aviatorasharak · 4 days
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The two wolves meme, but with Zevlor~
Picture on the left was drawn by the talented Dave Rapoza. Picture on the right in my own in-game screenshot.
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aviatorasharak · 5 days
Omg, the propeller tail!
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Silly lil' Zevlor based on Twitter shenanigans!
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aviatorasharak · 5 days
Soup Mom, my beloved <3
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Happiness is getting a bowl a soup from Okta~
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aviatorasharak · 6 days
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aviatorasharak · 6 days
I'm so glad every tiefling made it safely to the city~
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aviatorasharak · 7 days
Writer Interview
I've been tagged (shouted the same way one would "I've been hit") by the wonderful @theycallmeratt
When did you start writing?
I, let's say, experimented in high-school, writing here and there, finishing maybe 2 shorter stories in total and starting 10 more. I recently found some of those writings, and I was unable to read more than two sentences... The cringe was overwhelming, lol~ I also won a competition with a short story I've written specifically for that, though thinking back, it was probably a case of "only one person bothered entering".
As for my "real" beginnings, I finished the short story that started my streak that's still ongoing in the beginning of 2021. That was in my native language (Hungarian). I began writing in English less than a year ago
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I enjoy detective stories, the build-up, the mystery, everything falling into place at the end so neatly. Bonus points if the story has a deeply emotional side to it (Murder on the Orient Express comes to mind). I also like mythological tales, although I do have one short story that tries to emulate that style to some degree.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Terry Pratchett. As in trying to emulate at times (though I do want to establish my own style). My only regret is not starting to read his books sooner.
There are also some other writers who use humour or absurdity in their writings which I'm fond of overall, but I'm very, very far from that.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I either feel best writing at night (or at least when it's already dark outside and I have no reasonable responsibilities left for the day. Or have a slow, chill Saturday/Sunday with no other programs but to just write leisurely.
While I was writing in my native language to mostly two or three of my friends, I liked writing my first and second draft on paper. I used a couple of my old notebooks that still had enough empty pages in them and repurposed them this way. I also filled a couple new ones over the years. I kind of miss that, actually. I enjoyed the physical aspect of writing the pen and paper.
Now I'm writing fully digitally. Makes it easier to organize, search for specific parts etc. I use LibreOffice, because it's offline and free and has everything I need~
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Sitting down and writing. It feels awful at times, especially when I feel all I'm writing down are disjointed sentences with half the words being placeholders (in different languages no less!). But so far, it's been proven effective. Once I cross that magical threshold, everything starts falling into place. Or at least, start looking coherent.
Also letting an idea/chapter/story sit for a bit.
Also lying awake at night.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Fathers/fatherhood. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest, because it's very intentional most of the time. A father, to me, is akin to a mystical entity, the stuff of legends, its symbolism highly prevalent in our culture, yet eluding me in all my life, no matter how I yearned for it.
So I pour my pain into my art, as one does.
What is your reason for writing?
The nice, and probably very clichéd, answer to that is that I want to create stories. I believe humans have an innate need for stories, be it consuming or creating them. In many different forms, not just in writing.
The more personal answer is that I've been dreaming up fantastical scenarios and elaborate stories ever since I was a child (a rather lonely child at times) and part of me sometimes felt I should write some of these down to make them "legitimate", so to speak. Problem is, these personal stories were very wish-fulfilment-y, and deep down I felt they didn't contain enough struggle and drama. As I matured, so did my stories mature, and I became less of a benevolent god in them and more... human.
In the end, those stories stayed and stay inside my head still, because I choose to write down other ideas. Still, there's a part of me in those stories as well, which is inevitable in my opinion. Sharing those little parts of myself is basically me showing myself to the world, asking: "Am I all right (as a person/human being?"
Wow, this is becoming kinda heavy and personal. Well, writing is a personal thing, so~
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I like when people mention specifics because it signals to me that my writing was interesting enough for them to retain details. Bonus if they point out something I felt good about while writing it. A pun, an emotional moment, a payoff to something that's been building for 5+ chapters.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Witty, clever, knowledgable, hilarious at time (intentionally perhaps)...
In all seriousness, a "storyteller." Plain and simple~
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
You're asking me to basically praise my own work, something I'm very uncomfortable with most of the time. I'm half-joking.
I think I do a pretty good job of keeping track of everything in a longer fic. Symbolism, references, objects of interest, etcetera. I also keep my notes fairly organized.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Mix of both. While I have my own, self-indulgent ideas and fics, I also like to, let's say, cater to certain people who I know will read that particular story.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Sometimes, I feel it's pretty good. Then I start doubting myself, and have a brief urge to ask people basically, "Hey, is my writing... good? Passable?"
Fortunately, I've always been able to resist this, because I don't actually think it would be beneficial. As clichéd as it sounds, I have to find the answer within myself.
I do believe my writings are at least entertaining, and have good ideas with acceptable execution. And I am proud on some of them.
I do think I'm not well-read or know enough to put in interesting references (think Terry Pratchett).
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aviatorasharak · 7 days
In this house, we appreciate Pandirna <3
Pandirna appreciation post
Hi please see Pandirna:
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She's the tiefling you can find paralyzed in the storage room in the Emerald Grove and she has amazing puppy eyes
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I adore her. Pandirna facts:
Is a widow
Had a wife
Gets paralyzed because she drank a potion Ethel gave her to make her strong
She can be murdered by Durge or Astarion (or anyone else, really, but those two actually have interactions)
Murdering her is quite rude, though, so please don't
If cured before the goblin attack, she can be found preparing for the attack with Guex
She disappears in act 2. Maybe she made it to the Gate!
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Pandirna headcanons:
Runs storage because she's very particular about expiration dates and organizing
Takes her job very seriously
Thinks Guex is a lovable idiot
A little awkward and lost without her wife. Tends to be a loner because of this
Used to be very snarky
See Okta as a mentor and often talks to her, but does not like Ikaron
Often tests herself to become stronger. Examples are sleeping in the storage room, even though she finds it disturbing, asking Ethel for a potion of hill giant strength and standing up to the druids despite visibly shaking
I fell in love with her writing my Guex/Ikaron fic. Please appreciate her
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Thank you to @aviatorasharak for the screenshots. Here's his great dialogue video of her!
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aviatorasharak · 9 days
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I'm late to the book cover trend buuuut here's my fanfic as a schlocky midcentury paperback 💓
I used Waves of Passion by Casey Stuart as a reference. Clean version beneath the cut
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aviatorasharak · 9 days
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modern archery team AU....
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aviatorasharak · 10 days
The sequel I wasn't expecting!
Life is truly wonderful sometimes~
Hey are y'all freaky little freaks who really liked that smut with Dammon and the Strange Ox, based off this @naughtybg3confessions post? (And if you haven't read it, would you like to?) Well do I have a treat for you! Today I bring you more Dammon! More Zlo Zlo! And A NEW CHALLENGER HAS ENTERED THE RING!
Read it here:
The beginning is below the cut!
Sweat dripped off Dammon's chin, down his chest, tickling between his pecs. The entire stable burned hot, from his breath to the mouth pressed against his neck to the body pinning him against the wall. Moments before, Dammon had been cutting a strip of leather and twisting it to explain a möbius strip, and now the loop lay on the ground. Not the first time he'd seduced someone with leatherwork, but the only time he'd seduced them with geometry.
"I…" he gasped.
"I need to tell you—"
A tongue flickered over his earlobe, up the angle of his ear.
Dammon's words sputtered out.
This was foolish, pathetic, a joke made by Basheba herself. After so long alone, now he'd caught someone's attention? Now that he was, well, taken?
A presence shifted inside of him, picking over his thoughts, plucking knowledge out of his mind and placing its own words next to Dammon's thoughts. Images, too, of it watching the man currently kissing Dammon. Half nude, walking back from the bathing in the river. Strapping his gauntlets on. Tucked behind the canvas wall of the Grove smithy, one hand under his robe, stroking himself, one of Dammon's sweat-soaked scarves held to his nose. 
"You took my scarves," Dammon said. 
"Only one," Rolan murmured into his neck. "Gods above, you're better than a scarf."
"How long have you—"
"Only once!"
Another image crept into Dammon's mind: Rolan crouching behind the platform, rutting against his hand, lips bitten raw as he watched Dammon stretch sore muscles.
"More than once," Dammon said.
Zlo sent another image of Rolan. His ear pressed to the wall of the current smithy, his tail pulsing under his robes as he listened to Dammon's moan.
"Do you know about—"
He does, Zlorb said in Damon's mind. Many nights, our minds have brushed. I've called to him. Offered him delights of the mind. The flesh. Tonight I finally found something to bring him running.
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aviatorasharak · 11 days
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TW: the picture below is bloody.
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aviatorasharak · 13 days
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After searching for approx. 20 seconds, I couldn't find a gif like this, so I made it myself.
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aviatorasharak · 13 days
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New best pairing dropped.
Kagha as a companion AU, where the gang reaches Ramazith's Tower, and during the conversation with Lorroakan, Kagha demands to see the manager.
Lorroakan: "I am the manager!"
And so began the tale of the most beautiful romance.
Kagha's in shadow, because she was trying to get in on that shadowdruid action.
Lorroakan is glowing because he cast Light on himself so all would see his brilliance.
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aviatorasharak · 14 days
Nooo, Evil Okta will make sure the gruel is never enough for everyone. Someone'll always end up sleeping on an empty stomach :(
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Evil!Guex is here to flirt with Kagha and hide Pandirna's journal and call Ikaron a nerd.
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Luckily, Ikaron is here to talk some sense into him!
... Wait ...
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Oh no!
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aviatorasharak · 14 days
Hopefully, Okta ends this silliness soon. "What's that on your face, Ikaron? Wipe it down and come peel these vegetables for the gruel."
((I love the all-caps EAR text in Ikaron's picture. I know it's part of the "EARLY ACCESS" watermark, but still.))
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Evil!Guex is here to flirt with Kagha and hide Pandirna's journal and call Ikaron a nerd.
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Luckily, Ikaron is here to talk some sense into him!
... Wait ...
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Oh no!
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aviatorasharak · 20 days
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hybrids <3
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aviatorasharak · 25 days
The first anthology I took part in and what a wonderful experience it was! I'm honored to have had the opportunity~
Word of warning before reading: you WILL take a liking to these characters. It is inevitable~
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Baldur’s Gate (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Tiefling Refugees (Baldur’s Gate), Asharak (Baldur’s Gate), Cerys (Baldur’s Gate), Chell (Baldur’s Gate), Gerson the Bent (Baldur’s Gate), Nerela (Baldur’s Gate), Kavil (Baldur’s Gate), Kivak (Baldur’s Gate), Rhy (Baldur’s Gate), Vatas (Baldur’s Gate), Zae (Baldur’s Gate), Alfira (Baldur’s Gate), Lakrissa (Baldur’s Gate), Guex (Baldur’s Gate), Nym (Baldur’s Gate), Klarrvox (Baldur’s Gate), Arron (Baldur’s Gate), Brian the Dwarf (Baldur’s Gate), Klagga (Baldur’s Gate), Krolla (Baldur’s Gate), Auntie Ethel (Baldur’s Gate) Additional Tags: Collaboration, Anthology, Slice of Life, POV Third Person, POV First Person, Humor, Angst, Feelings, Character Study
Many souls had been exiled from Elturel with the banishment of the Tieflings. Some of their names are known far and wide–but others are yet unknown. These are their stories.
A fanfic collaboration by members of the Elturel Tiefling Camp server.
So this is a project friends and I have been working on for the past month! @aviatorasharak has been working hard to document all the Tiefling NPC dialogue but worked especially hard researching and compiling information and video on the failsafe Tieflings. What better way than to commemorate them in fanfic?
Thanks to @aviatorasharak, @theycallmeratt, @queen-of-cats, Britt, and Myrmidon for joining the project!
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