a frase que propaga os gritos de minha alma
“Cuidado você não está no País das Maravilhas.
Escuto uma estranha loucura crescendo em sua alma. 
Mas, você é feliz na sua ignorância. No seu isolamento. 
Você que sofreu, descubra onde o amor se esconde.
Dê, compartilhe, perca- para que não morra sem florescer. “
Allen Ginsberg em Versos de Um Crime
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Amoçavinho versâo 0.1
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feel the morning on my face, ain’t a pill that i didn’t take
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I was once happy, content, sloshing around in my own private, primordial pool. Then one day, for reasons beyond my control, I was repeatedly crushed over and over by the cruel cervix of my mother, Leslie. I put up a good fight, but I lost, for the first time, but not the last. I was born three days after 9/11.
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Delete Instagram>Delete email accounts>Break cell phone>Throw in Fire>Sell House>Live in woods>Find bottle in river>Has note inside>It’s from Instagram>Please update your email.
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Mahershala Ali speaks out against persecution in crucial SAG Awards acceptance speech
follow @the-movemnt
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I got some things to say.
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This trans woman has an important message to bigoted pro-lifers about the hypocrisy of their message
Citing the disproportionately high suicide rates amongst transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, Jackson asked, “where is that same social conservative? Shouldn’t they be trying to help me stay alive when I’m weak and vulnerable again?”
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Appalled Graphic Designer Shows Girls’ Life Magazine What Their Cover Should Look Like 
 “A couple of weeks ago we ran a piece about an image that was posted on social media and went viral. It was a side-by-side shot of this Girls’ Life magazine cover (left, lead image) next to the cover of Boys’ Life magazine that served as a harsh reminder of the stereotyped messages that, even in the year 2016, are STILL marketing to girls. After seeing it posted on her Facebook feed, Katherine Young, a graphic designer, took matters into her own hands and decided to show Girls’ Life what their cover SHOULD look like.
Putting her graphic skills to work, in just a few minutes, Katherine swapped out the cover girl for Olivia Hallisey, the 2015 Google Science Fair Grand Prize winner, and photoshopped in some new, inspired and empowering headlines. The result? A magazine cover that offers girls better alternatives to tips on how to “Wake up Pretty.”
Katherine was motivated to change the cover so that others will be more aware of the messages they are sending to girls. “I hope this sparks conversation with both girls and boys. They all need to know that girls are more than a pretty face.”
Read the full piece here
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Having a baby in your family makes you realize just how many of your own relatives have seen your junk at some point in their lives.
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