awakentheworld · 6 years
Donate money to help people affected by hurricane Michael in Florida.  Spread the word!
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awakentheworld · 6 years
I never ask anything from anyone so I ask if you can kindly share this with others and maybe even pitch in some money to help this disabled US veteran that had his home destroyed in hurricane Michael.  FEMA will not help him so I ask that you spread the word to help this man get a house built for him.
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awakentheworld · 7 years
i told ya we’ve canceled discourse n we’ve moved on to homesteading skills
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awakentheworld · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcPYYZkmfsw)
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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Apple is based out of California, they generated 233.7 billon dollars in revenue last year. Yet Apple refuses to manufacture in the USA. Apple has continued to use Foxconn as their manufacturer, and America has continued to turn the other cheek. 
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the world’s most venomous spiders. It can inject potent neurotoxins that cause burning pain, blurred vision, convulsions, hypothermia, vertigo, and a painful 4-hour erection in males. They are nicknamed ‘banana spiders’ as they’ve been known to hide in bunches of bananas (and cause 4-hour erections). Source Source 2
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
Searching for the Truth about Vaccines
In the past few months, the news headlines have been filled with stories about the benefits of vaccines. President Barack Obama, neither a doctor nor a medical specialist, stated unequivocally:  “You should get your kids vaccinated.”  (1) Quite different from his 2008 position that:  “The science right now is inconclusive.“  (2) But enough about what the media and politicians say, let’s take a look at some facts that might not be familiar to the general public.
According to [Official Data] (3), in the United States mortality rates from many communicable diseases trended to practically zero before the introduction of vaccines as shown in the graph below:
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This dramatic reduction in mortality seen in multiple communicable diseases cannot be attributed to vaccines, and was instead due to increased sanitation, clean water, improved nutrition, and healthcare practices.
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This same trend of reduction in mortality rates prior to any vaccine introduction is evident in the [Official Data] (4) from England and Wales as well. The data show that many of these communicable diseases ceased to be life-threatening to the general public before the advent of vaccination as shown in the graph below: 
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There have never been any long-term double-blind placebo control studies of vaccines, either individually or as the entire US schedule. In studies of vaccines in humans, vaccines are compared with earlier versions of vaccines as the placebo, and never a saline solution.   
Long-term, double-blind placebo controlled studies are the gold standard for proving medical safety, and vaccines are the only medical treatment you can receive in a US hospital that has never undergone that testing.
[This] (5) is the only study I can find of the US vaccine schedule that uses a placebo control group. It was done in infant macaques, and found significantly altered amygdala development in the group receiving vaccines. It was never pursued, and clearly shows the abysmal state of research and the desperate need for further investigation.
We have no official tracking of vaccine outcomes, and doctors do not report vaccine injury to any central location. [Here] (6) is a meta-study about the MMR vaccine in particular where the authors conclude that: “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate. The evidence of adverse events following immunization with the MMR vaccine cannot be separated from its role in preventing the target diseases.” Even with the full array of available studies, they find that there is simply not enough data to make a determination.
[VAERS] (7) (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) is the only database tracking any vaccine injuries in the US.
This unofficial database, which most Americans have never heard of, still receives 10,000-20,000 reports of adverse events from vaccines each year. There is no official investigation into any of these reports. This is evidence of injury that demands further investigation. We cannot state anything about the safety of vaccines if we do not track the outcomes.
The [U.S. Vaccine Schedule] (8) has increased dramatically since the 1980′s with no long-term testing of how that might affect development.
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In 1983, the CDC recommended 23 doses of 7 vaccines (DPT, MMR, Polio) between two months and age six.
In 2013, the CDC recommended 49 doses of 14 vaccines between day of birth and age six and 69 doses of 16 vaccines between day of birth and age 18.
In 1983, the CDC directed doctors to give a child no more than 4 vaccines (DPT, polio) simultaneously.
By 2013, the CDC directed that a child can receive 8 or more vaccines at once.
The long-term safety of this increase and how it might affect development has not been studied.
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In 2011 the US Supreme Court ruled that [Federal Law] (9) prohibits parents from suing drug makers over serious side effects from childhood vaccines. The only personal defense left to individual Americans, the lawsuit, cannot be used to seek compensation from vaccine injury.
Tort law has traditionally been the only way for the citizen to seek redress from corporations.
There is a history of mistakes in the manufacturing of vaccines with lethal consequences, so much so that the slang term “Hot Lot” has been coined to describe a defective and potentially dangerous batch of vaccines.
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To date, [NVIP] (10) (the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) has awarded $3.3 billion of taxpayer dollars to victims of [Vaccine Injury] (11).
In other industries, fines like these are considered the cost of doing business.
These claims of injury are not heard in a federal or state civil court, but instead a [Vaccine Court] (12) sitting with no jury.
As a result of some of the large compensations the court has awarded, most [DPT] (13) vaccine makers have ceased production.
In 2008 the federal government agreed to award damages to the family of [Hannah Poling] (14), a girl who developed autistic-like symptoms after receiving a series of vaccines in a single day.
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[Members of the CDC and FDA responsible for licensing and recommending vaccines are permitted to have FINANCIAL STAKES IN THOSE VACCINES.] (15)
The CDC grants conflict of interest waivers to every member of their advisory committee a year at a time, and allows full participation in the discussions leading up to a vote by every member, whether they have a financial stake in the decision or not. So they’re discussing it, influencing other members possibly, whether they have a financial stake or not.
Meanwhile, the cost to vaccinate one child with the [Full U.S. Schedule] (16) increased from $70 in 1990 to $1,712 in 2012 (Data is on pg.16)
There is ABSOLUTELY no debate on this matter; conflicts of interest should NEVER be allowed when the health and future of our children are at stake.
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There are alternatives to blind mass vaccination, specifically the [Leicester Method] (17), which involves isolation of cases and only select vaccination of direct contacts.
The town of Leicester in England suffered one of the highest mortality rates from smallpox in the early 1800′s, while having one of the highest vaccination rates. They decided as a town to stop blind mass-population vaccinations, and instead focus on isolation of cases.
By the time they had reached rates of only 5% vaccinated, they had one of the lowest mortality rates recorded from smallpox.  
There is [Compelling Evidence] (18) from the available official data that the smallpox vaccine had no effect on the mortality rates from smallpox.
The US government has been suing Merck for several years in an [Ongoing Private Case] (19) that alleges that Merck attempted to:  “Defraud the United States through an ongoing scheme to sell the government a mumps vaccine that is mislabeled, misbranded, adulterated, and falsely certified as having an efficacy rate that is significantly higher than it actually is.”  Although this case has been ongoing for several years, all of the details are closed to the public and concerned individual citizens.
I have documented a lack of research into vaccines. I have documented evidence of injury from vaccines. I have documented conflicts of interest in vaccine approval. I have documented ongoing court cases about vaccine fraud. I never wanted to be an “anti-vaxxer…” But when I add up the facts on my own (instead of what is represented in the media) I don’t end up at the conclusion that anyone who doesn’t vaccinate is the largest and most immediate threat to my life. Instead I am forced to conclude that this a complex issue, and the science is FAR from settled.
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
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awakentheworld · 8 years
why am i laughing so hard
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