Troubles are inevitable. But so are good times. Your job is to handle it all as best you can.
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real academia aesthetic is watching hours of youtube videos on a topic because your teacher explained it badly
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Please fucking lie to your employer. Like they don’t need to know your mental health issues or what drugs you do. Ffs
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Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to come up with plot
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to start a story
How to write a prologue
How to write conversation
How to write witty banter
How to write the last line
How to write a summary
How to write a book description
How to write romance
How to write emotional scenes
How to write an argument
How to write yelling
How to title fanfiction
How to write an unreliable narrator
How to write character deaths
How to use songs in a fanfiction
How to name fictional things
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
Fatal Character Flaws
Good traits gone bad
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a character with glasses
How to create a villain
How to write a polyamorous relationship
How to write a wedding
How to write found family
How to write forbidden love
How to write a road trip
How to create and write a cult
How to write amnesia
How to write a stratocracy
How to write the mafia
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Relationship Problems
Milestones in a relationship
Platonic activities for friends
Introducing partner(s) to family
Date gone wrong
Love Language - Showing, not telling
Love Language - Showing you care
Affections without touching
Giving the reader butterflies with your characters
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
How to write academic rivals to lovers
How to write age difference
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to write a college party
How to write modern royalty
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
A Queen’s Assassination Plot
Crime Story - Detective’s POV
Evil organization of assassins
Evil wins in the end
Causes for the apocalypse
Last day on earth
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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good chrome extensions for students (free)
find sci paper: for when academic materials are behind paywalls
forest: you’ve probably heard of the forest mobile app but this 100% free chrome extension allows you to function off of a blocklist or an allowed lost to stop you getting distracted!
video speed controller: do you have to watch videos on a platform that doesn’t have speed control? be it assigned watching, class replays, whatever, you can adjust the speed with this extension. it also is good if you watch stuff super fast because it can go up to 10x speed and you have so much control
swiftread: helps you read long chunks of text quickly by putting them up on screen a certain amount of words at a time (your choice) at a certain speed (words per minute) so you can read the text more quickly. it also highlights letters and stuff to help your brain take everything in and is generally a huge help with focusing (and this is coming from someone with adhd so bad it was a major factor in me dropping out of high school)
podcastle ai: this turns chunks of texts into “podcasts”. it’s a computer generated voice but it’s not as painful as built in ones. you can change the voice and speed and a couple of other things
PostureMinder: this will save your back! you set intervals for posture reminders and reminders to get up and walk around, set if you want them to make sound, etc. it’s completely free and amazing. i shorten the posture reminder intervals because my default posture is horrible
OpenDyslexic for chrome: it makes stuff dyslexic font! there are other chrome extensions that can change the font to dyslexic and mess with background and text colours but this simplistic one works best for me. I’m not dyslexic but struggle with processing so I turn this on on bad processing days
MyBib: free citation generator: this is a LIFESAVER. it automatically generates citations/references for you in pretty much any referencing style. I don’t use it as much now but before I got better at referencing this thing was the best. Remember to check the info though! It’s not always right (any citation generator will have this issue)
bonus round
Shinigami Eyes:  so this isn’t a study one but it’s good to have and can help you avoid transphobic sources if you’re searching on certain platforms. It highlights names of people and sites to show if they’re trans friendly or transphobic. 
also, workona is one to look at! it recently changed free access to be limited which is why i didn’t include it in this list (note: it’s so useful that i chose to pay for full access when they announced the change). it helps keep track of tabs and has built in feature to set up to do lists for workspaces and all sorts of useful stuff
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Chrome extensions I actually use as a mentally ill university student
Making websites easier to digest:
Dark Reader - Changes any webpage to dark mode.
Mercury Reader - Simplifies the layout of any webpage to eliminate distractions and irritating formatting.
Podcastle AI - Turns any article into a podcast. This is a lifesaver for being able to process what I’m reading, to be honest.
LanguageTool - Spelling and grammar check for those of us who regularly type in more than one language.
Grammarly - Spelling and grammar check for those of us who only type in English. Can be used with LanguageTool installed, which is what I do.
Google Dictionary - Define any word on the webpage with a double-click.
Google Translate - Translate an entire webpage or even just a short segment.
AdGuard Adblocker - After trying quite a few adblocker options, this is the one I find the best.
The Great Suspender - Automatically suspend inactive tabs to help with performance. <- as an edit, I don’t believe this is available anymore
Honey - Try coupon codes automatically to save money on online purchases.
Built-in Chrome tab grouping - Group your tabs to keep organized and minimize distracting clutter.
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Forgive your younger self. Believe in your current self. Create your future self.
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“There is no logical or natural limit to how fragmented a dissociative patient can become. The more helpful question is What is the integrative capacity of the patient? The lower the capacity for the challenges the patient faced as a child and still faces in the present, the more dissociation will occur as an ongoing coping strategy.”  – Treating Trauma-Related Dissociation
Splitting dissociated parts is a very complicated, confusing topic–it can be difficult to determine when, why, and how it happens. As such, it’s perfectly okay to be unsure of whether a new part has split or not. Some things to know:
Splitting is a coping mechanism in response to stress
Not all stress causes splits
The same stress that causes a split in one person might not cause a split in someone else
The same stress that didn’t cause a split in the past may cause a split later; it all depends on the current coping ability of active parts
Some splits happen quickly; some can take much longer
Keep in mind this infographic pertains to people who already have DID/OSDD (you can learn what causes DID/OSDD [here.])
[Check out my DID/OSDD Casually Explained masterpost for sources and more infographics!]
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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if you’re not committed to antiracism, you’re not a good doctor. 
I remember when I had pneumonia I was so sick and exhausted and in pain that I couldn’t get out of bed for *days* — I eventually pushed myself to walk across campus to the doctor’s office (it took me literally 45 minutes to walk there bc I had to walk so slow) and when I got there…the doctor made it seem I was only trying to get out of writing an exam lol. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I was going to be withdrawing from the class anyway bc I hadn’t had the energy to get to lectures at all that semester. She lectured me about how she sees students do this all the time and she can’t take a risk in trusting me when the only thing that was wrong with me was exhaustion. “We all have off days” is what she said lolol. 
I was so humiliated at her insinuation that I eventually just nodded when she said it “didn’t seem like I had any issues” and went back home. It wasn’t until I fainted walking down the hallway like 4 feet outside my apartment that I started panicking and called someone to take me to the hospital. When I got there even the receptionists looked genuinely pale to see how hard it was for me to walk and how much it hurt to breathe or talk.
It would take *6* different antibiotics for the really advanced pneumonia to finally die out, the last of which was delivered intravenously in my arm for 10 continuous days — I still have the scar where the initial IV was and I have another mark on my wrist. I *literally* couldn’t walk or lay on my back for 8-9 weeks. I would sleep sitting up with pillows on a chair and when my breath would involuntarily deepen as I started to fall asleep I would jerk awake bc of the sharp pain my lung where the pneumonia was.
That same doctor who thought I was lying about being sick would then call me like 34 times in a row when my blood test results came to her office and the hospital sent her my chest x rays lolol, obviously worried about looking bad and having called me a liar and sending me home when I had such a serious bout of pneumonia.
In the 3rd year of my premed degree I would learn that doctors in North America — and specifically white women in nursing lol — often see south Asian women as malingerers who exaggerate their pain. In a UK study there were neonatal nurses who went so far as to say that south Asian women also lack maternal instincts, care more about their pain meds than their child and “can’t handle” child birth.
Yosif al Hasnawi — an Iraqi Canadian teen — died at the hands of two paramedics who did not believe he had been shot and claimed he was “acting” when he was actually internally bleeding. They made him walk to the ambulance with a bullet in his stomach, from which he would later die after not being transported to the hospital for 38 minutes.
Just yesterday My cousin, totally healthy, just died of a brain hemorrhage and often complained about ongoing migraines that could’ve been telltale signs of hypertension that were totally ignored by her doctor for years.
and just a day before that Kim porter who was otherwise healthy just died of pneumonia while having expressed her symptoms and pain to doctors for days — I would say that I’m shocked by this but the implications faced by brown people and racism in the healthcare system is 10x worse for black women who are often seen as liars and in it for the meds as a result of historical anti blackness and systemic rejection of black patients’ pain.
doctors are literally trained to perceive racialized people as malingerers who are trying to scam for meds or medical attention instead of people in pain. It’s 100% systemic and actually integrated into medical education.
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Really love how this spread turned out! I’m so busy these days because of work but I still try to be active on my ig account. Also on the pic are my new stamps! They look so pretty!
instagram: applefroyo
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JULY 14 / 19 
This is fine….. 
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happy august everyone! this was my last weekly spread of july and i’ve failed to do the one thing stated in large blue letters on this page whelp :’(
currently listening to:
un village - baekhyun
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Don’t study because you need to. Study because knowledge is power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because you want to know more. Study because it empowers you. Study because it helps you grow.
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I was supposed to post this in April, but I never got to doing it until now. First time I’ve made a pink spread! Gotta say, I like it so much. Super refreshing since I usually just work with colors like yellow, brown, and beige. 
I’ll be back to “regularly” posting once final exams are done! 
Soooo anticipate: an astrology spread, a MBTI-inspired spread, a milk tea spread, an Avengers: Endgame spread, and more K-Pop spreads!
Photo credits: Drink and Yeri icon from @/jangmiedits and cherry blossom photo from Pinterest
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