awonderland-blog · 1 month
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awonderland-blog · 2 months
@allysoniathewonderland Written, composed, played, sang, recorded, edited, and produced by Allyson Glascock, 2023-2024 Soundcloud.com/allysonia #music ♬ original sound – Allysonia @allysoniathewonderland Live from Tower Porchfest 2024! (Look at my muscles!!!! You can finally see my muscles!!!!!! 🎉💪) #queerartist #fresnocalifornia ♬ original sound – Allysonia @allysoniathewonderland Brought to…
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awonderland-blog · 2 months
About Me
Welcome to Allysonia! The smoky, soothing sounds of this acoustic Neo-soul, Queer artist have transformed through the course of 20 years, a well of formative experience, and a steep road of reclamation. Deep lyrics juxtaposed with playful melodies and comedic interludes make the soundscapes crafted by Allysonia a sensational experience. Allysonia re-emerges after a ten year sabbatical, during…
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
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it’s not up to you to decide what others do with their bodies and if you tell someone they can’t love themselves because they are a size bigger than the average human you a piece of shit.
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
One of the hardest and most powerful things we can do as women is tell our stories and tell them honestly.
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
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 there is so much strength in healing by lora mathis
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
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The Body Shapes of the World’s Best Athletes Compared Side By Side
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
Take The Cake: F*ck Acceptance. Give Me Change | Ravishly
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
Why aren’t the real perils of fat athleticism ever shown in print or video?
I mean, raise your hand if you’re fat and you’ve ever been disrespected while innocently exercising. Um, me too.
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Don’t know what we’re talking about? Close your eyes and imagine our fat woman du jour, smiling while standing next to an elliptical machine. Or maybe she’s gleefully jogging through a random park, bundled up in unnecessarily bulky sweatshirts and baggin, saggin’ sweatpants.
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But quick- what’s left out of these shots? How about the other gym patrons, who are usually quick to rudely ogle and/or offer unsolicited advice to our fat heroine. Also left out of the spotlight? The passerby who decides that it’s appropriate to cat-call our heroine while she finishes her jog in the park. On a regular basis, fat athletes are mocked, discriminated, and emotionally assaulted.
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So what’s the deal? Are fat women supposed to be grateful for the opportunity to be disrespected? Nah, I don’t think so. Instead of waiting around for the rest of the world get with the program, I’m just going to continue embodying the worst living nightmare of fat shamers and haters.
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I will continue to wear sport bras (like this very comfortable and functional little number from Catherine’s) while exercising outdoors. I will continue to show my stretch marks. I will continue to wear cute, form fitting leggings that show off my curves. I shouldn’t have to hide my body because it makes other people uncomfortable.
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Furthermore, I don’t need weight loss as a goal in order to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Wellness isn’t about body size- it’s simply  a commitment to being  a happy and joyful creature, both inside and out. So even when the gym patrons gawk and passerby cat call, I resolve to decline the opportunity to be disrespected. I’m gonna hold my head high and know that I don’t need the approval of people who hate happiness and want to breed negativity. Everything I need in order to be happy and healthy is inside of me.
Photos by my love @alliemullin
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Catherines. The opinions and text are all mine.
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awonderland-blog · 7 years
a body literally doesn’t have to fit anyone’s aesthetic for its owner to be:
fun to be around
worth listening to
allowed to wear whatever they fucking want
allowed to be comfortable or confident
the gender(s) they know they are
desired sexually or romantically
a goddamned delight
people exist for themselves; their bodies exist for them.
sometimes some bodies will fit your aesthetic but that’s not what they’re for and it’s nonsensical to have expectations about how anyone’s body (even yours!) should cater to your taste in visual art.
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awonderland-blog · 14 years
"You offend reason... I should like to offend it with you!"
(via vintageflower)
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awonderland-blog · 14 years
Your flaws are beautiful. They’re what make you stand out. Don’t try to be normal, perfect, striving to be something or someone that you will never accomplish. Be annoying, be quirky, be different. In truth, it takes a hell of a lot more strength to resist, than to go along with the flow. Stray from the path. What anyone else thinks doesn’t matter. Let them be boring, let them be the same, as unnoticeable as the people around them. Wear flowers in your hair, mismatching socks, and thousands of multi-colored bracelets. Press all those damn buttons in the elevator, and piss off everyone around you. Have fun now, because there’s always plenty of time to be boring in the future.
- Andrea Chiang (via sisterg0ldenhair)
The story of my life.
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awonderland-blog · 14 years
I spent
the majority of my day with little kids, and I decided that I prefer to spend my days with little kids. I fit in with them the best it seems. They're not mad at the world, and they're not out to get me or take me for granted. Everything is simple. Everything is sweet. With little kids, sand is interesting for an hour, and when you dance silly dances as you walk, they join you instead of scowl. Those are my kind of people. I took a couple of little boys (5 and 7 or something) to the park, and on the way, there was a dumpster full of sticks. They helped me get a couple hand-fulls out, and when I got home, that was all I talked about for maybe half an hour. I'm so stoked about my sticks. I'm going to make a tree for my room, and it's going to be the shit. My 18 year old little brother does not even begin to understand what could possibly be so exciting about a bunch of sticks. He plays a lot of video games. He's an unfortunate soul if you ask me.
After I left those little boys' house (I was babysitting them), I called my sister in law and told her I needed my nephew (14 mos) to be my Valentine. I picked him up, took him to... another park, and on the way I sang Frank Sinatra songs to him via the rear view mirror, and he thought it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure that's my favorite experience of my entire life so far, and I'm going to sing Frank Sinatra songs to him for the rest of his life. He tried to sing along for bits, too, and I reached back to hold his hand, which he also thought was funny. My nephew is the coolest thing ever to have oxygen flowing through his body... well, except Jesus. But honestly, I think that if Jesus met my nephew, Jesus might even think he's cooler. Hahaha...
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