awesomeamy · 20 days
If god loved me Jon and Gerry would be BFFs that love each other every much
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Can I have a cigarette?
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Last thing a phantom sees or something like that
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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just another goddamn mystery
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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the admiral
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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“So if little girls experience their menstrual cycle in 5th grade or 4th grade, will that prohibit conversations from them since they are in the grade lower than sixth grade?” asked state Rep. Ashley Gantt, a Democrat who taught in public schools and noted that girls as young as 10 can begin having periods.
“It would,” McClain responded.
Unbelievable. Link to article.
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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as they should
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Stargazing ✨
For SweetsoulLov3r on Twitter/X
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Name: School bus graveyard
Genre: Horror & thriller
Where to read: Webtoon
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Name: Homesick
Genre: Horror & Thriller
Where to read: Webtoon
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Hello Tumblr, I heard the whump community likes my comic 👀 Enjoy Theo as he dramatically lays on the floor... ignore the chains
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awesomeamy · 1 month
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Mumyeong Heo | The Gwichon Village Mystery
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awesomeamy · 2 months
"Make eye contact with the shark so it knows you mean business."
Me: 👁👄👁
The shark: 👁 👁
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awesomeamy · 2 months
Fish of the day
Today's fish of the day is the Frilled shark!
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The frilled shark, scientific name Chlamydoselachus anguineus, is known for its irregular teeth. This animal is often referred to as serpent-esc due to the unique swimming motions, and living in the darkened sea floor, where they can camouflage. Found at depths of 120-1,280 meters of depth (394-4,200 feet) the distribution of these animals is referred to as "spotty" and despite knowing of them since the 1870's, we are unsure of their full range. However, we have found all current populations in the Indo-Pacific, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. 
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Notable populations can be found along the Pacific coastline along California, Chile, Japan, and Southern Australia and New Zealand. Notable Atlantic populations are along the coast of Brazil, outside Southern Canada, Florida, the Western Sahara, and The West coast of Europe. They live along the edges of the continental shelf, spacing itself from both coastlines and the surface. Like other deep sea sharks, the frilled shark takes place in diel migration, which is a migration that takes place nightly when deep sea animals travel toward the surface when it is dark to prey on surface animals.
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Considered as one of the older and more primitive sharks, this 6 gilled wonder has fossils that were found dating as far back as 95 million years ago, making them living fossils. Related to the Greenland sharks, scaffold sharks, and silk sharks they are a member of the Hexanchiformes order, what was once thought to be the basal group for sharks, but it actually just a particularly old order within the Squalomoprpha subdivision. The Hexanchiformes order is known for having no nictating membranes, a further back spiracle than most sharks, and notable to our focus today, lacking the multi layer enameloid layer on the tops of teeth.  
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Before we had found many of the specimen that named them living fossils, the frilled shark specifically was thought of as old due to their only partial cartilaginous notochord, which is a kind of elastic rod-like structure found in bilateral animals. Notochord can be found is all embryonic vertebrates, but is replaced by the bony vertebral column, with the original notochord being found in the intervertebral discs. The mouth of the frilled shark contains 300 needle-teeth which has a cusp and two cusplets (a raised surface, and then two divots outside of it, making smaller raised surfaces) which have anywhere from 19-29 rows on the top and bottom. The mouth is known for being able to open wide and eat foods that are larger then their entire body, similar to other deep sea fish, but being the only shark to do so.
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The diet of the shark is primarily made up of cephalopods, but will eat gastropods, fish, and small sharks when available. It hunts for these with mechanoreceptor hair cells, which sense movement and vibration, and pressure in the water nearby them. The frilled shark is a ambush predator, often preying on tired or dying prey that have finished spawning, hiding along the sea floor, waiting to strike by biting. These teeth are used for snagging animals and hooking into the flesh so regardless of struggle, and the frilled sharks relatively weak bite, they cannot be freed.
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Frilled sharks have defined breeding season, but they do have a size at which they reach sexual maturity. At around 1-1.2 meters male frilled sharks will mature, and at around 1.3-1.5 the female sharks will do the same. The shark is ovoviviparous, meaning that they are an egg, but that this egg will hatch within the mother and the pup will then sustain off of this yolk until live birth, and the shark will have as many as 2-15 pups after their gestation of 3-3.5 years. The pups are then left to fend for themselves, and will reach a full adult size of 2 meters, and pass away anywhere from 20-25 years after birth.
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Have a wonderful day, everybody!
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awesomeamy · 2 months
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the majestic whark (rhincodon typus). an animal of all time for sure
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awesomeamy · 2 months
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Behold!!! He is here!!!! I further fucked up my sleep schedule to get photos in natural lighting to show all the pretty details. Im so happy its done, i love him sm!!!! He sucked the soul straight out of my mortal body!!!!!!
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