aveyondheadcanons · 2 years
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Aveyontober 19 - Cassia Leaf
I tried really hard to wait until March for this but I’ve been excited about this concept since I wrote the dang prompt so just TAKE IT ALREADY!!!
This is my interpretation of Talia’s father. I like to think he was an herbalist, like Talia wanted to be. It connects him to the healing tradition in the Maurva family, and it gives me an excuse to draw him for this prompt (cassia leaf). He is also a bit of an artist, as you can see. I like to headcanon that he was the one who painted the portrait of Nino that’s hanging in Talia’s childhood home, which would help explain how Grandmama doesn’t know about the whole Fairy thing XD
Speaking of the fairy thing! It is time to share the “many headcanons” mentioned when I posted the Faiara prompt
I’m in love with the idea that Aian fairies are born from a flower that grows when a fairy falls in love. It goes with the “gaia’s precious children” thing if they are literally born from the earth and come into being from love and happiness. It also means that the human idea of intimacy doesn’t mean a whole lot to fairies. I like to believe Aian fairies are asexual and super romantic, because it is a concept I relate to and also it is * ~ sparkly ~ * and fairies are sparkly, soooo… there.
I think Talia’s father was that way too, and that’s why he spent enough time daydreaming alone in the woods to meet a fairy and fall in love with her and have a flower child with her without Grandmama ever really figuring out what happened. Everyone in Elden probs thought Talia was a changeling, come to think of it, but I have headcanoned enough on this particular subject for the time being.
The flower thing also goes with my sexuality headcanons for Dameon because I see him as demisexual (which let’s be honest here it’s barely a headcanon, it is all but explicitly spelled out in the game but I digress), and it would make sense for people with fairy blood to have less of that drive. And after I realized this I was thinking of how much Dameon takes after Talia’s father (the completely made-up version of him in my head but it counts) and how soft they both are and I decided the Maurva brown eyes come from him (because Nino’s eyes are like, brown-ish but also kinda gray) AND THEN I was thinking that I should probably come up with a name for him so I could stop just calling him Talia’s father and then I was thinking… It would make sense for Talia to name her son after him, and his name would be Dameon too.
And then I fell in love with the idea so meet Dameon Maurva<3 No I do not know how I plan to distinguish him from his grandson, shush
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aveyondheadcanons · 2 years
The Ultimate Aveyond Cinnamon Roll List
I made this, take it.
The characters are sorted by game:)
looks like a cinnamon roll and is: Frederick Eddie Rye Stella, Edward, Uma Robin, Hi’beru
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Talia, Alicia, Haddan  Rhen Ean, Iya, Emma Mel, Lydia, Yemite, Yvette, Nox Myst, Rowen
looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: – Dameon Ava Ulf Boyle, Phye
looks like they could actually kill you and could:  Devin Te’ijal, Elini, Galahad, Mad Marge Gavin Spook Ingrid
Not a cinnamon roll but wouldn’t kill you but WOULD mildly inconvenience you: Jack Pirate John Nicolas
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aveyondheadcanons · 2 years
what the av1 party doodles
Why would the av1 party be doodling? I don’t know. But the title of this post is WHAT the av1 party would doodle and I do know that. So.
Rhen: Stick people with really detailed, beautiful swords. You can see if you want, she’ll even make a little comic for you^^  Also Theodore learned how to draw stick people from her.
Dameon: Anatomically correct hearts, skulls, and crying eyes. If he notices you looking he’ll close the book and be too embarrassed to take notes again for at least a week.
Te’ijal: Flowers and the sun in the corner of the page. She will not only show you, she will demand you look and also add to her masterpiece 
Galahad: he would never!! (Yes he would he draws that S. You know the one. But he will never willingly show another living soul. If you see it, no you didn’t.)
Pirate John: cartoony skulls, when he can be bothered. 
Elini: She would actually never, but you can borrow her quill.
Mad Marge: she doesn’t have a quill and she’s not about to ask Elini to borrow hers. 
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aveyondheadcanons · 3 years
Morning people: Te’ijal, Elini, Galahad
Not morning people: Rhen, Pirate John, Mad Marge
Simply doesn’t sleep: Dameon
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aveyondheadcanons · 6 years
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Quality headcanon that this is how Edward dyes eggs
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aveyondheadcanons · 6 years
More Stinkin’ Headcanons
Hey, hi, I have all these random headcanons for how the Av1 cast smells and nowhere to share them so here
Rhen has a coppery metallic smell like the swords she carries, mixed with warm leather. When she’s clean she also smells a bit like apples; that’s what happens when you grow up in Clearwater
Dameon smells like healing herbs, something like rosemary maybe, sort of warm and soothing, vaguely floral and therapeutic.
Elini smells like flowers, but like, desert flowers. If you don’t know what I’m talking about I don’t know how to explain it, but sort of light and sweet and a little like a sneeze if you have allergies
Mad Marge smells like ale. You know it is the truth
Pirate John probably does too, but he also smells like the sea, sort of windswept and briny 
Galahad has a metallic smell, but sort of more steely and cool than Rhen if that makes sense. Nobody knows what he smells like without his armor because he’s never without his armor
Te’ijal has a deep, almost sickly sweet sort of smell that makes you want to sleep. But do not sleep unless you want to wake up undead
BONUS I also have a random headcanon that Devin totally still smells like a blacksmith shop in AV1, hot steel and smoke and sweat, with a sort of pine needle scent underneath because Elden (and AP-era Thais and later the Wildwoods)
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aveyondheadcanons · 6 years
The meaning of Rhen
I’ve seen a lot of theories that say Rhen’s names is derived from the element Rhenium. Rhenium is a rare transitional metal that has historically been mined from the Rhine river, hence the name. The Rhine was used for trade and travel by the Holy Roman Empire. There are apparently a lot of rivers with the “rhi” base in the name (can you tell I’ve put way too much thought into this?), because “rhi” is a proto-indo-european root word for “to move, flow, run, and change” ie like a river does. 
Rhen is also apparently an Irish surname meaning young king, which fits the river thing because young kings are still becoming or changing, and which fits Rhen because she is a young ruler and Aveyond is her coming-of-age story (and one of the most beautiful ones ever told, might I add).
And, of course, the word Rhen brings to mind the bird wren, a wild songbird known for it’s fierce protectiveness despite it’s small size (which is maybe why we all headcanon Rhen to be short? XD)
So, with all this in mind, my headcanon is that Rhen means “to run wild as the river,” which is adorable for reasons. For one, it fits Rhen’s story of growing and becoming a powerful force for good. And also, just imagine Alicia picking out a name for her child, who she knows will have the same responsibilities she has and who will have to defeat a demon (remember, they knew the prophecy before Rhen was born). Alicia would definitely want Rhen to never feel tied down but also to understand the importance of her role and to have the confidence and courage t become the her Alicia knew she could be. AND, Dameon means “to tame,” and Rhen helps tame the chaos that goes on in him and he makes space for her be her wild free self and I am
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aveyondheadcanons · 6 years
So I’ve been realizing that I have a lot of random ideas about the details of Rhen and Dameon’s features and I made a headcanon list because why not.
Not so much a headcanon but more me applying my knowledge of genetics to Aveyond because I’m that obsessed– Rhen gets her hair and eye color from her grandmother Alisandra Pendragon. The blue tips come from Devin of course, and the waviness from Alisandra and Alicia– and from her braid. Don’t forget the braid.
Dameon’s hair and skin color come from his father, but his features are more similar to Talia’s and his eyes are hers exactly.
Rhen’s eyebrows are arched and rounded, and when she raises them they tilt out a bit which gives her a cute childish look.
 Dameon’s eyebrows are straight and expressive and when he draws them together he gets a little crinkle between his eyes and Rhen likes to kiss it.
Rhen’s eyes are tilted up at the corners, and she has ridiculous long lashes like Alicia. She definitely uses them to tickle Dameon’s face.
Dameon’s eyes don’t tilt, and he has thick dark eyelashes that cast a shadow over his eyes and give him a bit of a sad, soft look, like Talia. (Shall we count the number of times I say it?)
Rhen’s nose is short and curved, like Alicia’s, and rounded and freckled like Devin’s. Dameon’s nose is straight and he has high cheekbones like Talia’s.
Rhen’s ears are on the small side, very rounded and they stick out a bit and Dameon adores them.
Dameon’s ears have an elvish shape, with the tiniest hint of a point at the ends; he gets that from his grandmother Nino.
Rhen’s mouth is little like Alicia’s and thin like Devin’s. Pale pink and freckled and always laughing– at least when she was a little girl, and after becoming queen. On the quest she frowned a lot and Dameon learned that he had a sense of humor–albeit a terrible one– because he loved to see her smile.
Dameon’s mouth is full and soft, like Talia’s again lol. He didn’t smile after his father was killed– until that day he met Rhen, and then he found he couldn’t stop smiling and his cheeks were sore for months.
Rhen’s jaw is square-ish like Devin’s but dainty like Alicia’s. Dameon’s is softly rounded and the perfect shape for resting on Rhen’s head when she leans against his chest oops otp feels oops oops oops.
Rhen has small hands with cute stubby fingers, and her knuckles are calloused from sword fighting. Dameon kisses the callouses because they represent how far she’s gone to protect the innocent and he treasures her kind heart oops otp feels again oops oops.
Dameon has big hands– not big for someone his height, but compared to Rhen’s they’re big, and he has long graceful fingers, again like Talia. His hands are soft from always being covered in healing herbs, and they’re warm and Rhen loves to hold them and feel them soothing all her aches and pains.
Rhen stands straight and tall (even though she’s relatively short) with her shoulders squared. She always has, even when she was a little girl. Part of her has always been a queen, and Taylor and “Ma” definitely raised her like a princess as well as they could. The posture is Devin’s and Taylor’s, the height is Alicia’s. (This is weirdly specific but I always headcanoned her to be 5'4")
Dameon is tall (actually tall instead of just standing like it *coughRhencough*) with broad shoulders, like his father, but he’s more lithe like Talia and he carries himself like her, more easily and carefully. He’s definitely never accidentally stepped on a bini’s tail or anything careless like that and he looks about as dangerous as a bunny (which is probably more dangerous than he actually is tbh).
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
When the party would rest in Mel’s apartment,  Edward would try to cook to prove that he can do things himself without helpers and slaves around, doing everything for him. Stella and Mel would go and buy food in the town, ignoring Edward’s pointless tries, so they can eat real food ~Rodania
this is a lame one but I think it’s funny and suits our prince
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
Eventually the landscape was fully formed, large trees and frozen grass blowing slightly in the icy breeze. He smiled to himself and continued to the middle of this new place, closing his eyes and allowing the darkness inside him to slowly seep out through his feet and into the ground. In his mind he began to build a city for the vampires, houses that reflected the nature of the vampires, the city separated into two separate spaces. Iron fences and stairs carving themselves into the ground, shops forming in the entrance of the city. When Rashnu opened his eyes satisfaction filled him at the sight of a dark gothic city having risen up in front of him. There was a large empty space at the far end of the city but Rashnu ignored it for the moment as he returned to Halloween Hill to gather the vampires.
Rashnu announced to the people that he had found a solution to their human problem and was met with excitement and eager shouts. Was he going to kill the humans off, or grant them invulnerability to holy water and stakes?
He shook his head and instead shared that he had created the vampires a city entirely of their own, where they could live their lives out without the humans terrorizing them. A place that would belong to the vampires alone. At first they were hesitant at the idea of leaving behind their home, abandoning the homes they had built and the ragtag city they had created. But Rashnu convinced them, speaking of his plans for having separate cities for the vampires, the ghosts, and the darkling and ogres.
He created a portal and ushered the vampires through so they could look through their new home and make a decision, watching as the vampires examined their new home with excited chatter. The move went quickly from Halloween Hill to their new home and soon they were all gathered around Rashnu who stood in front of the empty land. He explained that the vampires would no longer be living in a dysfunctional city, but would become a organized people. There would be a council and a vampire who he trained personally would lead this council as the vampire learned how to govern themselves. Then in front of the vampires eyes he turned to the empty space and held out a hand, Darkness flowing from him as he raised a massive stone cathedral. This would be the home of their council, this would be the start of their new society. Now he just needed to find a apprentice to lead the council. The young vampire Gyendal seemed promising, he had ambition and he might just be able to protect his people from the humans
Part one: https://aveyondheadcannons.tumblr.com/post/164567185118/the-darkness-creation
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
The Darkness Creation
When Rashnu became the patron Druid of the vampires the first thing he noticed was the uneasy tension that gripped the vampires. Many of them spoke wistfully about the time before the humans had begun hunting them for sport, when they could go out and see the moonlight reflecting on them as they taught the children to hunt. More and more of the vampires were refusing to eat, speaking of vampire slayers that would surround the entrance and exit of Halloween hills with stakes and holy water, those who became desperate for food and tried to leave were dying and the vampires were finding themselves hostage by the very beings that they fed off. This angered the Druid of Darkness, no longer were the humans only killing the vampires that posed a danger, they wanted to kill them all off, using them a sport hunt to prove their "bravery".
Something had to be done.
So Rashnu took a trip off of the islands that made up the lower part of Aia to where the young Sword Singer that had stopped Ahriman lived now, Thais. The land around Thais was still desolate and it would not do the vampires any good to live near the massive city, instead he went lower to where a small rainy village was located. The village was situated in the middle of the woods, and a large catacomb system was located behind the village, a large cave situated near the ocean to the south of the village served as the entrance.
This would serve nicely for the purposes that Rashnu wanted it for, so he made his way as deep into the catacombs as one could go before stopping in front of a thin wall and placing his hand on the stone, his power flowing through him and coiling against the wall. Under the Druids hand the stone melted away, replacing itself with a massive iron gate that led into a grey mist, the product of Rashnu bending part of the underworld separate and weaving it into the earth. Smiling to himself the Druid opened the gate into nothing and began to walk through. Every step he took into the nothingness around him began to dissipate, making way for a ghostly forest and frozen grass.
Like ink on a page colour and mass began to bleed from Rashnu into he mist and like a mirage a entire different world began to knit itself together.
Part Two: https://aveyondheadcannons.tumblr.com/post/164567319918/gedahre
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
The Fate of Aia
Upon leaving the ice palace with her daughters the Oracle brought them home where the other four nymph daughters were waiting, holding her daughter Ishtar who was crying as she realized the magnitude of all her actions when under Heptitus power.
As she held her crying eldest daughter in her arms the Oracle thought about what had taken place in the past, the last two greatest battles against a powerful evil force. In both the battle against Ahriman with Rhen and her companions, and in this battle against Ishtar. Both wars had been caused and the outcome deeply effected by the all powerful and supernatural beings like the Druids and the nymphs, her daughters.
There had been a reason for placing the Druids over the humans, the power of the Druids was neutral and could not sway the humans to either darkness or good. The Nymphs did the opposite of the Druids.
The Oracle looked out on Aia, taking in the entire realm. Catching her eye was a young teen boy, a ambitious Mage named Mordred Darkthrop. The fate line leading from him was slowly bleeding black, and one glance at what his dark fate would lead to if she left her powerful daughters on Aia made her decision for her. The Oracle gathered her daughters together in the Ice Castle that her daughter had created and summoned the Druids. Then together, the Druids and the Nymphs joined their magic together to create and blessing and a seal over Aia, a seal that would ensure the balance and protection over all the humans without the supernatural creatures ever having to come in contact with the humans again. And once it was over, once the Druids had returned to their homes, the Oracle made one last painful choice. She stripped her daughter Heptitus of her supernatural level powers before exiling her to Aia to live among the humans as punishment for her actions. Then she returned home with her daughters, watching as the next Prophecy began to unfold.
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
The Nymphs
Once the Druids were bound to different magical races their life forces returned full force and the magic races thrived like never before. But without the balance that the Druids had brought to the humans and without someone Like Rhen to enforce kindness and truth, humans began to spiral down into the pits of hate and darkness, turning against each other as war began to rage through Aia.
The Oracle looked down at the destruction and suffering and pain filled her heart. She knew that something must be done before the humans ripped themselves apart. But she would need something much more then a neutral balancing force like what the Druids had brought, the humans had fallen too far to be saved by neutral. So with a heavy heart she went to her home where her six daughters resided, the nymphs of the spirit.
She told them that they were needed on earth, that without goodness the humans who inhabited Aia were destroying themselves. Her daughters instantly agreed to go down and live among the humans in order to provide the balance that was needed to save the humans and so with great sadness she said goodbye to her beloved children and watched them scatter around Aia to provide the balance nessesary. Her five daughters that represented the good in the world: Ceri the nymph of Love, Serendipity the nymph of Luck, Aisling the Nymph of Hope, Nuha the nymph of Wisdom, and her daughter who represented the evil in the world Heptitus the nymph of Wickedness who would keep the balance to her sisters in Aia.
As the Oracle watched her daughters settle on earth she couldn't help but take notice that Heptitus seemed a little too excited to be going down to Aia. Concern flickered through her but she quickly dismissed the feeling. With all her daughters together on earth, it's not like Heptitus could do anything to disturb the balance...right?
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aveyondheadcanons · 7 years
The Fate of the Druids
After Ahriman's fall, things began to change in Aia. The magical races retreated out of the sight of humans and as the years went by and the generations that were alive during that time passed on, so did the knowledge that the supernatural was real, instead most dismissed it as myths and tales except for by those who lived in towns effected by the magical. But as human belief all but vanished for the magic races, so did the belief in the Druids. And without the belief in their existence to sustain them, the Druids began to fade. The Oracle saw that her Druids were fading away and in desperation looked to the only ones who still believed in the Druids, the magical creatures. And so to save the Druids the Oracle made a decision and gathered the Druids together, before tying each Druid to a different magical race so that the Druids would only have to rely on their magical race to survive.
Daena, Druid of Wisdom was tied to the Ice Faries on the Northern Isle in a place that became known as Dire Woods, where she built her home the Star Temple the place of protection for the enchanted dragon bridal.
Rashnu, Druid of Darkness was tied to the vampires in Ged'here where he built the cathedral, taking a young vampire named Gyendal under his wing to train him to protect his people and always put the vampires above the humans who seeked to kill.
Devin Pendragon, Druid of Light was tied to a winged race known as the Naylithithins where he and his wife Talia lived in a small home near the city of Naylith.
Vahu Manah, Druid of Music was bound to the Dream Weavers, a mythical race that were humanly known as the Dream Priestesses, building the Harmony Temple on Mystic Isle.
Vita, Druid of Time was bound to the Darklings in Underfall and the mermaids in Acropolis, giving both small races the gift of agelessness and the rare being from either race the gift of Prophecy.
Armaiti, Druid of Agriculture was bound to the elves, giving them the ability to sing to nature and bring nature under their magical will.
Eithera, Druid of Strength was bound to the Dragons, training and protecting those dragons who could shift into humanoid and hiding them away in a room protected by a curtain of molten heat far to hot for any humans.
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