awolnationstateofmind · 3 months
Alex Morgan not going to the Olympics?
Is that the moment we’re supposed to encourage people harassing her online the way she did to Ashlyn Harris last fall?
No it’s not. But maybe she should have spent more time focusing on her career than on other people divorce. Just saying.
What goes around comes around ladies.
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awolnationstateofmind · 3 months
Unpopular opinion: I liked Ashlyn and Ali as a couple, I followed them through the years, and I don’t know what happened (and neither do any of you!) but as far as I can tell both look happier now than before. Especially Ashlyn. She is glowing again. She is dressing like herself again. She looks like herself again, free and happy and in love. Good for her. Fuck y‘all haters without a life for trying to mess up the private life of someone else without even knowing shit. You go Ash. You go Ali. All the best to the both of you ❤️
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awolnationstateofmind · 3 months
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Does this really need a caption? 👀🔥
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awolnationstateofmind · 11 months
Bit worried about Ashlyn Harris actually
Aside from all the drama that's been going on lately, I've got to confess that for the past few months (or years?) I've been wondering what the hell is up with this woman.
I was such a huge fan back when she was just this Satellite Beach goalkeeper with a humble head and the love for skate-boarding and surfing and you know, family & friends first and her work with To Write Love on Her Arms. And I get people change and that none of us ever really knew her, but I've seen I'm not the only one who can't believe what she's turned into. Like, can we recognise her any more? Or was the completely playing out to be an entirely different person ten years ago?
I think it started when she came out with Ali and suddenly she was like, this attention-seeking, uncomfortably loud (as in literally screaming) person with the weird, rather cringey fashion, only talking about gay things and nothing else, behaving like the complete soccer start that to be entirely fair she wasn't... Even on her wedding video I couldn't believe that Ashlyn was the same Ashlyn of 2011, 2012, 2013... It's not even that many years to change so much, let alone in your thirties. It's like there were no remnants of the surfer, the skate-boarder, the humble butch from a small town who valued the little things... Like she was adamant on transforming into this massively public, loud, "fashionable (?)" celebrity. Even when giving interviews she was expressing herself like she had no intellect any more, you know like male footballers speak, like it's all looks and no brain, no sign of the person who got a uni degree and who gave an amazing mental health talk with TWLOHA years back.
And then when they were celebrating the WC, I was thinking, since when is she this loud and arrogant? Since when is she so attention-seeking? When did she turn into this whole other person who makes such a huge effort to ignore her lack of National Team performances and pretend like she deserved her world cup as much as Ali or Pinoe? I get subs deserve the medal and all too, I mean, they made it so far and if they weren't there training with the rest, the rest wouldn't be as good. You're only as good as the worst of you, after all. But none of the others was bragging so loudly and calling themselves x2 champions so much without having played a minute of those games, were they? Even Alyssa Naeher doesn't have world cup champion in her profiles, nor does AD Franch, nor PINOE, but you know who does? Hope Solo. And you don't want to have THAT personality. I feel like when you're confident on your victories, you don't need to brag, everyone knows who you are, your work speaks for itself.
What worries me about AH (sit down here comes my Psychology Grad analysis) is that in the past few years she's been more and more behaving like someone with no self-esteem, who's desperately afraid of being forgotten and needing to shout left and right look at me! i'm a champion! I'm a soccer star! And then she stopped getting called up for the USWNT, got stuck in the Pride (and I love them but bunch of losers tbh), and all she had left was Ali. And then Ali's doing better than she is. And then Ashlyn gets these horrible injuries and that's story of her life (injuries effed her up from day 1 and seriously impacted her career) and she's forced into an abrupt retirement with no glory.
And then emerges this Ashlyn who only cares about rubbing elbows with celebs, who believes herself to be some fashion mogul (that's all she's got left) and who is deeply satisfied with how her life turned out to be and how she's ended up being nothing but a footnote in the history of American women's soccer, specially compared to her wife. We know they've had issues for a while, that has been hinted at before, and I can only imagine there must've been a growing resentment/bitterness towards Ali because she gets everything Ashlyn won't in terms of soccer. In fact it seems to me (and maybe it's just me), that she seems to be ferociously resentful to soccer in general, like, suddenly she wants nothing to do with it and wants to pretend like soccer is not a big deal. How many times as she stated quite firmly that she's now happiest she's ever been and acted almost as if soccer was actually holding her back? as if her soccer career is nothing compared with what she has now, when we know it isn't true, because she still feels the need to remind us she's a twice world cup champion all the time?
So from a psychology point of view I think she's very bitter, very hurt, very pissed off, very resentful, that she hasn't processed her forced retirement and her not so good soccer career in a healthy way, and so she has to pretend like she's super happy and better than she was before so as not to look like the failure she feels she is. She has to use social media all the time and brag about the celebrities she's meeting, the trips she's going in... She's got nothing else but to pretend she's still as successful as all her friends she has to constantly see in social media showing off with the accomplishments she wishes she had. It's the classic game of getting depressed comparing yourself to others so you take to social media to constantly pretend you're as good as them or better, we all do it. And she's gone, in my humble opinion, off the rails, she's unrecognaisable, and if she has really had an affair and hurt Ali this big, as rumours have it, then that only strengthens my opinion. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if she's abusing substances again, if she's in some spiral downhill as it looks like. And what's Ali going to do? She can't focus on looking after her, she's got work, she's got two small kids, at this age Ashlyn needs to see she needs help and seek it on her own, not expect Ali to mother her.
That's part of why I really don't like people going on and insulting her left and right, because we really don't know what's going on, but to me it seems like when someone's not well, when someone's spiralling, they start to really go off and the first people to get hurt are those closest to her. And we must remember she is a human being, even if she makes mistakes, even if she does bad things (IF she has), and she doesn't deserve billions of people judging her and making her life miserable. And none of us would like it in our consciences if she actually is struggling with her mental health and gets worse because of generalised mass bullying. She's still Sloane and Ocean's mother, and they probably love her very much, and Ali's probably struggling a lot, so we need to remember supporting one person does not have to mean stooping so low as to have to become horrible bullies. Let's stay human, y'all.
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I really laughed at this. 🥲
I m just sad af.
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As I said earlier this week, I had a feeling things would go from bad to worse and here we are today.
I won’t lie, I m heartbroken. For them. For their children. For their dogs. And for their family, but also for our community.
I think a lot of us today feel like this divorce is affecting people of our close circle. Like if we really knew them. Even though we don’t know them as an immediate relative, I think they brought to a lot of people here and in the community a sense of safety and hope.
I m heartbroken personally because after my parents divorce 10 years ago I really didn’t believe in love anymore. Then, I came across these two online and they gave me hope. The foundations of their relationship seemed so solid, they were so respectful and nice. And they loved each other so much.
I think we all know we live in a very difficult time, life hasn’t been the same since Covid hit and the last years with the wars everywhere have been very hard on everyone.
They brought a sense of calm, of pure love and respect that I truly admired and adored.
Earlier this week I said the behaviour online was ridiculous and disappointing. I stand by what I said, because I knew this would happen. Among their community sadly people do not respect bouderies and I knew it was only a matter of time before things actually crashed.
I m devastated by this news, because like each and everyone of you here, I adored them together and as individuals and I really thought they were meant to be.
They were the fairytale all of us wanted to live. And I think this is why a lot of us feel heartbroken today. Because they gave us hope when we hadn’t and nothing could have prepared us for this.
Now I just want them to be happy and do the best they can for these kids because they are innocent in this.
Please, to everyone and anyone out there, leave them alone on their social media. Life is already hard enough for them, they don’t need people harassing them.
Also, and I’ll end on this. People magazine republishing the news of their divorce without their authorisation when they were the one who had the exclusivity of every milestone since they got married is beyond shitty.
To all the krashlyn fans, thank you for the ride.
We’ll be sad together now. ❤️
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I appreciate you answering and having a conversation about this. I’ll agree they have had some behavior that’s been questionable. Such as when cheating rumors were going, Ashlyn was reposting the photos that sparked the rumors. Not saying I believe it or not but I just found it weird that clearly she saw the rumors and reposted photos anyways. So they have been making some weird choices for sure. And overall I agree, it should be kept offline. And hopefully moving forward, besides a potential official confirmation of things, I hope they keep it offline. And I truly wish the best for them both.
Yeah, in my humble opinion they really both had very questionable behaviours on their insta page and forgot for a minute they were wives and moms and should not entertain any kind of stupid rumours online.
I don’t believe at all in the cheating allegations and I truly believe that they are being petty toward each other. I have no clue if they are going to confirm anything, honestly coz with them… we never know.
I truly hope they’ll have time in the off season to try and work things out, but communicating via bio change on instagram is really not necessary.
Also I wish them the best, I adore them and only want their happiness 😉
Contact me in dm’s if you want to discuss it more :)
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Ok I get your saying you don’t like how either is acting. But in that original post, you singled Ali out. And said pretty harsh words about her. That was more so my point. And also I know they both removed the wife parts from their bios but other then that I truly don’t see how they’ve been acting childish. Not saying maybe they haven’t but that’s no an impression I’ve got.
Well sorry if you felt it that way I didn’t mean to single Ali’s behaviour as I made a reference right after about Ash’s behaviour which is not better.
I’ve been following them for years now, and I just have the feeling that’s it’s the first time they take their troubles out in the open.
I mean we’re talking about the women who got engaged in secret, adopted 2 kids in the secret and got to court in secret. They were never people who took their personal fight online. Never.
And I really struggle with understanding why they didn’t protect each other better or their family better and worse why they add oil to the fire by acting like this.
They’ve completely took out the focus of Ali’s retirement and their couple and now the main feeling from people (even people like us who really adore them) seems to be “enough is enough and stop acting like teenagers”
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Just admit you clearly don’t like Ali. To say her behavior has been disgusting is rude and simply untrue. Like what. Also your reason is that she’s been posting happy content, as if Ashlyn hasn’t been. Ashlyn had been going out and partying at so many events, but you don’t say anything about that.
It has nothing to deal about loving them or not. I don’t like the way they are ACTING on instagram.
I find it childish and unnecessary to act the way they are at the moment. And I think a lot of people think like me. I do like the both of them a lot actually but I just don’t understand what they are doing because they used to be such private people I really don’t get what’s the point …
I love Ali, and I love Ashlyn. If you just look at my profile that’s obvious. But I also love when people respect each other publicly and lately I feel like they could have really handled the situation on social media way better.
This is opinion entitled to me and if you don’t like it, nobody forces you to read it
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Ashlyn removed it from her bio first for what it’s worth
I know she did. But of them are exhausting. They’re parents now. They need to stop this non sense online it’s stupid
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What I always adored about Ashlyn and Ali was the respect they had for each other. The fact that whatever they did they always each other best interest at heat and always managed to keep their private life private.
What has been going on lately is so disappointing. I perfectly understand that people can end their relationship, people can fall out of love. But when you have kids. You can’t do what they’ve been doing for months.
Ali’s behaviour online has been absolutely disgusting for months, she’s been posting happy stuff all the time and Ash took a huge amount of hatred because of that.
What happens between us just stay between us. I agree. But as a kid who saw her parents getting divorced and other people taking side and making mean comments & my parents not being supportive to each other. I guarantee you that as public figures, removing the “proud wife” from their insta bio on the same day while they are away from their children, not with each other and for the world to see is immature as fuck for two 40 years old women.
Professional instagram or not. They were adamant of always being here for each other, stand by each other. You can fall out of love with someone, you just don’t have to fall out of respect.
I m disappointed in the both of them at how they’ve been handling this thing, and I wish them the best for the future. I just really believe they need to stop behaving like 15 years old on instagram because honestly, it’s not a good look for them.
That’ll be all for me, I’ll take a step back coz I have a feeling shit is about to go down and I don’t wanna witness it.
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ashlyn changed her bio on Instagram.I can't believe it's true.
Let’s not jump to conclusions. She changed her bio and deleted a lot of photos. But she still kept photos with Ali, love declaration, some anniversary and birthday photos of the two of them. I think she just turns her insta into a more professional mean of communication.
I think we’re shifting here. We had the chance to see them thrive together as a couple publicly and now they are going to thrive professionally too but in différent areas. They are very committed people and respectful people.
Ash would NEVER do sth so childish 2 days before Gotham most important game of the season and while Ali is away until Sunday.
I honestly do not believe it.
But don’t worry that was my initial reaction too, I was eating when someone sent me that she removed “proud wife and mum” and I chocked.. 😂 literally.
They are going to be fine. 😘❤️
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One of the main reasons that I think they’ve called it quits is that they read the room. They know what is being said out there. They’ve read it for the last two months. If all is ok, they’ve had the power to stop the rumors with one or two photos here & there and decided not too. I know they don’t owe the fans anything but you would think they’d want all the rumors & speculation to stop. Does someone shut off her comments to her fans if her marriage is fine? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
They honestly never ever commented online about what was going on in their lives, don’t see why they would start now 🤷🏼‍♀️
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My speculation, just from the rumors & what we are seeing is they have separated. It all really points to them just co parenting at this point. They both seem like they are doing their own thing with other people in their lives. I love them both & I just want to see them happy. It appears they are so that’s all I can wish for. Not gonna lie, I am curious, just like all their fans as to what may have happened in a few months time though. I really thought these two were in it for the long haul. I know its none of our business but its sad.
Call me crazy but I actually think they are okay.
Ali is wearing ash Shirt from the designer ash is friend with in NYC. Ash is reposting stories from their wedding planner. I think they are alright.
Let’s wait and see for this retirement game, I wasn’t too far off base when I told you sth shifted with Gotham. It really seemed like Ash is working in another section now.
As soon as retirement is done, you’re gonna see Ali crawling back on social media…
But they are fine, and I’ll say so until officially proven otherwise 😂😂😂 I would repost a story regarding my wedding if I was co - parenting
What about you?
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Thoughts on the rings, wearing them and not? Ash more noticeable bc she always wears. Ali hit or miss but most of the time yes.
Honestly rings really don’t mean anything for me. They take them off, change them all the time and ash and Ali had them recently
Wouldn’t read too much into it tbh
Things are going to fall into place soon… let’s keep our fingers crossed 🤞🏼
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In all honesty I don’t think the issues that may be going on have anything to do with cheating or separation or divorce,etc..
I don’t think many people realize that Storm & Logan were their babies for quite a while. I think to an extent they are struggling with having to rehome them. That had to be very traumatic for all of them.
Ali is trying to lead her team to the playoffs & hopefully a championship in her final season.
They are both trying to figure out what’s next. They’ve spent their entire lives together doing the same thing. There’s got to be an adjustment period as to both of them saying “what now”?
This Fandom sometimes just needs to relax & enjoy what they want to share with us.
What I absolutely hate is the disrespect towards Ashlyn. To say some of the stuff they are saying on IG under her posts are just insane. Some people have lost their minds.
I agree with your last paragraph so much.
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Anyone can send stuff to that gossip site lmao they also been wrong before. That was also from an anon. Just like that troll sent a fake dm to some random gossip site the day before their wedding.
Yeah but I honestly think Ash can go to a show with a friend no? I mean Ali does it quite a lot too.. it doesn’t have to mean anything.
Also to the other anon spamming my inbox saying how I m asking your opinions and then choosing to repost what I want, if you insult them or me then your opinion isn’t interesting to share nor to read, so don’t waste your time !
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