Hey how about you stop sending suicide baits, death threats, etc. For coping mechanisms used by abuse survivors, aye?
while i know that this blog hasn’t been active in a long time, I feel obligated to respond to the second part of this message.
Coping mechanisms are not value-neutral. Sometimes they can actually be maladaptive and directly harm both yourself and other people. I would suggest that those survivors seek out healthier coping skills then engaging with material that glorifies pedophilic relationships. There are countless better ways to cope with abuse, and I’m sure a counselor or therapist would be glad to help you find some  
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do any of y’all dumbass motherfuckers know what a death threat is……it’s definitely not “go choke” and if you shipping a 50 year old man with a high school junior doesn’t affect anyone in real life because it’s “just fiction” and it’s “just online” then me saying “lol st*rkers can choke” doesn’t affect any of you for the exact same reasons! funny how your dumbassery doesn’t work both ways apparently :)
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me: makes post telling st*rker and th*rki shippers to fuck off, tags correctly so they don’t have to see the post but people who agree with me can still find it and reblog if they like
those fucking brainless thots: reply to my post anyway because they apparently can’t fucking read, tell me i tagged incorrectly once again proving they can’t fucking read, then continue to reply after i told them to fuck off another time, once again proving they cannot fucking read
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Hello! I was browsing through your blog and wondered your political view on our current prison sentencing/punishment standards. You seem to have clear views so I wondered if you think they need to be changed or if they seen to fit currently. I understand this fits loosely with your blog theme so I understand if you do not reply. Thank you!
prison as it is rn is inhumane and horrible, because some (most?? idk) are privately owned, which means that in order to acquire a profit, they have to incarcerate a TON of people, for essentially no reason whatsoever (these ppl are almost always poc). 
for privately owned prisons to GET this profit, however, companies hire (force) prisoners into labor, which they get paid a few CENTS per hour. this is slave labor. (not to mention the fact that in california, prisoners are being forced to put out fires, not of their own volition). 
so all that, plus the punishment (solitary confinement is one that is inhumane) and treatment (only being allowed VERY FEW books to be able to read, having to pay money to talk to people outside of prison such as family members, etc) is horrible and not used for the sake of rehabilitating these people to reenter the society as better & morally upstanding citizens, but for slave labor.
obviously, this cant continue (though it most likely will), and the war on drugs needs to end, prisons need to rethink the conditions prisoners are forced to live under, & to actually focus on rehabilitating these people. 
thats my opinion on it anyway, sorry if it makes no sense lajgkdlfjk
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i mean you commented
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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and here we have a wild pedophile/ableist/truscum in their (oh sorry! her/his, because you don’t believe in neutral pronouns :D) natural habitat
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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im so glad we have such great and loyal fans :)
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thanks guys for your support! :D
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i know what pedophilia is bitch!
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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hi, I’m With Stupid! nice to meet you!!, i’m not implying that antis have never been racist, and i’m sorry if i came off like i was saying i was. anyone can be racist, and racism in the “anti community” is an issue that needs to be dealt with, just like pedophilia in the “shipper” community needs to be dealt with :)
i was unaware that you were black. i’m sincerely sorry if i mistakenly sounded ignorant, and i apologize if i worded my reply in a way that came off as offensive. however, once again, kelly marie tran was run off social media by anti-asian racists who were calling her racial slurs. it was not about reylo, or shipping, or any of that. it was about the fact that she is a woman of color. and anyone can be prejudiced against asian people, because asian people are a marginalized group and experience racism. once again, “shippers” don’t experience marginalization or oppression, and it’s inappropriate to lump the trails and tribulations of being an incest shipper on the internet with the struggles of ACTUAL oppressed and marginalized groups.
Just because you ship fictional characters doesn’t mean
- You’re a map.
- You’re abusive.
- You’re racist.
- You consume child porn.
- You’re just like your abuser.
- You’re not really gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans.
- You’re not really black/Asian/Latino.
- You’re evil.
- You’re stupid.
- You’re a danger to minors.
If you have anything to add feel free to do so.
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shippers of adult/child pairings are people who are turned on by the idea of a child or teen having sex with adults 🤔so please feel free to explain to me how that isn’t a pedophile instead of using an ad hominem attack on my status as a person with a disability🤔 because telling me i “don’t know anything” does literally nothing to serve your argument except expose that you don’t have an argument 🤔 resorting to calling me a slur is the result of you growing frustrated with the fact that you can’t come up with a solid argument, and you’re hoping that calling me names will upset me 🤔 to the extent that i will give up this debate and back down because my feelings are hurt 🤔trying to prove that you’re the morally superior person while being openly ableist towards someone who doesn’t agree with you is NOT a good look 🤔
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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if you get off or want a minor to be in a relationship with an adult thats part of being a pedo and its harming survivors do you not care about that at all or do you just wanna jack your small ween to children my good bitch?
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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pretty sure an adult who’s attracted to children, or wants to have sex with children, or wants to watch/read about adults having sex with children, is a pedophile.
“getting off to porn of an adult character and a child character doesn’t make me a pedophile (someone who gets off to porn of children)!!!”
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i don’t know what this means but i do know that i’m the reply
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idk if you knew princess but getting off to the idea of an adult fucking a child makes you a “minor attractive person” aka a pedophile. like that’s what a pedophile is Literally. i should not have to define what a pedophile is to you, because dictionary.com is free and has an app.
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hi there. my name is quill and i’m here to tell you about the dictionary dot com app. have the dictionary dot com app and i use it every day. i use it to find the word of the day and obtain new knowledge, and i also use it to look up buzzwords so that i know what they mean so i don’t make a dumbass out of myself in arguments. try dictionary dot com TODAY!!!!
(this post has been sponsored by dictionary dot com)
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youre normalising the mindset that pedophilia and incest is okay and therefore invalidating survivors experiences and dont say youre a survivor yourself because if you are im sorry but it doesnt excuse you putting other survivors and potential victims at risk from predators by normalising and spreading this mindset “lol”
This user love and support incest and age-gap shippers
mod princess 
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kelly marie tran was run off twitter by racists, not antis. because unlike shippers, people of color are actually marginalized and oppressed. the fact that you’re equating someone saying “don’t be a pedophile” with racism is racism in of itself. you fool you buffoon you clown.
Just because you ship fictional characters doesn’t mean
- You’re a map.
- You’re abusive.
- You’re racist.
- You consume child porn.
- You’re just like your abuser.
- You’re not really gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans.
- You’re not really black/Asian/Latino.
- You’re evil.
- You’re stupid.
- You’re a danger to minors.
If you have anything to add feel free to do so.
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this post is literally made out of support for incest and MAPs, you knob. i’m calling the SWAT team as we speak.
This user love and support incest and age-gap shippers
mod princess 
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