awokeupcall · 7 years
Running through the cloud...
That feeling you get at points in Spiritual work where discomfort is so high it feels unbearable..( all normal part of being on the path by the way).
It is like a cloud of self doubt and sadness, all crap, has descended and landed on your life.  It can feel... f*ing daunting- like it is never going to end.  
The natural inclination is to feel like doing SOMETHING to make the cloud dissipate quicker. After all who wants to sit in emotional bad weather. There are usually two directions people can go: 
1. Pain management style: booze, carbs, shopping ‘socializing’ etc. 
In and of themselves those activities are all fine things to do- they just don’t work as good strategies to make feelings go away.  
OR...a more effective approach...
2. Radical Self Care: First, adjust the bar around what you expect to get done for a period of time- The grind has to slow down- not forever- but for a minute.  Everything on the list is not going to get done- no-one is going to croak if the laundry stacks and your bedroom is a mess.  
You must keep in mind you are doing some of  the most important work of your life. Something that will yield the clarity needed for purpose and happiness.
So be gentle and nice to your self.  Have the people that get it around you. This is not the time to have what I refer to as “the minute stealers” around.  The people who steal minutes of your life with negativity or bullshit.  You can’t afford it during a sacred process. 
Rest and eat good food. Be in nature...it’s restorative. Speak to someone who has gone through what you are going through. Doing it alone is too exhausting, takes twice as long and often results in people circling the energetic drain making no progress.
3. The pay off: Your willingness and courage to do this kind of real contemplative work and engage in this process is hard! You will amaze your self with what you are able to become when you are free from old crap, energetic legacy issues and can live your life! 
You see, the Universe in its unwavering commitment to having us understand  and be the full expression of our purpose, our blessing, knows we must be able to understand our spoken and unspoken truths and handle our energetic business.  
It’s messy and exhausting and so for a little bit, not the rest of your life, but for a minute, you will need to stop running - listen to what your life is teaching you... by paying real attention to your heart and spirit.... you get to the other side...where expanded awareness and ease of being yourself awaits... with beautiful news ...you are the gift.
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