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Inflation is so fucking bad we're fantasizing about stalkers leaving groceries
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hey man I found a piece of your soul stuck in the text messages of old friends you don’t speak to anymore. do you want it back
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Hi I'm Hanaa 🍉🍉
I hope you and your family are well 🌸💕
Please donate to save my family 🍉
I have a 2 year old baby (Youssef) who needs care, milk🍼, some medicine and healthy food🍞. I lost some of my family, my home and everything. 🥹🥹
I only have the baby left. Sorry if I bothered you. I feel too ashamed to even try to ask for help. All I want is for the rest of my family not to die. All I want is to save their lives. Save us from this hell. Please donate even a little. 🥹 🙏🙏
My campaign is verified by 90ghost.My account 90-ghost is verified campaign is listed as number 246 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by nabulsi and el-shab-hussein ❤️
I personally can't donate, but I hope this reaches someone who can
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do you ever have something happen to you and just know that it would've had an absolutely devastating impact on your capacity to endure if you'd been in an even 5% worse psychological state
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I would pay to sit next to this distinguished gentleman
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here is a handful of palestinian family fundraisers id like to boost. (these are all verified fundraisers & ones i have supported in the past.)
Low on Funds:
Mohammed Family - Farhat Family - Yasin Family Albaz Family - Ayyad Family - Hussein Family - Tashmali Family - Abumousa Family - Mekawi Family - Dawoud Family - Almoghrabi family - Yousef family
Halfway to Goal:
Al-Deeb Family - Balousha Family - Mahmoud Family - Alanqar Family
Close to Goal:
Ayyad Family - Aldeeb Family - Saftawi Family - Shahwan Family - Shaqqoura Family - Ahel Family - Alhajjar Family - Shehab family - Al-Sharif Family - Ahmed Family - Jamous Family - Al-Talouli Family - Maliha Family
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my moon phase app just sent me this notification and when I clicked it, there was no context. it just showed me the current moon phase as the app is meant to do
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How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating
Send 🐯 for very intimidating
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Most Disliked Robin Results!!
at long last, (some of) the data you've all been waiting for.
for those of you who are new, i put out a questionnaire to gather data in the interest of discovering if my personal hypothesis that knowing someone's #1 Robin tells you nothing really, but knowing their top two, now that gives you insight. i have since closed that questionnaire, and we are in the data crunching stage. in this anon ask, anon was curious which Robin was getting the most dislike votes. i shared the current numbers w/o revealing who was getting which votes, and invited y'all to vote for which Robin you thought was getting the most dislike votes.
these were the results of the prediction poll:
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before i share the final results, with 745 responses, a disclaimer:
the data pool is extremely small in the grand scheme of things!! this data cannot be used to make definitive claims about fandom at large. this is simply what we observed from the small group of fans, predominantly from tumblr, who filled out my questionnaire. cool? cool.
for our purposes, a "Stan" is someone who marked X Robin as their #1 fave Robin, and a "Fan" is someone who marked X Robin in their top two. additionally, whenever you see a top two Duo, for example, Dick & Damian, the character mentioned first is that person's #1. so Dick & Damian duos are distinct from Damian & Dick duos!!
for the non-math nerds, the 95% CI*, or 95% Confidence Interval is there to show that if we were to poll a random 745 responders again, from the same communities, we're about 95% sure the true value is somewhere in here range. *this is a bit of a simplification, but uh, i am not a math teacher + google is free. (i thought about finding a snappy youtube vid but as soon as they started talking math i zoned out whoops.)
finally a big, big thank you to @chinajousama and @tevyaa for their data-crunching + formatting!! none of this would have happened nearly as quickly (or successfully) without them!! 🫶
overall dislike
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
the most important takeaway here, imo, is that ~74% do not dislike any Robin. (shoutout to the Jason & Steph Duo who disliked Dick, Tim, and Damian tho, iconic.)
also, it is not at all what tumblr predicted!! tumblr predicted that dick would be least disliked (by virtue of him getting the least votes) and that's...about all that was correct from the prediction poll.
now how does this breakdown depending on Stans/Fans/Duos?
Stans' dislike (Y is responders #1 Robin)
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
"hey!!" you say, "the math is not mathing- if i add up the bottom row i get 774/104%, not 745/100%." correct!! this is because responders were able to dislike more than one Robin.
if we gave the percentages for each row of the very first chart, (the one that lays out how people voted in all the permutations), those percents would add up to 100%. but since we're only breaking it down between the Robins, there's overlap. 14.8% of everyone disliked Tim, that number is true. however, that 14.8% of Tim Dislikers includes people who also disliked other Robins- it's not the percentage of people who exclusively dislike Tim.
tl;dr: it doesn't add up, but the math is right, trust.
"okay, fine, but why don't you have a 95% CI for everyone?" if the sample group was too small to make a prediction (received less than 5 responses), we decided not to give one because there's simply not enough data to give one worth having. tl;dr, if there's a 0.00%* in the 95% CI chart, don't read into those stats too hard!!
Fans' dislike (Y is in responder's top duo)
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
already you can see some differences compared to the Stans' Dislikes- most percentages go up a bit, but a few go down.
now let's see what happens when we look at the breakdown over Duo's Dislike
Duo's dislike
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
note the differences!! for instance, all Jason-first Duos are more likely to dislike Tim than the percentage given for Jason Stans, except for Jason & Tim duos, which duh, but also, Jason & Tim is the second most common Jason-first Duo, making up 25.3% of Jason-first Duos.
also!! Tim fans are the least likely to dislike overall, with 83.2% not disliking any Robin, however, Tim stans, specifically Tim & Dick Duos are the most likely to dislike Damian. (*cough* lingering Red Robin grudge, perhaps? *cough* Tim Stans: i can let a lot of shit go, but that. that i cannot. [i'm a Tim Stan, i'm allowed to tease them, okay?])
another crucial thing to point out here is that the percentages represent how likely Y Duo is to dislike X Robin. this distinction is significant because while it is correct to say that, (based off this data pool), Steph & Damian Duos are the most likely to dislike Tim, it is incorrect to say that most Tim dislikers are Steph & Damian Duos.
something, something squares and rectangles If you grab a random Steph & Damian Duo responder, they are the most likely out of all the Duo responders to dislike Tim. However, if you were to grab a random Tim Disliker responder, the odds of that responder being a Steph & Damian Duo are pretty low.
by number, Dick & Damian Duos make up the biggest portion of Tim Dislikers (26 out of 110 votes). however, they also make up the biggest portion of responders overall with 92 votes, whereas Steph & Damian only got 22.
(side note, if you're like, whoa but Dick & Jason won the tumblr poll- overall, there were more responders that had Dick and Jason in their top 2, however they were split 82/64 and Dick and Damian was split 92/29. those splits are also super interesting to see, bc some are pretty even and others aren't.)
okay, so what's the takeaway here? repeat after me: everybody 👏hates 👏 Tim!! 👏 loud incorrect buzzer yeah, no so the main takeaway here is that so far, it's looking like there is visible variation depending on a Stan/Fan's Duo compared to Stan/Fan opinion. also, that most Robin fans don't dislike a Robin. you can relax, odds are blorbo is not under attack. unless you're a Tim stan. jk jk, i'm sorry, him having 14.8% dislikability is just hysterical to me, like do you see the social distancing, Jason is the second most disliked and Tim has more than double his numbers LMAO.
especially bc that 14.8% is just like, out of all responders, how likely Tim is to be disliked, right, follow me here, hehe. 110 of 223 dislike votes cast were for Tim, right, so of the dislike votes cast there is a ~49.3% chance that a dislike vote is a dislike Tim vote.
but!! if we condense that 223 (dislike votes cast/remember that 1 responder could dislike multiple) to 194 (the actual number of responders who disliked), then it's 110 out of 194, so if a Robin fan dislikes anyone, there is a ~56.7% that they dislike Tim.
try not to laugh at that, i dare you.
now, as a Tim stan, i think this makes sense because out of all the Robins, Tim has the most on panel interaction with every other Robin compared to the others, so like, if any Robin is going to show up and annoy you, odds are it's Timbo. factor in fanfic trends and uh...look, do i love Tim? yes. (i love them all, but that's beside the point.) do i think he's annoying af. also yes. it's part of the appeal, i mean hot people get it, i mean this data is not shocking to me but it is, clearly, deeply amusing. that being said, you might be under attack, because responders were wayyyy more likely to find a Robin Stan annoying than they were to dislike a Robin hehehe. sorry, sorry, i swear i'm not trying to shart shit. i mean, start shit. that was an honest typo but i'm so tired rn and it's funny so i'm leaving it, forgive me. what are your thoughts? any of this surprising to you, or does it track with your predictions? tysm for participating if you responded to the questionnaire!! and if you didn't, no worries, enjoy the Findings. please remember that the goal of this questionnaire/sharing the Findings is not to grade other fans on whether they're "good"/"bad"- discuss to your heart's intent but let's try and keep the wank/bad faith takes to a minimum, yeah? thank youuuuu
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also enjoy this at a glance graph!! the bars are error bars, they represent that 95% CI :)
anyways!! i just threw a ton of data at you, if there's anything you would like to see me elaborate on/any questions you have, please feel free to send me an ask and we'll do our best to deliver!! there's truly so much to unpack here.
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i meant to be a casual fan but it ended up ruining my life
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Since Tumblr deletes genuine Palestinian blogs, here is a list of verified fundraisers!
Please donate if you can.
Do not hesitate to reblog and share! 🙏🏽
(Click here for Part 2).
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IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that I do NOT verify fundraisers. I am not Palestinian, and I do not speak Arabic! They have been vetted by Palestinian users!
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1) Mohammed Al-Habil (@mohammedfamily123) and his family (€4,519 / €50,000). Verified and vetted by @/el-shab-hussein.
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2) Mahmoud Helles (@mahmoud92hells) and his family (€757 / €50,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost.
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3) Asmaa Sheikh Youssef (@asmaalshaikh-blog) and reunion with her fiancé (€3,001 / €30,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost and @/ibtisams.
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4) Muhanned Shaheen (@mohanedshaheen) and his family (€2,658 / €35,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost.
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5) Momen Al Ostaz (@mo98h) and his family (€11, 213 / €70,000). Verified and vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
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6) Tawfik Satoom (@tawfiksatooom) and his family ($14,089 / $40,000). Verified and vetted by @/ibtisams.
(Make sure to donate to his PayPal, as well! It will end in three days!)
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It will help every one of them to reach their goal and to evacuate safely.
Thank you!
Divider by: @cafekitsune
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They're twins your honor
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