avn-tantra · 2 years
We all are made up of energy !
If you would like to experience an energy orgasm yourself, it is necessary to actually realize that you are more than just a gross, physical body.
Beyond your material body and physical manifestation, you are an energetic being comprising highly sophisticated centers of energy, a super-network of energetic channels, and a substratum of subtle bodies. Whether you are aware of it or not, energy is continuously channeling through you and governing your thoughts, desires, emotions, sexuality, and actions.
For most people this flow of energy is unconscious and dictated by several factors such as lifestyle, the condition of a person’s mind, one’s astrological sign and makeup, plus much more.
However, according to the great Yoga and Tantra systems, we don’t have to be victims of circumstance. In other words, we can learn to master energy. And not just the energy that pervades our being, but all the energy that permeates the entire universe.
Sounds like a superhuman power, right? In reality, controlling energy is a skill that can be learned.
Steps to Mastering Energy
There are several aspects that one needs to look into to become skilled with controlling energy. Once this ability of control has been acquired, you can choose to use this skill with the sexual energy, or pretty much with any other type of energy as well (Kundalini energy, pranic energy, etc).
Tantra is a spiritual science of energy.
1. Building up the ability to concentrate and focus the mind fully. Authentic yogic techniques are the best tools here. The average person’s ability to truly be focused is unfortunately rather poor. The mind is constantly jumping around and is very distracted. However, in energy work your mind is your main tool and it needs to be sharp like a razor.
The yogis say that “where the mind goes, energy flows”. This means, if your mind is constantly distracted and full of random thoughts, then doing anything wise with the energy will be close to impossible. Tantric meditation and Yoga practices are the best tools to train the mind.
2. Purifying the body, and therefore also the mind, with yogic purification techniques and Hatha Yoga. Energy does not move harmoniously in a system which is clogged and impure. Therefore, yogis made it their business to regularly purify their physical, emotional and mental bodies. There is a whole system of yogic purification called Shatkarma Kriya, which addresses exactly this. These teachings are included in our Tantra Yoga.
3. Understanding the principles of sexual energy and how it works. All energy, including the sexual energy, follows certain rules of how it operates. It is almost like an exact science. The tantrics were very clear on these rules and knowing them gave them the ability to use that energy to for high purposes. The same way we understand and use electricity, radio waves or mobile networks (all types of energy), we can also harness and use sexual energy.
To learn, experience or know more
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avn-tantra · 2 years
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avn-tantra · 2 years
“Tantra says: Existence is an orgasm, an eternal orgasm going on and on and on. It is forever and forever an orgasm, an ecstasy”
— Osho The Supreme Doctrine 
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avn-tantra · 2 years
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Pray with your woman, sing with your woman, play with your woman, dance with your woman, with no idea of sex. Don’t go on thinking, ‘When are we going to bed?’ Forget about it. Do something else and get lost into it. And some day love will arise out of that being lost, suddenly you will see that you are making love and you are not making it. It is happening, you are possessed by it. Then you have your first Tantra experience – possessed by something bigger than you. You were dancing or you were singing together or you were chanting together or you were praying together or meditating together, and suddenly you find you both have moved into a new space. And you don’t know when you have started making love; you don’t remember either. Then you are being possessed by Tantra energy. And then for the first time you will see a non-technical experience.
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avn-tantra · 2 years
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“Tantric massage is a dance. As my hands touch your skin, my body and soul fall in synch with the rhythm our two energies create. The rhythmic sliding of skin against skin starts to awaken your kundalini and a kind of cosmic dance starts to happen that goes beyond arousal. It’s so beautiful. It inspires benevolence, wellbeing, love, it inspires a sense of unity with the universe.”
alex                                                                                                                 souldetoxblog.tumblr.com
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