awesomewhalebags · 3 years
Eco Friendly and Recyclable Flip Flops
We love this, because that's what it means to create and consume sustainably. With arch support, waterproof quality and a non-slip textured top sheet, both slides and flip-flops are designed for all-terrain use. These ethical outdoor sandals are adventure-ready to last.
Indosole Ethical and Sustainability Practices Materials: these are, first and foremost, recycled tyre flip flops.
The outsole is made of tire tread and the straps are made of a material called "ENVRO" fiber that uses little water in the process and gives off a leather-like feel while not using any animal by-products, is low-impact, free of cruelty, does not contain any kind of plastic and is 100% waterproof.
Supply Chain & Labor Practices: As a certified B-corp, Indosole maintains high-quality ethics throughout its manufacturing processes and supply chains. With annual audits across a variety of impact areas, this certification ensures that their workers are paid fairly and work in a safe environment.They also operate within a relatively safe range of environmental impacts.
For an extra step above the rest, most of their supply chain is within Indonesia – from the purchase of tires from garages and tire brokers to the final production of local craftsmen.
Community & charitable donation: Indosole organizes and promotes a variety of charitable events to cultivate the community of Good Humans. They include charity basketball tournaments, Fashion Revolution Week events, and more.They will also launch a partnership with Soles 4 Souls to return displaced families through a disaster relief program.
Based in NSW, Australia, Guardians For Our Future is a relatively new company run by a woman who involved in Women's whale treads and spent years working with at-risk youth and the Australian fashion industry.
For the benefit of youth-focused charities, they sell GOTS certified organic cotton clothing, mostly ethical active clothing for men, women and children. Their fun shoes really embodies the notion that "there really isn't a wrong string. "Featuring funky insole designs by artist Keo Match, these planet-friendly flip flops can even be customized with your own text.Fun fact: they're also partnering with Etiko (an eco-friendly sneaker brand) to sell some of their vegan, organic cotton tops.
Guardians of the Ethical and Sustainability Practices of Our Future
Materials: These mixed recycled rubber flip flops are made of recycled rubber part and FSC-certified natural rubber part. There are no glues or chemicals involved in the bonding process. If you're unable to compost your flip flops when they're worn out, send them back to the Guardians to recycle the furniture! Supply Chain & Labor Practices: These flip flops are made from sustainably harvested materials by a Fair Trade organization in Sri Lanka.GFOF ship in Hero Packaging of compostable saddles made of sweet cornstarch and sugar cane. Even the Pure Labels are made of all-natural, unbleached cane paper and are certified compostable with a soil-safe adhesive.
About Original Cork Shop Composable Flip Flops
We love cork for a lot of reasons (which you can read about below) and, thankfully, the Original Cork Shop, too! What started as a disappointing boy's search for environmentally friendly flip flops soon turned into a truly sustainable shoe brand. Their cork flip flops are available for adults and children in a variety of colors. We especially love how children's styles have extra heel straps, so your little one is less likely to lose their shoes.
Original Cork Shop Ethical and Sustainability Practices
Materials: The original Cork Shop flip flops are 100% cork, from the foot bed to the straps, to the flexible and gripping rubber cork sole.
While these are water-friendly and beach-friendly, cork may deteriorate with prolonged exposure to salt. If you're wearing it in the ocean, be sure to wipe it afterwards to give your flip flops the longest possible life.
Supply Chain & Labor Practices: The original Cork Shop is about keeping things local, fair trade, and cruelty free. Everything is 100% sourced and made at its base in Portugal, where most of the world's cork trees are found.
Reusable face masks with Whale bags
Face mask designs vary from company to company, but we’re convinced Whale bags masks feature everything important to consider when choosing a reusable face mask.  The masks are an incredible qualities:-
●     ADJUSTABLE. Use the adjustable ear loops with elastic bands to find the perfect fit.
●     REUSABLE. Wash and use over and over.
●     BREATHABLE. Made with a double layer cotton blend which allows for easy breathability.
●     WASHABLE. Can be machine-washed at 140°F water then air dried.
●     HAND-SEWN. Hand-sewn by women artisans in Zambia.
●     SUSTAINABLE. Use of reusable cloth masks helps to cut down on landfill waste.
●     UNIQUE. Stand out from the crowd with a unique Chitenge print (coming soon!).
Learn more about chitenge, Zambia’s beautiful fabric
Chitenge (often spelled Kitenge), is a fabric that’s heavily used in many parts of the African continent, including Zambia, People’s artisans live. The Zambian chitenge handmade masks prints are very colorful and versatile; the fabric is most often used in clothes, headwraps, baby slings, and blankets. And now, with the pandemic calling for reusable face masks, whalebags is taking beautiful chitenge fabric and sewing it into stunning face masks. Given the traditional chitenge prints used to create many of the masks, every mask has its own unique design.
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
What to Do With All Those Used Tyres?
Roughly 1.5 billion tons of tires are delivered every year around the globe - which means similarly the same number of should be discarded sometime in the future. Uplifting news: they're driving forward the roundabout economy.
 At the point when we talk about supportability and transportation, we normally will in general zero in on the most evident perspective: the molecule contamination that comes from fumes pipes and the CO2 discharges brought about by the burning of oil based items, similar to gas, in inside ignition motors. Yet, portability makes different difficulties as well - like how to manage the issue of neglected tires. For quite a long time, utilized tires were basically discarded into landfill, or copied - yet since the time a 2006 EU order forbidding them from being unloaded in landfill, development has been needed to transform purported end-of-life tires into something new. From sports shoes to material tiles, here are a portion of the manners in which that tires are joining the round economy:
 1.Football pitches and running tracks
One arrangement which has been around for quite a while is the act of destroying old tires down into elastic granules which at that point go about as infill in counterfeit turf on football fields, or as somewhat fun, stun engrossing deck for athletic tracks and even kids' jungle gyms.
Throughout the previous few years, a few shoe brands have been utilizing end-of-life tires in their plans. Xinca, an Argentinian startup, works with single parents and jail prisoners to make shoes with soles produced using neglected tires. Ecoalf is another brand transforming tires into shoes - flip flops - without utilizing coagulants, synthetic compounds or glues. You can look at the cycle underneath.
 3. sound walls
In the Czech Republic, plan organization mmcité+ is transforming old tires into commotion hindrances - dividers that are fixed close by railroads or expressway framework to lessen vehicle clamor. Four tires can make one square meter.
In the Spanish city of Granada as well, a task has added elastic to cable car rails to help diminish the commotion of the passing cable cars and lessen vibrations.
 4.road signs and street surfaces
Just as making shoes, tire-reusing organization Gomavial is diverting the elastic from neglected tires into sturdy, Recycled tyre flipflops street signs - 250 tires are reused to make 1000 signs.
 Blending black-top and "scrap elastic" additionally creates something many refer to as rubberised black-top, which can be utilized as a street surface. This exploits the versatility and commotion engrossing qualities of the street surface and builds security when streets are wet.
 5.as sturdy structure materials
Tests have discovered that adding polymer strands from tires to concrete made the solid stronger - contracting both the tire business' carbon impression and, since concrete is a significant wellspring of ozone harming substances, decreasing the development business' discharges.
Tires could likewise offer a special reward in quake inclined locales. In Ecuador, understudy Pamela Hidalgo has concocted a method of making tiles out of this reused elastic powder - bringing about an item that is both less expensive and lighter than customary roofing materials and could decrease harm from regular wonders, for example, tremors.
A totally better approach for contemplating creation, and an option to the customary "take, use, arrange" attitude, you can peruse more about the roundabout economy here.
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
Zambian Chitenge reusable fabric mask is a win-win for the environment .They come in several sizes, and are also completely washable
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
Recycled Flip-flops by whale bags. Available best quality Multi-colored whale treads for Men and Women both. Stylish and good for the environment!
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
What kind of material makes the best reusable bags?
We've been asked what the best reusable bags are! Bulletin Bag features custom bags made from a wide variety of materials and fabrics. Every material has its own advantages and drawbacks, so the right reusable bags really in the audience's eyes, project manager! Although it is true that the manufacture and shipment of reusable bags has an impact on the environment, any reusable bag is more environmentally friendly than the alternative: single-use paper or plastic bags. High quality bags are always better than one for the climate. So, how do you choose the right reusable bag for your needs? Learn about your material choices in this guide to help you make your decision. You may also want to look at how to wash reusable bags. Often the best reusable shopping bags are those you don't have to waste extra time washing!
The COTTON bags come in a number of combinations. Bulletin Bag offers conventional cotton, organic cotton and recycled cotton bags. Organic Cotton Whalebags is cultivated without pesticides and is usually accredited in compliance with global standards. Recycled cotton consists of recycled organic and conventional cotton scrap (which would usually end up in a landfill) which is recycled or spun into new yarns. Traditional cotton processing includes raw, natural fibre, but needs more chemicals than any other crop. Notice that cotton comes in various weights, which are defined in ounces. Reusable Organic Cotton Bags are usually 10 to 12 ounces, but we do sell less expensive bags of between 5 and 8 ounces. Take sure to take note of the weight when comparing the bags. Cotton is often considered to be the material that makes the best reusable shopping bags because of its many advantages: Advantages:
• Biodegradable/Natural fibre plant • Renewable resources • Solid and durable; • Gentle, smooth and friendly to the touch; • Widely available in the USA and abroad; • Can be machine washed in cold water, like colours. We suggest air drying to minimise shrinkage and to maintain the longevity of any printing process. • Cotton is the perfect 'canvas' for logo printing on reusable bags. In addition to screen printing and full-color heat transfer printing, some custom cotton bags may also be printed in full bleed. Disadvantages: • Not resistant to moisture unless chemically treated • High water use crop • Traditional (non-organic) cotton accounts for 16% of pesticides in the world. • Heavy, cumbersome and costly to ship; •Like everything made from 100% cotton, the bags can shrink and wrinkle with a washing machine (to limit this, wash in cold water and air dry). HEMP grows well without pesticides or fertilisers and is tolerant of drought. Each acre produces three to six tonnes of dry fibre. Hemp fibres are one of the longest, strongest and most robust fibres on Earth and are many times stronger than cotton. Advantages: • Incredibly solid, resilient and rot-resistant • It can grow in poor soils with little water • Processed hemp is soft, smooth and easy to touch. • Most reusable hemp bags can be machine washed and dried. • Hemp becomes stronger over time and 'breaks in' beautifully when used regularly • Hemp can be mixed with other materials to produce highly attractive, high-end fabrics with a linen-like feel (hemp is typically blended with cotton or recycled PET) Disadvantages: • Currently, it cannot be manufactured in the US (hemp products in the western world are imported) • It can be costly • It can be grainy, but most of it is refined. Refined hemp uses a good amount of water. JUTE is a natural plant fibre that is often referred to as hessian or burlap. Advantages: • Natural renewable resources • The jute is biodegradable and compostable; • To be grown • Durable use • Grows in high rainfall areas which require little to no pesticides or irrigation. • Can be combined with other fabrics Disadvantages: • Not very resistant to moisture unless chemically treated or laminated • Grain texture • Printing limited to thick lines and bold objects
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
Theses eco-friendly flip flops will massage your feet while being gentle on the planet. They're made with natural and recycled rubber
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awesomewhalebags · 3 years
A Chitenge mask made by a small group of women in Zambia. Can help you to stay safe from Covid 19 . Visit now for more information.
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