averydifferentalice · 7 years
Tyler definitely didn’t blame her being extra terrified with him running along with the Jumper screaming like a lunatic with a chainsaw.That was pretty terrifying.He just had to hope Alice didn’t run from him. He hadn’t noticed that she hid since he was busy with the Jumper but when he saw a bit of pastel moving behind a tree he knew she was there. At her words he looked up and smirked. “Hey,Alice.” He said,watching her drop down. He put the chainsaw back on his back. “Yeah,it’s me.” He said,watching her get up.He had no idea what she could be thinking.Especially since he had it spread around that he died. Tyler was shocked when her arms were wrapped around him though. “I uh…Yeah,I know you too.” He said,hesitating before hugging her back.He will admit,that human contact was nice. When she pulled away he looked down at her. “I’ll tell you everything,Alice. Inside. I’m staying somewhere safe.” He told her,glancing around. “C’mon.” He started heading towards the building he had been in before. “As for how I got here,I was jumping from group to group.They talked about this place and I decided to leave and come here.Said there was some survivors here.” He shrugged,glancing back to check she was following.
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That was a terrifying fucking sight, sound, it was ridiculous. But she was extremely grateful, he’d saved her life in his ridiculous fashion. No, she didn’t run from him, but she was cautious. Only cautious until she realized who the lunatic was. When he hugged her back, she gave a soft smile and struggled not to dissolve into tears. Nodding, she grabbed her bag and put it on her back, following after him. She wasn’t being cautious, it was such a relief to see someone she’d known, someone she’d been close to. As horrible as they’d been for one another, he was a friend, a good one she thought. Nodding, she listened to his story, half tempted to hop on his back. When they got inside, she dropped her bag and looked around, letting out a shaky breath. “So what’s everything? You’re not dead. You’re not undead. You’re here.” If he asked how she got there, it was a simple story, but not completely a pretty one. “I . . .I actually mourned. . .” Shrugging, she wrapped her arms around herself. If he was toxic still, she’d leave, but she had mourned his passing when she heard the tale. Seeing him alive, very much so, she shook her head. Pointing to his hair, she chuckled. “I can tell you missed me,” she murmured, referencing his grown out half blonde hair. It was similar enough to hers that she was sure it wasn’t a coincidence since she’d worn her hair like that the entire time that they knew one another. 
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
“Turned around?” Jack repeated, noting the woman’s hesitance around him with a hum though he said nothing to verbalise the opposite for now. His assumption was practically confirmed as the apology followed. He supposed he’d left the post in a fairly sour mood, no right to push that onto any passerby, least of all someone new to the area - if her face was anything to go by. It wasn’t one he recognized, not that he’d made too much of an effort to gain friends in Astoria though he tried to be courteous to the folks he did come across so long as they returned the favour to him. 
The latter question caught his attention, drawing him out of his train of thought for a moment as he set his tools aside to give her full attention. “—it’s fine. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for - both…this and for whatever reason people find to stare.” His voice was low, but firm, direct but of kindness than aggression - better for the both of them. There was something in her that reminded of himself though he’d always taken some salt with his quirks, rather than shy away. 
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“You fancy taking a walk– if you’ve got nowhere else to be?”
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Nodding, Alice wrapped her arms around herself. The hesitancy was born from a lot of bad experience before and after the outbreaks. She was a thin, small, cute woman all on her own. There had been plenty that thought her easy pickings. But she didn’t have nearly the skills needed to defend herself. Gaining friends wasn’t what it was about anymore though, they all had to know that. Okay, not true, there were some that probably hadn’t realized that, but she envied them. As for courteous, it never hurt to be civil, it made it less likely for others to try and attack her for absolutely no reason. It was just smarter that way.
When he said she had nothing to be sorry for, Alice gave a soft smile and nodded, glad that he didn’t seem to be bothered by any of her random apologies or comments. She owned her strangeness, from the hair, to the voice, to the gap between her teeth, Alice owned her weirdness. People stared, and as long as they didn’t give her a hard time, she really didn’t care.
“A walk?” She thought for a moment before giving a bright smile. It was the kindest offer she’d had since her arrival. Nodding again, she chuckled softly. “Yes, I’d love a walk.” And company, but she left that off. Besides, he seemed nice, she just was ready to run if trouble happened. She didn’t trust anyone not to leave her for Groaner food if shit went south.
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
Tyler had made it to Astoria. Now here he was being awakened by screaming. Tyler got off the floor and peeked out the window to see a woman running from a Jumper. Something about her hair was familiar and he took a closer look. Shit. Tyler jumped up and grabbed his chainsaw he had nabbed from a hardware store. He was up inside the attic of a building so he put the ladder down and shut the door behind him. He opened the nearby window and raced down the fire escape stairs,dropping down to the floor on the last stairs. He started up the chainsaw and took off running after the Jumper and the woman,screaming to gain the attention of the damn beast. He managed to distract it enough and lifted the chainsaw over his head before driving it down into the skull of the Jumper.He drove the chainsaw down more until it stopped moving. He took the chainsaw from the jumper and shut it off. “It’s okay! You’re safe.” 
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The screaming definitely wasn’t helping her, but it’d just slipped out. And the sound of a chainsaw and someone yelling behind her just made her freak out more, but she’d stopped screaming, moving to hide behind a tree instead as she watched the man put the chainsaw through the creature’s head. Heart pounding, she slowly moved from behind the tree and went towards her savior, swallowing hard. That voice, she knew that voice. “No. . .fucking. . .way,” she panted softly. Dropping to the ground, she looked up at him and shook her head. “Tyler.” It was impossible, him being there. How could they both have ended up in the same town? She was torn between crying, being angry, and just hugging him because he was a familiar face. Fuck it. Getting up, she went over to him and hugged him. “It’s weird, but I know you,” she murmured before pulling away. “I don’t know anyone,” she said quietly. “You’re not still. . . I mean, I heard you. . .How did you get here?” Alice finally decided, not sure what topic was safe. It wasn’t like those two had had the healthiest of ‘friendships’ after all. 
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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THE BOY WAS LOSING himself with every day the passed. Things were steadily going downhill, rather than staying within the same general area as they had been for the past few years. It was frightening, to say the very least. Now out in the middle of the night, only bearing a knife, it was evident that his will and much of his care was depleting. Desperate sounding screams were what caught his attention, drawing him to the scene. He’d followed the noises until finally seeing one of the undead, desperately trying to break through the door to reach the person inside. “Over here!” he called to the sickly creature, that stilled and groaned as it turned it’s head to face him. Good.
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It wasn’t hard to lose one’s self, not in a world such as that one. She knew screaming was bad to do, but it just. . .she hadn’t been able to keep them from coming out. But as soon as she heard someone else, she silenced herself and watched the Groaner slowly change its target. Licking her lips, she managed to bite back anymore sounds, watching it walk away from her. Slowly, she shifted so she could look through the hole made in the door, curious about her rescuer. While she didn’t dare actually open the door yet, she let out a soft sigh, running trembling hands over her arms. At least she could see her savior, feeling extremely grateful to him. That was one wakeup call she never wanted to have repeated, ever again. But it was more and more likely to happen it seemed.
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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God, he had to get out. Safety here just meant danger and adventure somewhere else which beckoned him. He didn’t even plan on leaving permanently, only for a few days as the unfinished business in Astoria settled for a short time. If anyone asked, it would be resources - if they didn’t take that as an answer, they soon would. 
It was only as Jack saw footsteps approaching him that he hesitate. No witnesses would have been nice but he’d take what he could get. It wasn’t a crime to leave, not that he’d take much notice if it was. 
“You actually need something or are you just going to keep staring?”
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Holding her hands up, Alice shrugged. “Sorry. I just. . . got turned around.” She was new to town, and it was really her first time on her own. Alice didn’t do well on her own, that hadn’t taken long to figure out. Really, she was hoping that the day came when it all settled, when the world started to go back to what it once was. That just seemed like the optimist she’d once been had started to come back out.
“I. . .I’m sorry.” She’d been about to ask that she was trying to find refuge, but it just didn’t come out. Alice hated how pathetic and helpless she was, knew she was a burden, but she didn’t want to just give up or anything else.
“People stare at you a lot, too?”
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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It hadn’t been that bad a day yet, which was apparently why it had to get worse. Alice was just walking, making her way around after gathering a little food. While it wasn’t much food, she’d survive a few more days. That was when it found her. It was fucking loud and fast and she took off running, nearly dropping her bag as her legs started to move as quickly as possible. She was going to get tired out, but she just wanted to find safety. With zero fighting skills, she was useless. But she could run. And run. So she did, praying that either someone would be kind enough to help her, or she’d find refuge before she got tired out and slowed enough to be caught.
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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Sleeping didn’t come easy for Alice anymore. Not for a long time. With nothing to make her sleep, she just couldn’t fall asleep easily. So when she did sleep, she hated being woken up. Especially by what she heard just outside her little hiding spot. Her heart sped up as she tried to figure out her way out of what was undoubtedly going to happen. She could hide, and she could run, that was about it. So when she heard the Groaner, the barest of whimpers tried to escape, but she managed to stifle it. At least until its arm broke through the door and she couldn’t help a scream, struggling to push herself away from it as more of those shrill sounds tore from her throat.
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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averydifferentalice · 7 years
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