awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
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back at it with those swimming boys
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
“waited too long“
this is for scenarios where the character really could have made it, if not for their own dumb choices
they were playing a video game and on a roll, and it didn’t seem worth it to pause. It would throw off their rhythm! Hours have passed and the game is still going great despite their constant shifting in their seat. After this fight they’ll pee. Honest.
or they were playing a video game without savepoints. Not a long one, but they already kinda needed to go when they started. Now they’re so close to the end but they’re also close to losing control…
at work and powering through a task that needed doing. Really there’s nothing stopping them from popping into the restroom, but if they get this done now they can go home early!
reading in bed, and it’s so cozy and warm, and the story is great and okay their bladder is aching and they’ve crossed their legs under the covers, but getting up would mean… getting up.
hanging out with friends, having a great time, and they don’t want to interrupt the flow of conversation. The bathroom is right there but they keep thinking of more things to add and admitting they’re dying to pee just doesn’t seem to be one of them.
cooking! Once it’s all together and in the oven, then they’ll pee. Technically it wouldn’t hurt the ingredients to sit on the counter for a second, but their hands are all eggy and to be honest they’re not sure they can hold it if they try to wash them. Pouring the milk into the bowl was already a close call.
and what happens after?
it’s a frantic rush but they make it. The relief is incredible, and they can’t help but moan.
it’s a frantic rush and they make it to the bathroom only to find it occupied. Reduced to banging on the door and confessing how close they are to wetting, they just barely get inside before their bladder gives out right in front of the toilet. It’s not a complete disaster, but there’s a noticeable damp patch.
they really did wait too long. They start to leak, realizing they absolutely can’t keep holding, and get up/set things down/excuse themselves, but it’s too late. They start peeing and can’t stop, their bladder empties itself all over the floor and their clothes.
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
omorashi community: hit or piss? i guess they never piss, huh?
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
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in honor of the 17th lol i’m honestly probably going to hang around here until i’m straight up kicked out
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
Any other Hamilton regression fics out there? Sorry if this is annoying but I LIVE off Hamilton characters being regressors haha
This definitely isn’t annoying! And there are a fari few fics out there, the tag to look under is ‘non-sexual age play’
Here’s some recs: 
‘little Hamiltons’ series
‘Little! Hamilton AU’ series 
‘Based of Hamiltots’ series 
‘Little vice’
‘I know it gets hard sometimes’
‘Alex’s Regression Blog’ 
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
i always think it's cute (especially with diapers) when somebody has to admit they had an accident to be able to change. it's already embarrassing enough to pee your pants or padding, but then you gotta get somebody's attention and shyly admit that you couldn't hold it and need a change, all while fidgeting and blushing and looking anywhere else
Jdndkdkd yes yes anon I love that!! Like maybe they out with who ever and have a full soggy diaper but haven’t said anything cause embarrassed n///n
Until it gets all cold and uncomfy so finally admit to whoever they are with the need to go change and just fidgeting all wet and embarrassed aghahdjdnc
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
“Oh you have to pee do you? Well how do you like the sound of pouring rain? Or perhaps the splashes of feet in Wet puddles.”
“Oh my god, you’re actually going to piss yourself arent you?”
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
tv show: *canonically shows character to have horrible nightmares*
me, a fucking unstoppable heathen: *slams hands down* BED WETTING
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
✏🍼 Age Regression Writing Prompts!!! 🍼✏
I’ve been reading age regression stories for years, and it wasn’t until earlier today that I realized: there’s no age regression writing prompts!!! That’s crazy!!!
So, without further adieu, here’s some prompts in case any writers out there want to write some nice regression stories but have no idea what to write! Character A is the regressor/little and character B is the caregiver!
☆ Reveals/Beginning of Relationship Prompts ☆
1. Character A slips and does something they exclusively do in headspace in front of B.
2. Character B goes to A’s room to grab something, only to stumble upon A’s little gear.
3. Character B stops by A’s place without any prior warning, leading them to walk in on A being deep in little space.
4. Character A lives a stressful life. One day B suggests age regression so A won’t be so worked up all the time.
5. Character B has noticed a bunch of A’s little ticks. They decide to slowly start babying them in order to ease them into the whole age regression business.
6. Character A and B have been good friends/dating/work together for a while now. For one reason or another, they’re going to be moving in together! A feels that it’s time to reveal to B that they’re an age regressor.
☆ Classic™ Scenarios ☆
7. Character A and B have been working all week, and it’s finally the weekend! To de-stress, both decide upon a full weekend in little space!
8. Character B is cooking/baking and A wants to help! A is usually able to help, but this time, they’re deep in little space.
9. Character A has gone to sleep while big, but after a nightmare, they wake up in little space.
10. Character A hasn’t had much sleep for one reason or another, and because of this, they’re a little cranky - even if they won’t admit it. B has the monumental task of getting A to take a nap.
11. Character A got hurt/sick and now has to deal with B fussing over them.
12. Character A and B decide to build the most extravagant pillow fort they can build in their living room - how extravagant it is may be up to debate, but it sure is comfortable.
13. Character A so enthralled by their show/movie/game/toys that they keep putting off a bathroom break.
14. Character A and B decide to do some arts and crafts. Maybe it’s for a holiday, maybe for a birthday, or maybe it’s just for fun, no matter what A makes, B thinks that it’s a work of art.
15. Somehow, character A has gotten dirty, so B decides that it’s bathtime.
16. Character A and B go out to have a little day. They visit a park/zoo/movies/carnival/theme park and have a great time.
17. Character B takes A to the toy store to buy their first little toy/stuffie.
18. While shopping, character A gets distracted and loses track of where B is. Unfortunately, they were also teetering between headspaces, and now they’re little and lost.
19. Character B has been working in secret for a while now, and they are finally finished: a nursery/playroom for A!
20. Character A is in a rambunctious mood and can’t help but feel a desire to push some limits.
21. Character A and B were watching a scary movie/show when, after a particularly bad scare, A slips into little space. 
22. Character A wants to play pretend/dress-up/tea party and ropes B into playing along.
23. Character A is in little space, but is trying their hardest to make sure that B doesn’t know.
24. Character A and B have a quiet moment and cuddle.
25. It’s bedtime and character B is getting A ready for bed.
And that’s all I got for right now! Feel free to mix and match the prompts and to add any other prompts you can think of! I hope this helps any writers out there that needed something to get the ball rolling!
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
I had a little accident (which was maybe kinda on purpose (shhhhh!)) and I couldn’t stoped if I’d needed to!! I keep on having this happen where i leak a little bit and then i can’t stop! i actually leaked at work the other day, but i was wearing dark jeans, so it was ok. scary though! I need thicker diapers :p lol <3
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
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That got really wet really fast 💦😳
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
rip tumbl
rest in peepee
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
“Aww you are such a baby. Cant even hold your bladder.”
“I-it wasnt my fault! I c-couldnt hold it!”
“Aww its okay, lets get you cleaned up
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
Bladder infection scenarios can be so cute... Characters who have to be coaxed into going because it hurts, their s/O holding their hand to encourage them. Characters who start crying because they wet the bed, their s/O comforting them and showering with them, reassuring them. Going to their s/O shyly asking if they can come with them, because it hurts. So cute
Tbh I’m not super into medical reason for omo but I know other are so they might like this!! Also do see the cute aspect of it :3
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
Library omo prompts
Hey but seriously, think about this.
- Accidental wetting/leaking in a library setting where it’s so quiet every drop can be heard like it’s 1000lbs on the floor.
-Someone loosing control in the middle of an aisle of books when the library becomes crowded. It starts off slow, barely noticable, but soon everyone in the place can hear their soft embarrassed sniffles and the faint ‘hissssss’ of the flow staining their pants and the ground below them. Patrons turn their head to see the person, red with embarrassment, attempting in vain to cover their teary face or their huge leak with a small novel.
- Someone during a hold having to go so so badly while a librarian is talking to them and reccomending new books or helping them find something. They shift around, grabbing at their pants as discreetly as they can while making stuttered excuses : “t-thank you but really I must - I’ve got to go now, I think I have w-what I was looking for-”
-A College/Gradschool student who’s been in the library all day to complete some research paper without a bathroom break slowly getting more and more desperate, and convincing themselves they don’t need to go until it’s too late.
-Said student ^ starting out fine but becoming truly and utterly fucked as time goes on. They become more stiff, more ridged, and more squirmy in their seat, trying to grind themselves into the chair to get the friction to stop them from exploding.
-It becoming so bad that the student realizes they won’t be able to make it to the bathroom without peeing themselves in front of everyone. They try to get up once, immediately fall back down with a loud whimper or a yelp, desperately holding their tummy or crotch as to not start to leak.
-Student starts to get teary eyed with stress and embarrassment.
-Librarian or someone with them comes up around them, thinking they’re sick or upset, places a firm hand on their abdomen over the students own to ask “hey, are you alright…? You’ve been here all day, maybe it’s time to take a break?” And the pressure causes them to completely loose control, peeing all over themselves, the chair, and possibly the person involved.
So just. Library omo.
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
I like the “interrupted” scenario, so here’s some thoughts
somebody peeing somewhere they’re not supposed to, like in a sink or an alley, and they hear someone coming so they have to stop
similarly, somebody hiking or camping who just doesn’t want to be seen peeing behind a tree. Same thing where they stop as soon as they hear someone
somebody in the middle of a very busy day, finally gets a break and a much needed pee, only to have their boss or teammate bang on the door with an emergency that only they can fix. Their bladder is full enough that they know it’s gonna be a long piss, so they force themselves to stop, thinking they can come back in a minute.
started to wet but managed to regain control
but what happens after?
they can’t stop for more than a second. As soon as their pants are back up they wet uncontrollably.
they manage to hold for a while longer - painful though it is - but leaks happen here and there, and the longer they’re kept from relief the more leaks come. They lose control and piss for several seconds before clamping down the flow and quickly excusing themselves. If the toilet is nearby, they’ll make it, though the damage is obvious. If there isn’t a toilet, then…
they think they’ve got control, but the first jostle makes them wet. Someone bumping into them. A shout that startles them. The sound of running water. Sitting down. Standing up. And once the floodgates are open there’s no closing them.
after being denied once, their bladder gives out the second a toilet is in sight. They make it, but it’s close, and their underwear (and probably the floor) show it.
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awkward-omo ¡ 6 years
medical omo is so good its one of my faves like
-characters needing to be helped to the bathroom and are super embarassed about it (so maybe they put off asking and have an accident)
-characters who are bladdershy and have trouble using the bedpans or getting urine samples
-injured characters who cant get up being put in diapers
-being helped to thd bathroom too late and wetting halfway there
-b l a d d e r i n f e c t i o n s
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