Oh, right! He was supposed to be protecting the order of the world! He rubs his nose and grins. "Right! NetBattling! I gotcha! But, I kinda left my NetBattling stuff at home." That is a totally convincing lie.
Sora crosses his arms behind his neck. "Anyway, you haven't heard about any weird stuff going on, have you?"
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avefausa · 8 months
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Whatever happened, she slept through it. Something about kissing ghosts?
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avefausa · 8 months
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[ multifandom - multimuse - indie - selective - 18+ only ]
featuring muses from [undertale]; [n:twewy]; [splatoon]; [mmbn]; [elsword]; [pkmn].
rules / muses.
penned by klaus.
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avefausa · 8 months
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How sad, only the Sanses get to have their fun. Though I suppose my own fun isn't for public view yet...
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avefausa · 8 months
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"...Is that so." Why was he telling him this?? "Is there anything else about pelicans you know about?"
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"Pelicans have been known to dive into the water from as high as 65 feet. They have special air sacs that expand under their skin like giant airbags in a car. It protects them."
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avefausa · 8 months
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some designs for the college verse! for real this time!!!!!!
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avefausa · 8 months
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This encounter felt strange, to say the least. "What is it?"
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"Sit down, I've got something pretty important to tell you."
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avefausa · 8 months
♢      —        send  [ THEY’RE A 10 BUT … ]  and finish it in my muse’s inbox.
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avefausa · 8 months
@squidsavior liked for a starter !
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"Latest fashion?" They echo back. "I don't know anything about that. I haven't left the Underground in months. I'm sure the latest trends are insane to me now."
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avefausa · 8 months
starter call.
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avefausa · 8 months
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avefausa · 2 years
🌟 + Talk about your 4 captians!
Send a 🌟 + a name and my muse will talk about their bond to that character!
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"Huh, well Blue ( @squidsavior ) and Tsunaomi ( @inkantation ) are kinda like the big sisters I never had. Both equally worry for me-- And genuinely easy to talk to about anythin'. They respect my space and I respect theirs-- If that makes any sense. Blue and I actually play turf war with each other a lot whenever we aren't busy, which consists of lots of memin'. And Tsunaomi kinda understands what I'm goin' through... She always lends an ear whenever I'm down and listen to my stupid flower language ramblin'."
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"Cici ( @avefausa )and Kao ( @orbitaldeathwoomy ) kinda just annoy me. Cici is just... a tiny ass gremlim child that pulls on my hair-- And I once slept over in their tent while Agent 8 came to visit and it was absolute hell to sleep in there. Just bullies the hell out of me because 'I got no bitches.'Do you think I have time for bitches when I'm getting my as whooped by stupid A.I with their dumb as rules!? NO! And, Kao just sounds like a fuckin' robot all the time and her vibes just put me off-- Kinda reminds me of my time during Military trainin' that's probably why. It pisses me off."
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avefausa · 2 years
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Just while I have it in mind, Willow is a Pokemon Trainer OC that is based off of the fangame Unbound! I will eventually get around to his about page, but the general basis of Willow is that he was recently apart of the criminal organization the Shadows, but was exiled when he refused to participate in a plan that he deemed morally corrupt. Originally he was imprisoned, but with the help of another prisoner (the player character -- in his canon that would be Adair, who belongs to a friend of mine) he was able to escape.
Despite making it out, he lost every single Pokemon that he previously had as a Shadow. As one does at the beginning of a Pokemon game, he was able to pick a starter -- of which he chose Gible.
Now he aims to destroy the organization that sought to kill him, and inevitably, killed his beloved Pokemon.
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avefausa · 2 years
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Does your muse enjoy snacking? What do they snack on? Cici!! // tidbit headcanons
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Cici LOVES to snack, and always has; should the opportunity somehow present itself, their favorite snacks are chips or anything relatively crunchy.
Food of any variety is a little hard to come by in the underground though, so they learned to not be so picky. They’ll eat anything.
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avefausa · 2 years
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“ Is your muse a good kisser? @ Asriel “
Okay but the really important question @ asriel. “ Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk? “
tidbit headcanons // @bloodbuttercups
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For the kisser question: Yeah, no. Despite all the time he’s had to practice, most of it was spent trying to survive certain death. Asriel has never had a chance to truly get that ‘comfortable’ with someone like that.
...He wouldn’t say that, though.
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As for cereal, he’s definitely normal and puts the cereal in before the milk. He likes a nice distribution of milk over it all!
He hasn’t had a bowl of cereal in years. He misses it.
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avefausa · 2 years
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TIDBITS HEADCANON PROMPT - For multimuse blogs, please specify muse.
How does your muse relax?
Is your muse a good kisser?
Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
What does your muse wear to sleep?
What does your muse normally wear?
What is your muse’s earliest memory?
Describe how your muse greets others.
Describe what education your muse has.
What plans does your muse have for the future?
What physical trait is emphasized on your muse?
Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 
What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
Would the muse get along with the mun? Why/why not?
What type of music does your muse not enjoy listening to?
What would your muse describe as ‘comfortable clothing’?
Does your muse enjoy snacking? What do they snack on?
Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk?
Does your muse prefer to be in the company of others, or alone?
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
Describe your muse’s nighttime/whenever they get ready for sleep routine.
If your muse were to go on vacation, what would be the first thing they packed?
Is your muse a breakfast person? If yes, what do they normally eat for breakfast?
What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)?
If social media existed in your muse’s universe, would they be on it? Which plattform/s?
What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
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avefausa · 2 years
@avefausa​ sent, “:scroll: // captain 3 ! there can only be one” 
incorrect quotes // accepting!
cici, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know! tsunaomi: How? cici: How what? tsunaomi: How could they be worse? cici: They couldn’t, I lied. tsunaomi:
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