awkward-ark · 2 months
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DAY 2: Romance
Consistency??? Sorry I've never met her, she sounds nice @owl-bones
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awkward-ark · 6 months
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Sirentale - Chapter 01 (Part 01) Based on the various works by @llamagoddessofficial and @aka-indulgence
If you like what I make, please consider sending me a Kofi sometime~
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awkward-ark · 6 months
Do you happen to have an a03 or fanfiction account? Or anywhere i can read your fanfics?
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@zandiiangelspit share an ao3 where we have some completed work up, under “wumpusandzandii” and we’ve got a shared tumblr blog under the same moniker. It is in desperate need of some attention, love and new content from us, and we’re doing our best to get to where we’re doing that regularly! We have a lot of story writing done that isn’t up there yet, but it’s my plan to edit and upload while Zan brings it to life with art!
My age shows with social media (I’m 41 now, can you imagine!) but Zan is really fantastic about keeping up with it and making sure I’m in the loop, too! She’s the real MVP when it comes to getting our work out there!
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awkward-ark · 7 months
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submitted by @maxbruiser​ !!
These weres submitted but Tumblr wouldn’t let me post the submissions for some reason, I had to download them and put them in a separate post. BUT!! LOOK AT THESE I LOVE IT!! I’m going to tag ramble
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awkward-ark · 8 months
Chapter One - New Beginnings
*Some mild swearing.
“Oh, for crying out loud.”
It was the second time that day she had spilled milk on her Doc Martens.  Stowing the rebel milk jug in the mini fridge under the counter, she put her hands on her hips and huffed a clump of stray blonde hair out of her eyes.  That was going to require attention, and she had plans when she got off work.  Having her boots smell sour just wouldn’t do.
She moved the coffee across the counter with a smile and checked her watch.  Almost done for the day.  Her family should start congregating there any time now.  That cheered her back up a bit.  Grabbing a towel, she started wiping things down to prepare for the end of her shift.
As if on cue, the bell on the coffee shop door jingled.  Hearing the tell-tale click of heel on the floor, she whipped around with a huge grin on her face. “Stacey!” she cried, bouncing around the counter for a hug.
Her friend was well prepared for the exuberant embrace and squeezed her, laughing.  “Hey, Michelle.  Is this a ‘today was totally awesome’ hug or ‘today sucked and I’m so happy to see you’ hug?”
Michelle pulled the pencils out of her wavy blonde hair and shook it out. She began sweeping it back up, contemplating her answer.  “Close! Today kind of sucked and I’m totally happy to see you because tonight’s going to be awesome!”
Stacey absently checked her brunette curls, half pulled back in a retro style with a flower on one side.  She sighed and leaned against the counter as Michelle went back behind it.  Tugging at her lacy LBD, she said, “I’m glad you’re excited.  I’m only going because I have to.  I’d rather be in sweatpants right now.”
“Are you kidding me right meow?  Girl, you are totally rockin’ that dress and your art is the shizz.  Plus, free wine!  What’s not to like?” Michelle, as animated as ever, replied.
“These art gallery events are full of snobs who wouldn’t know good art if I clobbered them over the head with it,” she sniffed with a touch of a smirk playing at her red lips.
“Maybe you should.  It would definitely liven things up a bit!”
The two dissolved into laughter as the bell on the door jingled again.  Along with the tiniest of footsteps accompanied the loudest looking little pixie of a person.  She skipped over to the two at the counter, short silver hair bouncing around gigantic brown eyes.  “What is up, mah peeps?  Have I missed all of the fun already?” she chirped.
“Just talking about knocking people over the head with chunks of Stacey’s ceramics.  What is up with you this fine day, Lil?” Michelle answered, voice full of mirth ad starting on Lily’s favorite drink.  She didn’t have to ask, it was what she always wanted.
“Ooooooh, is that the plan?  I’ll aim for the crotch, I can’t reach that high,” Lily answered, giggling.  Her incredibly short stature didn’t bother her at all.  In fact, she revelled in it.
“Aim for Paul first,” Stacey laughed, referencing her boss.  “He’s the one making me attend in the first place.”
“Ahhh, but joo are heez fav-o-rite peeze of art!”  Lily said with a thick, fake French accent and a broad flourish of her arm.
This send the three of them into another fit of giggles.  “Ugh, don’t remind me.  Thankfully, he’s not actually French or he’d just completely peg the annoy-o-meter.”
“Truth,” Michelle said, with a nod of her head.  She slid the drinks to her cousin and friend, then checked her watch again.  Her blue eyes flashed from it to the door, expecting one more.  “Do you think I’ll have time to change?” She tugged at her black boat neck shirt and smoothed the pleats on her skirt.
Stacey waved her off with a ‘psssht.’  “You look adorable, just like you always do.”
“I spilled milk on my boots,” she said with a pout.  “Twice.”
Lily cocked her head to one side, mouth pursed in consideration.  “Well, if they start to smell bad, it gives us an excuse to leave early.”
“Gotta go, Paul.  Stanky boots.  Don’t ask,”  Stacey acted out, sending them into laughter again.  In their mirth, they missed the third jingle of the door.
“Stanky boots?  Perhaps I shouldn’t ask,” the smooth voice floated over to them.  They all turned as one to greet the raven haired girl they had been waiting for.  Her lithe form slipped in between Stacey and Lily, arms around their waists.  “Sounds like plans are already slipping into the gutter.”
“It’s like you know us, Ev,” Lily sarcastically replied, but with humor.
Evelyn smiled at her sister, gray eyes sparkling fondly.  She brushed her loose hair back off her shoulder.  “Probably more than is good for any of us.  I don’t have to get my boots stanky, do I?  They’re still new.”  She rocked back on her heels to admire the knee high black riding boots.
“I gotcha covered,” Michelle smiled, removing her apron as her relief entered the shop from in back.  “The docs are down.  I repeat, we have a pair of docs down.”
“Are we ready to blow this popsicle stand?”  Lily enquired, snagging her drink off the counter and bobbing on the balls of her feet.
Stacey pushed herself off the counter and ruffled her pint-sized friend’s hair affectionately.  “Remind me why you ever actually need caffeine?”
Evelyn straightened the front of her military style jacket and tugged her plain black tank down over her denim leggings.  “I don’t know about that, but I know I need some food.  We were cataloging in the library section today and I missed lunch.  I’m getting hangry.”
Michelle emerged from her brief trip in the back with her purse.  She threw it over her shoulder cross body style and smirked.  “And you won’t like her when she’s hangry.”  Dodging the wadded napkin thrown at her by her cousin, she hid behind Stacey.  “Hide me, oh glamazon!”
Stacey spun, trying to catch the fitfully giggling Chelle, to no avail.  “It’s not my fault you guys are all so freaking short!” she protested.
“Hey, I’m not short!”  Ev said poutily, hands on her hips.  She batted at Stacey’s arm as she passed it rather easily over her head in demonstration.
“Careful, you’ll trigger the hangry Hulk mode!” Lily chimed in, pretending to hide behind one of the cafe tables.
“Oh, that’s it…” Ev started after her sister, but Stacey snagged her arm.  Smiling at her, she moved the hand to her back.
“Let’s go grab Chinese on the way to the gallery, shall we?  I’m paying, since you guys are my dates.”
“Oh honey, you cannot afford me,” Michelle giggled with a z-snap, grabbing the door for the group as they filed out.
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awkward-ark · 8 months
A TMNT Papa Turtles Ficlet
“Mama, when is daddy gonna be home?”
Sighing and closing her eyes, Stacey replied, “For the tenth time, I don’t know, honey.”
Sera harumphed and folded her arms while in her upside down position on the couch. She scowled in the general direction of the TV. “Can’t ya call him or somethin’?”
“You know I can’t do that. Daddy is doing important things, and can’t be interrupted. I want him home as much as you do,” Stacey replied, though the edge of her tone showed it was a well worn explanation.
Pushing up into a handstand against the back of the couch, Sera let her legs teeter over and pushed off so she would land on her feet in front of the couch. She just barely managed it, wobbling precariously as she landed. “Ha! Nailed it,” she proclaimed proudly.
“Are you forgetting that part of the deal was you staying on the couch and resting?” Stacey asked rhetorically, her eyebrows arched at her daughter. Raph was out much later than he had anticipated upon leaving, and she was beginning to regret promising Sera that she could stay up until he got home.
With a dramatic sigh, she flopped back down onto the couch face first, arms and legs sprawled. Her voice muffled in her pillow, she complained, “But he’s taking foreeeeverrrr. When’s he gonna be home?”
Dropping her hands into her lap, Stacey pursed her lips. “Seraphine Rose, if you ask one more time, you’re going to bed.”
Groaning, Sera relented and rolled to her side, tucking her knees up under her chin and staring at the TV without seeing it. “Okay, mama. I’m just…”
Noticing the sudden shift in her demeanor, Stacey turned to look at her. “Just what, honey?”
She sniffed and huddled up a little tighter. “I’m just worried.”
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awkward-ark · 8 months
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raph then went and bought himself a ‘best uncle’ mug ;)
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awkward-ark · 8 months
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Non related information [what programms I use for animation]: I use Toon Boom Harmony Premium (mostly. Like it very much, it has a lot of stuff and it's comfortable for me...) But Krita and Clip Studio Paint (animation mode) are also not bad, but for more painted looks Tips ha-ha (Boosty.to) [I don't know anymore when exactly this will end]
Life of violence era Masterpost (I'm running out of symbols on masterport...) __________________________ Prologue [L.O.V.E] Ep 1. [The day we (Leo) lost the key] Ep 2. [The calm before the storm] Ep 3. [Moving forward] Ep 4. [Little oasis] Ep 5. [We lose, we gain] Ep 6. [Lair games] Ep 7. [This is in the past, remember, I'll fix everything] Ep 8. I told you I have a plan Ep 9. This place may be hell, but this is our home --------------------------------- Animatic stuff: I'm not okay | Here comes the boy | Middle of the night | Baby Casey | some kind of magic Mikey?? | Donbot
Fan animatics for "Cass Apocalyptic series" by @/somerandomdudelmao :
First "Nothing" Rain scene with uncle Tello Death that murdered thousands... Death that murdered thousands... part 2 Casey's present Badass Dirty brother killer Mikey the fury of the apocalypse and loneliness Raph's heart... "Nothing" full animatic I'll see you again "We are meant to be together" Casey being badass "You're gone but I don't know why" More Casey and Uncle Tello comfort Hurts like Hell My drug is my baby wip(?) wip "I am the man" part 1 | part 2 Raph's finally sleeping comfy gif wip (?) random wip (?) "Can you bake a pie?" Windy scene with Raph Not exactly CAS, but there is CAS Donnie *cough* "Waiting for love" animatic He knows Finale Poison Purple touch Twin I love you Brother What if Mikey 7 years Hometown smile Mirror of my soul We live in cities Pompeii
Also I will attach a CAS edits by @/jj3628 GOD ANIMATIC BY @/wickcipher
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awkward-ark · 8 months
Okay, I reeeeally hope this works properly...
Cass apocalyptic series Masterpost
Also known as "Would you believe me if I promised you a good ending" Would even I believe myself? .....
So...one day I thought "hmmm, what if we had another season about the bad timeline" and then I went to draw it
Tip jar (my Ko-fi page) Check for recent updates
Fanart Edits Fanfics Little interesting details
Ep 1. Master Leonardo becomes Baby Blue once again
Ep 2. Can you carry your uncles?
Ep 3. Raph is dead. The good news is it's fixable
Ep 4. Your brain may be human, but your soul speaks in turtle
Ep 5. Mikey looks sixty, but he's not even forty. Donnie can do something about that
Ep 6. Krangified
Ep 7. How many cool points does your dad have?
Ep 8. You may not be human. You might actually be a turtle
Ep 9. Commander O'Neil
Ep 10. Tiny Tello
Ep 11. The little things
Ep 12. Everything is falling apart
Ep 13. You are in the past, your thoughts are in the future
Ep 14. Donatello
Ep 15. Raphael
Ep 16. And the two they left behind
If you use my comic pages in your art (such as voiceovers, edits, etc) please credit me as their author and attach a link to this blog.
Otherwise, I can and will report you for copyright infringement. Thanks:)
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awkward-ark · 9 months
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Suddenly, you feel something warm engulf your frame. A blue sleeve of a jacket hangs from your side.
“here kid. don’t want you giving me the cold shoulder.”
You turn around to face Sans, who smiles and winks at you. Grateful, you pull your arms through the sleeves of his jacket. It smells like pine and ketchup. “Thanks. I’m sorry about… everything in there.” You can’t meet his gaze.
“hey, don’t sweat it. i get what’s going on.” He sits down on the porch steps, and you blow out a sigh and plop down beside him.
                            Skeleton Squatters and the Landlady, Ch 26: Family Dinner
                                                                                            by @tyranttortoise
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awkward-ark · 9 months
Part one of "Some interesting devil fruit abilities for reader to have in the pirate au" (from someone who's never seen one piece so bear with me)
I'm not a native English speaker so these may have some mistakes in them, sorry!
Also, this particular pirate au was created by @mega-punani! Thank you for creating characters I can rotate in my head like popcorn in a microwave xx
I present to you: Pocket docter!!
Devil fruit: Tiny fruit
Reader can get tiny at will!
Thats it.
...Well, okay, they have some outfits that shrink with them, and possibly some jewelry and stuff they keep on them at all times, like a little healing kit! Outfits that don't fit or they don't consider theirs wont shrink or grow with them. Embarrassing!
Probably a little salty that they gave up their ability to swim in the ocean for this... regardless of having had a choice in the matter. Its not a flashy cool power but it sure can be useful!
They can make really specialized tiny tools, get very specific parts of plants and other remedies for illnesses, and they can treat delicate wounds with extreme precision if needed! The tiniest needle and thread known to man is at their disposal.
This power could have reader in fight scenes but in someones pocket, passed around to heal during battle (a little risky but that's fun!) or captured by an enemy and then suddenly be gone (if there's no sea prism stones used ofc).
Not to mention some interesting interactions with the boys!
Sans put his hat on your head while you were tiny and laughed his head off-- its a pretty goofy sight and you're struggling to keep it near you against the wind. You still insist it looked better on you than it does on him and he kind of agrees.
You end up sewing teeny tiny little things into his hat whenever you end up trapped under there. Little stars and shapes, puns, messages... You've assured him you can easily remove them but he loves it. At some point he offers it as a makeshift bed for you if you ever need it, having added a tiny pillow and letting you use the scarf as a blanket. The sight of you asleep in his hat on his nightstand endears him to no end.
Dang hes already tall but Papyrus really dwarfs you huh? He will encourage you to not feel bad or less than others for being absolutely tiny!! --even if your normal form is about average or even tall. Everyone is small compared to him and he's truly nice about it so you forgive him for it.
I feel like he might accidentally forget you in the crows nest and then frantically get the crew looking for you while you're just chilling up there. He didn't forget to put your safety first up there so you've got a lovely view to enjoy!
(Hes no longer the shortest let's GOOOOO-)
Alright so Blue is the most dangerous man to be around out of all of them. Not out of malice of course! Hes just very strong and very energetic, and where Papyrus might punctuate his extravagant poses with acrobatics, Blue does so with his unbridled strength! Which meaaaans he might grip you just a little tight when picking you up, or that he'll forget you're near him while moves around, sweeping your feet out from under you. He definitely learns with time, but you're having much more fun being carried around while at your normal size.
You've pranked Stretch by pretending to be a rat a couple of times, scuttling from under a table or jumping at him suddenly because you are very funny! And also because he was trying to ignore your presence on the ship at first. What better ways to get along than to prank and bother him relentlessly until he talks to you? Unfortunately for his pride, it works, and the pranking turns into lighthearted inside jokes instead. He wont admit it, but hes much less jumpy at the sight of wandering mice and rats now...
I also think Stretch has some of the softest clothes on the ship, and that on some cold days, you can snooze in his hood/scarf while he plays some gentle tunes. Its a very relaxing time for both of you.
Red thinks you're so, so cute... now how can he convey this to you without sounding condescending?
Through trial and error of course! You can yell at him that hes being mean and he'll think its hot, but he will genuinely tweak his approach to you a bit. He'll call you kitten, but if you say you feel he's not taking you seriously when you're small he'll only say it when you're regular sized. Hell he'll call you boss or sir/lady if that's the only thing you can tolerate. And also because that's funny as hell.
You asked to help him with hard to reach nooks and crannies on the ship and its really bonding for you both. He will always check/clean whatever spot you need to reach a bit before you climb in (like a gentlemonster) and then he'll stare at your ass when you're reaching for whatever is inside (like a perv!).
Someone makes mother hen and chickadee joke.
Someone gets tossed off the ship.
It might not be the worst analogy though: Edge is quite protective of you when you're that small, and you can always turn to him when you're 'getting bullied' by the rest of the crew. Hide in his coat and stick your tongue out while he chides them, that'll show 'm!
Edge is probably one of the people who suggested creating a little room for you to do tiny crafts in so he doesn't accidentally blow your materials away when he walks past in a hurry. He has places to be! Its definitely not because he thinks you're cute and distracting nope--
He does kind of regret it sometimes when he hasn't seen you all day. Show him you thought of him by gifting him a tiny craft, yeah?
Reader might help Razz get super specialized tiny equipment to draw with, like incredibly sharp edged pencils or brushes with materials that you know will still draw well at that size. It could make his detailed works even better!!
...ifffff he lets you watch while he works of course. It'll help you get a better understanding of what he needs! Besides, its very easy to forget that there's a cute little human on your shoulder when you're concentrating that hard. Surely you wouldn't surprise-attack kiss him on the cheek will you? ;)
You get stolen/kidnapped by Cash often, for 'ransom' (food or favors from the others), 'evil purposes' (pranks) or 'for funsies' (attention). Depending on your tolerance/love for pranks he could be an awesome pranking buddy, or a bit of a nightmare.
He might scam people by selling you as a fairy in a cage and then stealing you back immediately, or by trying to convince you to help him cheat at games with a drunk bunch in a pub.
Of course, your ability to grow back to normal size ensures there's always some form of consent to these japes. If you've had enough, grow back to size on his shoulder or in his hand, that'll show him!! He's to lanky to keep his balance, even if he sees it coming.
Bear loves feeding you things when you're small, since most foods are tough to eat when your head is the size of a grape. For example, eating crackers forces you to nibble like a mouse would which is adorable to him. He also tries to make tiny sized dishes for you for a few reasons: one, it hides the before mentioned intentions of watching you eat behind just making you food, two, he's bored and tiny dishes are genuinely challenging, and three: it gets him genuine compliments and interactions with you, resulting in a lovely blushy skeleton.
Also the teaspoon thing would be so funny in this context lmao. You can buy or carve a pretty one to make him feel better about it if you want, and he would find it hilarious if you made and showed him tiny sized food utensils.
You pull Cinnamon around ratatouille-style on occasion. Or at least he definitely lets you lead him around the place while chatting excitedly about everything and nothing. He loves having you so close, and you've built up enough trust for him to know you wont embarrass or prank him. Not that you could pull off a prank anyway: his ability to see auras makes him the only person on the ship who rarely overlooks you when you're tiny.
You've both decided he doesn't tell the others where you are when you need some time alone, but he does feel better knowing you're safe on the ship somewhere, so you do give him a little wave when you spot him.
Then for some extra little tidbits:
If Blue or Red are being annoying while training with reader (as in using reader like a weight for training), reader will suddenly shrink to throw them off balance.
If you're the kind of person to avoid confrontation when you're in trouble then congrats! You can now blip out of place during any uncomfy conversation. This leads to things like the following:
If you nervously leave a lot of conversations by shrinking and leaving when Edge is grilling you, he might take the hint that he's being more harsh then you can handle and he'll treat you with a different tone of voice (to the best of his ability of course). He might use some excuse about his loud voice impacting your tiny tiny eardrums or something but we all know you're just a softy Edge <3
And if you're a trouble-maker like some of the gang, you might actually get on bears nerves enough for him to chase you! And as that usually ends with you shrinking to avoid getting hit with a teaspoon ladle, he just picks you up and puts you in his chest pocket. You are now officially in time-out, and you can either stay there and watch him cook or grow big again and get hit (or at least, thats the implied threat. You both know he wouldn't). He says you'll stay an hour, for punishment, but it only ends up being like ten minutes before he gives mercy. Unless you get all sleepy in his pocket of course...
If the crew would ever need to find and/or rescue you, they would send Cinnamon and Edge or Sans on the case: Cinnamon can find you with his aura vision, and Edge and Sans are respectively the most focused on the task at hand and able to pull you out of whatever place you're in without hurting you.
When the crew plays card games and you're to tired to play yourself, you'll sit on someones shoulder to give advice. Is it good advice? Possibly. Are you cheating by checking in on others? Maybe. Do you use your powers for good? If whoever you're sitting with has been nice, sure :) !
You're either considered a lucky charm or a menace, its up to you ;)
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awkward-ark · 9 months
Inktober 2022 - #2 Scurry
featuring Aliza and Horror!Sans
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“run run, little treat.”
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awkward-ark · 9 months
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Am I so excited to finally be sharing this story that I made a cover image for it? You bet I am!
More info under the cut :D
A Lovely House of Bones is a story very much inspired by @tyranttortoise and her wonderful "Skeletons Squatters and the Landlady" because goddamn am I a sucker for tropes and found family and slow burns, and she inspired me to write my own take on the concept.
Chapter 1 will go up on Saturday July 29th, and I plan on releasing new chapters every other week going forward, so there will be something of a consistent update schedule (fingers crossed!)
I've been rolling this story around in my head for a long time, so it's so exciting to finally be putting it out into the world. I really hope you guys enjoy it! ♥
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awkward-ark · 2 years
My Great Comic Masterpost
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Last edit 3/11/2021 (pre-birthday time)
*in big letters are big comics or comics that are important for my history
*in BOLD letters are the newest additions to the post
Bad To The Bone (Underfell Frans, in parts, incomplete)
The Longest Proposal Ever (Horrortale Frans, 7 parts, complete)   (+ sketches)
My cage (Undertale Frans)
Nerves of steel (Undertale Frans)
Middle life crisis (Underswap Frans)
Investigation Part 1&2 (Undergate Frans)
Honest Drunk (Swapfell Frans)
Money? Take it? Please?? (Mermaid Sans x Frisk)
Dusttale - Lost Memories - Warm (Dusttale Frans)
Looking back (Parasite!tale Frans)
Experiment backfired (Underlab Frans)
Proud fiance (Reapertale Frans)
Falling for you (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
No looking up! (Swapfell Frans)
Dusttale - Lost Memories - Beginning (Dusttale Frans)
Beach Time Season 1 (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
Mermaid transition (Swapfell Frans)
Heart eyes (Swapfell Frans)
Plant the seed (Fated Swap Frans)
Break out (Songfell Frans)
Tiny socks (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Trust me (Lockfell)
Comic and a Criminal (Storyfell, 7 parts, complete)
Christmas present (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
Tired night (Songfell Frans)
Skeleton got your tongue? (Songfell Frans)
Wings of Death (Reapertale Frans)
It begins (Lockfell, will do different masterpost later)
No drool (Swapfell Frans)
Here for you (Swapfell Frans)
Shoot and win (Underfell Frans)
Tasty snack boy (Underfell Frans)
Shower song (Underfell)
Wish upon my star (Underfell Frans)
Nice skeleton (Songfell Frans)
Your worst nightmare (Nightmare Sans x Frisk, 2 parts)
Gods in the city (Reapertale Frans)
Gimme attention (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Undernovela time (Error Sans x Frisk)
Egg (Error Sans x Frisk)
Happy Father’s Day (Error Sans x Frisk)
Sorcery (Underswap Frans, mage Blue, 6 parts, incomplete)
Error and bees (Error Sans)
Horror and Dogs (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Who Wants To Live Forever (new) (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Mistletoe~ (Horrortale Frans)
Mafia Tsundere Boss (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Dating Stop! (Underswap Frans)
Pocky Day (Horrortale Frans)
Super Smash Sans (Wraithtale Frans)
Sans the Death Eater (Undertale x Harry Potter crossover, Frans)
Pay your bills (Horrortale Frans)
Check it out Sheriff (Wild West AU Frans)
The Great Bug Killer (Wild West AU Frans)
Care for a ride? (Wild West AU Frans)
Don’t you like this dress? (Underfell Frans)
Comfy hoodie (Horrortale Frans)
Stop pouting! (Error Sans x Frisk)
Message passed (Message Recieved Frans)
The witch and her student (Wiccafell Frans, part 1 and part 2)
Just a dream (Wiccafell Frans)
Tiny witch! (Wiccaswap Frans)
Game night (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Reconsaliation (Horrortale Frans)
How Did You Get Your Girlfriend? (Multiuniverse Frans)
I am the law!! (Storyfell Frans)
Boop the snoot (Felldritch (Horrorfell) Frans)
On a stroll (Horrortale Frans, has two parts but no story xD)
Pregananant (Underfell Frans)
Help needed (Error Sans x Frisk)
TAKE IT ALL! (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You beat yourself to it (Underfell Frans)
Gameeeeerrrrrs (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You got booped! (Undertale Frans)
Mistletoe! (Underfell Frans)
How do you hold hands even (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
I didn’t mean it (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Wedding day (Underswap Frans)
Ice skating~ (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
I will be your friend (Error Sans x Frisk, fanfic fanart)
Not on our wedding! (Underfell Frans)
Who Wants To Live Forever (old) (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Let’s pretend it didn’t happen (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Matchmaking fish (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
It’s not what you think it is, mom! (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
You did it this time (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Google, why (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Bath time (Mobtale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You will pay (Mobtale Frans, fanfic fanart)
Error goes full Jojo (Error Sans)
Eat it! You must! (Underfell)
It’s my dad you are talking about (Underfell)
T-pose to assert dominance (fanfic fanart)
Weapon making! (koiikun’s boys shinenigans)
Papyrus fanclub (Underfell)
MAGICIAN!! (Deltarune)
Ask Frans:
2K EVENT (Error x Frisk, Ink x Frisk, Storyshift Frans, in parts, complete)
Dog daddy (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Tongues (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Sans and his bike (Underfell Frans)
Right into my heart (Horrortale Frans)
Protect me! (Underfell Frans)
Give me my Frisk back! (Multiuniverse Frans)
Marry her already! (Multiuverse Frans)
Mistletoe yet again (Underfell Frans)
If you love you share (Underfell Frans)
Jealousy and Tsunderes (Underswap Frans)
Here’s Sansy! (Horrortale Frans)
Loud bang (Horrortale Frans)
The day we met again (Horrortale Frans, fanfic related)
Self Insert Related:
Best sister’s special day (Nightmare Sans)
Coupon! (BHC Blue)
First meeting
My blog in a nutshell
Temtem tamer
I am tall (4k special)
Welcome to the boy band (MSI boyband)
Hunting Cocopuff
Art block is here
Words of inspiration
Tumblr why
Obey Me:
Fly with me (Beel)
Chocolate Lizard (Beel)
Beel loves food (Beel)
Let me sleep (All the bois)
Kabedon time (Lucifer)
Obey me x Unus Annus
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awkward-ark · 2 years
My Great Comic Masterpost
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Last edit 3/11/2021 (pre-birthday time)
*in big letters are big comics or comics that are important for my history
*in BOLD letters are the newest additions to the post
Bad To The Bone (Underfell Frans, in parts, incomplete)
The Longest Proposal Ever (Horrortale Frans, 7 parts, complete)   (+ sketches)
My cage (Undertale Frans)
Nerves of steel (Undertale Frans)
Middle life crisis (Underswap Frans)
Investigation Part 1&2 (Undergate Frans)
Honest Drunk (Swapfell Frans)
Money? Take it? Please?? (Mermaid Sans x Frisk)
Dusttale - Lost Memories - Warm (Dusttale Frans)
Looking back (Parasite!tale Frans)
Experiment backfired (Underlab Frans)
Proud fiance (Reapertale Frans)
Falling for you (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
No looking up! (Swapfell Frans)
Dusttale - Lost Memories - Beginning (Dusttale Frans)
Beach Time Season 1 (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
Mermaid transition (Swapfell Frans)
Heart eyes (Swapfell Frans)
Plant the seed (Fated Swap Frans)
Break out (Songfell Frans)
Tiny socks (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Trust me (Lockfell)
Comic and a Criminal (Storyfell, 7 parts, complete)
Christmas present (Nightmare Sans x Frisk)
Tired night (Songfell Frans)
Skeleton got your tongue? (Songfell Frans)
Wings of Death (Reapertale Frans)
It begins (Lockfell, will do different masterpost later)
No drool (Swapfell Frans)
Here for you (Swapfell Frans)
Shoot and win (Underfell Frans)
Tasty snack boy (Underfell Frans)
Shower song (Underfell)
Wish upon my star (Underfell Frans)
Nice skeleton (Songfell Frans)
Your worst nightmare (Nightmare Sans x Frisk, 2 parts)
Gods in the city (Reapertale Frans)
Gimme attention (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Undernovela time (Error Sans x Frisk)
Egg (Error Sans x Frisk)
Happy Father’s Day (Error Sans x Frisk)
Sorcery (Underswap Frans, mage Blue, 6 parts, incomplete)
Error and bees (Error Sans)
Horror and Dogs (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Who Wants To Live Forever (new) (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Mistletoe~ (Horrortale Frans)
Mafia Tsundere Boss (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Dating Stop! (Underswap Frans)
Pocky Day (Horrortale Frans)
Super Smash Sans (Wraithtale Frans)
Sans the Death Eater (Undertale x Harry Potter crossover, Frans)
Pay your bills (Horrortale Frans)
Check it out Sheriff (Wild West AU Frans)
The Great Bug Killer (Wild West AU Frans)
Care for a ride? (Wild West AU Frans)
Don’t you like this dress? (Underfell Frans)
Comfy hoodie (Horrortale Frans)
Stop pouting! (Error Sans x Frisk)
Message passed (Message Recieved Frans)
The witch and her student (Wiccafell Frans, part 1 and part 2)
Just a dream (Wiccafell Frans)
Tiny witch! (Wiccaswap Frans)
Game night (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Reconsaliation (Horrortale Frans)
How Did You Get Your Girlfriend? (Multiuniverse Frans)
I am the law!! (Storyfell Frans)
Boop the snoot (Felldritch (Horrorfell) Frans)
On a stroll (Horrortale Frans, has two parts but no story xD)
Pregananant (Underfell Frans)
Help needed (Error Sans x Frisk)
TAKE IT ALL! (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You beat yourself to it (Underfell Frans)
Gameeeeerrrrrs (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You got booped! (Undertale Frans)
Mistletoe! (Underfell Frans)
How do you hold hands even (Undertale Frans, fanfic fanart)
I didn’t mean it (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Wedding day (Underswap Frans)
Ice skating~ (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
I will be your friend (Error Sans x Frisk, fanfic fanart)
Not on our wedding! (Underfell Frans)
Who Wants To Live Forever (old) (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Let’s pretend it didn’t happen (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Matchmaking fish (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
It’s not what you think it is, mom! (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
You did it this time (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Google, why (Underfell Frans, fanfic fanart)
Bath time (Mobtale Frans, fanfic fanart)
You will pay (Mobtale Frans, fanfic fanart)
Error goes full Jojo (Error Sans)
Eat it! You must! (Underfell)
It’s my dad you are talking about (Underfell)
T-pose to assert dominance (fanfic fanart)
Weapon making! (koiikun’s boys shinenigans)
Papyrus fanclub (Underfell)
MAGICIAN!! (Deltarune)
Ask Frans:
2K EVENT (Error x Frisk, Ink x Frisk, Storyshift Frans, in parts, complete)
Dog daddy (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Tongues (Horrortale Frans, dogs)
Sans and his bike (Underfell Frans)
Right into my heart (Horrortale Frans)
Protect me! (Underfell Frans)
Give me my Frisk back! (Multiuniverse Frans)
Marry her already! (Multiuverse Frans)
Mistletoe yet again (Underfell Frans)
If you love you share (Underfell Frans)
Jealousy and Tsunderes (Underswap Frans)
Here’s Sansy! (Horrortale Frans)
Loud bang (Horrortale Frans)
The day we met again (Horrortale Frans, fanfic related)
Self Insert Related:
Best sister’s special day (Nightmare Sans)
Coupon! (BHC Blue)
First meeting
My blog in a nutshell
Temtem tamer
I am tall (4k special)
Welcome to the boy band (MSI boyband)
Hunting Cocopuff
Art block is here
Words of inspiration
Tumblr why
Obey Me:
Fly with me (Beel)
Chocolate Lizard (Beel)
Beel loves food (Beel)
Let me sleep (All the bois)
Kabedon time (Lucifer)
Obey me x Unus Annus
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awkward-ark · 2 years
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@aka-indulgence This guy has been running around living in my head rent free all day so please accept this humble offering. I assume she’s telling 100th time that she’s gonn a have to kick him out if he stop starting brawls or something, but he’s too zoned out to hear cos he hasn’t stared at her face in a whole 10mins Also I guess this is my first time oficialy posting… hi skeleton simp tumblr!
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awkward-ark · 2 years
Day 24: Collar
(The 7 Sins universe was created by Mercy-monster, and can be read about in further detail in her comic, as well as my one-shot for it~)
The one thing she had never gotten used to was the screaming.
There were lots of disturbing things about the circle of hell Frisk had consigned herself to so unknowingly, so foolishly and haughtily. The way the night stretched on for days at a time, the only light spilling from ash stained lanterns that filled the air with acrid smoke... the utter and complete disregard the beings had for one another, caring only for themselves and when they could next retreat to the loving embrace of sleep... the monsters themselves, so twisted and darkened by oppression of their eternal and undeserved punishment, with eyes cruel and greedy and far too intense for her liking.
The never-ending snow that not even the raging fire in her master's hall could completely steal the chill from, the whispering amongst the trees, as though they spoke hidden secrets to each other... the sinful lord of sloth that had stolen her wings from her back and sentenced her to her own eternity in his realm. No, even him and his callous words, his snide derisions and cutting diatribes, were not so bad as the screams.
They were the souls that had perished here in the dark, Sans had told her once, in one of his more giving and talkative moods. Souls unable to return to the stars, cast into eternal misery so long as they were trapped beneath the earth.
Knowing didn't make it any better. Now, there was a note of sorrow to accompany the rise and fall of their wretched cries for relief... yet another thing for her to cry over helplessly, in the secrecy of her lonely hours, added to the growing list of cruel injustices she had both experienced and witnessed in her imprisonment. Her inability to do anything broke her heart, froze her to her very core to deaden the soul that had once glowed so brightly with determination and purpose... she could, slowly but surely, feel the self she had been slipping through her own fingers, like trying and failing to cup water in her palms.
It fled her more every day that she was here, her wings and her holiness removed from her, her divine calling stripped away just as surely as her pristine white raiment had been, replaced with thick black robes and midnight cowls and dusky veils, inflicted upon her to hide the remains of her divinity from the prying eyes and grasping hands of monsters who would do worse than take her wings, should they discover that she was one of the seraphim.
“'s up to you if you wear it or not, but i don't think i need to tell you what they'll do if you don't, do i, angel.”
No, she hadn't needed the surely vivid explanation he would have provided her with. She had bowed and accepted the unbecoming and claustrophobic clothes (the only possible upside was just how warm they kept her), let the monster refusing to let her leave his castle present her as just another monster in his employ, a servant seeing to his needs and maintaining his abode... allowing him to place a collar around her neck, when he was forced from his frequent slumbers and made to accept dignitaries from other circles, nobles seeking boons from one of the seven Sinlords, and common demons begging for amenities.
They were his least favorite times, made to stay awake for hours at a time to take care of the business he had put off until then, and, by his own claim, he needed her by his side the entire time, attached to his throne by a chain clipped to her collar. It was to keep her from being assaulted while outside his line of sight, he said; with so many monsters inside the castle, there was no way he could keep track of everyone. It was just to be safe. She didn't believe that, but there was little she could do about it (she really, really didn't want him to put her back into the horrid, nightmarish slumber he had the first time she had made a solid attempt to escape), and again, she had bowed her head and stood beside him during his audiences, fetching him his wine and feeding him grapes and bringing him offerings and letters from his guests, as he was too lazy to get up himself.
Perhaps the only spot of joy in her life, now, was her captor's young brother, a bright, chipper, and fastidious little skeleton monster that loved charging about the castle at his leisure, begging for new toys and almost immediately breaking them, and annoying the ever loving sin out of his brother. Besides his bouts of brattiness, he was a darling boy, and she had grown to cherish him greatly.
Even that was threaded through with sadness and longing, though... Sans had given Papyrus her wings, and in his care, the once pure white feathers had been corrupted into deep, raven black. Even if she were to one day have them returned to her, they would no longer bestow on her the divinity she had been robbed of... her light was gone for good.
Just another thing to weep over, another thing stolen from her by her quest to save the damned monster race.
She had been right to suspect Sans had other reasons for putting the collar on her, though. What was surely several months of long and wintry days and cold, empty nights had passed her by, all but the last dregs of her hope that something would change extinguished by misery and loss... another turning of the clock found her chained again to lord Sloth's throne, her head bowed and her thoughts scattered, dwelling absently on things she needed to do, once she had been released. She had been so lost in her own head that she very nearly hadn't heard the conversation being traded between Sans and the monster at the foot of his dais, an emissary from the circle of Lust.
“-rd and master made this request himself, I am only the messenger, my lord,” the leering, half naked incubi was saying, his hands held up in appeasement and his tail tucked between his legs, and it was only then that she noticed, at her side, Sans very uncharacteristically sitting up fully in his seat, leaned forward and baring his fangs furiously.
“doesn't he have enough sluts of his own without stealing from the other circles? saying nothing of the gall it takes to demand another lord's consort in exchange for practically nothing. this isn't just insulting, it's provoking. who in the hells does he think he is,” he snarled, his clawed phalanges digging into and cracking the bone armrests of his throne, and Frisk, fully called from the haze of her disinterest, blinked in consternation. His what? They couldn't be talking about her, she was just supposed to be seen as a servant...
The monster below him merely bowed, though he now bore a slightly sinister look on his face as he very obviously sent her a sideways glance.
“He admitted he was... curious about your reaction, my lord. It's rare that an aspect of Sloth takes a lover... he wanted to see what was so special about her~” he purred, a forked tongue flicking between sharpened teeth at the very thought, and beside her, a cold, fell silence fell over Sans, his body completely and totally still, before, with a rushing of air and the singing of a drawn blade, he was gone from his throne entirely. He now stood where the smirking demon had only a moment before, his robes and cloak settling from his sudden movement; in one hand, he held a gleaming, cruelly sharp curved sword, dripping with bright, sickeningly crimson blood, and in the other hung the incubus' head, grinning even in death.
Wordlessly, he dismissed his weapon with a flourish of his hand, and tossed the head to one of the emissary's assistants, stepping over the body to turn and mount the steps to his throne again.
“tell your master that this is what his damned curiosity will earn him. this is the only warning he'll get. now out. all of you, leave now,” he growled, waving a hand to slam open the castle doors behind them, but didn't once look behind himself. His veiled gaze was set on her, a snap of his fingers dissolving her chain and his hand, hard and cold and rough, seizing her upper arm to pull her along in his wake.
In her confusion, horror, and whiplash, Frisk didn't even try to fight the sneering, snarling monster dragging her from the audience chamber and through the halls of his castle at first. She had never seen him this angry, not even close to it... she didn't know what to make of any of what just happened, from beginning to end. It was only as he pulled her into his private chambers, slammed the door, and immediately collapsed into his luxuriously plush bed that she came to her senses enough to form words.
“What... what was all that about?” she stammered, rubbing her arm where he had gripped her and flipping her veil up and out of the way, and though Sans' tail was still flicking in his anger, dragging across the stone floor raspily as though searching for her leg to wrap around, as it tended to do of seemingly its own volition, he made no other motion besides dragging his pillow closer to himself. Curses, she needed to get answers from him before he fell asleep-
“No- hey, don't you dare. You said and did a whole lot of things that don't make any sense, and I'll have answers from you,” she snapped, striding to his bedside and pushing against his shoulder with all her might (he didn't budge), and though he let out a stubborn, slightly whiny groan of annoyance, he turned enough to bare one covered socket and a sliver of his mouth.
“which part didn't you understand? seems pretty clear cut to me,” he mumbled, reaching blindly for a blanket to drag over himself, but Frisk snatched it away before he could find it, stern and practically vibrating with her anger.
“The part where I'm neither your consort, nor your lover! The part where everyone seemed to think I am, even though you told me I was just playing the part of a servant! The part where you killed someone, apparently over me, and I don't know why!!” she shouted at him, the loudest she had ever spoken in her life, and utter silence fell over his room in the wake of it, her ears ringing from both the volume of her tone and the quiet pressing in around her. She quickly became nervous, as he stared her down without a single word...
Until he started to laugh, heartily and mockingly, a cruel smile slashed across his face as he sat up laboriously to lean his weight on one arm. His raucous laughter carried on for just a note too long, enough to send shivers of foreboding up her spine, before he finally quieted, his chin leaned into his palm and one phalange tapping against his jaw.
“do you really think i would expend this much energy to keep up a front? that i would go out of my way to ensure that a spoiled, featherbrained angel didn't get felt up, with no benefit for myself? do you really think i'm protecting you by pretending you're my whore? let me let you in on a little secret, pigeon,” he derided, snorting and shaking his head in his mirth... and then his hand had shot out and grabbed her by the wrist, quick as a striking snake. In a flash much too quick for her spinning head to grasp, he had flipped her over his body and onto the bed beside him, knocking the air from her lungs as he did.
He was knelt over her prone form the very next moment, one hand gathering both of hers into its grasp while the other notched one finger into the ring on her collar, pulling at it meaningfully. His mocking smirk was gone, now, replaced with a fearsome glower, and only while being held underneath him did she realize just how much bigger he was than her.
“listen up, and listen good. i collared you like a kept slut because that's what you are; you are mine, my property, to do with what i will. if i want you, at any moment of the day, we both know you wouldn't be able to stop me. i could take what i desire from you, just like your wings, just like your freedom, and i wouldn't lose a wink of sleep,” he hissed at her venomously, pulling one last time at her collar before releasing it to bend over her further, pressing his mouth to her ear when she turned her face away instinctively.
“i don't play games, and i don't pretend, angel. don't forget that,” he muttered, clenching his fingers around her wrists again as though to cement his words into her mind, before he rolled off of her and returned to his pillow, rolling himself, clothes, cowl, and all, into the blankets to sleep, leaving her lying beside him without another word.
And at first, she had more than believed him. She was already willing to think the worst of him, her captor and the monster that had stolen her wings... what was one more sin added to the pile he had already made himself? It gave her all the more reason to despise him, to redouble her efforts to get away...
But then, that tiny, persistent note of hope rang within her mind, reminding her of the things she had seen, as opposed to the words he threatened her with. There had been no element of ownership in his defense of her. He hadn't snarled that she belonged to him to his court, when he had slain the demon. He hadn't called her his whore there... he had said consort. From her readings Above, she knew that word was close in kin with spouse.
His words and his deeds didn't match up... and though she didn't know what to make of it, why he was trying to scare her away, the knowledge that he was trying to deceive her into thinking he was worse than he really was softened her reactively hardened heart, her head turning to look at the back of his skull consideringly.
“...I think you do. I think that's exactly what you're doing,” she said softly, reaching out to arrange the blankets so they weren't twisted at the back of his neck. “I don't know why, after everything... but thank you.”
He didn't move or react for so long that she was certain he'd drifted off to sleep, and had made to roll off his bed... before his tail had wound itself around her ankle, pulling her back down onto the blankets gently. It's hold was much softer than either of his other grasps had been, stroking her bared calf in a near and wordless apology, even as his shoulders shrugged up and down beneath his mound of blankets jerkily.
“...hmph. think what you want. just be quiet- i haven't moved that much in months and i'm bushed.”
She let out a small snort of laughter, shaking her head and reaching out to pet the tip of his tail, before settling back down beside her, her back turned to him and her mind of everything and nothing at once.
Huh. Well that was something.
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