awriterstransition · 4 years
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awriterstransition · 4 years
here have 10 pieces of writing advice that have stuck with me over the years
every character’s first line should be an introduction to who they are as a person
even if you only wrote one sentence on a really bad day, that’s still one sentence more than you had yesterday
exercise restraint when using swear words and extra punctuation in order for them to pack a punch when you do use them
if your characters have to kiss to show they’re in love, then they’re not in love
make every scene interesting (or make every scene your favorite scene), otherwise your readers will be just as bored as you
if you’re stuck on a scene, delete the last line you wrote and go in a different direction, or leave in brackets as placeholders
don’t compare your first draft to published books that could be anywhere from 3rd to 103rd drafts
i promise you the story you want to tell can fit into 100k words or less
sometimes the book isn’t working because it’s not ready to be written or you’re not ready to write it yet; let it marinate for a bit so the idea can develop as you become a better writer
a story written in chronological order takes a lot more discipline and is usually easier to understand than a story written with flashbacks
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awriterstransition · 4 years
How a Character’s Choice of Clothing Benefits the Story
When writing, it’s important that everything you include serves a purpose. The character’s name, their favorite color, and their choice of companion give an impression about the character, the world around them, and the past that shaped who they are. The more you amplify these elements, the greater the image you’re painting for the reader.
For example, say the plot calls for the character to buy a car, and they choose a blue one. “Blue” is a necessary detail to include in the narrative, but by giving this specific decision meaning, you make it important. Perhaps blue was their parent’s favorite color, and they strive to please them. Perhaps blue is a calming color, and it reflects their calm personality. This makes the narrative richer.
In the same way, characters need clothing, so why not make it a useful element in the story? Take advantage of this opportunity to tell the reader something. Here are three things your character’s choice of clothing can amplify in the story.
It Says Something About Their Personality: The way a character dresses can reflect their tastes, views, and emotions. For example, your boisterous character might be best dressed in colorful shorty shorts to reflect her free spirit. Her sass and disregard for other’s opinions is what tells us her personality, but this small addition has made the fact visual as well as mental. In another case, your reserved and slightly distrustful character might be better dressed in a bulky designer coat; this reflects on his desire to be enclosed but also regarded as superior. Your character’s personality is independent, but the proper clothing can complement and amplify their unique views.
It Says Something About The Setting: Dressing your characters in clothing that reflects their setting will reinforce this new atmosphere in the reader’s mind. Colors give impressions all on their own; dark colors such as greys or blacks will match the dark atmospheres. If you’re trying to show a contrast between two groups – one more successful and the other starving – dressing one group in bright pinks or yellows will give a sense of light and energy, making them seem healthier. The style also reflects the world; conservative dress such as long sleeves or coats can reflect order or oppression, while less conservative clothing can show rebellion and freedom. Your world itself will determine the setting, but clothing can complement it, amplifying the atmosphere.
It Can Say Something About Them Physically: In addition to symbolism, clothing can serve a literal purpose. If you have a young character, dressing them in outfits which are colorful and airy can complement their younger attitudes. If you have a character with an embarrassing scar or injury they wish to hide, constantly dressing them in long sleeves, despite weather, can subtly reveal this. These details can amplify the characters themselves but also open new doors for foreshadowing.
Every detail included in your piece of fiction should serve a purpose, and perhaps even tell a story within a story. Minor details such as a character’s style, their choice of design, or their choice of color can breathe new life into the details of your narrative.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll post different character clothing options as inspiration, and detail how each item could be an asset to your story. Hopefully this will stir up some creative juices and help you make choices to apply to your cast.
Happy writing! And feel free to check out my website: November Ink
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Contracts and Demands Part 5
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Contracts and Demands Part 5
         I woke up to my alarm clock as usual, and groaned feeling my face I was dead tired, and I had only slept for three hours. Thankfully I didn’t have to go into work today so I was able to relax in bed, and I quickly and happily curled up in my pillow knowing I didn’t have to move from my spot. I was just about to drift off again when the bell to my room jingled and I looked up to see Raven looking down at me, he looked perfectly fine, and very naked, he walked towards me, with his arms crossed.          “Raven please go away, not right now.” I protested weakly because I didn’t have the energy to deal with him right now.           “Master Dale we need to talk about the ball, how did it go?” He asked picking me up out of bed by the back of my vest, and sitting me upright. “Raven… Seriously?”           “This is the first time I haven’t attend the ball, I want to know how it went. You have to tell me everything.”           “If I cook dinner will you leave me alone?” I asked groaning, rubbing my eyes to remove their dreariness.           “No sir.” I looked up at him and fell back into bed.           “Fine.” I protested pulling the blade from my hip and leaning it up against the side table. With a deep breath laying on the pillow I started to tell Raven everything that had happed. Though by the time I stopped talking, Ria stumbled half-dressed and smelling of sex. “Woah, those slaves know how to party. Gods I can’t believe I never tried it before.” She groaned leaning on the wall looking at me. I sighed and snapped my fingers and my desk chair came towards her and she sat down, with my magic I simply pulled her near. At this point I was awake enough to sit up, and crossed my legs on the bed as I restarted the story so she could listen to me. Healing her hangover as I talked and some of the sexual injuries she had gained from the night before.          By the time I finally ended the story they both looked at me rather unhappily. “You should have kept that female by your side.” Raven simply stated looking down scolding me partially.           “And you should have wandered around the ball room and got yourself acquainted with many other nobles. You need to spread out, if you don’t earn the respect of other nobles you won’t hold your position in the court for very long.” Ria added and Raven nodded in agreement.           “I hate these kind of things, there annoying and just full of manipulation, and lies. That female was just wanting to be around me because she wanted to marry into my name.” I countered stiffly and Raven groaned and pushed back his ears.           “It doesn’t matter what you think of what she was trying to do you, you should have stayed with her, and she may have introduced you to others. You are a stranger very few know anything about they’re going to weary of someone that has no history. You have to show them your better side and allow the nobles to get comfortable around you, or else no one will do business with you. Think about it as trying to get a loan from a bank, you make many small loans you pay back promptly allowing the bank to get comfortable with you, and then you can start taking large loans. Think of every small loan as an interaction, when you pay it back promptly, think of that as a good interaction, that earns you respect with the nobles as a whole. It doesn’t matter if you fail every now and then as long as you are seen as a good and fair noble among the others. When you get in there good graces that is when you can start asking things from them, and they’ll agree to do things for you, because they know your word is fair and they trust you. It’s not about whether you like that noble or not, it’s about if you are able to interact with the properly. Right now to the nobles you are a mystery they aren’t sure to trust or despise you, you are a wild card, that could ruin them or make things better for them, so nobles are going to test you now.”           “That means?” I asked understanding the bank styled explanation, rather surprised by Raven’s input because I didn’t take him to be a political figure, he seemed more like a back ground figure.           “Good and Bad things, rumors, shunning, tasks and forced interactions. How you handle each one will determine if the nobles will respect you enough to trust you, or leave you by the wayside. You need their support so right now, this is the true political game. You can’t trust anyone, anyone could be working with a noble to collect information on you. So be careful what you say and how you interact with those around you. You need to keep your secrets tucked close to your chest, and a dagger tucked in your belt.” Raven explained with a very ominous tone that forced me to pay close attention to his words.           “Then what should I do?”           “Live your life as you normally would, but play things a bit close to the vest, but try not to be too secretive, you want to keep their eyes on you.” Ria explained and I raised my eyebrow looking at her.           “And how would you know anything about this?”           “I’m Night Watch, political games are what we have to deal with for a living, even in the military. But I think you should try and participate in the Arena?”           “Why would I do that?”           “Mincridarins are always looking for strong mates, even friends, if you can prove yourself to be strong and powerful. The nobles will want to interact with you, because with power comes respect.”           “You know I was half expecting you to say reasonability.” I added and Ria looked at me confused but before she could say anything else I shifted the answer. “But I’ve heard you kill in the Arena?”           “Depends on the tournament, if it’s a city wide competition, killing is forbidden, you can maim but if you severely wound, or kill, you are punished by the full extent of the law.” Ria explained firmly before sitting back in her chair.           “But why do I want political power? I just came here to live and make a life for myself, not become a part of some kind of political agenda.”           “Sure, but think about it like this, imagine being denied everywhere for no apparent reason, and just ignored every single day of your life until you die?” Raven simply explained and his words were so simple and intense I quickly understood the need, and just groaned falling back on the bed.           “Fine, I’ll do my best to play the game.”           “Good now first things first is you need to push the boundaries a little, impose a hold on someone else’s territory, just a small portion, just enough to get their attention. We Ravens have always dominated the slave Market so something else would be best for you, in order for you to stick out and show a change in leadership.”           “How about residential building, you’d be surprised how many properties we have around the city. I have recorded lists of properties that the Raven family still owns even after hundreds of years, and pictures of maps of the city and where Raven properties are.” I explained and Raven smiled.           “That’d be perfect, no one likes being kicked out of their house. But if you can prove ownership even after so long you can pull the rug out from under their paws, and that will ruffle some noble’s feathers.”           “I’m thinking renovation, most of the properties are in trees that are referred to as the back woods, I’m guessing there are plenty problems in that area so if we improve the land value of some of the houses, that’ll catch some people’s eyes… For my books I’ve always had to come up with floor plans for houses and I have a program on my computer that can help me create designs and layouts. It just getting the permits to allow such renovations.” I explained looking at Raven since he seemed to understand what to do and play the political game.           “Permits?” Raven simply asked looking down at me.           “You know things that say you can build something because it goes against regulation?”           “Isen if you own a property you only need it to be within those simple regulations, what you do with the property beyond that is up to you.” Raven explained and that left me kind of surprised, but I didn’t debate it much, because the lack of oversight would make these things quick and easy.           “Ok but I need to sleep, I’m not going to able to function like this, when I go to the Archives I’ll choose some locations from the Maps that’ll go way back, back enough to piss people off, that way they’ll talk about it, but when they see what I’ve done they’ll be surprised about it, and talk about what I’ve done. But I need a lawyer to make sure the properties I look are still legitimate, two I need see the regulations required to build, three I’ll need time to come with plans because I’m probably going to be the one building the houses with magic. Thank the gods Lynn trained me so rigorously in manipulation, I just hope I still got that touch, it’s been ages since I’ve last done anything with wood. I’ll also need some protection in case things go sideways, so some proper guards would do nicely. Ria can you do that?”  I explained giving out my orders.           “That’ll be easy. I know a few guards that wouldn’t mind a few more leafs in their pockets. You’ll just have to pay them up front first.”           “Fine, just have Raven pull the money out for you. Now can you two both let me sleep?” I asked and they both looked at me and simply nodded, and left the room. Ria closed the door as she left the room.          I woke up hours later and took a bath and got dressed in fine red vest and black pants. I pulled the laptop bag over my shoulder and left for the Archives alone. The two slaves I would have taken were passed out on the floor one on top of the other. Cock still inside the other’s ass. It was an amusing enough sight that I had to take a pictures, to embarrass them later.          I worked on the ledger but most of my work was dedicated on the previous land holdings marked down in the ledgers, contracts which I pulled from thick leather bound binders, and reviewing the maps of the city. I asked the Grand Archivist if I could see an up to date map of the city, he agreed understanding the need. Based upon the ancient maps I had of the city, The Capital City Tarva had grown nearly twice as big, but that didn’t mean the property I still owned wasn’t gone. Just for my personal record I took a picture of the maps, before I returned the city map to the Grand Archivist, yelling my thanks because anything else he couldn’t hear.          Sometimes I had yelled so much at him that my throat had gotten sore, though when I couldn’t stand the ledgers anymore, I cleaned up the table and packed up everything I needed, and left the Archives. When I got back to the brothel I had noticed some pretty pathetic tailers following behind me. They were terrible as suppressing their presence and blending in, they were painfully obvious it was like a scene in an action comedy. I took pity on them and just did nothing, because they were trying really hard, and I could tell, but they just gave everything away. They looked away when I looked at them, they hide behind people and things, and at points they were just talking to each other in order to blend in.          I eventually made my way upstairs of the brothel, the two large guards standing out front greeting me as I passed by them. Dropped my things and sighed starting to unpack, but I stopped when Raven came and collected me, he had already found a lawyer; so he lead me the Lawyer who was enjoying some drinks and sitting downstairs in the brothel. I gathered everything I had and brought it down. The lawyer reviewed the land holdings, and contracts. Out of the twelve I had brought him only one was seen as invalid, because of the fact that the contract was far too old to review properly, and because of a discrepancy in the contract that released the property back to the slave’s family if the slave had died in training, which in the contract was plainly stated.          Also one thing to note was that I should be getting paid some minor tax by the families that still owned the homes for the simple fact that I owned their home. He also explained I could regulate who lived in my homes, and shift the tax on the house as much as I liked within the regulated standards. But if I wanted to shift the tax around I would have to fill out the paper work. Which the lawyer stated I should do regardless because I was getting no returns on the properties as of right now, because of the fact that some properties were so old, the contract and who actually owned the property was forgotten, so the paperwork would merely reawaken the tax and put it back into play.          The lawyer finished by explaining that the regulations and building codes that I needed to follow, and provided a list of requirements that I had to obey or I could be penalized. The requirements were vague and utterly simple, locks on doors, windows, sleeping space, and kitchen of some kind, owning a bathroom wasn’t even mentioned. That personally made me feel sick, and I was going to make sure that these houses had a proper bathroom. So when the Lawyer left after being paid for his service I told Raven to find me a builder, I’d need an assistant who knew what he was doing if I wanted to create some of the things I had in mind. Raven nodded and left leaving me alone with my computer where I was already starting to come up with ideas for the buildings.          Ria returned with three guards from the Barracks that were available for the next few days, they were paid fifty brass leaves up front, each of the three would get a single copper leaf once done, on agreement. We set up a time in the morning to meet in front of brothel and they left to go on their way.          Raven returned with a single meek looking rat, an earth mage who specialized in building. He sat down and was brought a drink and we talked about how to manipulate the wood and how to build with it and how to build a bathroom most of all. When I showed him what I planned to do he spat up his drink in surprise, and looked at me in utter confusion wondering if I mentally stable, asking why I would do so much for those lowlife’s. I would have knocked the rat on his ass, but I held back. I hated his words just because they were so degrading to other citizens. I was a mage capable of making a home for nearly no cost out of pocket, making a families life better, and just trying to be charitable made me insane, that very concept was infuriating.          Raven was perceived my anger and he had the rat escorted out by two slaves, though with how to build things out of the way I closed my laptop, everything was in place. We merely just needed to act. And after a good night’s rest act we did, I woke up just before the leaves started shifting from green to the summer sun yellow.          The first thing I took note of was the smell when we neared the Back Woods, it was revolting and rank, I was sure I would lose my sense of my smell if I stuck around too long. The citizens in the Back Woods you could tell were leaf-less or nearly had nothing to their name. Their bodies were clean but their closes were old and torn.          When we came to the house I thought might make the most impact. I knocked on the door, until I got an angered response from a male. When the door was unlocked and got jammed on the floor, the male slammed open. I looked up into the face of an angered and tired reptile, his slit eyes glared down at me and his large body was naked. “What in the gods names do you want?!”           “I’ve come to tell you I own your house?” The anger in his eyes only grew more intense and he crossed his arms in front me and looked down at me. “I own this house, it took me years to buy it from the damn city.”           “Actually sir, it was never owned by the city.” I said and he looked at me confused but still very much angry and soon enough a tall slender female came into view and looked at me and then the guards.           “What’s going on?” She asked worry only in her voice and her mate turned to her and quickly took hold of her shoulder. “It’s nothing, don’t worry scales over these idiots. They were just leaving.”           “I’m sorry but your still seem a little confused I said I own your house, it was never owned by the city. It was given up when a Male going by the name Sithen, when couldn’t pay his debts. The house belongs to the Raven family.”           “My Grand Father, but he died years ago?” The female quickly protested, and soon enough a few small hatchlings called out from the back of the room.           “Your Grandfather Miss, never was married when he became a slave, so when he signed the contract giving up all he owned to the Raven family, this home wasn’t co owned by any other person or mate. So this house, he owned all by himself, so when he signed the contract he lost this house as well. Even if your grandfather died the property never went back to the city, and he couldn’t give it to anyone. The Ravens own your home I can show you all the paper work if you want.” I explained and the females and males face looked down at me with a mix of depressed emotions, but the male tensed up and confronted me grabbing my vest and pulling me closer, but a blade soon came to his throat, and he let me go.           “We aren’t leaving?” The protested angrily still very much standing his ground.           “Sir you misunderstand I never said you had to leave, I’m just merely stating I own your home, and as such I can do with the property as I want. I’m not here to drag you out, I’m here to improve your home free of charge.” The look on their faces were of sheer shock and the made seemed unsure of how to respond.           “What’s the catch?” He asked glaring down at me after a moment regaining his own composure.           “The Raven name is under new ownership. I personally own the Raven name. Pleased to meet you my name is Isen dale the owner of the Raven name.” I simply stated with a simple bow, greeting the male. “My actions are simply to be charitable, and improve the tarnished Raven name. But if you don’t want me to be here I can walk away. I have many other homes I have to get too.” I explained simply starting to shift away, but this comment caught the male off guard, but he settled down soon enough.             “Wait sir. I’m sorry for lashing out at you, I’ve spent years trying to earn the leafs required to pay for this home, what would happen after your done? I won’t turn down your charity but I don’t want to let a demon walk through the door.” The Phrase was strange but the simple explanation was that he didn’t want to be scammed; smart guy.           “I can give you two options sir, I’m willing to sign over the ownership of this home directly to you free of charge, no strings attached, or you can pay me a small tax, and allow me to remain the owner. If you do that though, if anything breaks or gets damaged, it’s my reasonability as the landlord to make sure it’s repaired or taken care of properly. In short you’ll be paying me rent.” The reptile felt his neck and looked at his mate, who was keeping her hatchlings close by her side.           “Can we wait to see what you do with our home before we agree to anything else?”           “Of course sir.” I simply agreed and the reptile nodded. “What do we need to do?”           “Merely clean your home, and bring anything that isn’t part of the tree out, my guards will make sure your belongings remain safe, so if you need to go to work, or anything you may go and do that.” I explained and he looked at me curiously and then at the guards.           “How can I trust you with my things?”           “Sir, I’m trying to improve the Raven name, I don’t want to make things worse for the Raven name. If I say we’ll protect your things, we’ll protect your things. If we are incapable of doing that I will be sure you are repaid properly.” I explained and he nodded and looked at his mate.           “Just stay with the hatchlings today, and watching our things.” The male explained and the female nodded and the male sighed. “Alright do what you want sir, I have to go to work I’ll be back before the leaves turn green.”           “I hope you have a good day at work, but sir shouldn’t you put on clothes?” I asked and the reptile looked down at me and sighed.           “It doesn’t matter where I work, just try not to break anything.” He finished softly before going to his mate and kissing her lightly, kissing the hatchlings and left saying goodbye, walking the streets with nothing on, not even underwear.           “I’ll get the house cleaned sir, it’ll be a bit.” I nodded and the female closed the door and walked away, I looked at my guards who were quiet and started a basic conversation with them, while trying not to breathe too deeply.  Eventually late in the morning the things were brought out in small crates and chests, the mother sat with her Hatchlings on her lap sitting on the largest chest watching me closely. The guards stood nearby the female because some Mincridarins were growing curious for than one reason.          I stepped inside the home and was quickly noticed the smell, it was apparent the place needed a proper cleaning, the wood was deeply worn down. The stairs creaked when I upstairs to view the beds. The wood was splintery and I had to pull a small splinter from my hand when the splinter lodged it’s self in place, as I was walking up the stairs tracing my hand over the railing. Eventually the ideas started to flow and I had a plan of what things would look like. So I went to the front door and closed it, jamming it closed before stretching out my body.          I pulled out my wand from the holster under my pant leg, and took a deep breath. “Hatchlings have you ever seen a master mage before?” They shook their head and I smiled. “Well I’m not one but I’ll be sure to make your home very pretty.” I simply stated and they gave a small laugh, and when their laugh stopped I grew tense and slowed my breath, I visualized the end product in my head, the details of everything I wanted done, just as Lynn had trained me to do.          “Don.” I said deeply as I expressed my magic, my body shooting out a powerful gray aura that I quickly focused into the tip of the wand, which I lightly placed on the door. From the tip of the wand, waves of gray light rippled across the trunk of the tree until it struck predetermined edges. I closed my eyes and as magic took shape I perceived I was inside the home building, it as if I was building it in a computer program, shifting around shapes manipulating the wood and bending it to my will. Step by step, room by room I moved through the home remodeling everything.          I don’t know how long I had been standing there in front of the door way, it was almost like a trance, but when I was truly done I tapped the door and sighed, magical exhaustion hitting me like a brick, it was bearable though, and I shifted inside the door and closed it. I finished with some simple finale touches, I warded the doors and windows, not like my room but with basic protection runes and charms to keep evil spirits at bay. I shifted outside when I finished the last window and settled down on a crate nearby. “Probably won’t recognize your home.” I joked looking at the female, and simply gestured for her to go inside with my wand as I regained myself. I may have expressed too much magic, but that was something to remember next time. The female looked at me unsure, but when I gesture for her to go again she didn’t resist and she stood up and went to the doors. She merely pushed open the door and I think her mind did a full restart, because she just stood there utterly shocked the hatchlings getting excited and running about.           “BY the Gods…. What have you done to our house?” She asked looking back at me, tears coming to her eyes as she wiping her scales clean. I smiled and at this point waved my wand at the containers they brought outside.           “Step aside hatchlings I don’t want you to get hurt.” I simply stated and I shifted the containers inside placing them were the female mother asked me too, but when I was done the hatchlings had finished their tour of the whole house.          When I finished placing the largest trunk I felt the female wrap her arms around me, she hugged me tightly. “Thank you, this is beautiful. I never thought I would ever live in a home so nice.”           “Miss let me show you some of the special things I’ve done.” I explained taking the female back downstairs the cubs hugging me happily as well, just asking me questions and being playful, the mother hushed them and she looked at me. I shut the front door and. “Every single door and window on your home is warded with spells that will keep pesky spirits out of your home, I’m sure if that is a problem but it’s just for a simple little addition, but the most important thing is this sliding bolt.” I explained grabbing a knob and closing a large thick panel in front of the door which in a simple way locked the door. I proved this by trying to open it. I then undid the bolt and opened the door. “Also your door doesn’t get jammed anymore. Noticed that problem personally.”           “I realigned kitchen cabinets so they aren’t slanted. Smoothed down all of your furniture and gave is softer curves so it wasn’t so sharp and uncomfortable. The circles on the wall were just something I saw on earth, it’s called modern art, it’s very simple and I made them large enough so if you wanted to hang up anything in them you could do that as well. I purified your crystal lights and recharged them, so they won’t be as dim as they were before, which is why it’s so bright in here.” I explained and the female just looked around to where I pointed and then I pointed to a door under the stairs.           “That right there is a personal bathroom, with a proper toilet and wash tub in case you want to wash clothes or yourselves.” I explained and the female looked at me stunned and confused. “A bathroom?” The female questioned and she went to the door and opened it and smiled happily, she nearly started crying.           “We had to use pots and take them out in the morning to a dump the mess out… This is wonderful, thank you. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.” The mother cried and I simply pointed upstairs. “I added something you might like upstairs.”           “What you have done is enough? What more could you do?” The Female asked just stunned with happiness as she followed me upstairs. “I’m sure some nights you just want privacy, so I made these for you. Their sliding accordion wall dividers.” I explained and simply showed how they worked and soon enough the parents side of the bedroom was utterly closed off. I then tapped the closed surface. “Also when your inside I put runes on each of the panels which will make anyone outside, where we are unable to hear what’s going on inside there.” I explained and it took a moment for the female to understand my meaning, but when she did a bright look came to her eyes, and she just smiled. I then pulled away the walls and then showed a simple closet inside the wall with shutter doors.           “Finally, I know you don’t want your clothes stolen and you want to wash them, and since you can wash your clothes inside your house. I made these poles so you can hang up your clothes inside.” I explained as I picked up two fairly thick rods and slid them into the wall above not too far above my head. I then pulled them out and put them to the side.           “I hope you enjoy your new home, if you have any questions. I’m sure you know where The Spotted Kings Brothel is? Simply talk to one of the many slaves and they’ll relay the message to me. But Please understand I don’t want to come out here often so try not to break anything, if you do I will charge you small fee to repair it… But that’s of course if you don’t want to own the house entirely for yourselves.” I explained and the female nodded in understanding.           “Well I’m off, when you come up with your decision to keep the house or accept me as your land lord, I will be at the Spotted Kings Brothel.” I finished and simply started to say goodbye to the female and she hugged me, thanking me, the hatchlings did as well they wished me well and they closed the door. I walked home with guards, who were served lunch and drinks before leaving me alone since I was done for the day.  
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Contracts and Demands Part 4
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Contracts and Demands Part 4
        The Royal archives was a massive library that took over an entire section of a tree, inside the palace grounds which was by five trees connected by walls. The Archives were only accessed through the courtyard, which was walled off from the rest of the city, protected by thick metal gates, and hundreds of guards armed to the teeth. The courtyard was covered in vines, and these vines connected the five trees together, creating walk ways, bridges and zip lines. I was watched intently by every guard I passed, but none talked to me and the guards were dead quiet, only the trees spoke in soft silence when the wind shifted the leaves.          The front doors of the archives were warded with enough wards to impress Lynn. The magic protecting the archives was immense, if I wasn’t let in by key and tried to break in. I’m sure I would have just exploded right where I stood. I wasn’t even let in by a guard, the doors only opened outwards and were locked from the inside. I was greeted by the head librarian an ancient tortoise, slow and careful in his movements as he leaned on a walker fashioned from wood, in the basket of the walker was a stack of ancient books. On his eyes were round rim glasses that gave him a rather comedic large eye effect. But I didn’t laugh, it would have been beyond rude. Elders as old as this tortoise were utterly respected. Mincridarins respected elders, treating them nearly like royals. When Mincridarins hit a certain point in age it was a huge deal, and you were respected even by royalty, at least in some regard. So to laugh or snicker at the large eyed glasses would have gotten me beaten by any Mincridarn nearby.          I waited for the tortoise to come closer, and he shifted closer I looked at his heavy and warm looking clothes, furred cloaks over his back from many kinds of beasts, and thick a scarf that was draped over his neck. A young female Avian followed behind him, with a simple clip board in hand, a megaphone on hip. The sparrow female wore subtle black silk robes much like a mages, and wore glasses upon her beak that were kept in place with small patch of paste, binding them to her beak. The glasses weren’t as large at the tortoises’ and were cut in half, simple gold framed reading glasses.          She looked up at me and brought the clipboard to side, the tortoise looked up at me and craned his head forward to look at me, craned his head back and adjusted his glassed before looking at me again. “The Queen told me about you, it’s good to see cub like you so interested in the Raven past, what a dark past, full of pain and misery.” The Head Librarian said softly pulling his head back after a moment. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” I said giving a simple bow of respect, the old male looked at me confused and then the sparrow took out a large horn and brought it to her beak. “HE SAID IT WAS PLEASURE TO MEET YOU!” The female yelled loudly into the tortoise’s ear, and he nodded. “Pleasure to meet you as well cub, come we have plenty to review.”          I followed behind the reptile closely, it was annoying, because I was one stepping behind the old male, but one stepping allowed me to look around the library taking in the mass of knowledge that was kept inside the ten tall sectioned library, filled to the brim with books. Books new and old were visible, and the entire place was lit with five bright crystal chandeliers, spread around the room hanging at different levels. And on the tall bookshelves were crystal scones, bringing light to the room even more. The ten sections were connected by stairs at the back of the library, forming a V that went left and right and around the circular walls. Avian Mincridarins flew around the room taking care of papers, dodging the chandeliers with precision similar to dog fighting jet maneuvers.          The bottom floor where I walked were book shelves arranged in a circle with tables covered in papers and books in between; in the center of the main floor was a circular sitting area just as heavily covered by books and paper. We stepped closer to shelves which were branded with the Raven Royal Seal. The twin books shelves were as twice as tall as I was, and separated by five shelves. Along the book shelves were sliding ladders.           “All of this is related to the Raven history, their business transactions, a history of everyone they owned  and what they owned, summaries of the family members and lineage, Even a few personal books written by members of the family, and journals from the deceased. All of this history now belongs to you Master Dale, treat it with care. If you need any help with how to look for books please just ask. Also you are not to wander in the library, the queen has only given permission to open these books, all else are sealed. If you are to look into any books that don’t belong to the Raven family, you will be banned from ever entering again.” The tortoise warned as he looked up at me and I felt my head groaning. “I’m going to need help, this’ll take me years to go through.”          “Yes I’m sure it will, but this is the first time in all my years that I’ve met someone who wanted to review the entire family history. Sounds very fun.” The tortoise said with a happy little cough before starting to walk away. “I might as well start on the easy thing and start creating Excel spread sheets.” I groaned and shifted to the table and laid out my lap top bag and started up my computer and went to work.          The first thing I started with were giant books that contained the history of the families’ taxes and disclosed purchases and so on. If I was going to own the Raven name I needed to understand the burdens it came with, how much I truly owned and how much I was losing because of debts or something of that kind. So I just started to listening to music and working on what was in front of me. Each page in the ledgers were as long as my arm and written in a beautiful script that took some effort to get used to reading. I worked the full day typing and reviewing the first ledge, only leaving the Archives for bathroom breaks and to get food. A few slaves from the Brothel came with me when I returned, the only two that could read, and they followed me happily since I told them I’d end their contract if they helped me finish my review of the family title. When they saw the task I asked them to join me in they weren’t all that happy, but it was better than doing chores, and being around the abusive Raven.          It took me three days and I was only half-way through the first ledger, that amount of work showed me how often I’d need to be at the Archives, so I made it a point to come to the Archives after combat training and work with the two slaves. My life revolved in this circle, I was always busy, teaching, training and typing. Days turned to weeks, and then into months, and towards the end of the year a letter was hand delivered to me one weekend by a Regal gray feline dressed in purple. The court messenger, he stood by me as I flipped open the letter with my claw.          I read the short and prompt letter, it was an invitation to the ball being held in honor of the New Year, a day of celebration and prayer. The ball would be a week from now, on the finale day of the year. I didn’t want to attend, but I knew Raven and Ria would have my ass if I said that. I was a member of the royal court I had to attend, it was my duty. So I waved off the messenger and he left, and I tucked the letter into my bag. Before continuing my work on the ledgers.          When I told Ria and Raven about the ball they were ecstatic, and quickly bolted into action, they stopped me from going to library in order to train me to be more regal. For the next week, I wore a brace on my back that forced me to stand straight, I was trained how to dance and speak… None of it was pleasant. Though the one thing that was good, was that I wasn’t scared of spiders anymore, all the forced exposure forced me to accept the spider’s presence and get over it. I didn’t still like being around them, but I never pissed myself in fear. In order to make sure I wasn’t scared of fruit spiders any more they brought the spider outside and they had me chase it off. I did it with a bit of resistance but the spider left, and with that fear taken care of we could start working my other fears.          Then the ball came around, and I was dressed in bright yellow, since my Royal Brand was Yellow, on my chest across my heart was my mark of nobility stitched in place with red thread. A shield bearing a vertical venn diagram, the two circles represented Earth and Ecorein. The mark symbolized my duty as a transition aid, though above this shield circling the tip was a halo, a call back to my time as the Angel of The New York Sanctuary. Against my gray and black fur, the yellow truly stood out, my legs were covered yellow silk pants. On my hip was a single edged blade; in a sheath sewn into my yellow elbow length gloves was a wand. There was sure to be combat and it was possible I could be challenged by another noble, but the thing Raven warned me to do is not to challenge someone, only accept challenges so I could determine how the battle was fought.          Raven and Ria weren’t allowed to attend, and so I was left without any guards or aid during the ball. The Palace gates were open and I shifted inside past the guards and blended in with the vibrant colors, which made of the nobility of Matra, and some foreign dignitaries from Adestria, Leggala, and Cadara. These nobles, crowded the court yard and filled it with conversation and greetings, a few fights had already broken out between some nobles and swords were clashing in the back ground. Though most everyone was in the courtyard, the main party was inside the palace. I never liked going to events like this, I always felt out of place, a wall flower. Even in high school I never attend prom or any of the school dances. They just seemed boring and pointless, because those kind of events I was always ended up going alone and I didn’t have many friends to interact with so I just fell to the way side. I had the choice of brining a plus one, but Slaves weren’t allowed to attend, so I couldn’t bring Raven. I couldn’t bring Ria because she wasn’t a noble. Only nobles and wealthy individuals capable of buying a ticket could attend this ball.          But what I hated the most about these kind of things was the stories, and back stabbing involved in the back ground. These were the places that nobles went to undermine one another, to ruin each other publicly and shun others. It was about controlling politics and managing power, authority. A well-dressed slave wearing a tan trimmed silk vest and only a silk vest offered me a drink, which I plainly refused and he left; I didn’t drink alcohol and that’s all he offered.          As I walked around the courtyard heading for the palace I’d get looks from other nobles and they’d scoff at my presence and say back handed comments about who I was and mocked how I dressed. I nearly had half a mind to avoid all of this and shifting into the royal archives and read one of the many books that I had yet to touch. I did my best to keep a straight face and walk with a proper stance, carrying myself just as other males would. Though that was when I was confronted, by a female, a slim vixen, with smooth red fur, and soft yellow eyes, her body was covered with a smooth green silk dress, slit along one side. Her arms were revealed, but she wore plenty of gems around her neck and wrists, even a gold diamond anklet.          Her dress had no noble mark, so she was a noble or a plus one, probably not nobility, but from a wealthy family which were just equally allowed if able to gain an invitation. In her hand was a crystal glass filled with wine.          “What happened to your tray? Here take my drink away I’m done with it, this wine is terrible.” She simply stated holding out her glass to me. I approached her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you miss, my Name is Isen Dale, owner of the Raven name. I understand your confusion but I’m not a slave.” I simply and passive aggressively mocked, as I took the glass from her hand, though I gave her a warm smile and handed it to a slave passing by. The Vixen raised an eyebrow and looked at me watching me for a moment before speaking again.           “I’ve never seen that family Emblem. Where do you come from Isen Dale?”           “I’ve a new noble family, created under an agreement with the royal court…”           “I’ve never heard of this, and I hear many things?”           “Then your connections may not be as good as you think because I’ve been here for quite some time? I’ve made a quite a few public quarrels, I’m sure the public have spoken of the strange cat who wears the collar bearing the Royal Raven Mark.” I countered and my words were attracting ears, and gazes, the vixen turned to me and looked at me closely.           “I thought those were mere jokes, so I never paid much mind to them.”           “Well they are very much true, but as much as I would I like to stay and talk I have something to discuss with the Queen.”          “No one speaks with the queen today.” The vixen said very sure of herself.           “You could say I have an appointment.” I simply stated and the female came closer to me. “Well how does a noble that just came out of nowhere like you know the queen so personally?” The vixen asked coming closer to me and holding my arm close to her chest.           “Miss, you are here with someone else, I don’t wish to intrude. Please enjoy your evening.” I simply countered and shifted out of her grasp. The vixen looked at me with a small smile. “I’m with no one, I was able to obtain an invitation personally; you don’t need to worry about anyone else. So let’s talk.” I looked at the other nobles around me, they eyes judged me extensively, but to refuse a simple interaction would look bad so I just agreed, and held out my hand. “If you are truly alone, I would have no problem speaking with you.” I simply stated, and the female took my hand and moved closer to me, and we continued to walk towards the palace. I answered the Vixen’s questions, though I at points questioned her, from those questions I already knew I wouldn’t enjoy her personally. She was a rich snob, came and grew up in a wealthy family, was trained by of course the finest of teachers, and would eventually take over the family trading business, which had ties in many markets, jewels, provisions, and cloth. She also was of course single and looking for a mate, at this point I knew what she was trying to do. So when we entered the main hall of the Royal palace I gave her a simple goodbye and thanked her for her time. I left her before she could say anything else to me. It seemed snobbish but I wasn’t looking for a mate. Not now, and I knew she was latching on to the weakest noble she could find, me someone no one knew hardly anything about, and apparently had plenty of pull.          Though with my freedom restored and being no longer distracted I looked around the beautifully detailed palace, every wall was like a forest of woven vines, the details on the leaves were beautiful. The structure of the vines were elegant and smooth. I had been told the palace was something to behold, but I hadn’t thought this is what it meant. When I looked upon all the wood work, I didn’t see wood work, I saw a life, I could feel the presence of the art, the soul of the first queen who carved and manipulated every inch of this palace. The main hall was just as tall and just as wide, hallways went to the left and right of the main entrance, and were walled off by guards standing at attention, dressed in full plate armor. Stairs led up to the throne room where the main ball was. Nobles and wealthy individuals shifted around the hall, but most avoided me except the slaves who offered me a drink, and refused. The top of the steps went into hallways once again walled off by guards, I came to a giant set of foot thick doors decorated with vines and the royal seal, open to only those who paid.          A large elk wearing nothing but a tan vest and collar came to me carrying a small brass gong and mallet in one hand. Raven told me to give a slip of paper to the caller at the front doors of the throne room, so I dug into a vest pocket and showed the caller what was inside the slip of paper and he leaned down to read it and nodded. He came in front of me, and with the single beat of the gong he introduced me to the entire throne room. Which seemed like a bit much, but Raven said I should. It was probably the best thing I could do for myself, because hardly anyone would know who I was, and would judge me based upon the collar I wore. So an introduction might bring some positivity to my figure.           “Introducing, Master Dale, Hero of the Market Circle, Owner of the Raven name, Bearer of Master Gageth’s Brand!” The Elk bellowed into the room and the room looked upon me, with looks of surprise, confusion, and annoyance, I felt the varying moods as I entered the Throne Room. Nobles watched me closely not sure of what to make of me, and as I walked past them heading for the queen I gave simple introductions as I passed a few nobles and wealthy onlookers, just to try and ease the tension. The throne room was a large hall, just as tall as the main hall, but nearly twice as wide, along the edges of the room were tables of food that I could smell from where I stood. Meats and fruits, they smelled wonderful. Music played throughout the hall, strings and wind instruments, soft and light but the music carried around the hall.  I countered drinks when they came my way, and I moved myself to the front of the room to where the queen sat, guards confronted me before I moved too close, but the queen stood from her throne and approached me, and I took a knee in front of her. The guards moved away upon her command.           “I half expected you not to come Master Dale.”           “I didn’t want to be rude to the queen who has shown me such kindness. I’m part of your royal court my queen I couldn’t refuse your invitation.”           “Thank you for attending, I do hope you enjoy the ball.”           “My queen before we part our ways may we speak in private? I’ve come up with my answer.”           “Very well, come with me, we can’t be too long.” The queen said and I stood up and with guards on either side of me, I was led through a door behind the throne that opened up into a large office, decorated with book shelves, and drapery, and soft yellow lights. The queen stood in front of a spotless desk, the two guards stepped back and remained by the door.          A knock on the door soon came and a guard checked who it was before letting in the Ambassador. “My queen, I’m sure I should be here to hear Master Dale’s response.”           “I understand sister.” The queen stated, and with a simple wave of her hand she silenced her sister, before looking at me.           “So what is your answer Master Dale?”           “I will continue my work as a transition aid my Queen.” I simply stated and the seemed disappointed, though the Ambassador was very giddy shifting around happily, her tail shifting about behind her, making it hard for her to hide her happiness.           “May I ask why Master Dale?”           “Being a guard, requires one to be familiar with those he’s around, to be a guard is to earn the trust and loyalty of those around you. Throughout my training, I realized I didn’t create such trust and loyalty. I worked and trained with the guards but that’s it. I’m always busy, I could never truly earn their trust and loyalty, because I never once had the time to simply interact with them and become part of the squad.” The queen nodded in understanding and looked at her sister.           “Isen Dale has made his mind, I will give you full control over Master Dale to use as needed, to aid in the transition of our people.”           “Thank you your majesty.” The Ambassador bowed before looking at me with a happy smile.           “But before you leave, will you still take up my offer and attend the Royal Magical Academy?”  The queen asked looking back at me.           “It’s possible your majesty but I may have to take it in increments, I will be busy teaching students and learning the history of the Raven family.” I explained and the queen nodded.           “How is that going for you Master Dale, my guards tell me you frequent the archives everyday.”           “I’m on the fourth, to the last ledger, I’ll be finished understanding the wealth of the family in a few weeks, but I then have to start understanding the lineage, and rummage through the books and journals to see if there is anything hidden between the lines.”           “Hidden between the lines?” The Queen asked curiously.           “Things that aren’t public, like illegal trades or back room dealings, I might be able to learn if the Raven Family purchased or was given items or wealth from such things. I have noticed a couple lapses in the ledger where things don’t seem to add up properly, money simply went missing and for no reason as well. So maybe I’ll learn why by going through the rest of the books.”           “I see, well I hope you find the answers you seek.” I nodded, in agreement.           “Thank you for the words of encouragement, and giving me access to the Archives.”           “Your Welcome Master Dale, but we must get back to the Party, I’m sure the Ambassador has plenty to discuss with you.” The Queen said looking at her sister who was still very much ecstatic, but hiding it poorly, and I stepped to the side, watching the Queen leave and left with the guards who keeping a close eye on me, as the Ambassador followed my tail closely.          The Ambassador took me to the left side of the room towards the tables of food, and quickly poured some drinks for the two of us, she handed me a glass. A bright smile remained on the Ambassador’s muzzle, and I looked at her dress, it bore the family emblem of the leaf, the soft green emblem shifting into the dark green dress with ease. Her neck wore a simple green jade necklace and in her ears were small green gem stones.          I looked at the wine distastefully but kept my focus on the Ambassador. “You seem excited.”           “You have no idea what this means Isen, it’s always about buffing up and becoming stronger, very few Mincridarins solely rely on intelligence. I was truly thinking you were going to become a guard and be like the rest. I can’t wait to work with you formally now. With your help we can improve the lives for all of Matra’s people.” The Ambassador said taking a swig of the wine staining her lips a soft red, which is another reason why I didn’t want to drink the wine, or the alcohol, it’d stain my fur.           “But I’m just a transition aid how am I going to help the people of Matra?”           “I was thinking you could give some lessons to some of our scholars, just to show them Earth Technology and Science. I already have a few waiting to talk to you. You won’t be training them from scratch, so your lessons should be easier and mainly it’s just teaching them about Earth technology. Maybe you can give your lessons to them, and then they can come up with ideas... Then things will just go from there.” The Ambassador explained and it strange to see her so happy, she normally was very calm and relaxed.           “Well-.”           “Hush Isen we can discuss what you’ll need later, come with me. I want you to introduce you to some of them. There over here.” The Ambassador said quickly putting a finger to my lip, before taking my hand and leading me away, at this point I put down the cup and followed her quickly.         The Ambassador lead me too a few other yellow dressed individuals, then it dawned on me that the attire was color coded, but what the colors meant I still had no idea. The five scholars saw us approach and the happily greeted the Ambassador and I, a few of them giving earth style handshakes in greeting.  Three of them bore emblems from noble families and two were just wealthy enough to buy an invitation.          The conversation with the vixen before was dreary and dull, but these five scholars were relaxed and more than happy to talk to me and learn more about Earth through my eyes. Each of them worked in respective fields of science, math, and biology. They had bought human text books on the subjects through the ambassador, and they just wanted me to explain some of the concepts to them. It was difficult to talk them about the true definitions of things, like physics, psychology, but I did my best and that seemed enough to keep them interested.          At one point we had sat down at one of the tables nearby and just continued the conversation in depth as we ate from the table, but sometimes we’d tell jokes and stories about our personal lives. At some points in the night two of the scholars had hit on me and were flirting with me quite vividly, telling me how they’d take me in bed… Though they were mainly drunk, so it was easy to shift their attention. But most of the time it was fun to just talk to them, it reminded me of high school, talking to friends at the lunch table about class, we weren’t at a party or a ball, we were just talking and having a good time. Though as the night grew greener, a few others had joined the table, a couple of merchants, and one architect. Their appearance changed conversations dramatically, and I talked about the economy on earth and the industries that made our products, about how buildings were built, furniture and concepts of design.            My writing had lead me all over the place, and I knew a bit but not as much as I wanted to know, because I couldn’t answer everything and that just didn’t feel right. I was the walking guide to Earth and its culture I had to know as much as I could.          BY the time the end of the day and the New Year was starting, a General and Master Mage had come join in the conversation, because it seemed the most interesting thing to be a part of. So with appearance of the Royal Mage and the General, we started talking about weapons and history of wars. Two of the other scholars were passed out drunk, but the others were just as interested in the technology spawned by war, which made sense they were Mincridarins, their lives revolved around combat.          Though as it was coming closer to early morning I knew I had to go home, much to everyone’s protest, but I had to leave. I needed to get some sleep, and the conversation had been dying anyways. When I got home, the Brothel was loud and boisterous. Raven had shut down the brothel and all the slaves were allowed to have their own fun night, it was the one day of the year that Raven’s one rule was no fighting or leaving the brothel… So I’m sure they had plenty of sex, and were drinking the entire stock room of wine dry. I walked upstairs and into my room, and slumped down on my bed, flicked my hand and closed the door with a gust of air, and quickly passed out from exhaustion.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Contracts and Demands Part 3 (Abuse)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Contracts and Demands Part 3
         It didn’t take long for the training to start up, and soon enough a bell tolled in the barracks, and Mincridarins rushed front and center. It didn’t seem to matter where we Sheaths stood we just need to get in lines, so I took up a spot right between to large males. In all there were nearly fifty sheaths standing around me, I had to use my magic to count them. Master…. Dammit… Raven was standing nearby with Ria beside him, both of them watching me.          Then the Drill Sergeant called out to everyone in the crowd. “You damn cubs, you worthless piles of shit! Do you all realize what becoming a guard means?! It means to sacrifice your lives to protect others, to be beaten, bitten, devoured, burned, crushed, mauled, ripped apart, and in the end become the actual shit of monsters and beasts! Nothing about being a Guard is Easy! If you thought this was an easy way to get money you better just leave right now, because we don’t need cubs like you to get our way. You’ll just end up as shit on the forest floor! I have never met a guard who has lived long enough to grow old, because we all end up the same shitty way in the end!” The Drill Sergeantcalled out being as brutal and derogatory as possible to make it clear to us what this training meant.           “Get out!” The Drill Sergeant called out aggressively, and soon enough a Sheath quickly ran away. I watched as the knocked over a massive bull on his ass. “You think you’re better than me! You fucking look down at me again you damn pile of shit. I’ll personally knock you to the forest floor! Now get up!” The reptile warned before continuing down the line, degrading and just straight up telling others to leave. He punched the moose standing right next to me without warning. Ria wasn’t joking because soon enough the moose fell to his knees and let go of his stomach, the mix of red and green fluids and bits of food on the ground. The smell alone was revolting, I nearly lost my own lunch.           “Pathetic.” The Drill Sergeant said kicking the moose in the head knocking him to the side before he looked down at me. He stood in front of me, he was as tall as Aldure, and just was well built. His body was ridged, his scales shined in the shifting leaves of the trees above.           “You runt aren’t even worthy of cleaning my ass, no muscle, no size, what were you the runt of the litter kitten!” He yelled at me getting down at my face before he took note of my collar. “A slave, forget what I said about him, your pathetic. What do you think becoming a Guard will do for you? Think you can escape you Master?! No! Because where ever you go I will be riding you ass harder than any Master you’ve ever been in bed with!” At that point the reptile took hold of my arm, and knocked me to my ass and put his scaled foot on my muzzle.           “Kiss it like a good little slave.” The reptile commanded rubbing his foot down against my muzzle.           “I said kiss it cub!” The Drill Sergeant commanded kicking me firmly under the muzzle bringing tears to my eyes. I nearly started crying, I had just gotten Master Raven under control, now I had to deal with someone just as bad if not worse.           “Sir!” Ria called out and the Drill Sergeant removed his foot from my face and I sat up, wiping my muzzle off. I watched Ria talk to him and then a look of surprise had come over his muzzle and he clenched his muzzle tight as he looked down at me.           “Forgive me Master Dale, I didn’t know you owned the Raven name.” Ria winked at me before leaving and I stood up and dusted myself off, at this point people were turning their head to look down at me in surprise and shock, even small conversations broke out.           “it’s fine, you wouldn’t be the first person to think I was less because of the collar, but I have to wear it, it helps keep my gift in check.” I explained and the Drill Sergeant raised an eyebrow and looked down at me.           “Really and what gift would that be cub?”           “A gift that if it goes out of control can make the finest of males into brutal and blood thirsty savages.” I answered looking up at the drill sergeant before standing formally. “Sir.”           “A noble who shows respect regardless, I can see why the Queen has asked for you to be trained. Though you should clean your eyes cub or are you going to cry again when I beat you the next time?!”           “No Sir!”           “Doubtful!” The male countered simply and then walked on to the male next to me, threatened him with a false attack and then when the large wolf flinched. The Reptile called him out. “Get out!”          The Wolf Said nothing and quickly just ran out the formation. The Drill Sergeant continued his degradation and by the end he had cut out fifteen sheaths. With that though the Sergeant started running us through drills of all kinds. Strength, Endurance, which did cause me to throw up, which also got me called out in front of everyone. Combat drills, team drills where we forced to carry heavy logs with shafts running through them, and run back and forth inside the training are of the barracks, twice. Then when that was done the shafts were removed and we did the exact same thing but rolling them, and whenever a log veered off course the Drill Sergeant would have are asses. The Drill Sergeant made all of us run three finale laps before letting us go, and do as we please. I fell on the ground, I could hardly move my limbs, I was panting and my fur was drenched with sweat. I’m sure I may have fainted without the use of my magic to heal my strained muscles, and keep my breathing in line.           “Master Dale are you alright?” Ria asked rubbing the top of my sweat drenched head. “I can’t move, I’m starving and I’m thirsty. How did you do this?”           “It was easy for me, I had to do a lot of this kind of stuff when I was back on the Web Woods.” Ria happily stated.           “You’re insane.” I groaned and the female gave a small laugh as she got up. “But we need to get home? You need a bath.”           “That sounds wonderful, but I can’t walk.” I simply protested and Ria smiled and just rolled her eyes and started to walk away.   ��      “Well were going, to go and get some sweat bread, see you later.” Ria said waving a simple goodbye to me, and I get up, I hated Ria for leaving me alone on the ground, and I stumbled to my feet like an obedient cub chasing after his mother, using my magic to just heal my body, and sustain my body to give it energy to move.           “I thought you couldn’t walk?” Ria Joked smacking my back nearly sending me to the ground, but when she realized what was happening, she quickly grabbed me and pulled me back to my feet. “Sorry Master Dale.”           “You know I think I’m really going to hate you for the next few days miss perfect.”           “Well thanks for the warning.” Ria laughed, helping me along by bringing an arm over her shoulder.           “Where’s master Raven?”           “He’s talking to the Captain, he said he’ll catch up later.” Ria assured and that didn’t sound like a good thing. “But you know it’s amazing you did all of that still wearing your shoulder bag.”           “I hate it, I should just leave it at school before coming here.”           “Probably for the best Master Dale.”           “So where is this sweat bread?”           “Oh it’ll be awhile before we get there, but trust me I’ll buy you as much as you want.”           “You don’t have to do that, I feel bad enough for letting you pay for lunch. I couldn’t ask you to pay for dinner as well.”           “Trust me once you start eating you won’t want to stop.” Ria countered and I groaned. “You really are amazing Ria.”           “You must be delirious from the lack of water.” Ria laughed and I laughed as well, because she may be right, I could probably drink a lake. She helped me for quite a bit until we came to this small street side bakery, Ria sat me down at a table in front of the store and I groaned in pleasure from the simple comfort. My groan only made her smile, my training must have been amusing to watch.           “This feels amazing. I’ll be right back, try not to start a fight.” She simply stated before she left me alone, and in that moment I just closed my eyes and just relaxed enjoying the soft wind that blew through the top of the trees, it felt cool on my sweaty exhausted form. I was truly going to need a bath and I couldn’t wait till I could get home.           “Where’s your Master? Shouldn’t you busy working? Gods you reek.” A female voice protested and I opened my eyes and looked at a female Panther who was standing in front of the table, hands on hips glaring down at me. She wore a fine silk dress, a bright red to contrast he black fur, with the dress cut up on onside to allow plenty of movement.           “Miss Regardless of what you say I’m not moving from this spot.”           “What?!” The female spouted in surprise and disbelief.          “I’m tired, and hungry, and if you even try to lift a hand to assault me I can merely counter it with a barrier. Now just walk away miss.” I simply sighed and the female just glared down at me and she didn’t move.  “Where is your Master?”           “Indisposed, which means unavailable.” I countered and the female was fuming, and I was partially enjoying this because I was legally safe. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing, it just appeared that it was. So I was partially had fun countering the female until a hand came to my arm and pulled me from the chair and on to the ground.           “She said too move.” A guard said glaring down at me, I sighed I didn’t really have the energy to get up and fight.           “Hello sir, tell me you do realize you’re holding the arm of someone apart of the royal court?” The guard laughed looking down at me. “You have a lot of balls thinking your apart of the royal court, just because you’re wearing Master Raven’s slave collar doesn’t make you apart of the royal court.”           “Oh you miss understand sir, I own the Raven name, it just hasn’t caught on quite yet but it will. Also you’re holding the Arm of someone who is regarded as Master Gageth’s apprentice. So before you think you can hurt me again. If you lay a finger on me I have full right to protect myself in self-defense, and that means I can use magic to fight you. You could take me to court and I’d be perfectly safe, so let me go and walk away.” I countered tapping the beak of the brilliant colored parrot, which caused him to shake his head and then glare down me in unrivaled anger, “I wonder if your master would care if a smart mouth like you, suddenly disappeared.” The Guard said with a dark look in his eyes as he stood up, still holding my arm and started dragging me to the edge of the walk away, and no one stopped him. I didn’t even try to stop him, I just sighed and waved to the onlookers.           “Hands off of him now!” Ria called out angrily and soon enough a set of needles struck the railing next to the Parrot’s beak as he was bending me over to lift me up, so he could throw me over. He flinched and looked at Ria. “Ria Long-Foot! I’m sorry please forgive me.” The guard said quickly standing at attention dropping me on my ass, which pinned my tail at an odd position making me cry out in pain, before shifting about to become comfortable on the ground. “I had no idea you owned this slave.”           “I don’t own him, he’s my boss.” Ria stated looking down at me with a whicker basket under arm. She helped me up to my feet. “Master Dale, you alright? I told you not to get into any fights.”           “I didn’t cause anything. That female started it and this guard was planning on finishing it.” I simply explained and the two I accused quickly flinched and Ria looked at the guard. “This is Isen Dale of the Royal Court owner of the Raven title, Hero of the Market place, bearer of Master Gageth’s Mark. You were thinking about killing him? I should have you executed!”          “Wait, he’s the hero of the Market Circle. Oh gods, sir please forgive me. I thought you were just some pathetic slave.” The Guard quickly said bowing to me avoiding all eye contact with me as I stood up in front of him. “You know, your just digging yourself a deeper hole.” I stated using my magic to pull the needles from the railing and hand them over to Ria, who gave me a simple thanks.           “I wonder how many slaves you’ve made simply disappear before. Slaves are the property of other Masters, by killing them means you are one steal their property, and destroying their property. You could go to prison, possibly be executed one those charges alone.” I simply added simply with a sigh, not long after wards I could see the fear on the face of the parrot who was bowing to me.           “But then why do you wear that collar?”           “This thing suppress my gift, if I don’t wear it I can become more dangerous than any beast that ever lived. If I didn’t have my gift suppressed you’d slaughter citizens, just because they got in your way. I merely needed to remove the collar and express my magic and not only you, but anyone around me, even my guard would kill anyone that came in front of them. I’m only allowed to live in the city as long as I wear this collar. Queen’s order.” I explained lying thoroughly, but it was enough to get the guard to rethink his life choices, and he fell to his knees, and put his head on the ground in front of me.           “Please, I submit. Forgive me, and I’ll shed my armor and sword and live the rest of my life as a priest.” I merely looked at Ria, and started to walk way. “Let’s just go home, I need a bath.”          “Wanna sweet roll?” Ria asked holding out a simple warm bright yellow roll in front of me.           “Please I’m starving.” I simply agreed and I took the roll and started to eat it, walking past citizens who stepped out of my way with looks of shock, and fear on their faces. I did what I could to ignore them, but even I looked at them as we passed. Though I kept most of my focus on my tired limbs and the warm roll in my muzzle. Gods it tasted delicious, a simple sweetness and tanginess that tasted like lemons.           “We really should have Lynn change your collar into something more practical.”           “I would but I can’t contact him. I’m sure he’d be happy to help but the Master Council has him busy with things. I just hope the gods are kind to him.” I simply added as I finished the roll, and was given another to eat. Ria nodded and soon picked up a roll herself and started to eat.           “Ria, what do I owe you for the rolls?”           “Master Dale I told you its fine.” Ria simply countered and I nodded. “But how much do I owe you?”          Ria groaned and looked at me in annoyance. “Fine, you owe me two copper Leafs.”           “I’ll try and have the money for you when I can, I don’t like the idea of owing people things.”          “I understand, but for now just eat your going to need your strength for tomorrow, and you should eat a very large breakfast.” I nodded and Ria walked back to the Brothel with me talking, about weapon training and combat training once the first week was off. When we got to the brothel Raven was standing out front with the two buck guards.           “Master Dale where have you been?” Raven countered angrily glaring down at me as he stood tall in front of me. Treating me as if I had been a son that had left in the middle of the night and disappeared until the morning.           “Getting something to eat.” I admitted holding up the last sweet roll with a bite taken out of it, and Master Raven sighed, his anger calming down just a bit but he still seemed annoyed “Well at least you’re not hurt…. Sir.” Raven added in the end after a moment, remembering his status.           “Anything happen while we were gone?”           “The slaves are tending to their chores as needed sir.” Raven answered.           “Well I’m going to take a bath, can you have one of the slaves prepare something a bit more filling. I’m starving, and bring up a lot of water. Please and thank you.” I ordered as I started to walk away from the Cheetah, and he gave me a simple smirk.           “For someone who doesn’t want to own slaves you know how to give out orders.” Raven’s words made me stop in my tracks and I looked back at him, pulling away from the sweet roll in my muzzle.           “IF I wanted to own your mind and body, trust me Raven I would do it. I have so much pent up anger from what you did to me, and plenty of punishments I can give you right in front of all of your underlings that’d make what you do for fun as a joke. Would you prefer that? I don’t want to own you. I don’t want to own any slaves. That’s why I’ve given you so much free reign, so you can continue your life as you want. ” I countered looking back at Master… No, Raven who shifted uncomfortably, realizing what my warning meant.           “I see your point Master Dale, I won’t bring it up again.”           “Please don’t, but I’m sure I won’t see you tonight so may the gods be with you while you sleep.”           “And with you Master Dale.” Raven simply continued and with that said the conversation was dropped, Ria followed closely behind me. When I got to the bathroom I shed my clothing and shifted into the warm water, just sinking into it sighing happily. Though Rai joined the bath with me, and we bathed together talking about future training, and before the heat got to our heads, we dried off and went to the living room. Where we relaxed on the furniture, and a female slave brought us trays of food. I thanked her for the food, and she left with a soft smile on her muzzle. I ate the large meal and retired for the night, my stomach full, my limbs tired.          Then the next day started, and the cycle begin, I would turn off my alarm. I would diaper up and I would stare at the spider, I would piss myself, I would have breakfast, though it was getting easier, every day the spider seemed just a little less intimidating, but that’s when we started to move closer by a single step. I would jog to the Embassy, teach my class, and then have lunch before going to the Barracks for training, though the reptile seemed to avoid me… Most likely Raven’s doing, but when I did fail, the reptile didn’t hesitate to call me out. Ria would take me to the bakery which at this time I paid for personally, and returned what I owed over to Ria. I would return to the brothel and be greeted by Raven, we wished each other a good night, and then head to bed. This cycle remained normal for two weeks, no surprises, not interruptions and no monsters… But that’s when the weekend came around, and my true human birthday shifted around, of course I couldn’t admit to anyone that was my birthday. So the day was dreary and depressing, but even if I did say it was my birthday, it wouldn’t be celebrated like it would be on Earth where it was a “Big” deal, it was more like “It’s your birthday? Well happy birthday” and then whoever it was would just get back to work or walk away.          Mincridarins had only coming of age parties when female and males turned sixteen and were referred to properly grown males and females. But luckily I was able to drown the today’s sorrows in a pile of books, in the royal Archives.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Contracts and Demands Part 2 (Major Fetish Diapers/Watersports)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Contracts and Demands Part 2
         I spent most of the day in bed, just resting and thinking about what to do, my mind was so full of things to do I just couldn’t write. I had so many things to do and choose, Guard or Transition Aid? To look for a mate or not find a Mate. But regardless I shifted out of the bed because I knew I had to go and teach my students, so I grabbed a towel that hung on a small wooden knob on the wall near the door, and started to head towards the bathroom still fairly nude just wearing underwear. I didn’t have the energy to wear a diaper, or enjoy my right hand so I was pent up a little, I could feel that sensation in my balls. I got to the living room when I took note of a Master Raven… No, Raven now, sitting on the couch talking to a lightly armored rabbit, her thin body covered by black leather armor, with a metal hook on her arm left arm. Her Black fur blended with the black Armor and she looked like a shadow in the chair, her ears were behind her head. She then looked at me and gave me a warm smile.          “Isen!” The rabbit called out happily getting to her feet, her soft brown eyes the only thing that weren’t black, and well of course her nose which a bright shade of pink which stood out like a sore thumb on her pitch black fur... She came close and took my hand in hers. “My name is Ria Long-foot, please just call me Ria, I’m your personal aid and body guard. The queen assigned me to you as body guard so you didn’t have to rely on the royal guard to lead you around. I’m part of the Night Watch, which is why I’m wearing such dark colors. The Night Watch are the city guards that roam the city at night to regulate crime and to keep drunks from wandering over the edge. I come highly recommend, please this is my file. I can’t wait to work with you Master Dale.” The Rabbit stated quickly and full of excitement and energy, and the entire time she was talking she was shaking my hand in greeting. She only let go to turn around and flip over the table with a handspring, then when on her feet again she grabbed a thin black leather shoulder bag before flipping over the table again. She pulled out a file when she was on her feet and handed said file to me, still very much giddy.           “So what now sir?”           “I’m going to take a bath.”           “Do you want me to help you?” Both Raven and Ria asked quickly, and at the same time.           “No I can take care of myself.” I countered. “I’ll take a look at it.” I simply stated walking away, the rabbit nearly squealed out of enjoyment. At this point I had to ask.           “How old are you?”           “I’m seventeen sir.” Ria answered with a large smile, and sighed. “Alright.”           So her abundance of energy wasn’t because of how young she was, she truly was just this excited. Ria was a bundle of energy that seemed openly optimistic, and she always smiled, it wasn’t off putting but it was enough to strange. Because on earth no one smiled as much as her unless they were being paid or told to do so.          I went into the bathroom, and the wall of steam hit my face, the bath was warm and the room was like a sauna. I undressed and relieved myself on the toilet as I read Ria’s file.          Ria was a female from a small town to the north called Web Wood, because of all the fruit spiders that lived there. She was a farmer’s daughter, so she farmed gogen fruit and treated it, to make the fruit edible for the public. She came to Tarva because she was looking for work to help keep her family farm in the family. Someone was trying to buy the farm through heavy taxation or manipulation most likely to control the food source. She trained as a Night Watch Guard for three years, so she came to Tarva when she was fourteen.          I shifted of the toilet and into the bath where I let the file float on a pedestal of air. When I was in the water I manipulated the water to wash my back with soapy water I had pre-maid in a bucket nearby, as I continued to read from the file.          Ria did come highly recommend, she was a squire in training to be a royal guard, and she was the top in her Military education class, which meant she could probably read on the early middle school level, and do a bit more than basic math. Probably still sucked at Grammar though not many Mincridarins were familiar with the concept, they knew the basics but not much more than that. She was ranked as a familiar in magical level, so she was adequate in some magical spells, but she never trained her magic so she was still probably pathetic at it. The rest of the file was designated to written referrals and comments on her personality.  A lot of the comments were simple and talked about how she was fun to be around, and very lively she was. She also preferred females, so she was a lesbian as well. So even if I tried to hit on her she wouldn’t care about it, but it was good to know she wouldn’t do the same either, I didn’t want to deal with trying to find a mate right now. Right now my duty is to my students and to my promise of choosing to stay as a transition aid or become a guard.          It didn’t seem like a bad idea to keep her around, though her personality was different, all the referrals stated she was a very capable fighter, and very talented guard, also very loyal. Though loyal to who was my question. Eventually I cleaned the suds from my body, and pulled the water from my fur to dry it out. Then with a powerful gust of wind above my head I forced my fur to dry downwards instead of puff out. I took the towel I left on the floor nearby and wrapped it around my waist, and left the room with the file in hand. Ria was eating breakfast when I exited she looked at me happily.           “So am I allowed to stay sir?” Ria asked bounding up to me looking down at me.           “I didn’t even think I had a choice in the matter, but yeah you can stay.”           “Yes… Can I hug you sir?”           “Sure.” I sighed and after a moment the female grabbed me and hugged me firmly making me grunt in pain as she lifted me off my feet, before letting me go. “Thank your sir you won’t regret this I promise.”           “Master Isen would you still like my aid with training you out of your fears?” Raven asked from the couch looking up at me. The idea of the spider and chains came back to my mind. I didn’t hate how Master Raven was training me, exposing me to my fears was a normal way to get over fears, but it was the abuse of whipping me and treating me as a slave that bothered me. So I didn’t refuse the request but by the look on Raven’s face he didn’t seem to expect that response.           “You should probably put a diaper on just to be safe sir?” Raven said getting up from the couch and I nodded, since the last two times I wet myself without even realizing it, it would be better to be safer than sorry.          Ria followed me back to my room curious. “Sir what are you scared of?”           “Spiders, metal locks, and heights… Those are my main ones.” I explained as I entered my room and the look on the rabbit’s face went to one with awe and she had no problem touching the walls and things inside the room. She was a farmer’s daughter she probably had seen such details or colors before. It was very familiar and it made me smile because it reminded me of showing, Mincridarins through their new home for the first time.             “Your room is amazing sir.”           “Thank you but do you mind? I need to get dressed?” I asked and Ria looked back down at me with a small laugh. “No problem sir, mind if I still ask you questions?” Ria asked turning around and staring straight at the wall.           “Go ahead.” I asked dropping my towel, and put on a simple black colored diaper and buttoned it in place.           “Why did Raven say you should put on a diaper?”           “When I get scared, I’ve peed on myself without thinking. So it’s just to not make a mess. I hope that’s not a problem Ria?” I asked and the rabbit shook her head but remained looking forward. “No sir, I understand. I’ll keep my muzzle shut.” She assured and I put on a bright blue vest. No point in putting on pants while I was still most likely going to wet myself.           “I’m ok.” With my words Ria looked down at my crotch and smiled. “That looks so amazing, how did you get such a black on this strange hard fabric?” Ria asked poking the front of my diaper, just fiddling with the surface, I let her have her fun until I pulled her hands away and she looked up at me. “Sorry sir, I just really like black.”           “It’s ok just don’t make a point of doing it again, we can talk about them later and don’t bring these up in public. Understood?”           “Yes sir.” Ria agreed and with that I left the room, and went out into the VIP Brothel area and came to Master Raven… Dammit… Raven, who was standing at the door wearing only finely woven underwear. He took hold of my arm and pulled me into my chest and opened the door. I saw the fruit spider and it was like seeing it for the first time. All the spiders crawling over my body came to my mind. My entire body felt weak, my hands grew tense around Master Raven’s body, and he just held me close. “Master Isen, just take a deep breath.”          My entire mind was focused on the spiders on my body and in my mind, I barely heard Raven’s words. But I tried to do as he asked and my long intake of air was shaky and my exhale wavered. I did it again, and the breathing steadied my heart, and his touch on my back made the spiders go away for the most part. I stared at the hissing spider as it tried to get out of the cage. I don’t remember how long we were standing there, but towards the end I was able to relax my heart and my breathing was no longer shaking. The spiders in my mind had faded. The door then closed and when I lost sight of the spider I felt how weak my body really was, and collapsed on the floor. My legs couldn’t support themselves.          Raven picked me up and held me over his shoulder before he took me back to my room and laid me down on the bed. “Just try and relax Master Isen, I will get your breakfast… Just as I thought, we need to make it a habit of having you wear your diapers when you interact with the fruit spider. Your diaper is damp. Thankfully you used the toilet before doing that, I believe.” Master…. No, Raven explained looking down at me, my limbs feeling week couldn’t resist his touch as he pushed an index finger down between my legs and felt the crotch of my diaper.           “Yeah…. But in the end there I wasn’t so scared. I think its working I just need to do it over and over again.” I sighed happily and Raven scratched the top of my head, his touch was gentle, he had a playful smirk but he didn’t smile when he left me alone with Ria.           “You really are scared of fruit spiders? I’ve never seen someone as scared of spiders as you are Master Isen.” Ria said looking down at me as she sat down on the bed, her playful attitude falling away, a calmer state of mind seemed to come over her. Her look seemed to pity me.           “I know it’s pathetic.”           “No sir, it’s not, it’s ok. It’s ok to be afraid of things, I am too. Not as much as you, but it’s ok your working through this. If you ever need me to help just ask… Would you like me to change your diaper Master Isen?”           “You don’t have to do that.” The rabbit gave me a smirk. “Sir you can barely move your limbs.”           “You don’t have to force yourself to do that, changing my diapers isn’t part of your job requirements. It’s to protect me.”           “Master Isen, I’ve changed my little brother and sisters’ diapers since they were cubs. Some damp cloth isn’t going to scare me. Just tell me where your underwear is.” Ria countered and I sighed, she seemed intent on helping me, so I simply nodded to the dresser in the closet.           “Top drawer.” Ria patted my thigh and got up and collected my underwear before coming back to me and without even flinching, she changed my diaper patting my damp crotch with the rear of the diaper to clean the fur a bit more. Ria then laid the diaper on the floor and pulled up my underwear, tying it tightly in place.           “Where do you put your diapers?”           “Small box next to the closet, I wash them personally.” I explained and she left me alone and disposed of the diaper before sitting on my bed, but at this point I was able to get some control of my limbs, but just barely. Ria helped me sit up and lean against the wall.           “So spiders really take their toll on you? Why are you so scared of them?” “Yeah, I know…. When I was kid I was locked in a shed and it was filled with small spiders, I thought they’d kill me, and they crawled over my body, and I couldn’t do anything. I was bound and gaged. I was found until much later.”           “Why were you gaged, and bound? What monster would do that to a kitten?” Ria asked truly, and deeply bothered by my words feeling my head tenderly, she was motherly and kind. It was nice, and simple, and I did enjoy how she scratched behind my ear lightly. I must have purred because she gave a small laugh.           “Your adorable.” Ria said with a pleasant attitude. “You remind me of my little brother, he loved being scratched behind the ear like this. He’d purr just like you.” Her comment made me smile and I was about to continue the conversation but Master… No Raven, came into the room carrying a tray of food and put it down in my lap. “Can you feed yourself or do I need to feed you sir?” Raven asked and I shook my head, and I picked up the bowl, of red paste and my hand shook softly still weak, and hardly able to move, but I was regaining my strength. I had to pull the bowl close to my chest just so it wouldn’t slip from my grasp. I soon started to feed myself under the watchful eyes of my two protectors. When I was done, I finished by drinking a large cup of water. I had regained myself enough that I was capable of moving on my own but I still was weak in some regard.           “Master Raven…. I mean Raven… Sorry.” I apologized seeing the simple glare from the cheetah, who looked down at me as I stretched my limbs just to get rid of the last of those kinks in my body that where holding me back.           “Master Isen, what is it?”           “Would you like to come to work with me again… I know it might be strange but I did enjoy your posture training. I didn’t mind it, it was simple and bearable. What I hated was being bound in metal cuffs and being exposed. So if you ever see me slouching… you know what to do.” I explained as I looked up at Master Raven who gave a small smirk.           “If that is what you want sir I will obey… I will get my riding crop.” Raven said and he walked away. Ria looked down at me as I went to the closet and pulled up my pants.          “Are you sure that’s a good idea Sir?”           “IF it ever becomes too much I can tell him to stop, plus it’s not like I hated his training, what my problem was that it was too much all at once. He locked me in metal cuffs and threw away the key and told me I’d remained bound until I figured out to pick the locks. I felt weak and vulnerable because those cuffs locked away most of my magic, I couldn’t even heal myself. But with those off I can relax and take things as I want, not as he wants.” I explained and Ria looked at me doubtfully but in the end she smiled and nodded.           “I won’t tell you, how to do your training, or who to train with. That is your choice, but if he ever goes too far know that I’ll be there to knock him down. So just let me know Master Isen.”           “Alright.” I agreed as I tied my pants in place and picked up my bag, bring it over my head and on my shoulder, adjusted the strap and left the room. Ria following close behind me softly, building up her own energy until we got outside where she did a few stretches herself. “Master Isen want to jog to the embassy?”           “What’s the rush?”           “I want to get my morning run in.” Ria explained with a happy smile bouncing slightly, before settling down.           “I guess that’s fine.” I agree but before she ends up bolting off I grab the collar over her leather armor and holder her back making her gag. “Raven isn’t here.”           “Sorry sir, got a little excited I like running in the morning. There aren’t too many citizens up and about yet so the streets are still mainly bare. So we don’t have to worry about running into many people.” Ria explained after coughing up her apology.          I leaned against the wall until Raven came down stairs not to long after, he was wearing a dark black silk vest with sewn in gray line diamonds to add a pattern to the clothing. He wore his ass-less leather chaps with cloth and leather reinforced underwear. His pants were held up by a fine leather belt and gray metal buckle. The whip was on his hip, and in his hand was the riding crop.           “Raven were going to jog to the embassy.” I said and the smirk that he had on his face fell away and he grumbled in annoyance,  since he was probably looking forward to a long walk so he could spank me, to keep my “Back” in line.           “Alright… 3.2.1.” Raven said and when he started to count down I realized what that mean and quickly got into a comfortable stance, and with the thwap of the crop hitting the ground we all jogged to the embassy, but it ended up turning into a race towards the end, which meant a full sprint. Both Raven and Ria were perfectly fine by the simple jog and sprint, I was panting softly. I hadn’t run like that in years. It’s not that I was out of shape, I just didn’t have their trained endurance.           “Master Isen looks like we’ll have to do this quite a bit, you’re a bit out of shape.” Ria added as she walked off simply patting me on my back lightly helping me along, and into the embassy. I would have settled into my chair but Ria forced me to stand saying it was better for me, and with a grumble I did as she wanted and started to set up for class.          Eventually when I regained my breath, I shifted into my chair and started to take attendance as students entered the class room. Today was just like the day before, but this time I walked around the room to grade homework, it was mainly for participation. It felt unfair to grade them on something as minor as writing the letters of the alphabet. Though I was sure to encourage them and give them advice. Then we reviewed Math. Math took up the largest portion, but today I went easy on them after the break, and just had them practice writing the alphabet. Their homework was simple and not out of the work book, it was just to write a few sentences about things they liked, just to further practice the letters. Though throughout the lesson I was thwaped many times, but each time I was struck, I did my best to stand straight and continue teaching. The students didn’t seem bothered by what was happening in front of them. The just continued to follow along.          When class was over Ria grabbed my arm and hoisted me out of my chair. “Master Isen, let’s get something to eat before your start training with the guards. I know the perfect place on the way to the barracks.” Ria assured and not debating the black rabbit, Raven and I followed not too far behind her black tear drop tail.          Ria lead us to this small Inn, a little run down but warm and homey. We sat at an empty table and a small canine introduced herself. Though when it came to my order she disregarded my comment and looked to Master Raven, who just simply repeated my order. It was annoying but I knew why I was still being treated as a slave. The collar I wore still bore his mark, and everyone knew him as a Slave Master Not a slave.          We were served drinks, and as we drank Ria started to explain the training to me, what it was like, how intense it was on the first day. They made the first week so intense on purpose because they guards wanted to get rid of anyone that wasn’t capable of holding up to the standards. It sounded equivalent to marine training just minus the sea. So knowing stories about Marine military training, this wasn’t going to be a fun week. But the one thing good was that Mages weren’t asked to hold back their magic, but to use it as much as possible, also because I was a Mage I would train along fellow Mages.          Eventually as we talked about the training, our meals came and we sat back and enjoyed the warm and light meals. Ria warned me about eating anything heavy, she warned me that I was sure to throw up. Plenty Mincridarins did during her first day of training.          When our meals finished Ria paid, neither Raven or I had carried any money on us, though after this first lack of money, I’d have to make sure to pack some in my bag. Though we left the simple Inn and walked the rest of the walk to the energy, and plus we had plenty of time to get there. Raven had his moments with the crop and had no problem spanking my rear in front of people and made sure everyone knew why I was being beaten. The humiliation was bearable but at points I warned Raven to settle down, he willingly obeyed for the most part.          The barracks was a massive building built between three trees, around the rim of the tree was a wide path, even larger than normal, nearly twice as wide as the paths around the rest of the city. Each tree had five sections going up the tree, each section lead to a dormitory, kitchen, rest area, and exercise room. Each level of the tree was based upon rank. The higher rank you were among the guards the better the dormitory and so on. It made it so there was something to look forward to and train for, also there was bonuses through currency as well, which in Matra was called Leafs, a paper thin currency that’s value was determined by the color of the Leaf’s tip, brass, copper, bronze, silver and gold. A hundred of one leaf made the next rank in leaf.          We walked through a gate that lead into the main courtyard of the barracks. In the center was combat training circles, and along the back edge of the compound was a set of blacksmiths who were striking their hammers upon red hot metal. The Inner area of the Barracks was already filled with sheaths as Ria called them, since they weren’t allowed to carry blades or weapons until they passed their training sessions. A tall and built Snake was barking orders at a few sheaths, and sent them running off. I could already tell this was drill sergeant, the way he carried himself, the way everyone avoided him like the plague. Except Ria of course who bound up to the reptile, happy as ever. “Leading Dagger First Mark, Ria Long-foot reporting for duty Sir!” Ria called out before standing at attention, her left arm behind back right across her stomach. She stomped her foot as she got into position, her head held up straight and she looked forward into the reptile’s chest.           “At ease Ria. Why are you here? I thought you were assigned elsewhere?” The Lizard asked looking down at the rabbit and then Ria relaxed and looked back at us, and motioned for us to come closer.           “I see, never mind Ria, good job. Thank you for bring Isen Dale. Kitten front and center now!” The Reptile called out, bellowing out his words as he commanded me to come closer, and I did as I asked and stood in front of the male.           “Sir!” I called out, because I knew after everything I had seen in show and movies, yes I know pathetic. No sergeant wanted a mute. So I did my best to be as loud as I could, before standing at attention in front of the lizard, hands behind my back, and back straight. OF course raven stepped in before anything could be said and he fixed up my position sifting my legs out softly and lifting my chin and keeping my back level, since I was just a bit off.           “Now that’s perfect. Sorry you may continue.” Raven simple stated taking a step back and the Reptile raised an eyebrow but said nothing.           “The queen told me we’d have the Market Circle Hero attending my training. Though just because you’ve already proven yourself in battle means nothing to me, I will push you as hard as anyone else here. Do you understand that Sheath?”           “Yes Sir!”           “I’m going to love playing with you.” The Reptile laughed before he walked away, a bright smile on his muzzle. That smile was not a pleasant sign.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Contracts and Demands
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Contracts and Demands
         When I personally turned around to see who was behind me, I quickly came face to face with beautifully decorated silver and gold plated knights, the ambassador who looked utterly embarrassed. Oddly enough beside her seemed to be her twin sister, and that wasn’t a joke they looked exactly alike, fur patterns, facial features, and even the eye color, it was like a mirror. Except the mirrored copy wore lavish, regal robes, even in there simplicity you could notice a difference.          The regal robes were made a fine silk, soft and form fitting and a dark green dress, with seams running up either side of her legs. Elegantly patterned, with a boarder of a shimmering yellow gold looking vines, while the main portion of the dress reflected the movement of falling leaves in a soft light green. Her neck bore a beautiful jade necklace that mixed well with her green dress, the yellow and white of her fur making the crystals pronounced. Her head was left bare, and she looked at me with a simple blank gaze and then shifted it around the room. I would have looked to see what was covering her lower legs, but a knight quickly countered that by bringing the sharp end of a hook to the bottom of my muzzle keeping it up.           “I catch you looking any farther down, I’ll cut out your eyes slave.” The Red Robin knight countered sharply, just as sharp as his hook, which had started to draw blood.           “Harval, my good knight please lower your hook.” The regal female countered softly, as she floated forward. She didn’t bounce as most would when she walked, her steps kept her shoulders and head level, so it seemed supernatural when she walked. Her hand covered by beautifully silk gloves decorated with simple jewels, and crystals, shimmering and glowing where crossed in front of her stomach. She personally lowered the knight’s hook from under my muzzle.           “Isen Dale, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I wish I could have come sooner, but business at the palace kept me away.”           “You’re Majesty?” I asked unsure of my words, and she simply smiled and she touched the bottom of my muzzle and a soft magical aura healed the cut. Though that simple touch and agreement quickly brought me to a knee to show my respect. “Thank you for honoring me with your presence.”           “You may stand.” She simply commanded and I stood up in front of her. Then understanding the situation I quickly released the Slaves and Master Raven from their bindings and they all quickly bowed as well.           “Your Majesty how much did you hear?” I asked nervously knowing she had been standing behind me while I was spouting my grief, which made me feel pathetic in front of the Queen.           “Please, may we sit down and talk Isen?” The Queen simply asked and I nodded softly, and stepped to the side, and the guards came alongside the queen, leading her to the back of the brothel. Though as she passed Master Raven, who had his head down, she gave him permission to stand and he followed quietly beside me. The queen floated up the steps of the VIP area and sat down on one of the benches, only after a Knight had, taken off his cloak and laid it on the seat for her. I had met knights, but I never once had met true royalty, it was almost night and day, it was hard to believe that I was in front of a the Queen of Tarva. Master Raven took a seat down in front of the queen, and she didn’t protest and I remained and standing not sure if I should have sat down as well. The ambassador stood next to the Queen and she kept her eyes low she seemed ashamed.           “Please get Isen a chair.” The Majesty simply commanded, and a knight picked up a chair and brought it behind me. The large burly doe sat me down and pushed me closer to the table, before taking a formal stance behind me, standing at attention.           “Thank you, your majesty.” I thanked, unsure of anything I said because in front of the queen, it all felt wrong.           “I was informed of Master Raven actions against you, and I’m personally apologize for his actions. He should have never touched you in such a way, you’ve done nothing to earn such ruthless treatment and abuse. I was the one that had recommend Master Raven for this duty, so it saddens me to see him fail. I would have thought he was capable of treating you with a bit more fairness. After I had learned what happened to you I knew I had to come and see you for myself, it only became more urgent when I had learned what you had done in the market place. And as Queen of Tarva, I humbly thank you for protecting what citizens you could, and teaching our guards about how to fight the Black Queen Snakes and other monsters. Your words have already aided in felling another in a small town to the east. It could have been much worse without your aid.” The Queen expressed and I felt utterly confused because I didn’t feel like I deserved any of these kind words.           “I don’t know what to say your Majesty, your words are truly kind.” The Queen smiled, and then looked up at Harval, who had fallen into an uneasy quiet, seeming to be embarrassed.           “Please forgive my words Isen Dale I hadn’t realized who you were, your actions in the market place saved my little sister’s life. Please forgive me for calling you a slave.” Sir Harval said quickly bowing to me.          “Well, technically I am a slave to your government, so you’re not entirely wrong.” The Ambassador smacked her forehead at my comment, and made an audible sound of disapproval. Even Master Raven grew tense, and didn’t look at me or anyone else for that matter. The knight stood tall again and the queen gave a simple laugh that quickly caught everyone’s attention. She then looked at me with a soft smile.           “I guess from your point of view that is how it may seem, but Isen there is a difference. But your words are very amusing.” The Queen simply stated and Sir Harvel stood in front of me slightly uncomfortable though he didn’t seem as embarrassed as he once was.           “Isen I had come here to thank you for your service and choosing Matra as your homeland, though after hearing this new information I would like to know more. Are you really a Gray Gate and a Soul Sword User?” The queen asked me simply and my face flushed, those words had just spilled from my lips, no one was supposed to know about it.           “Yes your Magesty.” I simply answered and the Queen nodded.          “You are full of surprises Isen Dale, I never would have thought you were such a powerful mage; may I see your Soul Sword?” The queen asked and I looked at the mark in my wounded hands and showed it to the Queen, who quickly took note of my bleeding palm.          “Oh, cub what happened to your hand?” The queen asked with a motherly tone reaching out to grasp my bleeding hand. Healing and closing the wound.           “My soul sword normally is normally kept safe inside my body.” I explained showing the Queen the Mark of The Gray God. She lightly touched the surface and looked at me before pulling her hands back and into her lap.           “It’s a fitting Soul Sword, how did you get it?”           “Lynn gave it to me so I could protect myself.” The Queen nodded and smiled. “Isen, as of right now I can give you two paths. You may continue to be our transition aid, or would you like to train and become one of my royal guards?”           “Your Majesty I protest.” The Ambassador said quickly jumping into the conversation. “He is needed as a Transition Aid your Majesty. We need his knowledge to help our citizens settle on earth.”           “I understand, but his power as a Gate of Gray, and bearing a soul sword no less that fits his power so perfectly. He would be a powerful knight, he could help protect our people from the monsters and spirits that attack our city. It’s more important to protect our people then send them to Earth, because if we don’t have anyone to send to earth in the end what is the point?” The Queen countered and they both looked at me, I felt like I was in video game. This was an either or choice, either side with the queen and lose faith with the Ambassador, or side with the Ambassador and lose faith with the Queen. But each choice also determined how I would live my life, a life of action or a life of study and teaching, two entirely different things.           “Sister, if we were to make him one of the royal guards, imagine the standing we would have with the Mages Council, he bears the Brand of Gageth. I wouldn’t protest, but this is an option that can’t be taken lightly. We need someone with his power to protect our people.”           “But his knowledge on human culture and technology could better help our citizens, nobility, mage and peasant alike your majesty. If we were even able to understand an ounce of human science our people could thrive, and learn to protect themselves. You said it yourself your Majesty, his knowledge already helped stop another attack on our eastern farms. We need his knowledge.” The Ambassador countered and then looked back at me, and then fell silent once again. They wanted my answer now, and I was still thinking about it, because it wasn’t some easy option. At this point in the games I played I would have hit save before answering, but this was real life, it was an option I had to truly make and submit myself to the outcome.           “I don’t know what to do, it’s too soon your Majesty. I can’t make a choice like this while I’m still learning about your world and culture, I’m still trying to adjust. I barely know if I can teach my students properly, and then I learned I search for a mate and then now you’re giving me this choice… I’m just dealing with too much at once.” I explained and the two tigresses fell silent.           “I see, how about this then. We will wait for your response until the end of the year, but you will work with my Sister and teach the class like normal, but in the afternoon you’ll come to the palace and train with the guards. At the end of the year we will come to you and ask for what you think is best. I can’t wait for an answer much longer than that.” The Queen explained and I nodded, this was fair and it gave me some time to adapt.           “Thank you, I’ll give you my answer then.” I quietly agreed, but still entirely overwhelmed with everything that was still happening around me, but this at least this gave me a cushion of time to relax. These choices were overwhelming and simple, and what should I choose? What would it mean to choose either one? What would I lose and what would I gain?           “Now I think it’s about time we talk about you Master Raven.” The Queen said firming up and looking at the Cheetah. Her calm nature becoming just a bit aggressive. “Master Raven I choose you to take this role because I know of no better trainer, but everything I had been informed of, has spoken of your abuse and mistreatment. Maybe it’s about time Isen found a better master, one that can understand his needs a bit better.” The queen’s word like poison, sharp and to the point, and it left an aggressive aura to the air around her.  It was almost like she was snake biting at prey.          Master Raven’s attention came back to the queen and he bowed his head in defeat. “I’m sorry you’re Majesty.”          “It seems like my sister had always been right about you? You were not the master for this task.”           “Maybe you are right my queen, I can’t seem to teach Isen properly, without some of mistreatment.” Master Raven’s words were simple and self-deprecating, and he never once lifted his head as the queen talked down at him.           “Then we’ll have Isen’s things removed from your home, and take them to a Master that seems to know what he’s doing.” The queen countered as she got to her feet and looked down at me.           “Please follow me Isen.”           “You Majesty, what will happen to Master Raven?” I asked looking up at the Queen.           “He had his second chance and tossed it to the forest floor, he’ll be punished and his name will cease to hold meaning anywhere. He’ll live a life of failure that the gods will only see fit to change.” The Queen answered, her spiteful tone still directed towards the Master who never lifted his head.           “I can’t accept that.” I simply stated and the queen’s harsh tone quickly faded and she looked down at me curiously. “Why not?”           “I won’t allow my name be the reason summon is abused and beaten… Regardless of who it is… I’ll stay with Master Raven.”           “Isen you can’t protect everyone from their own faults, some people will always fail as long as they don’t change. You don’t need to force yourself to be around him.” The Queen softly explained and I looked up at her.           “I won’t leave unless you promise not to lay a finger on his title, or shame him, or even hurt him. I won’t let my name be the reason someone is hurt.” The Queen just she gave me a small smile.           “You really are to kind Isen, even to those that abuse you. I’ll agree to let you stay as long as one of royal guards stays close and make sure he stays in line.”           “Thank you your Majesty.” I simply agreed, and the queen started to walk away the ambassador looking at me with a sad look, almost like pity.          When they were gone, the door was closed the entire brothel fell into deep silence. “You don’t have to protect me Isen… The queen is right, I have failed to do as needed. I have shamed my family name.”           “I’m not protecting you, I just don’t want my name to be tarnished with blood.” I simply corrected and Master Raven looked up at me his entire body tense, tight, but depressed. Master Raven eyes became soft and his ears splayed back, but in the end he snapped his finger, and he quickly asked a servant to get the queen to come back. He didn’t say anything else, until the queen returned and looked down at him, slightly annoyed.           “My Queen, I’ve sworn an Oath to become Isen’s slave.” The queen’s look softened, and her muzzle shifted to one of surprise even the Ambassador’s. The Slaves were just as equally surprised as I was. Then Master Raven looked at me. “Show her the proof Isen.”          I hesitated, but seeing the look on his muzzle, he just seemed done, he had given up trying completely. “IF that’s truly what you want?” “Isen, I’ve one nothing but abuse you…. I need to eat shit.” He admitted and the queen raised an eyebrow at this comment, but said nothing to counter it. So I took out my phone and played the video of Master Raven reading the contract, the queen was rather surprised by the video, but she knew that wasn’t the point of this video, and she remained quiet until it was done. I then showed the Queen the signed copy of the contract. When she was done with her review she looked down at me and then at Master Raven.           “Master Raven as of this point all of your property, all that you own now belongs to Isen Dale by contract. Do you understand you no longer will be called Master?”           “Yes my Queen, I swear to do as my master commands.” Master Raven agreed swearing his fidelity to me, which just felt strange, and wrong, but I knew what debating it meant, and Master Raven was doing this of his own free will.  To challenge him would just make things worse, and shame him further because it would mean I wouldn’t accept his commitment, to make amends.           “Hopefully one day you can undo the shame you’ve brought to your name.” The queen said as she looked down at me. “You now own the Raven name, which means you control all of their land holdings, all their accumulated wealth and property. Your name will now also replace the Raven name in the royal court. I will be seeing you far more then I once thought now. I hope we meet on good occasions.” The queen explained what it meant to own the Raven name, which got me thinking about what it meant to own Master Raven’s name, the idea of what I owned then became taxing. I need to get things in order.             “It’s going to take weeks for me to understand what I now own isn’t it?” The queen gave a small laugh.           “Isen dale what you think you own now is probably a fragment of what you truly own. The Ravens have collected the wealth from all the slaves that signed their names over to them, which means their homes, their clothes, everything that they have gained from working, and through owning slaves for three hundred years now belongs to you.” The queen explained looking down at me. “You have three centuries of accumulated wealth, it’ll take months for you to understand what you truly own.” The queen explained and that wasn’t a reassuring thought, though it did make me interested in how much wealth I might now have. Though that possibly meant debts as well, and that wasn’t a fun thought either.          After the talk with the queen about how to deal with understanding all wealth I had just gained, she agreed to open up the archive for me, and to allow me full access to the entire history of the Raven name. The queen and her guards left, I was left alone with all of the slaves who were utterly lost and unsure what to do, and Master Raven… OR Raven, as he now wanted to be called.           “Raven… I may own you, but you know I don’t want too… You are my slave but you are free to do as you please, these slaves maybe mine but your still going to be in control over them, and there training. I won’t be able to do much until I understand all of what the Raven name owns.”           “If that is what you want me to do I’ll do it sir?” Raven asked and he just seemed relaxed, he didn’t seem as angry. He just seemed to let it all go and just accepted his new fate as my slave. Plus it’s not like I had done much too truly make him annoyed or uncomfortable, he was still able to do as he wished.           “Please do it. I’m going upstairs, I need to lay down. I need to process everything that just happened.” Master Raven nodded and he stood up and looked at his slaves. “Get to work! You heard him, I’m still in command!” He bellowed and the Slaves quickly snapped to it, and with that loud yell I took my own leave.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Phobias Part 3 (Major Fetish Bondage)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Phobias Part 3
         Class started with no absences and homework completed, though instead of grading it personally I thought it would be best to understand the faults of the students, to see what they were capable, by simply allowing them to grade it themselves, so they could ask questions. Thankfully I had the workbook so I could know the answers, and most of this was test for them because I knew Mincridarins had a difficult time leaning because of their lack of a regulated education. Education was seen as a reward that you earned, such as proving yourself capable in magic, at which point you’d go to the Royal School Magic. Then there was also the fact that when you became a soldier for the military, they were given basic education such as reading, writing and basic math, but not much else. So as I walking around the class room looking at the papers, and I could tell that most had a problem but some weren’t as impaired as others… It was strange to see someone talk so normally but know they can’t read, write or understand basic math. I personally understood why they didn’t, but even at points my mind was screaming “what the hell is going on?!”          But I swallowed my belittling words, and did what I could to explain and teach, and I was barely into the homework answers when I started to realize why teachers on earth found their job so frustrating sometimes, because some students just didn’t seem to understand the material no matter how it was explained. One of the few things that seemed to help was by describing basic math equations as arrows in a quiver, when you used arrows you lost them. The Mincridarins understood this weapon loss, because you couldn’t use a bow with an empty quiver, so they understood what zero meant as well.          Thwap, “MMMMMmmm.” I protested, holding back a slur of improper and informal words, stomping my foot on the ground to one release anger, and two also distract my mind from the pain. “I told you not to slouch.” Master Raven simply corrected and I just glared at him feeling my rear, avoiding eye contact with my students because I could hear their surprise, and I felt their gaze on my back.          I broke the chalk I was using in my grasp, just wanting to protest but with it broken I switched to teaching basic grammar and “English”. See because of the portals effects I learned how to speak the Mincridarn language, read and write it, so when they spoke I heard English, but in actuality they were speaking their own personal language, and my mind was auto translating, thinking that their language was English. So when I was talking about “English, my explanations were already being translated so they understood; so when I explained grammar, what I said and wrote made sense grammatically for their language.         Thwap, “FFFFFFFudge.” I protested again getting another strike on my rear that stung like no tomorrow, and at this point I had snapped my last piece of chalk. “Leave right now, Master Raven I need chalk and your actions have just broken my last piece.” I grumbled in anger, pointing at the door.          “Just send one of your students.” Master Raven simply countered and I just snarled.          “My students are actually trying to learn! You are the one that is impeding that, so you will leave right now or I will have the guards escort you out. I’m done playing this game!”          Master Raven looked at the class, and he grumbled in annoyance. “Just try and be a good Kitten while I’m gone.” Master Raven stated as he walked past me, and out of the room, arms crossed, he looked like he was taking the high road, by understanding his faults and walking away, even though a slave just talked back to him. The fact that others believed he was taking the high road was infuriating, but I let it go, because it made him leave the room with his damn riding crop.  So at least he wouldn’t spank me for a bit.          When I knew Master Raven was gone I looked back at the class and saw their surprised expressions, I just turned around to avoid it and continued to teach my lessons. When it was done I handed out worksheets I had preprinted from the day before. These were left in the desk based on my instructions. It was a large stack because with Ink as the only medium for writing I knew they’d make mistakes. So once the paper was handed out the students went and started to do their work while I sat at the desk, my rump bruised but bearable. Though with the class distracted I looked at my cuffs wondering what to do, so with magic I tried to unlock them, the cuffs were unbearably annoying and took up so much of my attention a student had come up to my desk, to get my attention.           “Mr. Dale, how do you do this problem?” A bulky moose asked shyly wearing dirty and worn down clothing. He smelled of musk and sweat, it was apparent that he hadn’t bathed recently, but by looking at his clothing I could tell he was some kind of worker or farmer, most likely intense labor.          I looked down at the offered paper, and looked at the ink splotches that passed barely as writing, it was hard to make out anything he had written; I personally doubt he could read his own hand writing. “Well if you had seven arrows, and you went to a fletcher to buy three more, how many arrows would you have?”           “I know that sir, but what’s the answer?”           “I’m not telling you that, you can’t learn if I just tell you everything.” I simply countered and this just made the male more frustrated, agitated and is body grew tense.           “That’s not what I mean.” The large male simply protested and I looked at him thinking about his questions and then it clicked.           “You don’t know how to write the answer?” I asked softly and the male nodded timidly, a normal shyness covering his entire body, his entire form uneasy and shifting uncomfortably as he stood in front of me. I could see it in his eyes that he was doing his best and he didn’t want to be judged, so I just did my best to comfort him with a smile.           “Go sit down, I’ll help you.” I simply instructed and the moose walked away, as I got up from my desk and I went to the board, using what little chalk I had, I quickly called everyone’s attention forward.          “Everyone Dorin Tall, brought up something I forgot to mention. For every single one of your answers I want you to spell out your answer and write the number. Before you get upset, I’m going to write down the numbers and how you spell them.” I quickly stated seeing some annoyance building but they calmed down quickly and I did as I said and wrote down the number zero through twenty.          It was by then that Master Raven returned with a box of chalk and set it down on my desk, I sat down before he could do anything else to me. Though one by one the class started to hand in their worksheets and I started to grade them, trying to read their chicken scratch, chicken scratching being quite literal at one point because one of my students was a hen.          Though I wasn’t terrible, I knew they need a break and their minds needed to settle, so as I was grading I put on a small action flick, and they ate a small meal I had told them they could bring. Once I was finished, I personally went to the bathroom, allowing them to get a bit farther into the movie before I came back after reliving myself.          I waited for the action to calm down before pausing the movie, the rest of the class was dedicated to questions on the movie, and personal exposure. I had to lie about most of my exposure and why I had come back from Earth, but they seemed to buy my simple answers. That was when a guard came in with their homework. I had met with the ambassador and she delegated the work I needed done to make the classes homework. I gave this to them, it was a large binder for each of them, full of practice writing sheets. They were bothered by the idea of doing so much but I explained to them that I wasn’t going to have them do it all but to just start practicing with three pages then do some basic math, which was included in the flap inside.          With that answer they were happy, and they bid me a good day and Master Raven as well. When all of the students left. The Ambassador came into the room just as I was straightening up my desk to leave with Master Raven.           “So how were they Isen?”           “It’s going to be a challenge Ambassador, some of these students aren’t even capable of basic math.”           “I understand, but when do you think they maybe on par with what you’ve seen in the New York Sanctuary?”           “Shuu.” I breathed, I felt like a teacher because for once I had forgotten that my job was a transition aid not teacher. I wasn’t supposed to be teaching them so thoroughly I was just supposed to help them fit into Earth culture, but it felt wrong to leave such unintelligent Mincridarins and Adestrians on Earth, not to be mean but it would simply be hard for them to adapt.           “I’ve never done this, but maybe a couple months of intense teaching.”           “That’s wonderful to hear normally it would take half a year for standard citizens to be prepared. If you can make them past the exam in a few months that would be amazing.” The ambassador applauded with a happy and bright smile.           “But wait, that depends on how things go, I don’t know how fast they will learn.” I simply protested not enjoying the excitement, because I didn’t want to raise the ambassador’s hope to much. “If you really want to help these students, I’m going to need computers, and small bits of Earth technology like phones and remotes. Right now I’m just teaching them the basics of English, Math, and some basic science and geography. The sanctuary is built with schools tailored to Mincridarn culture but even if they transfer it could be hard for them.” I explained and the Ambassador lost her energy and went deep into thought.           “Earth technology is expensive, and it’s prone to breaking, we can’t spend money on every single item you may need knowing it was going to break after being used once.”           “As your transition Aid, that is what I need. I don’t need a mass set of computer I could just use a few that I can have students switch out on, so they can get them familiar with it. Human technology is the one thing I’m worried about most of all, because if a Mincridarn can’t understand how to use a phone or a computer their already far behind. That kind of knowledge will be imperative to fitting in.” I explained and the Ambassador sighed.          “It’ll be a few weeks, but I’ll see what I can do, I might be able to get three computers but not much more than that. Getting a few TV remotes might be easy enough, phones might be tricky but I’ll see what I can do.”           “IF that is all, I have to get back to work.”           “Yes Ambassador, thank you for your time.” I finished and with that the Ambassador left, and I finished packing up my things.           “You weren’t doing a bad job Isen, I can see why you were treated so highly by Mincridarins in the New York sanctuary.  You are patient in dealing with the lack of intelligence, you understand how to translate things that might hard to understand otherwise.”           “I’m a Transition Aid, it’s kind of my job.”           “But it’s more than that isn’t it, why do you care so much about Mincridarins?” Master Raven questioned coming closer to me and holding the chain attached to my cuffs down on the table, forcing me to remain seated as he looked down at me, and I looked at him.           “I’m a writer, I want know everything I can about your people. Out of all human existence you would be out first true Alien contact, why wouldn’t I want to be a part of that? I want to understand your culture, your people, and your world, even if everything about Mincridarins are intimidating and frightening.” I explained and Master Raven let go of the chain.           “You really are the Angle of New York?”           “What?”           “That’s your nickname amongst those in the New York Sanctuary, it was the head line of a newspaper in your world, which kind of just stuck.”           “I was in a newspaper?” I asked because I had never gotten a newspaper delivered to my apartment or in my mail before, at least while I lived in the sanctuary, hardly saw Mincridarins reading newspapers anyways, Most of the time when Newspapers were being read it was because they were human owned.           “Mincridarn owned.” Master Raven added and then I nodded in understanding, knowing why I had never heard of it.           “That makes sense, that’s probably why I’ve never heard of it. Not like many Mincridarins can read anyways.”           “Let’s get you home, we have plenty to talk about.” Master Raven simply stated and he started to walk to the door, standing tall, his Riding crop in his right hand, but shifted to his back hand. With nothing much else to do I picked up my Lap top bag before following Master Raven out of the room. I followed behind the bulky male, because as long as I could see the riding crop he couldn’t spank me with it.          The walk back to the Spotted King Brothel was long and quite, nothing spoken between us, which I didn’t mind, it gave me time to look around the city and enjoy the beautiful scenery.          After the long scenic walk under the glowing leaves we made our way into the main level of the Brothel on Master Raven’s command. His slaves glanced at me but they didn’t say anything, they just remained at their stations doing their chores. Master Raven took me to the VIP area and forced me to sit on the familiar bench, then took a seat right next to me.          Master Raven snapped his fingers and summoned a slave who soon brought him a mug of ale, but before the slave left he took hold of the females arm and she jumped in fear, and looked back at Master Raven. “Sir?”           “You forgot to bring a cup of water for the kitten.” Master Raven explained sharply and he let the female go and right in front of me took up the ridding crop and caned her with the long flexible length across the rear. She cried out in pain and when Master Raven was done she walked away in tears holding the wooden tray in her hands firmly, any harder and the tray may have shattered.            My heart sank watching the female get beaten, and I wanted to protest and I looked at Master Raven about to, but cut myself short, I remembered the first rule. To never challenge him in front of his slaves. Thinking about all those strong willed Mincridarins I had called friends in the Sanctuary City, I thought of them as the female. Turned into nothing, and those thoughts just hurt to think about, and I turned away until the female returned and put a cup of water on the table.          I thanked her, and she returned the simple thanks before leaving quietly. Master Raven drank from his mug and I looked at my water and shifted the cup in my hands, because when I saw the water I thought of the abuse the female had just received and it I couldn’t make myself drink it. “Master Raven what am I doing here?” I asked just to break the conversation, and to keep my thoughts off the female.           “Are you looking for a Mate?” Master Raven asked simply and I looked at him in confusion.           “No, I’m not.”           “Well it’s about time you started to speak with other nobles and try and find one.”           “What? No sir, I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to become someone’s mate, at least for now.”           “Was I asking for your permission?” Master Raven stiffly countered and I looked at him.           “I said no.”           “And Right now I don’t care, this is part of your training. You are twenty one and a noble, to be left without a mate at this age would shame your family name.” Master Raven explained growing annoyed by my refusal and complaints.           “I’m not going to join with someone.”          “Did I ever say Join?!” Master Raven asked slamming his mug down on the table glaring down at me, and I flinched under his gaze. But I couldn’t fold not yet.           “I’m not ready regardless I don’t care what you say, I’m not ready, you’re still training me out of my damn fears…” I said shaking my chained hands in his face. “I’ve barely settled into my new life because you keep on dumping things on me. Next year the Ambassador already signed me up for classes in the Royal School of Magic. I have to train citizens for their transition to Earth. I’m not doing it, I’m not going to let someone like you be my match maker when you hardly know anything about me!” And I had plenty more to say about this topic, but I was shut up by Master Raven who suddenly roared in anger.          “Shut up, you say another word and I lock a muzzle around your head!” Master Raven countered glaring down at me and under his gaze I fell silent, tears came down from my eyes. I hated this, because I had no choice in the matter, I barely had time to think anymore or do anything I wanted, everything was constantly moving, I had only been here for barely a week and I was already being pushed to look for a mate, raped, beaten, and abused. The only freedom I had was in my classroom, my room wasn’t even safe from Master Raven because he could come and go as he pleased.           “What? You going to cry like a cub because you’re not getting your way? I’m simply relaying information the Ambassador gave to me.” Master Raven mocked pulling on my cheek as if I was being a cub, before he pushed my head away. So I just reacted, I slammed the table to the side and just bolted for the door. At this point Master Raven quickly realized what was happening.           “Dammit! Everyone, catch him.” Master Raven called out and before I could get to the door the two large bucks stood in my way, and before I could react I was knocked to the ground, and restrained by a set of slaves who pinned my arms behind my back by sliding a broom stick across my elbows and behind my back. I couldn’t move my arms forward but the most I could was just move them up and down. A pair of slaves grabbed the broomstick, one hand on either side of my elbows, picked me up and then forced me to my knees where they then forced my head into the ground. They leaned their shoulders into my back to further contain me and make sure I wasn’t going anywhere.          I saw Master Raven’s feet come in front of me, and I looked up at him sadly. “For someone who grew up around Mincridarins you’re pretty pathetic.”           “Why don’t-“ But before I could finish the two slaves lifted me up slightly and slammed my muzzle shut on the ground.           “Thank you.” Master Raven smirked as he stood above me with his arms crossed, and with the pain in my jaw as a deterrent I remained silent as Master Raven knelt down in front of me.           “My duty is to train you, to make you capable of living on your own, life isn’t fair you will always be burdened by tasks. You can’t live how you want, not anymore. But as long as you wear that collar you remain my responsibility, so I can’t have you running off again. The last time you did you caused mayhem that was barely halted, though I admit that was mostly might fault. IF you run away again not only will you cause Mayhem for the Ambassador, but you will also ruin my name as a Master. Because I can’t let those I’m training run away. Your lucky I won’t punish you for what you said earlier in the day, and watching you teach those Mincridarins has put me in a good mood. You can either one bend over that bar stool.” Master Raven stated pointing to a simple barstool nearby.          “And take my beatings, at which point you’ll be free to go and do as you please. Or you can stay like this and I can drag you around just so I can personally make sure you don’t go anywhere. Make your choice or I’ll choose for you.” Master Raven explained, and I softly cried, I felt trapped and cornered; I couldn’t look up at Master Raven. I couldn’t get away, he made sure of that, it was his way or nothing at all.           “Use me.” Mark called out in my mind, and then it clicked and simple memories started to come in my head of Lynn making my room… They weren’t my memories but The Mark’s memories, he was just as sentient as I was, he could remember things as well, and these where his memories while I was unconscious.           “Mark Protect Isen, you are the only I can truly trust. You are bound to him, please protect him for me while I’m gone.” Lynn said slightly distorted, as he kissed my forehead. “Master Raven is good natured and I trust him, but Isen and Master Raven are opposites, almost completely, their ideals are different they’ll clash and one of them will get hurt… IF it comes to that make sure it’s Master Raven.” Lynn finished and the memory dissipated and when everyone was distracted I tested my simple spell, and it worked, with that spell working I cut the palm of my hand so I could draw out my soul sword.           “3.2.1-“           “Exist, mark of the gray god.” Master Raven flinched at my words and I soon felt cuffs fall away, that was the only time I needed before I took control of the entire brothel with my magic. Restraining everyone against the wall.          Master Raven grunted as he was bound in black chains, on the lower end of the bar. “What? How did you do that? Those cuffs were made to resist magic.”           “Master Raven, do you really think Lynn would trust you enough with my personal safety? He gave me this Soul Sword for a reason. He gave me this soul sword so I’ll be safe even when he wasn’t around. He personally made sure the one spell that I used to help summon my soul sword was usable. With Mark, I don’t need know how to pick locks, he did it for me. Mark takes care of the things I don’t know what to do. It took me until now to realize as long as I have Mark, I’ll be fine.”           “You’re being a cub if you think you can rely on that to solve all your problems. As you already know, my slaves just detained you, and what if those cuffs restricted all magic. Those cuffs were only gave you the ability to use certain spells, if didn’t allow you to use those what then? I was trying to help you so you could rely on yourself, not on some stupid soul sword.” Master Raven grunted as he tried to resist the black chains that bound him.           “Master Raven, you’ve never once trained me, you abused me in so many ways. You manipulate, you don’t train.”           “How words are defined depends on the person speaking them, you say I manipulate you but what about this morning in front of the spider. You gave into me completely you weren’t happy about it but you still did it. You agreed for me to train to be better than your fears.”           “You chained me up in front my class, teased me in the bath and when I didn’t do as you wanted you got angry at me. IF the guard wasn’t there this morning you would have beaten me in front of all those people. Unlike you Master Raven I know that training doesn’t require abuse, I know how to train without abusing the other person mentally or physically. But that’s your job is, so it’s either your way or nothing at all. That is how you train slaves, I’m not a fucking slave. I only wear this damn collar because I have too, if it was just a stupid pendent you’d have no right to treat me as a slave in public. Lynn made this because he knew the laws, he knew that no one would steal it if it was a slave’s collar! I’m a guest in your house and you treat me like any other slave, there are moments where you’re better but those are moments. You still can’t separate your duty for your job.” I explained and Master Raven ceased to struggling and just looked at me, annoyed but not angry.           “Fine then how would you train yourself because it’s not like I have a choice in the matter?” Master Raven asked and his words were simple enough to confuse me.           “It’s not about the training, it’s how you stack it, and you dropped too much on someone’s shoulders. Do you realize how hard it’s for me to function with these cuffs on, how frightening how little control I have in these? Lynn hardly ever bound me with cuffs or rope because he knew I was scared of it, you took the one option of me getting free and tossed it down the toilet. You forced me to submit to wearing the cuffs. You threw me to the wolves, you bound me and then abused me when I was exposed and couldn’t defend myself. I’ve tried so hard to obey your rules Master Raven but at points do your realize how much I want to kick you in the balls? To shut you up personally? But no, it’s not only the fact that you forced me to be exposed in front of others, and obey you or risk getting beaten, but you also drop the bombshell of having me need a mate, because it looks good for the family name.”           “It’s too much, I can barely function. Do you think it’s easy for me to teach a class of unintelligent Mincridarins about human culture? I’ve never once taught anyone in this proper setting. I know if I went to a proper teacher for help they’d chew me out for all the faults I was making. I have to think of how to teach my students in the long run, how well will they adapt and learn what they need, so they can move on? I’ve barely been here a fucking week and I have to deal with making a long term teaching schedule but I also have to deal with the bomb shell of being the Gray Gate, and learning to adapt to my own gift. I learned all of that fucking yesterday, yesterday, and now you want me to look for a mate. Are you insane? I don’t have the time and energy, I barely I have time for myself anymore.” I explained panting as I finished my aggressively spoken explanation, though when I was done I looked at their surprised gazes and soon realized they weren’t on me, they were gazing upon the person behind me.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Phobias Part 2 (Major Fetish Diaper/Bondage/Slight Watersports)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Phobias Part 2
        I had a hard time sleeping that night, in the darkness of my room I didn’t feel alone, I felt eyes upon me and I thought I felt spiders crawling all around me. I hated it, so I had to sleep with a small ball of light in the room, so the darkness didn’t give my mind any delusions. I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off, I had set it yesterday with Master Raven’s aid. So I tapped off the buzzer and got up from the bed, I wasn’t wet thankfully, but I still wore a diaper between my legs just for amusement. I know it was stupid and childish, but I loved how soft they felt. I especially liked how I didn’t have to go to the bathroom, and I could sit at my computer writing. I was never fond of being treated as a child or even as a cub, and when Lynn tried to treat me like a cub he quickly got knocked upside the muzzle.  Third time was the charm, and he stopped trying.          I made the ball of light vanish, and I went to the windows and opened them. The mesh on the windows made me smile, the squares were large enough to let in light but small enough that the smallest of fruit spider wouldn’t be able to get in my room again. The door jingled when it was opened and I turned around to see Master Raven standing at the door, with his blank muzzle looking down at me.          “Lynn told me you were fond of those diapers, I thought he was joking.” Master Raven said wearing nothing but simple underwear that still faintly smelled sex he had the day before. He came into the room and I looked down at the lime green diaper on hips, it was the only thing I wore in the warm moist heat of the night.           “No… I’ve always like them ever since I was young, their soft and comfortable and I loved wearing them when I was working on something long and tedious. That way I didn’t have to go to the bathroom I could concentrate on what was in front of me. I don’t like being treated as a kitten sir, I just wear them.” I explained looking up at him as he towered over me again, he took my arm in his hand and shifted around a bit before slamming his hand into my rear.           “You slouching again Isen, I said stand straight.” Master Raven stated before letting my arm go, I felt my diapered rear in pain. “Isen come with me I want you to watch the spider again, keep the diaper on I don’t want you to make a mess on my floor again.”           “But sir…” I started and trailed off as Master Raven looked down at me and his simple glare told me to be silent and just obey. My legs shook at the idea, and I quickly just took hold of his hand and came close to his side. “You ok cub?”           “I’m not a cub.” I simply protested as Master Raven lead me to the dreaded door. Though I’m sure he rolled his eyes.           “Could have fooled me Isen.” His mocking was simple but nothing I hadn’t heard before and when he opened the door again, my heart raced because I looked at the spider and watched it sleep but when the door opened fully the fruit spider quickly started to protest it’s caged movements and started to move around wildly, hissing and clicking at me in anger.           “Isen, I read more of your book.” My attention wavered and I looked up at master Raven though I still heard the spider, and looked at it every now and then. My hands gripping Master Raven’s arm stiffly, my entire body shook softly and I could barely stand.           “I read a little before bed every night, you really enjoy leaving cliff hangers at the end of your chapters.”           “I don’t do it all the time…. It depends on if I reached a point in my chapter where I think a good cut off point is. Sometimes I just write enough for a chapter to be called, and other times I write what I need to end the chapter.” I explained fidgeting because I felt spiders crawling over my skin.           “You know Baron Dale sounds really familiar, did you base him off of Lynn?”          “I just made his personality darker, and gave him a name to suit such new personality...” I said pulling into Master Raven chest, my heart was beating wildly, but when arms when they came around my body I didn’t feel the spiders crawling up my back, just his hands shifting my fur around. With my face buried in his chest I didn’t see the spider but I could hear it, but that was enough, because I was able to relax substantially in Master Raven’s arms. He closed the door with a click and I looked up at him and he smirked.           “You pissed yourself again like I thought you would kitten.” Soon enough his words had taken my mind between my legs and I knew he was telling the truth. I didn’t even realize I had pissed myself, and I groaned in simple disapproval.           “Not again.”           “Don’t worry Isen, you did great today. Let’s just get you cleaned up.” Master Raven assured not mocking me, and he picked up my limp body and I curled up in his naked arms and chest. He took me into the bathroom and laid me down on the edge of the tub and before I knew it he had removed my diaper and rolled it up, before putting it to the side.           “Master I could have done that.”           “Isen you can barely walk and your body is shaking. I know your limits and you’re are not capable of doing much else in this state. SO just get in the water.” Master Raven explained as he helped me into the water, before standing above me and removing his own underwear and tossing it to the side. His whited furred masculinity, his cock tucked away in his sheath, and his fair sized balls shifting about before he stepped into the warm water next to me.          He took control easily, and started to bathe me like I was much like a kitten, he didn’t let me do much other than sit still. His touch had brought out my own phallus, the pink tip was noticed and Master Raven looked down at me. “Getting excited kitten?”           “Sorry sir.” I apologized quickly, but master Raven bent me over the edge of the tub to pull my legs out of the water and wash them one by one.           “Don’t apologize, it wouldn’t be my first time, it’s just a natural reaction no need to make a fuss over it… Unless you want me too.” Master said with a small smirk, and I jumped as Master Raven lightly pushed a digit into my rear, just inside my ass, dilating the opening but doing not much more than that.          I looked back at him in surprise, wondering if he was going to assault me but he removed his finger and went back to washing my body, but his simple forced contact did enough to get my tip to rise and twitch in the water.          I saw his own sheath, and he own teasing didn’t even get a rise out of him, the bastard was utterly toying with me. But I yipped when he took of my balls, and massaged them in his firm grip and used a simple finger to stroke my length. I hadn’t cum in a while, so his contact was happily received and it left me purring in simple pleasure.          I felt his body come on top of mine, and he sifted around, and Master Raven’s hand came around my thigh and between my legs, his other hand took a hold of my throat. I could feel the vibrations in Master Raven’s throat as he gave his own sensual purr, but I could tell he was still soft, and his cock was tucked away in his sheath. “Isen… don’t touch me without permission.”          I pulled my hand quickly away from his balls, and gave a simple apology through a moan. “Isen, for the past few days you’ve been slouching, I think it’s about time I make sure you remember what I taught you so I’m going to go to work with you, and I’m bringing my ridding crop. If I see you slouch I will spank you in front of your class. I wouldn’t have to do this if you just obeyed me, and stood straight. But you don’t now I have to punish you… But don’t worry there is a reward kitten. If you’re good I’ll let you cum.” He growled in my ear, and I shivered under his body, his warm breath and firm simple words were the only things I heard. I only felt his touch on my balls and when he let that touch fall away I quickly protested and looked at him.           “Master please don’t stop. I was just about to cum.”           “You haven’t earned that yet.” Master Raven finished with a simple kiss before getting up, blue balling me and keeping me right on that edge. He took hold of my hands and kept them behind my back. Then out of nowhere I heard simple clicks and firm metal cuffs come around my wrists locking them in place. The simple sound caused me to look back at Master Raven.           “I’m not going to rape you, you said you were scared of being locked in metal cuffs so these are for training you out of your second fear.” He simply stated as he showed me a key and broke it in half between his fingers, and tossed the remains expertly into the toilet.          “That was the only key. So you either learn to lock pick or you remain in those cuffs unable to touch yourself. I’m sure it might take a while, so I’ll be your shadow until you can get out of them.”          “What if I can’t get out of them?”           “Then you’re stuck in them until you can get out of them. I broke the key I can’t let you go or unlock them, you’ll just have to get used to it. Now let’s get your dried up and ready for work.” Master Raven simply informed much to my own horror. I struggled in the cuffs but these were meant for Mincridarn prisoners so they were made with some of the densest metals on this world. They weren’t going to break, that was the point.           “Please I can’t do this, I don’t even know how to lock pick cuffs with magic.” I countered, and Master Raven simply got out of the water and pulled me out as well, our furs matted with water; mine most of all.           “Don’t care, you’ll figure it out eventually.” Master Raven countered simply not caring about anything I said, and that alone was infuriating, and I stared down the male angrily.           “This isn’t fair! Get me out of these damn cuffs!” Yelled in anger and Master Raven said and did nothing except towel me off. I tried used my magic to destroy the cuffs knowing I could concentrate on magic now, but the spells dissipated. I tried to scare Master Raven or strike him with my spells but those dissipated.           “What’s going on I can’t use my magic!”           “Lynn made those cuffs, I told him what I was going to do with you, and he supports me fully, those cuffs will only allow you to use basic lock picking spells, anything else and the spells won’t work.”           “What if something happens, and I get into a fight or get attacked!?”           “They’ll unlock on their own.” Master Raven explained and I fell into silent anger just wanting to strike the tower of a male in front of me, but my only available option was a simple kick to his shin, so that’s what I did. Master Raven looked down at me with a simple unamused look on his muzzle.           “You kick like a cub.” “Shut up, my legs aren’t working yet!” I cried out unhappily, and with that comment, Master Raven’s fur lit up in red hot flames that rippled down from the tips of his ears to his toes. His fur drying instantly as his the water was steamed out of his fur. When he was done his fur stood lightly on end, but he grabbed a wooden bristle back brush, and started to brush down all of his fur before taking my towel covered shoulders in hand and led me away.          I could have done something similar, but my fire magic was suppressed with these enchanted cuffs in place. Master Raven took me into my room and sat me down on my desk chair before he started to dress me, he couldn’t put a shirt over my torso, so it was left bare. Thankfully I had underwear and pants on, but with those on he brushed my fur down. I hadn’t had breakfast this morning so Master Raven fed me by hand, afterwards he left me alone in my room while he took the tray of dishes away. I shifted in the chains just wanting to break from them, but that was impossible, Lynn probably made sure of that. So I did the next best thing. I got my back on the floor and pulled the chain over my toes, allowing me use my hands properly since they were now in front of my chest.           “What are you doing?” Master Raven asked looking down at me when he came back into my room, since I was still on the floor bound in my cuffs. Though I was personally just lying on the floor because the carpet was absorbing the water from my fur.           “Drying my fur.” I simply explained, but Master Raven pulled me up by my chain. “What are your hands doing in front of your chest?” He didn’t seem amused by the fact that I had full use of my hands.  Since that was why he probably cuffed me behind my back, I was supposed to rely on him until I was done with this stupid training.           “For me to know and you not to find out.” I joked but he didn’t enjoy my words, and he continued to glare down at me, and I gave into his harsh stare with a sigh.           “I pulled the chain over my toes, the chain is long enough to do it with ease.”           “Put it back behind your back.”           “No.”           “NO?” Master Raven asked again looking down at me.           “I mean it, I need to use my hands. You continue countering me I will go to the ambassador.” I warned and Master Raven grit his teeth and he pulled me to my feet, with his firm grip still on the chain.           “Fine, do as you want.” Master Raven growled as he gave into my simple threat, but I could tell he was beyond agitated and holding his anger back, his tail was lashing about and his hands were tense, his claws having come out, and I could see the sharp tips because he wasn’t wearing his gloves.           “Sir are you going to get dressed?” I asked, just not wanting the male to be around me because I could tell he might lash out again. He just growled in annoyance he walked off. I then heard the slam of a door farther down the hall.           “Control issues.” I simply sighed to myself, as I started to pack up my things for class before pulling the laptop bag over my shoulders. It was strange to do anything with my hands bound like this, but it was doable the chain was long enough and gave some freedom of movement. Though when I was done packing I waited on Mater Raven, looking over the cuffs wondering how I could break free of them. Lynn was smart, and probably covered all the bases, so I couldn’t break any of the hinges or the chains. So I looked at the key holes on the blocky cuffs, with the locks protected by metal plates and flat head rivets.          I was using my magic to just start and fiddle with the holes, making the cuffs glow a soft gray, when Master Raven coughed to get my attention. The magic quickly faded and I looked up at well-dressed cheetah. “Sorry about countering your sir.”          “No… It’s not your fault Isen. I’m not used to be told no too. Your right, keeping your hands behind your back maybe too much, so I won’t debate you on it.” Master Raven explained with a deep breath. Though while he talked I looked over Master Raven’s body which was covered with a firm black leather vest, with a white undershirt. His hands weren’t wearing the familiar black leather gloves, these gloves were different since they were for one fingerless gloves came up to his elbow and two they protected with a polished metal plate. Master Raven’s pants were black ass-less leather chaps with a long cotton and leather crotch protected underwear. His whip was on a simple holster on his hip, but in his hand was a long ridding crop that he smacked against his hand, the crop made a simple thwap when it hit his gloved hand.          “You would love some the humans in our world, you’d fit right in with BDSM culture.” I explained and Master Raven raised an eyebrow.           “Maybe on the way to the Embassy you can tell me more, sounds interesting.” Master Raven stated as he came near me and with a firm smack on the rear from with the crop that made me cry out in pain I looked at him. Feeling my rear. “Don’t slouch I was very serious, and imagine what you’ll look like in front of others. They won’t care, so you could cry and no one would care, in fact they might ask me to muzzle you and continue to beat you. You won’t get out of this.” He warned with a dark smirk as he pointed down the hallway with the riding crop, his warning made me fearful but with his simple gesture I moved down the hallway. Though as I started to walk away he traced my spine with the riding crop, and the simple sensation left me standing straight and rigid, and standing so straight was uncomfortable and felt unnatural.          I was walking down the stairs when he spanked me again, Master Raven didn’t have much room to move around, but he still made use of the crop, and it hurt as it came up right under my right cheek partially hitting my upper thigh. I nearly fell forward on the stairs from the sudden surprising impact. What was worse was that I had been talking to him about what BDSM, what it meant and kind of some of the terms. I wasn’t huge into the culture, but I knew the basics. The idea of what it was thought was in a way was insulting to Master Raven. Slave Training was his life, and what some of what BDSM was “Slave Training”, it was the fact that some humans did it out of enjoyment and pleasure just seemed like a smack in the face. Slave Training wasn’t supposed to be fun, it was supposed to be brutal, there wasn’t supposed to be any kind of enjoyment. It was absolute punishment, nothing else, to enjoy slave training was almost like spitting in his face, as Master Raven explained it. A slave should never enjoy his beatings, if he did, it was proof that the Master was doing something wrong.          “Cumming”… Thwap… “Fuck.” I cried out in pain breaking away from the conversation as we walked to the embassy, the lone guard meeting us out front doing nothing but give a simple greeting before following us.            Master Raven after my simple glare continued to explain, that cumming was never a reward, if it was it was the one thing that you earned above all else, even above food and not being beaten. If you got to cum as a slave that was the greatest reward you should ever get, and if it wasn’t, the Master had done something wrong. Though Master Raven was a little backwards, how he liked train his slaves was draining them dry, so they were never horny, and then beating them. He made sure to make his slaves cum three times before every beating, so cumming wasn’t a reward it was the precursor for punishment. So when his slaves were told they could cum they knew their night was going to be filled with pain afterwards. The few slaves who pushed their luck he castrated or made them smooth between their legs, male and female. He had no problem with castrating or making sure a females could never bear children in front of others to make a point. Sometimes he’d make it a spectacle for his guests. Though he only did such things unless they totally and utterly earned it, normally if a slave needs to be castrated was determined in its first few weeks.          Thwap…”Dammit!” I cried out in pain covering the wounded rear with my laptop bag. He wasn’t holding anything back, and I could already feel bruises developing, in some manner, just the bruises pressing against my pants as I walked just made me cringe in pain.           “Isen?” A familiar voice called out to me and I turned around to see a vixen, Viara, wearing her gray robes and a basket of things under her right arm.           “Who’s this?” Master Raven asked looking down at the female.           “She’s a friend.” I simply countered pushing past Master Raven who had taken a defensive stance to protect me, keeping me partially behind him.           “Hello Viara.” I said coming closer and when I was close enough she lightly took hold of my shoulders and sniffed my neck smiling.           “Nice soap, very masculine.” She commented with a small laugh as she pulled out a glass bottle about the size of her hand filled with a pink mix. “Here, I was selling these. Take it, you didn’t smell bad wearing it.”          I took the simple gift, and got a smack from behind. I jumped up in protest feeling my rear and looked back at Master Raven. “What the hell Master Raven, I was standing straight.”           “You didn’t introduce me.”           “Like you need to be introduced sir, you would have waltzed in on your own anyways.” I simply countered stepping to the side, and gestured him to come in on the conversation that he simply interrupted.           “You’re lucky, talk to me like that again and I’ll beat your ass in front of everyone.” Master Raven warned with his sinister dark gaze and dark rumbling growl, that quickly made me reevaluate my life choices. I quickly folded under his gaze, and became silent. “Sorry sir.”           “You better be.” He simply added before looking at the female.           “I’m sorry for his rudeness he tends to forget his place every now and then. He’s very lucky I’m kind to those near the end of their contract.”           “Oh, you must be the person he was running from the other day. Please to meet you my name is Viara, I tend the temple ground with my father.”           “Isen told me nothing about you, but thank you for tending to my slave.”           “He was very well mannered, he helped me clean the temple, he earned his meal.”          I felt like I didn’t even exist, I felt like I had died and I was now watching those at my funeral talking about me. I hated it, and grew tense out of anger of being treated like a back ground character and annoyed because their conversation was so complete, I couldn’t just interject. I was the reason this started I should be a part of it, but they had kicked me out. If I tried to say anything I would break the tension and I’d make it awkward; I could already tell it would be like that. So I remained silent and just started to walk away.           “Isen, where do you think you’re going?” Master Raven called out, and I could feel his gaze on my back, I simply put on my head phones which hung from the side of my bag and put them over my ears. I wasn’t going to be some back ground character, Master Raven didn’t own me the government did, and he still treated me like a slave. I could understand why, but he didn’t even fight it, he just became my “Master”.          I felt an arm on my shoulder and found some random Mincridarn holding me, the reptile wearing simple clothing looked down at me and then at Master Raven. “Your Master is calling you.” The reptile stated letting me go, and I looked at Master Raven who looked down at me.          I removed my head phones and looked at him. “What do you want… Sir?”           “Where do you think you’re going?”           “I have to get to work Sir.”           “You’re going to leave and not say good bye?”           “I’ll see you tomorrow Viara.” I simply stated waving giving a simple wave to the female before pulling my arm out of the reptile’s grip and walked away putting my headphones on.           “You touch me again and I’ll shove that whip so far down your throat you’ll have a second tail coming out of your ass. Sir, do I make my-self clear?” I asked glaring at Master Raven who I could tell was about to reach for my shoulder, my words left him stunned and for a moment he seemed to be processing my words, while he was stunned with my words I put on my headphones and walked away heading for the Embassy.           “ISEN! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!” Master Raven roared in anger and I looked back at him, and he stood firmly on the wooden platform.           “Do you really want to be on the Ambassadors bad side again? We’re running late and I have to get to work, also the guards has heard this entire conversation, I’m sure you know what that means.” I simply countered pointing out the royal guard standing off to the side wondering if he needed to get involved. Master Raven glared at the guard, and thought about my words and cringed in annoyance but shifted closer to me and grabbed me by my arm.           “We are not done.”           “It better be done, because I’ve done nothing wrong. You’re the one who turned it into a scene.” I countered looking up at the Cheetah and his grim grip dug into my arm.           “Let me go or I’ll make sure to call a meeting with the ambassador when we get to the embassy.” I warned quietly so only Master Raven could hear and he let go of my arm in anger.             “Fine, but we will talk about what you did when we get home.”           “As long as you don’t beat me.”          “I know.” Master Raven growled in annoyance.          With that the two of us went off to the Embassy, and I settled down into my class room, then ambassador came to talk to us about what her guard had reported. She was none to amused, I was fine for the most part, but Master Raven was ripped a new one. She made a point of explaining that I was the only reason he was still around and to treat me with a bit more respect no matter where I was.          Though before the lecture continued on the first students started to enter.          They saw Master Raven standing in the corner, holding his Ridding crop across his chest where his arms were folded defensively, my collar and my chained wrists, and said nothing, but they were kind enough to bid me a good morning regardless. I did the same, and they sat down at their desks, and fell silent just waiting for class to start. I started to open my computer and start to take attendance, as students entered the room.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Phobias (Major Fetish Diapers/Slight Watersports)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
         When I woke up in my room everything felt different, the entire room was modern and very human like, with painted sky blue walls, white moldings, even the very bed I was sleeping on was soft and comfortable. Previously the bed used to be stiff and uneven. The room smelled fresh and clean, and I looked to the bedside table and saw a small electrical clock and a crystal lamp. I shifted to look around because I knew this was my room, it smelled like it, and it felt like it, even with the carpeted floor underneath my feet. I walked to my closet and opened it to reveal my clothing, though looking at them closely I could see the stitching was much tighter, and smoother.
         Then I looked down between my legs, and found a small cloth diaper between them, it was held in place with simple buttons, and I could tell it was wet since my crotch felt wet, but then I felt my neck because when I looked down I could feel a bit of resistance. Thankfully my room now had a mirror, and I could see one of Master Raven’s slave collars around my neck. The black choker, rimmed with silver and bearing his royal mark, in the center of gray glowing crystal. The royal Raven mark looked like it was branded on the crystal due to the thick and firm black lines, and the indentations on the surface. Though my mind shifted back down to my crotch where I felt the thick cloth padding between my legs. The front was a thick dark blue plastic coating, but the inside was soft, and of course it was damp because of my own mess. It had been years since I had worn cloth diapers, and it felt amazing. I just couldn’t help but rub the damp padding into my sheath. But in the corner of the mirror, reflected in the room behind me, I saw a folded stiff piece of paper over my lap top on the desk. Marked with Lynn’s name. Wondering what it was, I came to the letter and sat down in the firmly padded black rolling chair, god’s it felt nice. I had been sitting on wood and firm metal, the padding was wonderful. Even the padding in Matra wasn’t as good as the padding on the chair. I shifted towards the familiar wooden desk, and leaned on the surface as I picked up the letter and revealed what was inside.         -To my amazing friend          I couldn’t stay in Matra. I’m sorry I know you hate it when you get gifts like this and have to accept them, but when I saw you living in this place, I knew you needed some kind of escape. I know you’re supposed to live among the people of Matra, but you’re not a Mincridarn. You’re a cute sheep in wolf’s fur just trying to blend in. I know it’s so much compared to the wood walled prison you used to have, but please don’t be mad at me, it was fun recreating our room. The textures and colors; they were all hard to fabricate, but by the gods I’m amazing if I don’t say so myself. I haven’t used so much rune magic in years. I know you have questions so I thought up the questions you might ask.          One          Where did I go?          Well when the Mages Council found out I was Master Gageth’s replacement, so they called me forward to review my role as a member of the council. So I don’t know how long I’ll be gone… Sorry Isen.          Two          Why am I wearing a diaper?          Well that easy Isen, I’m glad you asked. Well I know how much you like wearing them so I made about twenty four, two of every basic color. I know that doesn’t make much sense by I threw in my personal favorite colors as well. I thought you might like feeling wet when you woke up, so I kind of made you pee yourself. I hope you don’t mind it’s nothing permanent I promise. I know you’d hunt my ass down if I did something like that.          Three          Why didn’t I wake up while you were doing all of this?          Isen, I’m a rune mage I could easily put you into a coma and make you sleep for twenty years. Trust me I was going to make this a surprise, so I wasn’t going to let you wake up before it was done.          Four          Why am I wearing this collar?          Isen the collar is specially made to filter out your gift from your magic, so when you express your magic in front of anyone they’ll never react in some kind of sexual or loving manner. I made the collar bearing Master Raven’s mark because, you are his slave in a manner of speaking. You will do as he says Isen, he’s not as bad as he seems, I’ve learned that myself. So the one thing about slave collars Isen, they are never made to come off until the contract is over, of course I didn’t make it time locked you can remove your collar at any time. But the point is, it’s illegal for anyone to touch a slave collar, no one will steal it and or try to take it off of you. OF course I made it so no one could do that anyways, but not the point. The collar will however make it harder to go out in public, but that’s why I made it silver. Silver represents a slave with more freedom then most, so it’s a way of saying your Master has given you permission to wander outside his estate, and do as you please. So you have all of the same freedoms as you once had but the collar just proves that Master Raven is your true master, and that he owns you and therefore it’s his duty to protect and train you.          Five          How long have I been asleep?          You’ve been asleep for a good half a day, by the time you wake up I’ll probably have been gone for a few hours.          Isen I know you don’t love me, but I’ll always love you, and I hope you still will let me be by your side until the end. But what hurts the most is that you never told me what happened to you, I would have stopped blackmailing you in a heartbeat if I had known. What I did was cruel and unforgivable, now that I know what happened to you. Next time when we meet can you promise never to hide anything from me again?          Regardless I hope we can see each other again soon, but that might not happen.          Forever loving you eternally          -Lynn Daren-
         I smiled when I finished the letter, Lynn was the romantic dork, and he loved being the chivalrous knight protecting the fair maiden from evil. So he loved leaving these small notes and letters whenever he could. Sometimes he’d leave small letters on the fridge back on earth when he saw that I was upset, or he was just trying to be romantic. It was one of the reasons I just thought Lynn was just an asshole in the end, not one of those rapists’ and murders; because he actually seemed to respect me as a person. I wasn’t an item to him.          I felt the necklace around the neck stroking the polished gray crystal around my neck, because I knew it was almost an extension of Lynn. I might wear the clothing he made and live in the room he furnished, but the collar was personal, it was his way of showing that he was respecting my wishes. Showing me that he was willing to help me never use my gift.          I soon heard a soft bell echo in my room and I looked towards the door, where bound to the handle was a brass bell tied to a string just a couple inches below the handle. Master Raven entered the room carrying a tray of food in his hand, wearing nothing but simple cotton underwear. When he entered he looked around the room rather amazed by the details, though he saw me standing up and his look of surprise vanished and his firm stern look retuned.           “What are you doing out of bed Kitten? You’re supposed to be resting.”           “Sorry Sir.” I admitted putting the letter in the top drawer of the desk.          He stood in front of me and put two fingers down the front of my diaper. “You really are a kitten aren’t you? Had to wet your diaper like a cub.” Master Raven simply protested as I grew warm at the parental gesture, and I watched as Master raven pulled his fingers out of my diaper and shoved the leather digits in my muzzle.           “Clean my fingers kitten.” I did as asked, and after a moment of simple sucking, he pulled his fingers out my muzzle and wiped the residue on my chest. Though I looked at his leather hands and wondered how he knew the difference in by padding.           “Sir how could you tell I was wet?”           “Special gloves from my father, they are family heirloom, their enchanted to be almost like a second skin. I can feel everything as if I was touching it normally, it’s a little muffled but I can feel when things are wet like blood and sharp like swords. Now Kitten let’s get one thing straight, you can wear your diapers all you want, but I will never once change them, do you understand me?” Master Raven asked firmly.           “Yes Master Raven.” With that confirmation the Cheetah sighed and put the tray in my hands.           “If you’re well enough to stand I guess you should get ready for work, you’re running behind but you should be fine. Eat, then clean your dishes, also take a bath unless you want to let people smell your piss stained fur. When you get back from work, we need to talk about what happened yesterday morning.”           “I’m guessing you don’t approve of what Lynn did?”           “Yes and No. My duty is to train you so you don’t rely on such strange things. Though these things do look interesting. He however forced my hand, I agreed to let him do this as long as he changed and modernized some aspects of my Brothel, and home as well. But that cub spent far too much time in here trying to impress you.”           “That’s Lynn alright, whenever he can use his magic to craft, he always tends to go overboard. Did you know in Ende when he was young he created a small city underneath his house with his shadow magic? He made statues and homes, even people. I’d love to see it, but he said he had to seal it away because confused spirits kept on getting lost down there. Regardless Master Raven, thank you sir for the food.” I said and lifted the tray of food slightly before setting it down on my desk.           “Just eat you meal Isen, you have plenty to do.” Master Raven commanded softly before tapping the collar I wore.           “You do look good in that.” I rolled my eyes, of course Master Raven said that, and I nodded with a small smile. Though the cheetah came closer, with how close he was I had to look up at him and he looked down at me with heavy handed glare, I quickly be scared that rolling my eyes had upset him and I was about to protest but his gaze kept me silent. I always had a hard time talking to people when they stared at me sternly.  Master Raven grabbed my arm, and then before I knew it he brought his hand down and smacked my ass, even with the padding I still felt it all.           “You were slouching again.” Master Raven explained and with that he let me go, and walked out of the door closing it behind him without another word. My heart was beating firmly because Master Raven may be a hard ass and abusive, but fuck he was hot.          I finished my meal, and washed the dishes but when I came to the kitchen I quickly took notice of the new fridge and oven plus cook top. Seeing these I quickly got happy and hugged them. “Stove cooking I’ve missed you so much.” I said happily thinking of human meals I could cook. I’d have to cook something when I got back for sure, something easy to test the heat and cooking times. Though thinking about the recipes in the bath, I quickly realized I knew nothing about how to cook Mincridarn meals, of course I had seen their ingredients before, but I had never used them.          I cleaned myself off, and used a small bit of soap to clean my fur and my scent before dressing up in a simple green silk sleeveless coat, with a tail that was split to make tail movements easier. I simply buttoned this in place with wooden pegs, and put on some brown pants. I left my feet bare just so I didn’t have to deal with the garter belt. I eventually left Master Raven’s home with laptop bag in hand. I met a single guard in front of the Spotted King’s Brothel and she took me to the embassy.          Class was amusing as I thought it was going to be, talking to the students about the movies, the action, the locations, and the items and weapons, weapons most of all. Mincridarins had a general fondness for weaponry, so they had plenty of questions. As homework I assigned them elementary school level worksheets, they were provided to me by the Ambassador. Apparently the Embassy had a copier, so I could select homework assignments from a work books and print them out. Though once I had given them the homework, I had to explain why the paper looked so clean and white.          Though when everyone had left, I had started working on a class room attendance spread sheet on excel as well as an assignment grading scale. I had never taught anyone, and I’m sure if I ever was supervised by a proper teacher they’d chew out every flaw I was making. But Matra had no choice, I was their only option, and they’d rather have me then no one at all. Thankfully the lectures weren’t so super intense, it was mainly responding to questions, but I knew that was going to have to change eventually. So I had to come up with some kind of plan to teach them properly. These first few classes would probably just be testing classes, just to get the students on board before I actually started to teach them.          Though when I was all done preparing for the next day, the guards took me back home and bid me a good night, mainly because it was already late in the afternoon, well after lunch. I was about to go upstairs and relax, by diapering up and getting on my computer to write, but that fantasy was halted by one of the bucks guarding the door. He came over to me and grabbed my shoulder, and spun me around so I had to look at him. It wasn’t Belvin, the scent was different.           “Master Raven wishes to speak with you, come with me.” The buck informed and I nodded in understanding, following the guard into the brothel, and around the main level to one of the tables in the back. I quickly took notice of Lynn’s added detail, because the walls were detailed with vines and pictures of landscapes, but not overdone just something have in the background. The furniture had a simplicity in their details, it was subtle difference, more depth to details and smoother curves. It was like shifting between qualities of videos on the computer, the room used to be on a 360p quality, but now it was more like it was 1080p quality.          Master Raven was sitting in a booth in the VIP area, and the guard stopped at the steps but I continued up and looked at Master Raven, he was wearing no clothes and smell of fresh sex, both male and female musk. Though when I came close enough he looked up at me with the cold stare on his muzzle. “Sit down.” The words were simple and firm, a command meant to be listened to but soft enough to be disregarded, but I sat down regardless.           “Isen I want to help you get over your fear of spiders.” Master Raven said and he lifted his hand when I tried to speak, he simply looked at me and warned me with a simple gesture with his finger. The simple gesture and his own silence left me quiet, and I listened afraid of what he was going to say.          “Isen, I can tell you’re scared, but it’s my duty as your master to train you, and so I will do everything I can to train you out of your fear. I’m asking for your permission, that is all, I promised to never abuse you so I won’t, and I won’t do anything unless agree. Plus there is no point in training someone who isn’t willing to be trained.” Master Raven said leaning back on the bench with his right arm hanging on the back of the bench, while his left rested on the table holding the whip in his hand.          His words left me dazed in deep thought, but when my silence seemed to be too long, Master Raven’s gaze bored into my head and his question back to my mind, and I fell silent truly nervous by what agreeing meant. My hands were lightly shaking at the idea, or maybe I was just shaking in general. “Do you have an answer?”          I looked up at Master Raven, expecting a bit more time to think about this, but the sudden need for an answer left me speechless my mind cut down the middle. I wanted to say No, but Master Raven was willing to help me overcome my fear of spiders. I hated it but I knew it was something I needed to do as well.           “You really are a kitten, just go. If you don’t want to do it, don’t waste my time.” Master Raven said after a moment waving me off with his left hand looking away from me.           “It’s not that Master Raven, I’m just scared.” My words brought up his gaze back to me again, the cold commanding gaze looking down at me. “I want to say yes but I’m scared about it being too much.”           “Kitten, this is a simple question do you want to get over your fears or do you want to let them control your life; Yes or No?” His simple words left me uneasy, but also hard to refuse.           “Yes Master Raven I don’t want to be afraid.” With that agreement he got up from his seat, and he came closer to me and took hold of my upper arm and lifted me off my seat, and close to his chest. It was almost like one of those scenes from an anime, most likely manga since very few animes seemed to be have a proper gay romance.           “You agree to do as I say when I say it?” My hands were tense and grasped at air and soon cleched in uneasiness, but I nodded in agreement.          “Yes sir.” I felt like I was signing my life away again.           “Come with me.” Master Raven commanded, and he let go of my hand and walked away with his whip in hand, but he soon let it fly striking the side of one of his slaves. A female who cried out in pain dropping the broom in her hands. “Do your job, next time I see you watching me instead of working I’ll see you before bed, do I make myself clear?!” He called out firmly, and the female quickly grabbed her broom of the ground and nodded.           “Yes sir.” She whimpered softly as she continued to work. Though with the abuse done Master Raven took me back upstairs but not into his personal home, but the VIP meeting area upstairs and into a room marked with a one. The room was clean except for a single chair and a large fruit spider locked in a cage. Seeing the spider I quickly started to try and pull away, and tried to break free of Master Raven’s hold. I cried softly I didn’t want to be near the spider, this was too much, but he lead me into the room and forced me into the chair in front of the spider, which the hissed at me and lunged at me as if trying to attack. Master Raven grabbed my arms and held me down.           “It’s locked up Isen it won’t hurt you, just breath. I’m right here, I won’t let it hurt you.” Master Raven said speaking directly in my ears, I heard his words but I just saw the spider in front of me, nearly three-fourths my own size, glaring at me and hissing , trying to crawl out of its cage. Its long legs restrained by cuffs, so they didn’t travel far beyond the bars of the cage. The cage rocked about but it was bolted to the floor.          I curled up into a ball in the chair my arms still behind my back, I couldn’t even use magic, so the room must have been warded. “Let me go… Stop!” I cried out in fear and Master Raven let me go, and I just curled up in a ball in the chair unable to move…. I think I had pissed myself because my pants felt wet. My entire body felt like it was covered in tiny spiders, shifting around underneath my fur.           “I then felt Master Raven pick me up, and carry me out of the room and sit me down on my bed, I was still crying and I was shaking. All my mind could think about was that large spider crawling over my body. I could feel its body on my back and its legs stabbing into my skin.           “Isen! Enough look at me!” Master Raven yelled in anger, and I looked up at him, Master’s aggressive voice snapping me into reality, and the spider shifted to the back of my mind. His features softened and he felt my face. “I’m sorry, I should have known that was too much. Just relax and breathe. I nodded and I did as he asked me to do, but my chest could only make shaky breaths.           “Isen just come with me and I want you to watch it from the door way.”           “No Master Please, not again.”           “Isen I promise you that spider will never get out of its cage, it’ll never hurt you.” Master Raven comforted lightly petting my head. “Isen I would never do anything that would put you in danger, Lynn would skin me alive.”          Master Raven’s comment made me smile, because that sounded like Lynn, ruthless in his protective nature. The simple joke had calmed me down slightly, and Master Raven stood me up from my bed, but my legs barely could support my weight, I had to lean into Master Raven’s warm chest just too barely stand.           “Do you want to try again? We can do it tomorrow morning before you go to work. I just want you to feel safe around the spider, it’ll never hurt you. I promise.” Master Raven assured rubbing my upper back.           “Can I hold you like this?”           “Sure kitten.” Master Raven agreed and with that agreement, he lead me back to the spider, and opened the door way but he didn’t step inside. The sight of the large spider struggling brought images of it breaking out, but then I felt Master Raven’s arm come around me. “How was your day work Isen?”          My fingers dug into Master Raven’s back and he shifted in pain, but I didn’t notice much. I was only staring at the spider, but master Raven pulled my muzzle up to face his. “Look up at me not the spider, just talk to me, I’m right here, it will never hurt you, I promise.”          My eyes couldn’t keep a steady gaze on Master’s muzzle, but eventually he blocked my sight, and then only feelings of the spider coming up behind me shifted my focus. But I looked up at Master... “I… Was…. It was… Fun.” I answered between shaky breaths, having a hard time concentrating on my words because the sounds of the spider, and the feelings of spiders coming around me distracted me from saying anything properly.           “You know Lynn showed me your story before he left.”           “That bitch did what!” I cried out in anger, my magic spiking alongside my anger, I glared at the Cheetah and he only smiled and flicked my nose.           “Do you want to break the crystal lights again?” Master Raven asked and I looked at him my magic quickly falling away, I just glared at the Master utterly unamused with what he said.           “That isn’t funny. That story is private, if I wanted people to read it I would have posted it on the internet.”           “Tell me about your book.” I just simply glared at Master Raven but he kept a steady gaze on me.        “Think about your book when you’re scared.” Master Raven continued before gesturing to the spider as he let his leather hand fall down from my vision, revealing the spider falling still and curled up against the edge of the cage terrified, silent.          I looked at the spider, and got a shiver up my spine, even if it was scared of me it was still hard to look at it, and watching it felt like something was crawling up my back. “I think were done for the day, but remember Isen the easiest way for you to relax is to think of something that occupies your thoughts. Think about your book, I’m sure when your not thinking of anything else your thinking about your book. So think about what you’re going to do when Abagail leaves snow peak.”          “How do you know those names?” I asked looking up at Master Raven, glaring down at him but he simply closed the door, and walked away from me saying nothing.           “You read my book?!” I protested chasing after the male but he continued to walk away in silence.           “You know it’s not that bad of a read. Pretty interesting.” Master Raven said and I looked at him bitterly, and he stopped at the door to his house he muzzle was emotionless and my glare did nothing to him.           “Isen you really should let people read it, do you know how many Mincridarins would love to read a book like that?”           “How did you get into my computer?” I demanded, though it was hard to get mad because I was mildly embarrassed about it, no one was supposed to read it.           “Didn’t Lynn enchant it? Do you really think he didn’t do things for his own benefit?”           “How much have you read?”          “Out of the three thousand pages? I’ve read about the first chapter. It’s good Isen.”           “It gets worse… I’m a terrible writer.” I admitted and Master Raven raised an eyebrow, but opened the door for his home.           “So you don’t mind if I read it?”           “It’s not like I can stop you.” I simply protested bitterly, mostly embarrassed as I walked away from Master Raven just wanting to get out of his line of sight. I never wanted anyone to read my book because it was so pathetic. It was supposed to be for my eyes only, it was supposed to something I did just for fun.           “Isen take a bath you smell like piss, and you’re dripping everywhere!” Master Raven called out before I went into my room, and looking down at my pants and then the floor, everything he said was true and I was leaving a small trail of piss on the floor where ever I walked. I looked back at Master Raven who had his simple firm look on his face, and his dominating stance, he didn’t need to say anything. I knew just by how he looked at me he told me to clean it up.  So I did after I stripped and put my pants in the hamper along with my underwear. I cleaned the floor wearing nothing on my tail end.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
         When I woke up once again my head was spinning and I groaned, and felt my head, healing the hangover, and it wasn’t long before I could stumble out of my bed and look down at myself. “No, you got to be kidding me.” I simply whined looking down at my wet clothing and then at my bed and saw the large wet spot on the sheets still dark and fresh. “I knew this would happen, why did I drink that damn stuff?” I asked aloud kicking myself, I just need a bath I can deal with my bedding and clothes later.          I walked out of my room and found Lynn and Master Raven sitting on the couch, leaning back and talking happily, it was good to see they weren’t at each other’s throats, but Master Raven sniffed me out and he looked down at me. “Smells like the kitten is awake; do you know you pissed on my floor?”           “I’m sorry sir, I’ll clean it up personally.” I simply countered apologizing for what I had done because I shouldn’t have touched alcohol. “I’m just going to take a bath and I’ll clean up my mess Master Raven.”           “See that you do, kitten because when you’re done we need to talk to you.” Master Raven simply commanded and he pointed out Lynn, who was just looking at me blankly but I could tell he was mainly looking down between my legs. He loved it when I pissed myself by accident, and I covered my crotch with my hands shyly, though it plainly didn’t help.           “Yes Master Raven.” I agreed and with that agreement Master Raven waved me off, and I went to the bathroom cleaned myself up in the warm waters, and did everything I had been asked to do. I cleaned all of my sheets and clothes by pulling the piss out of them with magic, and though I pulled the wet piss out, the dried piss was something I couldn’t touch, at least with any magic I knew. So my clothing still smelled of my own wet mistake, including my bed, and my strong scent was still very fresh filling my nose and room with its musky scent.          Just for ease I put on Pajamas, baggy dark blue plaid pants, and black shirt with a Studio Ghibli character design on the front, Totoro, which was a size too large for me, both human make. I came out to the living room and I was embarrassed to sit close to the males, so I sat across from them on a chair and brushed my fur with my brush.           “Isen ever since we met I’ve been lying to you.” Lynn said as he took a silver gray glowing necklace from his neck shaped like a small glass vial, he laid this on the table and pushed it towards me. I picked it up since he seemed to want me too, and suddenly I felt some kind of warm connection fill me entirely, it was soft and smooth, like clean sheets just out of the drier. I looked at Lynn wondering what he was talking about and asked just as much.           “What are you talking about?” I asked and my words reached Lynn and he leaned over on his knees and felt his face pushing back his ears; he was obviously disturbed by what he was going to say and because of that reaction so was I.           “You are the Gate of Gray, I cut out a piece of your soul which contained your connection to your gate to protect you, and I cut out your gift Isen. After the first month you came to me, Reapers woke me up and asked me to do that, they demanded that I did it. They are the emissary’s of the Gray God so I had to obey them Isen. All that stuff about you being a mystic born and only that was a lie to protect you. I blackmailed you because I was trying to keep you close to make sure your soul was protected from demons or anything that might want to steal it and use your soul’s unique power… I’m sorry Isen.” Lynn cried softly and Lynn never cried, not in front of me or anyone, so to see him cry it was hard to think he was lying, this secret must have weighed down him so much.           “Lynn, but I can’t be a gate I’m human? If I was gifted I would have some kind reaction early on in life wouldn’t I? Like you did.” I asked and Lynn seemed incapable of answering me at the moment, so Master Raven answered for him.           “Isen, Gifts are rare, there hasn’t been any true proper study on them because they are so rare. Gifts can come out when you’re young or they can come out when you’re older, sometimes they just form when you come under a massive amount of stress. Nothing about when Gifts reveal themselves is certain, but Isen was there a time in your life where something just didn’t make sense; something just happened?” Master Raven asked and I fell silent my hands growing tense as I felt the vial in my hands. “There was wasn’t there Isen?” Master Raven asked seeing how I reacted, and Lynn got himself under enough control to look up at me, their gazes just asked for an answer and I had to give it to them. “I was rapped five times by three different people? All of them were close friends, all after my nineteenth birthday. They just touched me, and they just wouldn’t let me go, on more then one occasion, I was scared for my life because one of my friends had told me he would kill me so that no one else would ever have me. He had drugged me and tossed me into the back of his car…. I was able to get away from him, and not long after he was hit by a truck trying to chase me across the road. He died on impact.” I explained remembering everything so vividly, I remember the rope he used to bind me wrists the jockstrap gag he ducked tapped in my mouth… I remember the chain saw right next to me in the trunk, and the shovel not too away behind me. I remember his dark grin and the feeling of the car as it drove away from the gas station.           “Why didn’t you tell the police Isen?” Lynn asked me his face covered in sheer shock. “Because I couldn’t, one of them was a police officer Lynn, he was my next door neighbor. He threatened to kill my parents if I told anyone, or tried to tell the police. He made sure I knew he was serious by hitting my dog with his fucking truck Lynn! I had no fucking choice! I had to leave!” I simply yelled out in anger just wanting to forget it all, “I’m not gifted I’m cursed…That’s why I submit to you Lynn. I was scared you’d kill me like they told me they would if I did anything they didn’t want. I was scared that if you told anyone about my fetishes those people would find me, and come and try to kill me. So when I heard that the police officer had died in a drug based shooting, I nearly wanted to go home. But you still wouldn’t let me leave, I was scared you’d do what they couldn’t and actually kill me Lynn. So I obeyed, but when you never did, I thought maybe you weren’t like them and you were just an asshole.” I explained crying softly, and Lynn fell silent even Master Raven was shocked my explanation, he didn’t say anything but I could see it in his eyes.           “If my gift is from the goddess of love why, would it make people want to rape me to kill me so that no one could have me?”           “Love can make a person do crazy things.” Master Raven said after a moment, after taking a breath to calm his demeanor.           “Isen your gift is sealed inside the vial, your key to opening up the gate.” Hearing this I looked down at the vial and just threw it away from me, and back towards Lynn. “No! Fuck that, I’m not going to be a fucking gate if it means accepting that gift. There is no fucking upside to that gift, it’s a fucking curse!” I countered bitterly. “Because imagine if I opened it now and it caused the same damn reaction? I’d have fucking Mincridarins after my both of my heads, and that means mages like you Lynn! Imagine if someone like you came after me, and wanted me and only me. The lengths you’d go to make sure you’d get what you want, and the abuse you’d dish out if I disobeyed you. I’d have fucking monsters after me!” I countered, “I’m never becoming a gate!” I continued aggressively and walked away before the conversation could go any further.
          “Isen you have to, the gods choose you for a reason.” Lynn said and I looked back at Lynn in fear as he was holding the vial in his hands, seeing what he was about to do I ran towards him and tried to take the vial away.           “Isen, I have to do this. I’m sorry.” Lynn simply stated holding me back with his legs, I wasn’t trying to use magic, and maybe I should have, but it was the last thing on my mind. I just watched him uncap the vial in horror. I watched the gray light seep out and my body froze in place and I was forced to take in the curse. I cried in fear, and from the pain that ravaged my body, which soon sent me to the floor in out of sheer pain. I couldn’t move and it was if my body was being hit with a Taser multiple times.  My body felt like it was going to burst. I screamed in pain and then I blacked out not long after, I don’t remember anything else after that. -Veneer-          I woke up and looked up into a pure white and bright sky, and it was strange because dark gray columns rose from the floor to the sky. I sat up and felt a hand on my shoulder keeping me down on some kind of stone surface. The white canine skull reaper looked down at me. “Be still, if you wander around in the Veneer, your soul will be lost for eternity.”           “Veneer? Where am? I what happened?” I asked and the reaper just walked away saying nothing else.           “Isen Dale.” A voice echoed in my head I turned around because I felt something staring down at me. When I turned around I saw a titanic figure sitting on a giant square pedestal. The body was a gray as stone, its legs crossed. It wore no clothes and its arms were crossed under the well sculpted body of a male like figure, or possibly a flat chest female. Its face was human and its eyes looked down at me with no emotion showing on the large face. Upon it’s back where angle like gray wings, and below those were titanic demonic bat like wings. Upon the figures form was a halo protected two giant curved horns. Based upon the stories Lynn had told me, this was the Gray God, the God of Neutrality and balance between light and darkness. The giant mark on his chest only proved such thoughts.          I had to lay back to even look at the God’s face, the God was as tall as three sky scrapers pushed together, and that wasn’t including his wings which were open and seemed to curl around the entire building.           “Am I dead?” I asked the large figure, its lips don’t move as it spoke.           “No, you’re very much alive, but I had my Reapers bring you here to speak with you about your “Curse”.” The word Curse brought to the fore front based on the way he spoke the word in my mind.           “Why in all that exists would you ever give me something like that?” I asked somewhat annoyed because there was nothing good about this gift that I was given. My gift turned perfectly peaceful people into rapists and murders.           “It wasn’t my decision, gifts given to my children are picked at random through lottery.”           “So it’s just a game?” I asked somewhat annoyed by that prospect, I could understand gods playing with mortal life but to just throw things out as if they mean nothing.           “Child be silent!” The voice echoed in my head like a jet engine, and the god looked down at me annoyed. Seeing that expression I remember I was speaking to a god, and so I fell silent.           “That is not what I meant.” The God added, as the features of his face softened and the voice cooled once again. “When the Gates are born gifts are personally picked by the gods of each element, whatever fits at the time, but the child born to be my gate has to have a gift chosen at random. This time the Goddess of Love’s blessing was picked, and so I bestowed the gift to you. It is our duty to watch over our gates and chose the time when their gifts awaken.”           “So I was your fault I was nearly killed! That my dog died! My friends rapped me, and my best friend died because he was hit by a truck? Screw you!” I called out in anger and the god simply looked down at me, silence filled my mind and the god didn’t speak to me and it was because of that silence my anger was only forced to dissipate.           “Are you done?” The god asked like a patronizing mother.          I wanted to protest but just rolled over on my side. “Whatever, I doubt you care about them anyways.”           “Child when I activated your gift I didn’t see how out of hand it would get, you think us gods are all knowing and can see the future, but we give mortal life choice. No matter what we might perceive it’s entirely possible that future will change. Life is sacred to me above all, I do not wish to see those I protect perish. I didn’t wish to see you as wounded as you were. So I gave you Lynn, and had your gift sealed away. Thankfully your mate trained you in magic, without that training the gift would have continued to create problems beyond your control.”           “Lynn isn’t my mate.” I protested simply, and the god said nothing, and for a moment there was silence.          But when the silence lasted to long I looked up at the god. “You’re not going to say anything?”          “Not as long as you continue to interrupt me child.”           “Sorry sir.” I simply sighed and rolled back over not capable of looking up at the god, because under his giant form and gaze I truly felt like a child. I felt powerless and pointless in scope.           “Do you know why your gift had altered those three so dramatically?”           “No sir.” I answered just to continue the conversation because in a way I wanted answers, and the God of Gray was personally answering them.           “Without any control over your magic, your gift had no limitations, it simply exposed them to the greatest pleasure their minds could create without killing them. Without the training Lynn provided to help you control your magic, you would have wandered the world running from those you touched. But his training has taught you how to retain your magic, and likewise you’re gift, even though it was sealed away. Your gift is only as powerful as you make it child.”          I looked up at the God and rolled over to face it properly. “So I won’t create monsters…”           “That is what you wanted me to explain.”           “Sorry…”           “I know child. When you called us out, we weren’t pleased but your words were fair, nothing you had experienced from your gift had never been good. But your gift is part of you now, learn to bear it child or let it control you, the choice is your child. But War is coming and you must lead the Gates, to either bring peace or to protect all you hold dear. The Gray Gate keeps balance among the gates, without you they will not know what to do. They will clash and unleash chaos. When the Catalyst for war makes its self-known, that is when you must act.”           “You’re not going to tell me what that is are you?”          “I don’t even know what it is child, mortal life is fickle and full of choice I’m never certain what path mortals will take. But when the Catalyst makes its self-known, you must use that time to either bring peace or start the war. The choice is yours child, so choose carefully, I will not guide you. Just do as you see fit. I will not judge you if you bring peace or war, I’ll judge you on how you do it.” The god explained before he raised a hand and snapped its fingers. The loud echo shot me out of my bed and onto the floor with a loud thud.           “Seriously.” I said slumped half way off the bed, my muzzle pressed to the floor and my feet hanging lightly over my head making my body look like a C. The loud thud however summoned Lynn and Master Raven who must have been nearby because it wasn’t long until they were inside my room. Though when they both saw me they looked me and then at each other, a small smile coming to both of their faces.           “He kind of looks good like that.” Master Raven said looking down at me folding his arms around his chest tilting his head slightly to look at me better, before he looked to Lynn again, and the stallion nodded mimicking the simple tilt of the head to look down at me.           “Screw the both of you.” I protested rolling to the side, and soon enough picking myself up off the ground. I dusted myself off and looked at the two of them.          “What happened to you?” Lynn asked coming closer and I looked at him, as he held my shoulder to stabilize me, of course he didn’t get delirious.          “Screw you Lynn. Opening that vial should have been my choice.”           “I know Isen, but I had to do it, the Reapers said you might never open it, and if you wouldn’t do it someone else had to do it. You had to become whole.”           “This gift has only ever caused me pain and you opened it regardless Lynn, you didn’t care about me at all, it’s always listen to the spirits and do as they say with you.  But even they know what’s best! I just talked to the fucking God of the Gray, and he isn’t even certain about the fucking future. Even he told me personally when he activated my fucking gift it, he didn’t think it would get so out of hand. The gods don’t know everything, they can’t predict the future. Yet you opened up that fucking vial and gave it back to me, because they told you it was the best plan of action. What if I lose control again, and I just create a monster? What is the gift even good for? I hate it!” I countered angrily before sitting back on my bed feeling my head.           “It can help persuade people; it can bring people together.” Lynn added softly   “Lynn, this gift is for someone who wants to manipulate people, to use them and abuse them. I don’t want this gift. I don’t want to use people, I don’t want to give them something and then just walk away. Why do all those super hero movies always start with the character getting the perfect super powers to solve everything they need to, but I get the one thing I never want to use.” I countered sadly, I know I could control this gift, but I hated the very idea of what it was. Everything about it was false, I could never use it to create true love, and as soon as I used it, I’d just make everything forced. I would force someone to tear down their walls, and look at me as if I was appealing when I wasn’t.           “Isen, it’s a gift from the gods. Just because you have it doesn’t mean you have to use it. Do you use every Christmas present your parents send you? Do you read every book ever given to you? It’s a gift you can use or disregard. If you never want to use it you don’t have too. You just have to become better than it, that way you never have to rely on it.” Lynn simply countered looking down at me, and I hated his words because for once I wanted to hate Lynn, this was all his fault, but he made a valid argument, and I hated that because it was normally the other way around.          I felt his hand on my head and I quickly swatted it away. “Don’t touch me Lynn, whenever those people touched me they’d turn on me.”           “Isen it’s alright, I warded Master Raven and I from spells that can shift our minds or brain wash us, like your gift. I did every kind of ward just to be safe, please just trust me Isen.” Lynn said holding out his hand to me, and I looked up at him and his reassuring gaze.           “But what if it fails, and if it does work and you snap like they did?”           “Master Raven will kill me, he knows a simple phrase that will stop my heart.” Lynn explained looking back at Master Raven the cheetah gave a soft nod of agreement.           “Lynn no; I’m not going to take that chance. I don’t want you to die.”           “That makes two of us Isen, but please just trust me. Just take my hand and express your magic.”  Lynn pressed as he sat down next to me and I looked at the hand he offered me sadly, I disliked Lynn for everything he had done to me over the years, but I never hated him, I never wanted him to die.           “Isen, please, just this once just trust me.” He said softly as he reached for my hand and scared of what might happen to him, I flinched as if I had gotten smacked.           “Isen now just express your magic.” Lynn press as he wrapped my hand with his larger fingers and held it tightly in his grip. He wasn’t going to let go, I just looked at him sadly. My heart ached because I didn’t want this, I didn’t want me to be the reason he died. I didn’t want to do this, but he wasn’t giving me much of a choice. I hated it, because I did love Lynn.          Lynn pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back gently. “Please Isen just let go.” He simply pressed and I cried into his body as I finally let go. It was like flood gates once they opened I couldn’t close them, my magic just kept coming through. Lynn held me close as the air vibrated with energy and power as my body radiated with large wisps of gray magic billowing out from around my body. I had never felt so magic in all of my life, it was overwhelming, I just felt my body give what felt like a hiccup, there was a lapse, and then the power just exploded out of me. But when it was done I panted, tired from all that magic that suddenly had escaped my body.          I looked up a Lynn terrified at what might have happened to him but he looked down at me with a smile. “I told you, you could trust me. I felt nothing, well nothing I haven’t felt before. See feel my pants, not even a hard on, remember you could make me cum just from doing it.” Lynn said with a happy smile, as he moved my hand down to his groin and I only felt a flaccid cock underneath, that bounced up at my touch.           “But what about you Master Raven?” I asked looking up at the male and he came closer and simply forced my head into his crotch.           “Do I feel hard to you Kitten?” Master Raven asked as if I should have known better, his words mocking my thoughts as he let me go.           “Sorry, but what about anyone else beyond my room what about them?”           “I sealed your room off the outside world, none of your magic escaped and will tamper with anyone’s will, though it’ll take time to dissipate but I applied a filter to siphon off your soul from the magic so even if people walk inside they should be affected by it. I thought this might happen, all that pent up magic would have been like wearing chastity for a year, then finally cumming. The magic locked away inside of you would simply just explode out with you unable to control it. A magical discharge, do you feel tired?”          I nodded and Lynn smiled looking down at me and laid me back. “You just get some rest, the Discharge released a large portion of your Magic all at once. You’ll be back to normal and be able to control your magic once you get some rest. I’m going to go and do some magical things, and when you wake up we’ll talk about where to go from here. Ok?” Lynn said as he kissed the side of my muzzle, his words were very parental, and I watched him get up from the bed.           “Yeah… Sure.” I simply agreed before rolling over in my bed pulling the blankets over my form, the two large males then left my room, and closed the door. -Master Raven/Lynn-           “So what now?” Master Raven asked looking down at Lynn.           “I can’t stay, once it came out I was truly a proper Member of the Master Council, I was called to the Mage city, I’m going to be busy and I don’t know when I’ll be back.  Please if anything happens to Isen contact me with this. You’ll be able to call me from anywhere in the world...” Lynn said handing over a silver ring to Master Raven. “Do you know how to use it?”          “I’ve seen these before, I know how it works. But what about Isen? What should I tell him?”           “Tell him the truth, no use in lying to him. He’ll understand, he might be upset but he isn’t going to get mad I’m sure. But I’m going to go and get some things. I’m going to prepare some clothes for Isen that will suppress his gift, make it easier for him to handle his gift.”          “You’re not scared about leaving him with me?” Master Raven asked looking at the stallion knowing from all the stories Lynn spoke of he was protective of Isen, willing to do anything to protect him.           “You are the Gate of Kenlon, I’m not an idiot. I saw those runes on your body to suppress your magic. You might fool everyone else, but I know rune binding when I see it. I’m not going to tell Isen, I’m sure there is a reason you kept it secret. Just do your part as one of the seven gates and protect him.”           “Aren’t you one of the Gates?” Master Raven asked just curious with Lynn’s knowledge, and why the stallion knew so much about the gates, and their duties.           “OF course not, I’m just a very powerful soul sword user.” Lynn stated as he walked away, before simply falling backwards and into his shadow, with a simple dark ripple Lynn and his shadow were gone.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Lessons Part 2
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
        Lessons Part 2
         I woke up on my own some time later, the guards had gone but the Qire Mage, or water as the word would be translated in English, was still sitting at a desk. He was reading a book as he leaned on the desk with his right arm, his left arm was propped up on the desk and on the tip of his finger he spun a ring of crystal clear water. “How are you feeling Isen?” The Reptile asked not looking back at me.           “I’m feeling much better sir, thank you for your help. I’m sorry I was such trouble. I’m normally able to care for myself… Just been trying to get situated.” I sighed, I felt fine but inside I felt pathetic. On earth I could easily walk around the city, and nothing could bother me, I knew how everything worked, I knew how to act, and how to help others. I’d be happy to do favors for others, but now in this world I just felt like I was relying too much on everyone else. I hated it, I didn’t want people to think I’m incompetent and couldn’t do anything on my own.           “Your new to Matra, you’ve never been around so many spirits. I can understand how you might have a problem with the illusions Dragon Sprites can create.” The Reptile stated as he swallowed the water ring, and got up from his chair, coming closer to me. He was tall and sleek when he stood beside me, he took a trained military stance with arms behind his back. “I was there during your combat lecture on the Black Queen Snake, it was fairly impressive. To think you took one down all on your own without an amplifier; your soul must be massive in order to contain that much magic. What number did you get on the Soul Gauge?” The reptile asked kindly as he offered a hand and I took it and helped me from the bed. Lynn’s simple lessons going through my head. Amplifiers were magical tools that focused the power of a mage, it was normally staves and wands, but amplifiers could truly be anything including swords, shields and simple earrings. The soul gauge is simple test that tells a person how much magic can be stored in their soul without the soul exploding or organ failure.          A rank of fifty was the lowest possible score, and it meant you were the lowest class of mage and had hardly any potential beyond combat arts, which were just simple spells that ranked one-one hundred, ninety-one to one hundred were normally forbidden to only masters of magic. A sixty-six was the lowest scores for familiars, their jobs was to help mages cast spells and had a special quality. A mage could bind his soul to a familiar and that familiar could help the mage cast far more intense spells, but it also connected their thoughts and feelings, you could never lie to a familiar when bound to them and the connection was permanent. No matter where a person was in the world as long as both parties were alive they could read each-others thoughts. Lynn wanted me to become his familiar when we first started training, I of course refused because it sounded more like a marriage then anything. Seventy-eight was the lowest possible score for a person to become a mage, and seventy-eight to eighty-five was where most new mages started.          Ninety was the rarest of circumstance, and most would refer to you as a mystic born, or gifted, because those that scored a ninety were seen to have the souls of master mages at birth. Mystic born was a term used for a person who was either born from two mages, a magical pureblood in a sense, but even then being mystic born was not normal, it could also mean a child born of just powerful magical presence. Normally strange things happen around a mother when she is pregnant with a mystic born, flames will flicker wildly in windless nights, or go out all-together, water were swirl when no one is around, flowers would bloom in winter, and spirits evil and good natured will come around the mother.          Gifted was a term given to a child later in his life when strange things happened to him or her, these gifted children had as most would say it, blessings from the gods. Lynn was a Gifted and a Mystic Born, it said that when he was born the world just became black until he started to cry. He also inherited the family gift of seeing the dead and spirits who hid their presence from mortal eyes. It was the perfect gift for a Grave Keeper. Some gifts were precognition, unnatural strength even among Mincridarins, mind-control and other strange supernatural powers.           “Ninety five.” I stated looking up at the mage and he became stunned by my simple words.           “That explains plenty… to think a Master of Magic was in my midst, I never even knew. Your ability to suppress your magic is amazing, I would have never thought you could even use magic, that’s why I thought your words were lies during the meeting.”           “Thank you, would you like me to prove it?” I asked and the reptile shook his head wildly in agreement as he took hold of my hands. With a simple breath I expressed my magical presence, and the reptile moaned in pleasure, and leaned into my chest, his entire body becoming shaky with pleasure, I could see knees grow weak.           “Your power is truly amazing, it’s so smooth like water, it flows so naturally; it was warm like a fire or laying out in the sun, but cool like a breeze on the wind. It felt dense like stone, unwavering in its strength.” The Mage said speaking of the texture of my magic, magic was different for everyone and it’s reaction to others shifted too. Whenever I had expressed my magic like this to others, mainly lynn, they could feel the power of my soul. Strangely enough, every time they were always overcome with a sense of pleasure. I had made Lynn cum twice just from expressing my magic to him, and made him rigid a few times, he never got over how my magic felt to him.          But then the mage pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes. “Your gifted, I know what you are. Come with me quickly I was reading a book in the Magical library about ancient magical blessings over the centuries. The ones that have at least been recorded, and one mage, I read had something similar to your gift.” He explained quickly getting excited as he ran to a book shelf near his desk, tossing the books back and across the room when he picked up the wrong book.           “I’m not gifted, I’m sure I would have found out by now if I was.”           “No your gift isn’t as defined as others, it exists in the background like an echo, it’s always there. Here it is, oh by the gods you don’t realize how special your gift is.” The Reptile stated happily as he slammed a large book on his desk and started to rifle through pages until he came to a large set of text.           “Your gift is a blessing from the dark goddess of love, you soul radiates an aura that draws people to you, giving them feelings of lust. Your soul makes others feel attracted to you when you express it to them personally. When you touched me and showed me your magic, I had never felt such a powerful desire like that before. I’m joined with my lover and I had only felt something similar to the day I had joined with her, and mated with her for the first time. Please tell me have you done this with anyone else other than me?”           “No this is insane, I’m not a gifted I’ll accept mystic born, but I’m not blessed by the gods I can’t be.” I countered firmly; what the reptile was simply saying was that I was some kind of succubus or incubus without the life draining part.           “Isen there has been a blessing of love in two hundred years, it’s such a rare gift very few gifts exist in the back ground of a mages soul. DO you realize how similar your soul is to that of a Gate’s?”           “I’m absolutely not a gate!” I countered, because being called a Gate was someone born with a soul over a hundred in rank, and also that they were bound to the very core of a type of magic, granting them nearly unlimited magical potential and powerful gifts. Lynn had only ever told me that there are three known gates. The Gate of the Venfas, or wind, was controlled by a rabbit mage who could condense the wind down so much it created glowing pink petals, that when ruptured sent out a blast that could level forests and summon storms. The Gate of Qire, was found in a water mage who could cast such powerful illusions they could warp reality, even Lynn was said to be the Gate of Gaie, the Gate of Darkness, because of the fact that demons thought he might, because they had stated the gate of Gaie had been opened. The Gate of Dimen, earth, was opened at birth by a mage in Leggala who with a snap of his fingers could turn buildings into nothing but dust. “No I’m not saying you are but Isen, a Gate’s soul radiates magical presence, they almost are literally magic. Your soul radiates love, and desire, people are attracted to you, even if it’s subtly, they don’t even know it’s happening, not even you do. Isen the last person who had this gift was a gray mage herself, a Mystic born. Please Isen just think about your gift try it out, but I’m certain you are Gifted with the Goddess of Love’s blessing.” The reptile simply protested and I just shook my head, because that idea was insane. This reptile must have been reading to many books. I wasn’t gifted, because if I was did anyone ever actually truly love me, or care about me, or were they just drawn to me because of some stupid gift? I just grabbed my things and left the room. “Isen please, think about it.” The reptile quickly called out to me as I felt my head, I hating the idea, of course something else I had to deal with had to fall on my plate. Learn to live like a Matra citizen, learn to be a noble, teach Matra people about earth, and now this. I might be gifted crap, I was a fucking human, no human was gifted, how could I be blessed by the goddess of Love, when I wasn’t even born into the world under their damn gods? I was fine with being powerful in magic, bearing a soul sword but gifted? This wasn’t some stupid comic book, where I become some kind of choice picked hero because the gods were like, hey let’s throw him into this mess and see what happens. But most of all I hated it because it made sense, no matter where I went I always drew a crowd, even in the sanctuary. I had so many asking me to be my mate or if they could mate with me, some females asked if they have my children.           “Isen what’s wrong?” Master Raven asked, and being in my mentally dazed state I had of course run into his chest, he grabbed my shoulders, remembering what the stupid gift meant I smacked his hands away.           “Don’t touch me!” I cried out in anger before running away from the stunned Cheetah. IF I  was so gifted, why did children when I grew up want to hurt me? Why was I left alone and hated if I was supposed to be gifted with some kind of love aura? Then I remember that moment in the store, and my thoughts fell silent as I relived the memory. Then after I realized where I was now living, I wanted to cry from laughter. Of course I end up picking the one master who owns a damn brothel, where loves is supposed to be fake and it’s all about the sex and mating. If this was really the gods handiwork they really knew how to throw a fucking curve ball. Why couldn’t I just find a home and settle down. Why did something always have to happen to me?           “Because we are opening the gates.” A voice called out from nearby, and I turned to the side as I left the Embassy, and looked upon the form of a Reaper. The Ram Mincridarn had no skin just bones, his skull was pure white and his eyes a pitch black holes. He wore a human formal black suit as if preparing for a funeral.          Lynn had told me about Reapers, I wasn’t afraid of it, they were not evil and they were governed by the Gray gods. They simply collected the souls of the dead so they could be judged by the gray god, so there after life could be picked, based upon their actions in their mortal life. But what I walked away from was the idea that I could see a fucking Reaper. Reapers never showed themselves to mortals, Lynn could only see them because he had the gift of sight.           “No, this is not happening.” I protested aloud walking in the other direction, the ram followed me with out walking just appearing in my line of sight.           “We need the Gate of Gray to Open, war is coming and the gods wish to protect those who hold them dear.”           “This isn’t some fantasy novel?” I protested coming over to the Reaper and took hold of his formal black coat.           “Who is to say it isn’t, there a countless realities, who is to say their isn’t one where a person is simply writing this very sentence. This very moment?” The Reaper simply informed, and Isen just cracked from listening to such an idea, and it took him a moment to process the information.           “Then what the fuck is wrong with whoever it is?! What did I do to deserve this? I can even live a normal life!” Isen called out angrily, holding the Reaper over the edge of the railing, though the Reaper was unafraid.          “Because the Gates are opening, and you are the Gate of Gray, the finale gate. Without you there can be no future or balance on Ecorein. All those you see around you will perish if you do not accept what you are.” The Reaper finished and in the blink of an eye he was gone.           “Fuck you and you’re fucking riddles you, bastard!” Isen called out before falling to his knees leaning against the bottom half of the railing, utterly lost in his own thoughts.           “Isen, what did he want with you?” I flinched hearing the familiar voice and looked back at Lynn who was kneeling behind me wearing his familiar gray robes.           “Lynn? Why are you here?” The stallion said nothing and he had a pained look on his face and shifted me to my feet.           “I told you I’d move to Matra, now please just calm down and let’s go someplace and talk… I think for once you need a drink.”           “Yeah… I can agree to that.” I agreed, thinking the alcohol might clear my head or knock me flat on my ass, either option sounded fine right now, as long as it got these stupid thoughts out of my head.           “Let go of him, right now!” Master Raven commanded aggressively, moving in closer before pushing Lynn away from me, before holding me close to his chest defensively, spawning his bull whip. “Who in the gods’ name are you?” Lynn countered angrily as he watched Master Raven shift me behind his back, though of course I could tell Lynn wasn’t going to back down. The overprotective stallion was always like that. But Master Raven’s duty was to protect me and so he did.           “I’m Isen’s Master, now answer my question, who are you and what do you want with Isen?” A dark glare crossed Lynn’s eyes.           “You are the bastard that raped him?” Lynn called out in anger and a dark green glow flashed in his eyes, I knew more than anything, in this state Lynn was expressing his demonic nature. He was truly intending to kill. So I jumped between the two males holding them back with magic.          “Lynn stop, it’s already done and we worked through the problems, it fine.”           “This bastard rapped you?”           “And what did you do while I was bed some nights? Not like your much different Lynn.” I protested and the stallion quickly snapped out of his gaze looking down at me sadly.           “Isen that isn’t fair.”           “You blackmailed me and forced me mate with you Lynn, it’s pretty damn equal, and at least Master Raven apologized for it.” Lynn stammered words before falling silent and still.           “I’m sorry Isen.”           “Do I need to put the collar on you?” I asked looking up at Lynn who fell silent and nodded, with a soft sigh he pulled the collar from his robes, and handed it to me. The collar was a thick metal circle with runes that would suppress Lynn’s strength and Magic, when he was getting to aggressive, I put this on him and he’d have to calm down or he’d just get hurt. I formed a black chain to the collar and he said nothing as I looked at Master Raven.           “Can we talk about this later… I just want to go and lay down.” Master Raven settled down but he looked at Lynn carefully and then at me.           “So this is the stallion I heard so much about? I do want to talk to him personally. But we should get going, you caused a large enough scene earlier and people are watching.” When Master Raven said this I saw the faces of those around us and took note of their confused and worried looks, it would be best to leave I probably had looked insane yelling at nothing.          So Master Raven led the way as I dragged Lynn behind me. He was still very much quiet and displeased, but the collar made him dead quiet, he couldn’t even speak if he wanted to. It was perfect some nights when he lost himself in anger and wouldn’t listen to me.          But when we went to Master Raven’s home above the brothel, we settled down at the table in master Raven’s personal dining room, he had fixed the table and the lights personally. So the room was well lit with soft yellow light. Master Raven sat at the head of the table, Lynn to his right and I too his left.          A slave was upstairs serving us all drinks, but after leaving three mugs for each of us he was ordered to leave. “Isen mind telling us what happened earlier.” Master Raven asked watching me as I chugged the bitter brew, when half of it was empty I was already feeling its effects in my gut. It was my first time drinking in years, I was pretty much a light weight. But regardless I told them everything downing more of my first mug as I talked to them.          Though by the end of the story I was slumped on the table my mind was slightly foggy and I let out quiet burp from all the air in my gut, which I barely suppressed with my hand.  At this point Master Raven took my last two mugs saying that one was enough. I tried to debate him but I ended up slurring my words and just passing out on the table. Which at this point left the two alpha males alone.
-Master Raven/Lynn-
When they watched Isen pass out from only one mug of alcohol, they looked at each other and laughed, apparently they both had never seen someone pass out after one mug before. Though Lynn’s laugh was silent, but he personally removed the collar afterwards, and looked at Master Raven, tapping the edge of his first mug not drinking. “Thanks for looking after Isen, I know he can be a handful, but he’s more capable then he looks.”           “I know, that’s why I’m so hard on him, if I don’t push him he’s just going to slack off.” Master Raven stated looking down at me with his arms crossed. “But do you really believe he is a gate?”           “I thought he might be… I lied to him about his test, he scored a hundred and twenty three times. I wasn’t sure if it was right, but that’s why I watched him so closely and tried training him in magic. I knew if anything found out about his powerful soul, he’d be hunted down. He’s a pure rarity, but this gift of his. I knew about it when we first met and he touched me. His gift does everything he says it does, but only to those that can sense his magical presence, so as long as it’s suppressed no one will be under its affects. I also cut out the portion of his soul that might contain it. I must have left some of it still behind, and that’s why he still has some of the effects.” Lynn explained as he pulled a small silver necklace that glowed in a soft gray light from around his neck.          “You knew about all of it? Why didn’t you tell him?”           “I’m a Grave keeper and I was asked to do it by the reapers. They were the ones that helped me separate his gift from his soul, though it looks like I didn’t take enough. I was trying to protect him, a gift like his could easily get out of hand, plus I couldn’t train him with out getting in trouble.” Lynn explained tucking the necklace away under his clothing… “I blackmailed him to keep him close, to protect him but after living with him for so long I truly did fall in love with him.”           “So he is a gate?”           “And the reapers want me to return his gift, but you saw how he reacted when he learned the truth. He’d lose is mind if he found out it was true.           “That is because you first told him otherwise, he doesn’t know what to believe, just tell him the truth Lynn.” Mater Raven stated firmly before looking down at Isen and groaned in annoyance smelling something off in air. “The damn cub wet himself on my floor! Now my room is going to smell like fucking piss; Dammit!” Master Raven protested feeling his head.           “Ever try putting him in diapers, he loves those.”          “I will not be changing diapers like a damn father!” Master Raven countered loudly as he got up from the chair and picked up Isen by the collar of his shirt, revealing the dark wet spot between his legs “If he wants to piss himself he can do it in his own bed.”         Lynn said nothing as he watched Master Raven carry Isen away, and soon came back with a towel that he threw on the piss stained floor.  “When he wakes up I’m going to tan his hide.”           “Just let it go it was his first time.” Lynn simply countered and Master Raven sat down on the chair and looked at the stallion, not pleased with the idea of letting such childish behavior go.           “What would you do if he made a mess like that?”           “If he did it one purpose, stick his nose in it like a dog and make him lick it off the floor. If it was by accident I’d have him scrub down the floor.” Master Raven grumble but nodded hearing this finding the stallions punishments fair.           “What would you do if Isen cowered in fear over seeing a spider?” Lynn looked at the male as he was about to drink from his mug, and put it down.           “What happened to Isen?” With that simple question Master Raven told the stallion what had happened earlier in the day and of the story, in the end Lynn’s tense hid grip on the mug nearly broken it.           “Isen never mentions his past to me. I don’t think he had a bad life, but I knew there was a reason to why he left his home town. OF course it’s not because of the spiders, but I’m sure it was something else, he came to me just wanting to get away from something. When I talked to his parents they didn’t know what the problem was either, but they just asked that I look after him all the same. When I first met Isen, for nearly a month he never left his room. He was just on his computer writing. It was around the third week when the reapers came to me and asked me to take a portion of his soul away, in order for doing this they would read me a part of his life. I didn’t want to be invasive to his past because he seemed to want to hide it, so I asked them to show me something I could use to control him. They showed me what he was scared to tell anyone and scare of people knowing. I used his fetishes and black mailed him forcing him to do as I wanted. That was kind of our life together. I controlled him and he’d submit, but after years of living with him. I fell in love with him but he never loved me because of everything I did to him. He might never love me but I’ll still be happy as long as he just accepts me. I just don’t want to lose him.”          Master Raven watched as Lynn looked down into his mug sadly. “I’m sure he cares about you, he remembers everything you’ve taught him. It was because your damn spells I had rapped him, your darn magical teachings. He challenged me in front of my slaves and mocked me, but he was still…” Master Raven trailed off but Lynn wasn’t going to kill the Master though he wanted to when Master Raven said he had rapped him. Though he truly wanted to, Isen had already shown his disproval to the idea, and Lynn wasn’t going to go against Isen, not when it could only make things worse.           “Isen was still the better male, he gave me permission to abuse him in the end, he didn’t want to fight me and he wanted to make up for what he had done. I was the one who went too far… It’s hard to beat a slave when they have done nothing wrong, even though they just annoy you.”           “I know what you mean, I had points like that when I was still in control of Isen. He’d piss me off but in the end, he’d always come back around and try and make things right. I hated it when he did that, because I wanted to be mad at him, but he was almost always right.” Lynn added and the Master raised his mug.           “I accept your hatred, I ask you forgive me for abusing your friend.” Lynn knocked mugs with Master Raven with a smile. “I will forgive you, as long as you don’t repeat it.”           “That’s fair.” Master Raven finished as he tilted back the mug, and Lynn did the same breaking his own rule. After that though the two quickly calmed down telling stories of their sexual affairs.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
         Master Raven woke me up in the morning, he was putting on his over shirt when I rolled over to look up at him…. I barely got any sleep, and he took notice of my tired expression. “Isen I told you to get some rest.”           “I’m sorry sir but I couldn’t sleep after how long I slept yesterday. I couldn’t fall asleep for hours.” An annoyed look came over his muzzle but it wasn’t angry, he just looked frustrated.           “Isen I told you to tell me everything about how you were feeling, if you couldn’t fall asleep you should have fucking told me, I could have given you draught to help you fall asleep. Dammit you’re such a kitten sometimes.” He groaned angrily and he walked away. “Regardless get your ass out of bed you’ve got things to do.”           “Yes sir.” I agreed and I stumbled out of bed, moving to the closet as I slid the doors open. I changed most of my attire, pants, underwear and vest. I kept the stockings on and the garter belt, because I found no reason to mess with them when they were still fine. I pulled on some knee high shorts of the dark brown variety, tied them in place and then looped a belt around my waist. My vest was a dark leaf green and was secured with small wooden latches. I brushed the fur on my head down as I went to the main room as I walked into the main room slightly rushed by the idea that I might be late for work. Master Raven was sitting at the bar in the kitchen, because the table was broken in half from his rage episode yesterday.          I came and sat down next to him, because that was where a tray of food was left out. “After you coming back from the Embassy you’re taking a bath with me.” He simply stated and I looked at the red paste that was in the bowl, and remembering last night’s punishment, I was hesitant to eat it.           “I didn’t spit in it.” Master Raven simply stated as he continued to eat from his own bowl, and with that simple counter to my thoughts, I ate from the bowl as well with a bit more ease. I downed the red paste and chugged my water. Just as I slammed my cup down Master Raven smacked the back of my head.           “You are a noble Isen, nobles don’t scarf down food, eat slowly next time.” Master Raven reminded me bitterly and I nodded.           “Sorry sir, but I should get going.”          “Where? Your lessons don’t start for another hour.” Master Raven asked looking down at me and at that point I felt stupid. In some way I had thought Master Raven had woken me up because I was going to be late. That was why I had eaten my meal so quickly, I thought I needed to get going.           “I thought you woke me up because I was late.” The large male only sighed when I said this and he put down his bowl.          “If you were late I would have said that. Now go to your room and clean it, put your used clothes in the basket in your closet, I will have the slaves come and wash your clothes, but first go take your dishes and clean them in the sink.” Master Raven commanded and I nodded understanding his command, and went off to do as he asked but when I got off the stool he spanked my rear with my firm hand. I stood straight, nearly dropping the tray I had just picked up because of the sharp simple pain.          “You were slouching.”           “Sorry sir.” I simply apologized, not debating him because he had already done this to me plenty; what would be the point? So I took the dishes to the sink and did as I was told, washing them before sticking them on a drying rack nearby, before I left to clean my room. He spanked my ass again as I left the kitchen and stood straight. He didn’t say anything he just kept eating.          I cleaned my room, picking up clothing and putting them in the thin wooden frame basket with vine handles. I made my bed, making sure it was nice and clean before pulling my laptop bag from under the table. I screamed in horror when I saw a large spider come out from the bed along with it, I watched quickly scurry up the wall before watching it look down at me with all of its eyes. The dark brown spider shifted slowly on the walls as I stared at in fear, it hissed at me clicking its fangs.          After I had screamed Master Raven had quickly rushed into my room and barged through the door and into the room whip in hand, and when he saw what was going on he quickly grew annoyed. “Dammit Isen, what is your problem it’s just a damn fruit spider!? It’s not even fully grown!” Master Raven yelled at me in anger as he rolled up his whip and came closer to the large spider as big as his own head and plucked it from the wall, causing it to shake wildly in his grip as he went to the window and tossed it outside. He did all of this without even flinching, he then pulled the window closed cutting out the light. I was shaking and curled up in a ball, I hated spiders, I couldn’t stand them, and I hated how they looked, how they moved; I hated them ever since I was kid.           “Isen?” Master Raven asked coming close to me trying to pull my arms away from my head which they were covering in fear, I just couldn’t look anywhere because I just felt surrounded by them. I had slept in this damn room and one was under my bed. I got dressed in front of it, I felt violated imagine the spider viewing me from under the bed. “Isen look at me…” Master Raven demanded roughly as he looked down at me holding my hands away from my face.           “It’s gone Isen.” Master Raven simply stated and I looked at him with tears in my eyes, I hated spiders, I hated them. I didn’t know what to do, I just felt stiff. “Isen you’re shaking like a leaf in the wind.” Master Raven noticed somewhat worried, and I didn’t say anything to him, I was to distracted by the spider still in my head. I didn’t even noticed him pick me up and carry me out of the room. I just curled up into his chest, because I had simply just reacted.          Master Raven continued to hold me in his arms as he sat down on the couch looked down at me. “Isen, focus, tell me what’s wrong.”           “I hate spiders.” I cried pulling my hands back down to cover my face as I started sobbing uncontrollably, I couldn’t stop myself it just happened, and eventually I cried myself to sleep. -Master Raven-          In all of my years of training, there were times I had come across those that were truly terrified of something, all different things but this was the first time I had seen someone react in such a way to just a simple fruit spider. Isen was shaking as if he shivering from being out in the cold too long, his claws had come out by reaction and latched into my chest. It hurt and drew blood but in this state anything I said wouldn’t have mattered, Isen seemed trapped in his own thoughts. I had seen slaves cry from pain but his tears were from sheer fear. Father had always told me slaves who acted like this were dangerous. They’d do anything just to get away from the thing they feared the most no matter the cost. In the end father had always said the slave had to be executed to protect the other slaves and their masters.          OF course I couldn’t have him killed, so I just waited until he calmed down, that way I could talk to him properly and figure out what was wrong. Also his claws had dug deep into my body, I couldn’t simply move away or he’d cut my chest open. When Isen fell asleep, his body relaxed and his claws had gone back into his fingertips, so I pulled his hands from my chest and laid him down on the couch. I rang a bell in the kitchen and soon enough one of my slaves had come to tend to my wounds. She knew better than to ask questions and she left soon after, saying nothing to me.          I took note of that, I’d have to beat her later to make sure she remembered to ask if she could do anything else, before leaving. But after nearly an hour of waiting for Isen to wake up I looked down at the magical item I had on my wrists, tucked away under the glove I wore on my right hand. This item kept track of the time, and told me the time of day in runes. I wasn’t surprised when the Ambassador came and asked why Isen hadn’t come into work, and before she could let me explain as usual she lectured me on my actions, warning me if I had caused him to run away she’d have my head. However when she asked what was going on, I told Vela Nota what had happened and she calmed down and listened, even more so when she saw Isen on the couch sleeping, though after what she had said she gave me a simple apology. Alongside me the ambassador and her guards waited for Isen to wake up, but I was done waiting I needed to know what was wrong with him. -Isen-          I woke up to soft smacking on my muzzle, I looked up at Master Raven and quickly felt pathetic because I remembered what happened, just thinking how I looked to him and remembering how he held me close to his chest like a small cub. “Sorry Master Raven.”           “Just tell me what wrong Isen, I’m not mad and I won’t punish you.” Master Raven simply demanded kneeling on the floor so his face was the only thing I could see, and then I saw his clothing and the blood stains and I looked at the blood on my hands.           “Sir I’m so sorry did I hurt you? Please let me heal your wounds.” I simply protested and before I could touch his chest, he sat me up holding both of my hands and simply put them in my lap.           “Later, just tell us what’s wrong.” Master Raven countered nodding to the Ambassador behind him, and then I saw the Tigress and the two guards and just felt worse. Because I had involved the Ambassador again.           “Can you promise not to make fun of me?” I asked and Master Raven sat on the coffee table. His muzzle was stern and he looked down at me.           “Just tell me what’s wrong Isen? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything.” I couldn’t look at Master Raven or the other Mincridarins, because my fear it would just seem pathetic to them, but I told them regardless.           “When I was seven years old, I was playing hide and go seek with my sister. It’s a simple game where someone tries to hide and the other looks for them. It was my turn to hide, my sister was counting inside the house. I went outside to hide from her. Well three boys from my class saw me hiding in a bush, I was never on their good side they hated me. I don’t know why but they beat me and they dragged me off and into the backyard. My sister was still inside looking for me. I had this shed in the back yard, it was old and run down. They threw me inside gaged me with rope, Billy’s dad was in the navy and he wanted to show his rope tying skills. I couldn’t escape and they locked me inside. It was dark but I didn’t care about that, I cared about the spiders, dad had always told us not to play in the shed because the spiders would get us. There were webs all over the place. I spent hours in that shed I could feel spiders crawling over me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I thought they were going to eat me alive, or kill me with their venom. Because I knew some spiders could kill humans even though they were the size of finger nail. The police found me after four hours, still bound and gagged in the shed.” I explained and when I was done I looked up at Master Raven, just seemed agitated and he looked back at the Ambassador.          “Why was this not in his damn file?”           “We didn’t know, Isen lived most of his life outside of the sanctuary. We only know so much, we never heard of this happening to him before.” The Ambassador quickly protested though she did seem worried, even the guards seemed bothered by my story and looked down at me with pity, the female canine most of all. I could tell she was a female because of her form and breastplate, also her face was smother not as angular as a males.           “I’m sorry I should have told you, I just don’t want people to know because I’m sure they would have laughed.” I simply stated and Master Raven gave me a firm smack across the muzzle.           “Don’t assume how people react Isen, what you went through is not something I’d even do to one of my slaves. Isen are you scared of anything else, no matter how small?” Master Raven asked scolding me as he spoke, and when the guards saw his violent smack, they were about to get involved but when they saw it wasn’t meant to harm they settled. I just looked at Master Raven feeling my muzzle.           “I fear needles, mainly because of the pain, but also because I have too trust the doctor to use the needle properly. I’m scared of being bound in anything other than rope, I don’t know how to pick locks even with magic. I know how to get out of rope, duck-tape, and zip ties, so if something happens and if I’ve ever left bound, I know I can get out and escape. I’m also not really good with heights, I know it’s stupid but I didn’t know that Tarva was a city this high up before I signed.” I explained and Master Raven got up from the table and looked down at me.           “We’ll talk about this later, for now just get to work.” I nodded and looked at the Ambassador and stood up and came closer to her.           “Guards take him to the Embassy and help him get settled, just stay close to him in case a fruit spider comes near him. We don’t want another incident. I need to talk to Master Raven.” The guards nodded and they started to lead me away, but we stopped at my room which I was scared to go in, but I had to get my laptop bag. So when I had to check every wall of the room closely before retrieving the Laptop bag from the floor. The guards didn’t say anything but they seemed upset about how I was reacting, maybe it was pity but it seemed like something more. -Master Raven-           “Master Raven what are you thinking?” The Vela Nota asked coming to face me when I was walking to my room.           “To think that human children would do that to another. Our cubs would never do such a thing, we’ve trained them to respect each other, and express their anger through regulated combat. I wish I could have taught that damn brat some manners. If I could knock some sense into that child’s father.” Master Raven countered in anger, looking back at Vela Nota, she had strange small smile spread across her muzzle that was just irritating to look at.           “What?”           “This is the first time I’ve ever seen you care about someone other than yourself.” The words stung and were revolting to hear, I didn’t care about Isen Dale he was just some pathetic cub who was just around to be trained.           “I don’t care about Isen Dale, I’m simply doing my duty as Master and training him, and now I have to go and think of some way to train him out of his fears. Because we Mincridarins don’t fear the simple things.” I countered just wanting to remove that smile from her face, but she kept it in place and simply nodded as if to mock me.          “Just promise me you won’t break him. If it’s becoming too much don’t push him. We need him sane in order for him to work.”          “I know, but shouldn’t you be elsewhere Ambassador?” I simply countered no longer wishing to talk to the Vela Nota as I went into my room and shut the door. -Isen-          When I got to the embassy I was lead to a fairly large sized class room, with a chalk board at front of the class, an elegant and large wooden desk front and center, and twenty or so personal desks where Mincridarins and two Adestrians sat. The class perked up when they saw me and quickly stood up to bid me welcome, and after I put my bag down I bowed to them in apology “Please forgive me for my tardiness. Things came up and problems occurred. I will do everything I can to come on time, I know all of your time is important!”          The class was rather stunned by this, and there was soft comments about me but in the end I stood up straight and looked at them. “Since we have such short time today, I want everyone to write down their name on this piece of paper.” I simply stated and I pulled a small note book from my bag and opened it up to a single white piece of paper, I had stored this notebook in my bag just to use for such occasions. I took out at thick steel mechanical pencil, with specially made thick black lead. A gift from the doctors before I left the hospital, it was made to not break so easily in Mincridarn hands. I handed the pencil to the first Mincridarn that was closest to the door.           “Try not to take too long staring at the pencil, we’ll talk about it later, just be careful and try not to break it.” I simply stated and the Mincridarn male snake nodded and he wrote his name on the paper, and passed the notebook back.           “I know you have a lot of questions and I will do my best to answer them, but first because of the fact that we have such little amount of time I’m going to put on a movie, so once you have your name signed I want you to grab your chair and move closer to the front desk create a moon around the front so everyone can see, it’ll be a bit hard.” I stated, and sat down at my desk in the front of the classroom and pulled out my laptop. Opening it up made the entire class curious, and they watched me closely following my every movement. Once I opened up laptop I pulled out my CD case and selected a secret agent movie, one of the new James Bond Films. Probably should start with a romance since they’re a bit more realistic, but I wanted to give them something they defiantly enjoy and make up for what I had done.          The class came closer and I saw the guards outside the door way, they were watching me just as closely, and they seemed just as curious as the class. “You two can come in as well.” I said calling out to the guards and when I spoke to them they seemed a little flustered, but the came inside but remained standing. When I got everyone’s name signed on the paper, I tucked the notebook into my bag. But before I started the movie, I quickly started to shift the students around, short students up front tall in back I allowed some of students to sit on desks, which they were really bothered by, but if it helped with the lesson they didn’t argue too much.          With them in place I went to the white board and wrote my name and the homework. “My Name is Mr. Dale to you, and your home work is ten questions on the movie your about too watch, it can truly be about anything, and in this case there is no stupid questions. Every question will help you understand earth and its cultures. But please know the movie your about to watch is Fantasy or not real, all of it’s fake. No one dies in the movie, and nothing is actually destroyed, it’s all just one very well made illusion. I won’t stop the movie, so if you have any questions use them for your homework.” I explained just the knew ahead of time that this was some kind false reality, it wasn’t true human culture. Though with that the class just seemed confused, but nodded and comments of understanding saying “Yes sir, or Yes Mr. Dale.”          I then turned the computer around and hit the space bar to let the movie play, I turned up the volume as loud as it could go and shifted to the side of the classroom. “Also anyone touches my computer is going to fail the homework assignment, no if’s and or buts, do I make myself clear?” I simply and firmly asked taking a page out of Master Raven’s playbook. They all gave their understanding except one student who raised his hand. “Yes.” “What’s a computer?” “The thing playing the movie in front of you.” I simply answered and he seemed to have more questions but he fell silent as the movie and characters started to come on screen. I watched them closely knowing some might react violent in self-defense from seeing the action in the movie, and the hearing the strange loud sounds, but they were all baffled confused, but all the more interested. They stared at the screen intently, some students smart enough had brought boards with ink, quills and paper were already writing down questions on their lap as they watched.            I sat on a desk and watched the students, I had seen the movie before so I didn’t need to watch it. I just enjoyed watching their reactions. They were so enthralled by the actions even the two guards had taken seats on desks nearby to watch the movie closely, spears still in hand. Though the movie ended and twice I had to put up barriers to block violent out bursts. But they were all ecstatic, all of them were just begging me to tell them about the movie, the characters, the world, everything. It was like trying to hold off a class room full of cubs, their excitement purely child-like, which was normal.   ��      When Mincridarins watched anything on TV it was a miracle to them, they had never seen such a things before. They had public plays, fighting in arenas, but nothing like modern human television. Though being the big jerk I was I told them to go home and do the homework, they guards had to heard them out of the room, but they went regardless just talking to each other, purely excited for next class where I would answered their questions.          The guards stayed behind and I couldn’t escape them, so they sat down I told them and answered their questions, telling them about what a movie is, how it’s made, the fact that it was all fake, which they couldn’t believe in any regard because it looked so realistic. The characters and even the weapons James Bond had used, and the technology just scattered throughout the movie.          The Ambassador came to the classroom about an hour after I finished class, she knocked on the door frame to get my attention. When the guards saw the Ambassador, they quickly stood at attention, she had heard enough to understand what was going on, and told them to stand down. The guards were hesitant but did as they were told.           “Pack your things Isen I want you to talk to the guards about what you did in the Market the other day.”          “Yes Ma’am.” I simply agreed knowing that I couldn’t really refuse her since she was my boss. So I packed my things, and the guards followed us out of the hall, and down a few more doors before the ambassador slid open door to another class room. When I entered I saw a room jammed full of guards and mages of varying size and breeds. All of the guards were armed with their plate armor and weaponry in hand or on their hip. The mages wore thin robes of varying colors to show their elemental magic.          The Ambassador introduced me to the guards and mages, they watched me closely as I stood in front of the class room. The atmosphere was entirely different, their gaze was firm and intense. But it left me unfazed, I had been under gazes worse than theirs, so I quickly introduced myself personally           “Well my name is Isen Dale nice to meet all of you, and so let’s not waste time.” I simply stated and I went to the chalk board and started my lesson. The simple seriousness I took with them quickly shifted their focus as they listened to me explain my battle strategy, as well as explain light biology, and the properties of spells, and why I had used  such spells. Though I never once talked about the soul sword I bore.         When I finished with my lecture I took questions, and this led into discussions that lead well into the afternoon, well beyond lunch; at some points it wasn’t even about talking about the Black Queen Snake, but other beasts and how I would face them based on the information provided. Thankfully the Ambassador was watching my lack of energy deplete into nothingness, and had the meeting ended. The Guards and Mages left thanking me for my aid and information, I said my goodbyes as well before slumping on the desk.          “Can I just pass out please?” I begged the ambassador, just wanting to lay on the desk and not wake up, as my stomach growled in anger. The ambassador smiled and came to my side and rubbed the top of my head. “Sure, all your help today has truly been appreciated Isen. The guards can bring you a meal and then take you back home.” The Ambassador said in a motherly tone, and I didn’t resist my bodily urges anymore, I just passed out after a few minutes on the desk.          I felt a prodding, and I woke up still on the desk and looked up at Master Raven who was carrying a large wooden cup of some kind of warm liquid, which was still odd but I didn’t have the energy to question it.           “Sleep well kitten?” Master Raven asked softly as I took a sip of the warm brown tea from the cup in my hands, I nodded with a yawn, I watched him as smiled down at me warmly … That caught me off guard, Master Raven never smiled, and I then looked at the tea in my hands fearing the worst I chucked the cup across the room, and stuck my fingers down my throat to unload my guts on the floor, just in case the drink was poisoned. I had been too trusting of Master Raven’s form, I had to be careful. Lynn always warned me about how powerful Illusions could be.          I heard simple and soft laughter behind me. “Ahh, you were supposed to drink that.” The childish voice stated, and I looked up behind me to see a small very thin and tiny Adestrian male floating in the air above me. Its body radiating soft blue light as it hovered around, I said it hovered, because its back wings didn’t move, and it moved as if it was swimming not flying.          “What was in that drink?” I protested and the spirit laughed happily and elevated in height, my throat burned, and I was weak from unloading my guts on the floor. I slumped to the side and looked up at the male.          “I’ll never tell.” The spirit laughed as it quickly darted through a wall and disappeared from view. Not soon after the two familiar guards saw me on the floor with a vomit nearby and quickly ran away. Not soon later a mage wearing blue robes approached me and helped me sit up.          “Are you alright? What happened?”          “Something I think tried to drug me? It looked like an Adestrian, it was glowing and blue.” I answered tired and feeling somewhat sick to my stomach now. The blue robbed reptile pulled a water bladder from his hip and allowed me to drink from it.          One of the guards found the cup I had thrown and brought it over sniffing it. “It doesn’t smell poisoned, it just smells like tea.” The female stated handing it over to the mage who used some kind of magic on it.           “There was no poison in this, which is good, you don’t have to worry about anything Isen. It must have been a Dragon Sprit playing tricks on you. You’ll feel better soon enough. You two just take him to my office, give him some water and a proper meal. I’ll go and talk to the Ambassador.” The Mage ordered, and soon enough the Canine female picked me up and laid me over her shoulder, the male guard had run off somewhere else.          The guard had taken me into some kind of medical room and laid me on the bed. I just felt weak, tired and hungry, thankfully one of those was sated soon enough because the second guard came in carrying a small tray off food, and sat it down on my lap. I quickly started eating just enjoying the meal as it drowned out the acid flavor on my tongue, and in my throat. I thanked him afterwards and the female guard for carrying me.  The two quickly wrote my comments off, and told me to get some rest, and I soon did as asked.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions Part 7 (Foul Language/Abuse/Spit)
   If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 7
          “What is going on here? I come here and find three of my guards bound to beds after being drugged. No I don’t even want to know. I’m done trying to deal with you Master Raven. Guards, detain him.” The Ambassador command and the guards dressed in fine plate armor sleek and light, made of bright polished silver metal, hoods on their heads with a metal mask to protect their muzzles. They held spears in main hand, with hooks latched to their left arm, the mark of the royal guard on their right elbow. Three guards came close without hesitating, not having a problem with the command. Master Raven set me down, and when the guards came close I simply held their hands back with barriers.           “Ambassador, I have no problem of being under Master Raven’s command. Please forgive my actions during the day. I will give a personal apology to everyone I had who wasted there time waiting for me.” I bowed preforming the ceremonial bow, which Lynn had taught me. The bow with a leg back and bent half way down, head down and hands up and in front of me, left hand on top of right, level with my eyebrows. This stance wasn’t also for praying but showing total forgiveness not just to the person but their ancestors. It’s not something done without true reasonable cause, it was a last resort when nothing was satisfactory.          The fact I had taken such stance stopped the guards immediately and they looked at the Ambassador who was just as stunned, but her anger dissipated, and she felt her head. “Are you truly certain about this? Master Raven did rape you and abuse you in front of so many patrons?”           “We have found equal ground.” And I looked back at him and then at the slaves, I doubt he’d want me to tell anyone that he apologized for his actions, so I didn’t say anything about it. “He’s given me his assurance that he’ll never treat me like that again. Please forgive me for all the trouble I caused you today. I promise it won’t happen it again.”           “Alright, but if you can be certain that this won’t happen again Master Raven… I’ll let this go for now.” Master Raven put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me out of my stance.           “I will perform my duties to protect and watch of Isen as you have commanded, please forgive me for all the trouble I have caused you Ambassador. You were right, I couldn’t separate my job from my duty, but I’m certain I can keep such things separate. It won’t happen again.” Master Raven confirmed with a formal apology, as he took hold of my shoulder with his large leather gloved hand. His grip was firm and wonderful, God’s he had amazing hands, a perfect mix of strength and size.           “Well if that is the case, I guess I should leave these with you Isen.” The Ambassador said coming close to me as the guards took a step back, and in her hand she held a file with papers inside and on top a Letter marked and sealed, by the royal mark. A green wax pressed seal bearing a shield with twin spears crossed behind it, and on the shield three large trees at the points of the kite shield.           “The queen personally wrote this to you thanking you for your service protecting the people of Matra, please accept her recommendation to attend the Royal School of Magical Studies, when she heard of your lack of proper magical training, she wanted me to very much insist, that I tell you to attend the School for the betterment of Matra.”           “What?” Master Raven asked surprised, but I partially wasn’t, this almost seemed obvious, it was bound to happen. After Lynn told me he branded me with the Mark of Gageth, and also the fact that I had the soul of a Master even though I was an untrained mage, also I was a Gray Mage, the last two things were beyond rare, even being a gray mage was not normal, very few beings had the soul capable of using all types of elemental magic, the fact that I had a soul of master made it all the stranger. I was very much an anomaly. Lynn explained it to me as out of one hundred mages only one will tend to be a gray mage.          So I broke the seal just to see if the Ambassador’s words were true and reviewed the letter, Master Raven was reading it over my shoulder closely, I felt his warm breath on my neck and Gods that was such a turn on. “This is a personal recommendation from the queen… You could gain immediate entry into the School at any point in the school year. But the Queen has never recommend a male mage before, she does this once every years, but it’s always female, you should be truly honored.” Master Raven explained his thick bassy voice echoing in my ear as he spoke.             “It’s a little late in the year for me to start school.” I simply stated knowing Mincara had a yearly cycle much like earth, 365 days with twelve months, and being so late in the fall I just didn’t want to start halfway through the school year. My words a simply counter as I looked up at the Ambassador, who wasn’t displeased but she didn’t enjoy my words either. Though after my fight with the Black Queen Snake I did notice I did need training. It would be the perfect time to learn about magic and the people of Matra.           “Yes that’s an understandable thought, but the queen would like to know of your approval. After your quick work of the Black Queen Snake, she does wish you to help teach the Guards about your attack strategy. So they can be better prepared to defeat them.” The Ambassador explained and I nodded and tucked the letter away in my bag.            “That depends on when I have time, remember I have to help training Matra citizens for the human world. It’s not always easy to train Mincridarins for such a shift.” I simply added to counter her words once again, though she seemed to understand with a simple relaxed nod.           “I’ll try make time for you.” The Ambassador assured, and I then turned my attention to the file. I opened it up to reveal paper work. “You are now a registered noble, the dale name has been added to the royal archives, This is your personal stamp and mark. Instead of signing your name this stamp will be enough, try not to lose it, it’s a dangerous thing when misplaced.” The Ambassador warned, and I took note of this and took the wooden stamp and placed it in a small pouch in the lap top bag that I had nothing in, that way it was easy to keep track of, and also so no one could touch it, thanks to Lynn’s magic enchantments.          Though with those simple gifts, the Ambassador took her leave and left the brothel with the guards following closely behind her. I watched them leave and then put the file away in my bag before locking it up with the clip.  “So Master Raven what now sir?”           “We drink to a good day, and it’s about time to properly welcome you into my home,” Master Raven said snapping his fingers pointing at the bar tender as he let go of my shoulder, and walked closer to the bar. “Wait sir I don’t drink.”           “Why not?” Master Raven asked looking down at me partially sitting down on the stool. The Bar Tender served his master but did nothing just waiting for some kind of confirmation to continue working.           “I don’t drink unless something bad has happened.” He got up and came to me and helped me on to a stool.           “I raped you?” Master Raven simply debated as he brought the mug to his muzzle.           “Sir, please, I just don’t drink.” I simply protested and Master Raven looked down at me and cleaned his muzzle before putting down his mug.           “Alright, just get the kitten some water.” Master Raven simply commanded, and his slave nodded and walked away and soon returned with a wooden cup of water. But at this time Master Raven looked around the room, and at his Slaves who were watching us closely, doing nothing.           “He is a guest not a slave. Now stop acting idiots and get your asses to work before I come to each of your rooms tonight and whip you each before bed!” Master raven yelled startling his slaves who quickly ran away from sight to go through there chores; his voice echoed in the room, and his voice was so deep it was a voice you heard inside your own chest when he spoke. It rumbled like storm forming. His glare hardened, he no longer had his peaceful state, he firmed up and quickly got off his stool and grabbed a rabbit by the ear just because he was closest and kicked him away from the bar, the way he was acting reminded me of someone trying to scare birds off, yelling and getting aggressive with anything that came near him. But once Master Raven had taken control of his slaves, once again through domination, he sat back down on the stool and picked up his mug and looked at the Bar tender who simply turned and walked away. With the bar tender gone he took a drink and looked at me with his steely gaze; he was back to normal.           “How’s the water?” He simply asked looking down me when he pulled away from the mug of Ale in his hand.           “Its fine sir, thank you.” I simply admitted taking a drink from the cup as I leaned on the bar.          He pulled me back from the counter by my throat and put his other hand on my lower back and forced me to sit straight up. “Sit straight, you’re a noble, and nobles don’t slouch.” He simply commanded and I looked at him truly uncomfortable with how I was sitting, but when I looked at him I realized no matter how I saw him when he was sitting, he was leaning back, he was always firm and tense as if preparing for fight. I never once saw him slouch or lose his rigid posture even when he got upset earlier, when his shoulders slumped, he still stood straight.           “Every time I see you slouch I’m going to punish you, no matter where or whose around, got that Isen?” He simply warned pointing a leather finger at me just so I knew he was only talking to me, scolding me in a manner of speaking.           “Yes Sir.” I agreed and I got up from the stool, my legs had regained simple control but I still felt really weak, any kind of movement felt restrained and tight. My entire body ached in some varying degree. “I’m going to go back to my room and rest Master Raven, if you need me you can come into my room and get me… I’ll shift some of spells to give your entrance without causing you any trouble.”           “Good and keep your damn door unlocked, or I’ll drag you out of your room and beat you.” Master Raven quickly added, lashing out at my comment aggressively, chesting up and trying to dominate me with his presence, but never touching me, but it was enough to show that he would if he needed to. “I don’t give a damn how angry you are with me or anyone else. This is my house, and you will not bar me from entering any room I choose. I find that door locked again I’m taking it down.”           “Yes Master Raven.” I agreed with a simple nod about to turn away when he called out to me again.           “Isen, come here.” Master commanded and I did as asked and from his pocket he put a simple key in my pocket. “That’s a key to the door upstairs, don’t lose it I’m not replacing it.” He warned again and I took the small key and I felt a hard smack on my ass, which stung and I was about to protest.           “You slouched.” He quickly added and I fell silent and I sighed, I wasn’t going to fight him and he spanked me again, and I cried out in pain.           “Do I need to put you in a posture collar? Because I will, I told you not to slouch.” He growled out his response since I didn’t seem to be listening to him even after a second time.           “No sir.” I simply said doing my best to stand straight in front of Master Raven, he then pointed to the door. “I see you on your computer instead of being in bed I’ll personally bind you to the bed, you need to rest. You shouldn’t even be walking in your state, you’ve been out cold for a few hours, and there is no way in all creation you’ve properly recovered… In fact.” He snapped his fingers and all of his slaves looked at him, and he pointed to one of the buck guards who was sweeping nearby, he came close.           “Carry Isen to his room and make sure he gets into his bed, and stays there, if he’s out of bed it’s either to the bathroom or the bath. Do I make myself clear?”  He growled out his command and the buck nodded and the buck looked at me and he picked me up and placed me over his muscular shoulder. I didn’t protest in front of Master Raven because that might seem as a challenge to him, and plus I kind of liked the thick scent of the buck, it was stronger than masters. In fact the buck was around probably just seemed a bit bigger than Master Raven but he was taller so it balanced out in the end.  However from what I could plainly see, the buck had his horns sawn of leaving his head rather bear. I was just looking at the buck’s tense back muscles as he carried me up the stairs without saying another word other than “Yes Sir” to Master Raven.          I invited him into my room and he carried me in one arm, like a cub about to be breast fed, but he didn’t have nipples just firm pecs. I wish Male Mincridarins had nipples, there were so many things you could do to them. But he laid me down on my bed after shifting the blankets around, he then tucked me into the bed.           “I’ll be back in a moment Master Isen.”           “Just call me Isen, and thank you for carrying me.”           “It was a pleasure Isen.” The buck simply stated though he did seem unnerved saying my name so plainly. Though I let him go and he left the room after shutting the shutters to my windows, locking them closed, plunging the room into darkness. He returned with a simple chair a little worn down and nothing like we had upstairs, he probably wasn’t allowed to sit anything so fine.           “What’s your name?” I asked in the Darkness of the room looking at the buck who was sitting on the other side of the bedside table.          “Belvin, sir.” 
         “Very Adestrian.” 
          “I was adopted by an Adestrian female, she gave me the name.” 
          “Sir.” The buck simply stated. 
          “You could have used my chair, I don’t mind.” 
         “I’m fine sir thank you though for offering me such a privilege.” 
          “I told you, you can call me Isen. I don’t like formalities.” 
          “Sorry Isen I won’t try and do it again.” 
          “Thank you.” I sighed. Relaxing into the surface of the bed. “You Know, you smell pretty good, though you could use a small bath.” 
         “Thank you Isen.” Belvin said in the darkness. 
         “Belvin are you trying to sleep too.” 
         “No Isen, I’m here to watch you and make sure you are taken care of, I’ll be awake.” 
         “Well if you feel tired I won’t get mad if you rest.”          “Master Raven will, so I’ll do as I’m told.” The buck simply countered, and I nodded and set my laptop bag underneath the bed before I rolled towards the wall and touched the wall and started to fiddle with the spells in the room. If Master Raven came in and was affected by the spells he’d defiantly state his mind, and after everything that had come about today, I didn’t want to start another argument with him. So once the spells were finished I shifted around in the blankets in order to get comfortable, and it was reasonably easy to sleep with my clothes on with how exhausted my body was, so it didn’t take long to fall asleep.          I don’t know how long I was sleeping for, but a gentle prodding and I slowly woke up to see Master Raven standing over me with a tray in his hands. I could smell the warm food oddly enough since I hadn’t seen a proper cooking space yet. But I could tell he wasn’t pleased. “Isen we need to talk.” Those words always were bad news, and I sat up as he set down the tray down on the bedside table, before he pulled Belvin’s empty chair beside the bed. I leaned against the wall and looked at him as he picked up a bowl of some kind of thick red paste like substance, he stirred it around in the bowl. I then watched as he pulled saliva from his throat and spat into the bowl, the thick loogie was stirred into the dish. It was revolting to watch, and he looked up at me with a simple glare.           He then took a spoon full of the tainted red paste and held it to my muzzle. “I’m not eating that, you spit in it.” I protested simply and He put the spoon in the bowl roughly and slammed the bowl down on the tray, then holding out his finger he started to scold me loudly.          “You spat in my face I should only return the favor.” He growled, and I was about to talk but he cut me off. “Shut you damned muzzle until I’m done Little Shit! Do you know the meaning of my families name Isen Dale?! No you wouldn’t I’m sure you wouldn’t, it wasn’t in the file! My eighth Great Grandfather was the slaver trainer for the Royal Court of Matra, he was part of the Old Queen Tarva’s royal court. Ever since then we Raven’s continue that role, we train slaves for nobles to use and abuse as they damn well please. Don’t you ever fucking undermine my training again under my roof! Don’t dare tell my slaves what they can and can’t do, you do not own them! They do as their told, if you ever tell any of my slaves that they can sleep, or sit down where they aren’t allowed, I’ll tan your fucking hide! The moment you give them leniency they start to relax! This isn’t some job for them Isen, this is punishment! So don’t you ever fucking dare tell my slaves they can refer to you as anything other than master or sir! You are nobility now dammit, having you around is perfect for them to practice their training on. So I’m adding another rule Isen, You will never undermine my slave training again. Do you understand?” Master Raven scolded yelling most of the time and poking me in the chest with a firm finger as he spoke, he thumped my muzzle with his finger when I tried to complain, the thump created a sore spot while also creating the strange hollow thud. With that simple strike and the anger in his glare I gave in to his words.          “Yes Sir…. Sorry Master Raven.” With those words he picked up the red paste pulled a spoonful out and brought it to my lips.          “Now eat, because this is your punishment, and if you don’t want to eat this now I don’t care how hungry you get. This will be your next meal. You’ll eat this one way or another, even if I have to force it down your throat. Do I make myself clear?” He explained bitterly and I looked at the meal knowing what was inside of it and it made me sick to my stomach, and I looked at him sadly, but he wasn’t going to budge and so I opened my muzzle and took in the spoon full. Master Raven shifted the spoon against my sand paper tongue, cleaning the red oatmeal like paste off the spoon. I didn’t want to swallow I was already growing sick to the idea of what was on my tongue. Master Raven then put a firm hand over my muzzle and tilted my head straight back and covered my nose with his thumb.          “Swallow it little shit, because I could have your muzzle spread wide and just funnel it down your throat if you prefer.” Master Raven growled in anger his snout curling up to express his anger, and after running short of breath and the fact that the paste was already running down to the back of my throat I swallowed and gagged, coughing, wanting to throw up when the paste hit my stomach. The red paste didn’t even have a flavor it was just a bland mix, of some kind of red wheat. Master Raven let my muzzle go and he gave me another spoon full and he repeated the rough handling of my muzzle until I was done. I didn’t fight him just so I didn’t make it worse, because I knew him, and he could make this ten times worse.          I finished the bowl eventually and my stomach just felt heavy and unpleasant, Master Raven then picked up a cup of water and spat into the small cup of water and then put in front of my face. “Chug it Little Shit and your punishment is done.” He stated with a low rumbling growl. I let out a small whine seeing the particles in the water, but I forced myself to take it like medicine. I felt the loogie slid across my tongue as I forcefully swallowed the water down. I gagged wanting to just unload my guts on the floor, and I let out small whines as I shifted back down onto the bed. I just felt queasy, but I never had the urge to truly vomit.           “Good Job Isen.” Master Raven stated as he felt the top of my head, I then felt his muzzle come down to my neck and he left a simple kiss on it, and I looked at him in surprise, at the pleasant and warm gesture.           “I’m only as evil as you make me Isen, obey me and I will treat you well, challenge me and I will break you. Take this as a warning next time you challenge me, because next time it might not be something as simple as eating my spit. Do you understand Isen?” I just looked away from him groaning, and just held on my pillow. 
          “Yes Sir.” 
        “Isen?” Master Raven asked rolling me over so I could look at him, he still had that simple scowl on his muzzle but that was how he normally looked, so at least he was no longer as angry. 
          “Yes Master Raven.”
          “How are you feeling? Feeling any better?” I tried to roll away from him but he kept a firm hand on my shoulder and I looked at him, and sighed. I could tell he wasn’t going to leave until I told him what he wanted.           “I feel sick to my stomach, but I feel better.” Master Raven accepted this answer, with a simple quiet nod before he got up from the chair.           “Do you need help getting to the bathroom?” I just sat up and shifted out of the bed got to my feet, and started to walk away, but my footing faltered. I may have felt rested but my entire body was sore. Master Raven came closer to me and grabbed my arm and held me up in his firm leather grip.           “You’re still sore aren’t you?” I nodded and he smacked the back of my head. “I told you to tell me how you feel and that meant everything. I’m supposed to help you, and that means helping you heal, and how am I supposed to help you if you don’t tell me everything. I don’t even care what it is, even if it’s your ass that hurts or you’re just horny. I need to know everything, do you understand me, don’t hide anything from me again. I don’t want anything other than my own punishments to be the reason your hurt. Do you understand Kitten?” Master Raven explained treating me like a child and an over protective parent all at the same time.           “Yes Master Raven.” I sighed and he smacked my rear, making me stand straight with a simple yip of pain.          “You were slouching.” Master Raven stated as he picked me up and laid me over his shoulder. Whenever he picked me up like this I always felt like a child, and in a way it felt rather nice. His hand coming up and around my side to keep me in place on his shoulder. His other hand coming across my knees to keep my legs from moving. It left me utterly exposed, and feeling small, but regardless of how I felt Master Raven took me to the bathroom and allowed me to do my business. When I was situated on the toilet he just stood a few feet away staring down at me, arms crossed just waiting for me to go.          It’s not like I had been watched by males and females while I used the bathroom, I had to do it hundreds of times to help Mincridarins understand how to use human toilets; but under his gaze I was tense and I knew he was judging me silently. I felt like a cub using the toilet for the first time when I started to use the bathroom in front of him. I was going to tell him to leave but what was the point of wasting time? So I pissed down the wooden chute of a toilet, unable to look at Master Raven in the eye and in general. After dropping a few firm logs, he came over to me with a bucket of water and a firm bristle brush. I knew what it was used for, Mincridarins used these brushes when toilet paper wasn’t going to cut it. It was like a toilet brush for the ass.           “Do you know how to use it?” He simply asked picking up the dripping wet brush from the pail of water.           “Yes Master Raven.” I simply agreed and I took the brush from him but he raised eyebrow and stood in front of me with absolutely no regard for personal space, his crotch was just a whisker away from my nose, if I wanted to I could have kissed his bulge. I could smell his thick musk between his thighs and it excited me. He smelled of sex and pure masculine musk. He had probably mounted on of his slaves before brining me dinner.          The brush was firm and it strung the sensitive skin around my hole, but it had to be that way, if the brush was going to be of any actual use. I was still very much new to using it personally, and when apparently I wasn’t doing it correctly Master Raven simply pulled me over his shallowly bent left knee, took the brush and then cleaned my ass for me which made me cry out in pain at first; but with his expertise he dunked the brush in the water bucket nearby soon enough, and pulled off the toilet.           “How much of a kitten are you really? You can’t even brush your own ass clean, do I need to do this for you every time you use the bathroom?” His words were harsh and simple, and they truly made me feel like a kitten, and in a sense I was. I had only been using this form for the past three months.          He removed my pants but pulled up my underwear and tied it back in place. Without warning he tackled me softly, forcing me over his shoulder, and then up. “Before you leave for work tomorrow you will present your ass to me, pants and underwear down to your knees, and if I say it’s clean you can go, but if it’s not you will sit on the damn toilet and brush it properly. Do I make myself clear kitten?”           “Yes Master Raven.” I agreed knowing I couldn’t truly debate him, he was my Master, my trainer for understanding how to live a life in Matra. Gods he could make me feel small and pathetic with every mistake I made, it was both a turn on and kind of depressing, because I knew for certain he’d never agree to any of my fetishes if I asked him to partake in them with me. Which I was truly debating on telling him, because gods I swear he’d be a good lay if he wasn’t going to abuse me; but that was uncertain, because I knew enough about him now, to know his first instinct is to abuse people in some form.         Master Raven took me back to my room and laid me on the bed and covered me with a thin blanket. “Do you need anything else kitten, before you go to bed?” He asked looking down at me with that cold firm gaze and his arms crossed. His face said I better not, so I just remained silent and rolled over in my bed.           “Good night Master Raven.”
          “Good night cub, may the gods be with you while you sleep.”
          “You as well.” I simply added, and with that Master Raven walked to the door, but he didn’t leave just yet, I felt his eyes on me before he spoke. “Thank you Isen for keeping your muzzle shut about what we talked about.” With those words, I knew Master Raven meant the apology, I didn’t say anything and I just simply heard him leave my room, and close the door behind his tail.          With the door closed though, it left me surrounded by total darkness…. But fuck, there was no way I was sleeping; not after how wide awake I felt after sleeping so much.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions     Part 6
       If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 6
         “Wait…” I simply protested seeing the reserved rage and agitation of Master Raven, he wasn’t glaring at me or being mean to me, he seemed angry at himself and agitated with something. He may have raped me but to see a sudden change in emotion was never a good sign. I just wanted to know what was going on.          “What’s wrong?” I asked weakly, partially because part of me was holding back my words to spite him, and his very existence. He looked back at me from the door with one eye, his hand still on the door handle.          “If I don’t get you to forgive me, or come back to me… I’ll be charged with treason, I’ll lose everything I own, my name and my life.” He stated quietly the anger and his tension melting away and his body slumping. “My actions have interrupted the political structure of Matra, my actions have tensed our relations with Adestria, and the Council of Mages. When they find out there is bound to be backlash, my death will be used to ease tensions and settle scores.” Master Raven explained and his words were pained and quiet, but perfectly heard because his deep voice carried them around the room.          “My actions have brought only shame to my family’s name, but your right, my actions are not something that can be forgiven, and your right I abused you… I raped you, I should pay the price for my actions.” He simply finished, and my heart sank, I hated him with everything I was, but I didn’t want to be the reason any one was killed. I didn’t want my name to ever be used as a justification for death, the very idea made me sick to my stomach, or maybe that was just magical exhaustion.          “Master Raven please come here and sit on the floor, I wish to ask you something. I may be able to forgive you, but you have to prove it to me that you’re capable of being forgiven.” Master Raven looked at me surprised, honest surprise but he came closer and sat on his knees beside the bed.          “Master Raven are you willing to do anything to make up for what you did?” I asked looking down at the large male who looked up at me, and he seemed to debate this mentally because he was silent, but he sat straight for a moment and looked at me with his stern eyes. “I’ll do anything.”          “Are you willing to eat shit?” I asked simply, cool and collected, and he tensed up in anger his form growing slightly from holding his anger back, and his snout curled up slightly but he was doing everything he could to keep it restrained, even letting a low growl barely escape his muzzle.          “If that is what you want me to do I’ll eat shit.” He agreed and I nodded.          “Then Master Raven I want you to become my permeant personal slave, if you agree to this I will forgive you for everything you have done, or you can walk through that door and never come back alive.” Master Raven glared up at me darkly but he was silent and still holding all of his anger back, I could tell he wanted to lash out at me.          “Would you make me eat shit?” He asked through gritted and a low rumbling growl.          “Simply choose Master Raven, become my slave or have your head on a chopping block.” He looked at me in the eyes as he sat on the ground still bristling with anger and I was rather admiring his ability of self-control, but he was truly struggling to keep it underneath the skin. Even his tail couldn’t hide it and it was lashing about behind him, his ears splayed back ready to attack. I could see him reading my expression, so I did everything I could to remain neutral, even under his abusive gaze.          “Master Raven, you told me you’ve shamed your family name, do you really think dying would improve it? To simply accept death and not try and fix anything? If you’re truly willing to restore honor to your name you are going to need to work, and pay for your actions, you have to be willing to change. So will you eat shit or will you die?”         I could see his blood trickling down from his hands his claws cutting into his own hands, but he turned away from me and let out a low rumbling growl. “I will eat shit, if it means restoring my family’s tarnished name.”          “Master Raven, I wish this to be official, I want it in writing, I want a proper slave contract, bring me one and I want to watch you sign it.” With my simple command Master Raven left the room, and when he did he let out a growl of anger, and I think he broke the kitchen table, with that loud thud and loud splintering wood hitting the floor.         Master Raven return with a small box in his hands and set it on the bed side table and took out a fair sized paper, and dark red ink, and finally a metal quill pen. I watched as he signed the paper with his full signature which I had seen before, I knew he wasn’t skimping out with a false name. He then slammed the quill down, cracking the wooden box. I took the box from the bed side table, and read the entire paper, making sure it was the true thing. Lynn had shown me what slave contract looked like for my own safety, so I knew what to look for when I read through the details. For date of release I wrote permeant, but before I finished the contract I wrote along the bottom of the main writing, “I personally allow my master to use of magic on my body, to punish, control me, or for any reason he sees fit.” I signed my name soon afterwards. When done I put the pen down, and I looked up at Master Raven, who was just angered, but he seemed better, because the deal was done.          “The contract will need to be reviewed by the royal court due to the fact that you wish to own me permanently.” He simply growled through his teeth, and I nodded and from my bag I pulled out my phone and took a close up picture of the contract to copy it.          “Pull up a chair Master Raven, you’re going to read the entire contract out loud, and I’m going to record you as proof that you’ve signed this of your own free will.” I simply added as I held up the contract to him, he ripped this from my hand and grabbed a chair and slammed it down next to the bed; his anger restored. I leaned back on the wall facing him and held up my camera, but seeing him still very tense I put down the camera.          “Master Raven, take a breath.” He glared at me and I could see the desire to rip up the contract in his eyes, and in his trembling hands. I shifted closer to him and pulled down his tense hands, I touched the side of his head tracing his jaw line as I sent a shiver of magic into his form, water magic, to cool the raging flames inside of him. “Master Raven just take a breath.”         His body did seem to relax and become a bit softer, his snout relaxed uncurling from his lack of anger, and eventually he did as he was told. The breath was ragged and uneven but it seemed to work, as he did calm down considerably after that.         I leaned back against the wall and lifted up my phone and kept it steady. “Master Raven please read the contract.” He looked at phone annoyed but he lifted the paper and looked down at it and started to read it word for word, which sound disjointed and improper in some ways, but he read from the contract all the same. He finally finished with agreeing to become my permeant slave. I then had him simply finish with “That he had done this of his own free will, without being under the influence of magic, drugs or anything that can disrupt his way of thinking.” When I finished the video I looked at him and he handed me the contract which he had fold between two fingers.          “Why are you doing that thing with your strange tech?” As Master Raven asked as I took the contract from him and stored it in the front pocket of my bag before closing it up with a zipper. I then turned around my phone and showed him the video, which surprised him so much that I doubt he had ever looked so amazed, he stared at the phone with wide eyes, as he listened to himself personally recite the contract.          “With this video, no matter where I go I can always prove that you personally agreed to this contract, so if it’s misplaced or ripped I can use my phone to prove to the courts that you agreed to this with own free will.  I can even show a proper view of the contract to judges.” I said swiping to the right to show the paper contract and zoomed in so he could read the font, and his own signature. “With that picture I could create endless versions of the contract, so I will always have the ability to replace it.” I simply explained as I pulled my phone back and tucked it into my bag with the contract before locking zipping it up again.         But when I was done speaking he leaned back in the chair and spread his legs, crossing his arms. “So it’s done, you control me… You are my… Master.” Master Raven said struggling with calling me master, he reacted to the word as if he had tasted something bitter, and shook his head as he gaged quietly.          “My legs still feel weak, can you carry me to the guards?” I asked holding out my arms, and he looked down at me but he picked me up regardless, and I grabbed my bag as he laid me over his shoulder. I wasn’t going to complain but then I realized how naked I was I quickly changed my plans. “Wait first take me to my room so I can get some clothes on.”         Master Raven gave a low growl of annoyance and looked back at me. “You need to learn how to properly give orders, having to correct yourself makes you look pathetic and weak.”          “Why do you care so much?”         “Because you are my master and I don’t want to take orders from an idiot who doesn’t know anything about how to control slaves.”          “You don’t have that much of a choice anymore.”          “The contract is null until the royal judge deems it worthy.” Master Raven stated as he came to my room which I kicked open breaking the seal; to door slammed into the wall. “You can enter.” I simply stated giving permission, because Master Raven was smart enough not to enter while holding me. When I gave my permission he entered and sat me down on the bed.          “So why are you obeying me then?” I asked as Master Raven went to the closet and pulled out some fresh clothing and brought it my bed.          “This was my duty in the first place, which that I neglected, you were never my slave, and I had forgotten that. My job is to teach and take care of you. That is why I’m doing as you say, but you can’t tell me right now to do anything I don’t want to do.” Master Raven said pulling up tall white cloth stocking on my leg, in ordered to keep my fur from being all mismatched and unkempt under the clothing the stocking was made to be very lose. So when Master Raven pulled It over it didn’t snag on my fur, When it was high enough he tied the stocking around my thigh with a small bow.          “That’s fair, it’s not like I want to control you. I don’t want a slave.” He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow as he pulled up another white stocking and tied it into place.         “Then why did you make me sign the contract?”          “Because it’s a punishment, it’s the one thing you hate more than anything in the world. You never want to be the person to bow or submit to another, you’re a true and proper master. It’s your shit; the one thing that you never want to do unless you have no other choice. When I asked “are you willing to eat shit”, I wasn’t talking about having you actually eat shit, but doing the one thing you hate the most all or would never do” I explained as Master Raven bucked a small garter belt to my hip and hooked my stockings in place, before bending the hooks closed so they didn’t fall off when I moved.          “I’ve heard the stories about your time in the sanctuary, I wouldn’t put it past you to command me to eat shit.”          “I’ve read your file, you have told others to eat shit. You train you slaves for all forms of sexual fetishes, even eating shit.” I countered as I watched him pull some simple brown baggy shorts over my legs and bound them in place, before pulling a leather belt through the loops and buckling it in place.          “You’ve read my file?” Master Raven asked not looking up at me as he worked on dressing me, it was kind of hot to have such a thick muscled male between my legs and my cock bounced happily with his breath warming up my pants. His hands were soft and gentle when they wanted to be, and could really tease my senses. Then also his scent was strong, gods it was stronger than Lynn’s, rougher on the nose and defiantly masculine.          “Of course I have, I’ve read everything about you, that’s why I picked you; out of the two choices I was left with you were my finale choice. Out of all the masters I could have been with you were the most sexually diverse, you owned a brothel one of the few things I knew so little about. You were a true slave master, I had never met one before, your job, even thinking about it made me sick to the stomach. But I wanted to learn about your culture, and that meant learning what I also hated about it. I had to let go of what I thought was right, and just do my best to accept the standards your race lives by. Out of the five Master I could have chosen from Matra you’d always be my first. That’s why I tried to fix our problems. That’s why I agreed to submit to you. I never wanted to hate you or fight you, I truly wanted to learn about the world through your eyes. Gods you smell fucking amazing, Did you bathe today?” I asked closing my eyes as I enjoyed Master Raven’s true masculine scent.         Then after a moment Master Raven let out a large laugh, and I looked down at him as he sat on the floor, his booming voice echoing around the room, and he looked at me with a bright smile. “Cub I seriously thought you hated my guts, and tried to do everything you could to piss me off.” Master Raven said with a short bursts of laughter, before quickly pulling himself together so he could up at me. I looked at him rather amazed, because Master Raven didn’t seem like the person who would laugh, he always seemed like a hard ass.         But he got back to his feet and finished dressing me, his muzzle showing a faint smile though after he was finished buttoning my dragon scale green styled vest, he calmed himself and lost that smile, and regained that emotionless face.          “Master Raven, you know I may not like your job but I do respect you, I never didn’t. I hated you but I never looked down at your status as a noble, and it was because of your status that I wanted to learn from you. You are regarded as the best Slave trainer in all of Matra, you are respected among slaver trainers in Leggala, and Cadara. Out of all the other slave trainers, you have broken in more than enough of your slaves without ever killing one. You were ranked highest amongst your class in the Royal Academy of Magical studies, and among that schools top five fighters. You have even completed your first national championship at eighteen and earned a bronze medal. Are you fucking kidding me, to earn a bronze is unbelievable for your first try. I know enough about Mincridarins to know that is a Blessing from the God of War. I wish I could have seen your fights Master Raven.” I complemented and he looked at me in surprise as I praised him so highly, but he turned away from me clenching his fist. “Something wrong Master Raven?” I asked seeing his agitation.          “When we first met and you challenged me in front of my slave, I thought you were trying to mock me, to make me look weak, if I had swallowed my pride I could have known what you truly felt and this wouldn’t have ever been a problem.”          “It’s not your fault Master Raven that’s on me, when you had insulted me and my friends I need you to know that wasn’t going to be ok. When you mocked those I cared about, I wasn’t going to sit by and listen to you belittle them… This would have happened eventually.” I explained and he looked at me and stood up, eased by my words because his self-loathing fell away, or at least to the point it wasn’t skin deep. His hands had eased their hold and body relaxed.          “Maybe when this is over, hopefully we can properly redo our first meeting.”          “I’d be fine with that Master Raven, but first.” I said taking out the contract he had signed and held it in front of him.          “What are you doing?”          “I asked if you’d do the one thing you hated most in the world and you did as I asked. I never wanted to keep you as a Slave like I said. I told you I hate slavery. Go ahead rip it up, I’ll never talk about it, I promise. I forgive you.”          “What about those other things on your human creation?” Master Raven asked not taking the contract just yet but his hand was holding it.          “I’ll keep them for safe keeping, though I’ll never use them as long as you never abuse me like that again.” I explained letting go of the contract and Master Raven nodded and in his hands he tore up the contract and burned the remains to ash, which he just sprinkled on the floor.          “I can agree to that deal.” Master Raven stated and he held out his leather hand to me. I took this and he shook my hand.         “I remember this is a Human custom?” Master Raven stated firmly but I could tell he was uncertain, with his response.          “It is.” I simply confirmed and he dropped my hand, and he pulled me over his shoulder, and I grabbed my bag before we left the room. “You know I still agree to the house rules, I’ll never challenge you in front your slaves again.” I got a small swat to my rear after saying this, making me yip in simple surprise.         “Good, because I don’t want to hurt you again.” Master Raven said with a relaxed behavior, this probably how he was when he was happy, or enjoying himself. He carried me downstairs and into the brothel, and in front of his slaves who had gathered from all over, the brothel and the city, they were worried about what was going to happen to their master.         The Ambassador was sitting at the Bar when we arrived with five royal guards, she was not amused in any regard and her snout curled up when she saw us.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions Part 5
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 5 (Explicit)
         I had wandered the streets and found some kind of market district connected by three large branches that formed large Y’s, big enough to properly build a large platform on. The circular market was covered with stalls and shouting, and citizens wandering about, earning money, which I still didn’t know the name for. But I continued to move through the market just interested in what I could find, I think a few Mincridarins tried to rob me, but when they tried  to take my shoulder bag they only hurt themselves, they didn’t apologize when they saw they couldn’t steal from me, they simply ran off. A large simple sound echoed through the air a deep and bassy hiss, the trees started to creak and quickly enough the people quickly started to run away from the sound packing up what they could, bells were sounding off as some kind of alarm, and soon enough a black snake with ribbed black scales came up the Iron Bark Tree. Its body as thick as a tower and it stood just as tall as a tower, it’s body settled on the surface of the market and looked around at the people in running in fear. You could see the hunger in its eyes and happiness, the populace were seen as nothing less than a banquet of mice to dine on, the fact that they ran only seemed to make it encourage it, and it quickly dipped down and spat out a spray of green toxins.
        Mincridarins screamed in pain, and I watched as their bodies dissolved, the toxins an acid that ripped apart the skin with ease destroying their ability to move. They were still crying in pain when the snake brought its head down and silenced them with a large bite. I watched horrified, terrified by what I had just seen, the liquefied remains and bloods still on the market floor. The snake spat as it moved more firmly into the market, and started to devour the people one by one as they tried to run away. Even a quarter of its body covered nearly half of the market square.
         Then I saw it look down at me, unmoving the tip of its muzzle covered in blood and poison from devouring what it had killed. “Isen concentrate.” A voice called out in my head and I looked down at my hand seeing the Mark of the Gray God glow on my hand.
          “Recite the law.” The voice stated and I looked up at the black snake who stayed to stare at me, to see what I would do. I was the only one not running away so it was wondering why I wasn’t moving. I looked away from the snake and cut my left palm open drawing blood.
          “Under Mincridarn Law I have the right to protect myself with the full extent of my ability, you have slain the innocent of this country. I understand you’re need to eat but that doesn’t mean you can do as you please. I ask you to leave while you still can, because if you don’t, I, following the full extent of the law shall kill you.” I stated looking up at the snake as I expressed my magical presence, and when I did the snake shifted back and coiled up defensively.
          “Shift the power of the soul, push and pull it, and reshape it into what I desire, may it be sword or shield, helm or boot. Exist, mark of the Gray God.” I called out to the soul sword, summoning it from deep within my body, and from my hand came out twin tendrils of blood that wrapped around my hand and formed a silver chain as they touched and pulled away, and when they came to the top of my hand the created the silver mark of the Gray God, the God of Neutrality and Balance.
         At this point the serpent spat his toxic spray at me, but I simply put up a barrier to block the wet projectile. His saliva splattered on the barrier with a mix of blood and green bile. “Just give me guns.” I simply commanded breaking the mark off the chain and flicking it behind my head, it expanded and from its surface came the stocks of rifles. I simply brought my hands to my shoulders and snapped my fingers. From the glowing Gray mark came glowing white files, I pulled them free, brought the stocks to my armpits. “Muskets? Seriously Mark?” I asked aloud but I sighed. “It’ll do, let’s test his armor,” I simply stated dropping the barrier.
        I raised the rifle to his under belly. “Dimen.” I simply commanded and the rifle started to quickly shift to a bright green, I pulled the trigger and the first shot was fired filling the air with sound and pulling up the end of the rifle, giving me time to bring up the second while I dropped my first. The first round had struck the beast but I could tell that it did nothing but just annoy the Serpent and he lounged forward. The sudden speed of the attack left me with no choice but to throw up a barrier. I could smell the rank poison of his maw as it clamped down on the barrier starting to crush it. I may have not gone into his maw, but he had knocked me back with my own barrier sending me flying in the air and bouncing on the wooden platform and through a few of the stalls. Thankfully I was a Mincridarn, a blow like that would have cracked my human spine.
         I pulled myself up and watched as the snake pulled away and crush the gray hexagon in itss maw and looked down at me. “Venfas” I called out and soon enough the gun in my left hand turned bright yellow and I pulled the trigger sending out a bolt of magically condensed air, it had the same durability as a rifle round. Though it didn’t even scar the snake’s scales. It came down towards me again and tried spit its poison at me. I put up a barrier and knocked my elbows against the ground and from my elbows I shot small gusts of air to get me back to my paws.
          “Let’s change up the impact, I said dropping both rifles and summoning to gray rifles to my hands. “Now that’s better Mark.” I called out with a smile as in my hands I held the images of the Barrett 50. Caliber rifles, though they had no weight. “Discharge clip, refit new clip, left rifle projectile spell, focusing, bring down focus to one centimeter, set homing to Black Queen Snake.” I stated as the rifle absorbed my words, programing the magic into the rifle as I dodged another coiled up attack from the snake. “Right rifle above average draw, apply spell homing, home to focus spell fired by second rifle, lock, and load.” I command and at this point the rifles ejected the magazines and loaded new ones. I heard the clicks as the slid on the rifle pulled back, dispensing an old magical round then came slamming back down.
         When I got my foot hold on the market square I let my first test rounds fly, left then right.” When the left fired it struck the serpent leaving it uninjured but it placed a glowing gray rune on its body. The second struck the rune fired by the first rifle, and the magic in the round was focused down into a point penetrating the scales of the serpent with thin spear of gray light. Which was just a pin prick, but it was enough get the snake’s attention entirely focused on me, and with that pin prick I knew all I needed to know. Because I dropped the rifles, and pulled out M-16’s and loaded with the previous spells already.
         I jumped to avoided it attacks distracting it from trying to attack anyone else in the square, mainly guards who were just standing and watching me not sure what to do. But as I fired my guns spears of gray light filled the serpent with tiny pin sized holes in the armor. As I continued my the pain I was causing it on just angered it, making it lash out more and destroy more of the market with its body as it tried to chase me. I did what I could to give the revealed body of the snake and even coat of pin holes before I dropped the rifles.
         As I stood on a platform of air, the mark behind me turned pitch black like the night sky. “Art of binding Number Eight, chains of Black Abyss.” I stated as I brought the black mark in front of my hands and from my hands chains with sharpened tips shot into the black mark and from the shadows of the snake and the from the debris it brought about by destroying the market, the chains shot out and punctured the pinholes and spread out wide latching down and locking the snake in place with hundreds of pitch black chains. It raged widely thrashing about, it’s strength making it hard to contain, and making me grunt in annoyance I tried to focus on controlling the magic in the chains so they wouldn’t break.
         “Stop moving dammit.” I groaned falling on to its head and pulling the chains up, I didn’t need to be strong; I just needed to produce magical strength to reinforce the changes. The changes links shifted down in the shadows pulling down the snake but not enough as it still thrashed about. I latched myself to its head with magic.
          “I warned you what would happen if you stayed.” I called out as I pulled the chains high in the air giving no slack to the snake, and from my body I shot powerful currents of electrical energy, that lit up the black chains and filling the market with white light, the snake let out a sound of pain and froze still, as the electrical currents poured directly into its body. In the end the snack had fallen still, dead underneath my feet.
         I was panting from the expense of using so much magic at once, Lynn told me that using magical subclasses would be difficult and draining but I didn’t expect by this much. The chains dissipated into smoke, and the pitch black mark shrank and disappeared back into my hand closing the wound. I barely could move and I felt the snake’s body lurch as it started to fall back to the forest floor. I looked back at the edge of the market, the snake’s body quickly disappearing… I then felt something wrap around my waist and I lurched forward and off the head of the snake, thrown into the air, but I don’t remember hitting the ground or at least not hitting the ground. I had passed out from exhaustion mid-flight.
        -Mater Raven-
         And almost everyone else watched the fight, not sure if to intervene or not because with how it seemed, Isen had the fight handled, anything else would probably just get in his way, but in the end when the snake fell to his finale spell, everyone wasn’t sure what to do. But the snake started falling and Isen still stood on the snake’s head unmoving and visibly exhausted. When everyone saw this they ran for him, to try and get him off the snake’s head before the snake took him to the forest floor.  
         Master raven spawned his whip and with practiced precision, the whip grew and wrapped around Isen’s waist, with sheer strength he pulled Isen into the air, and his whip unraveled from around Isen’s waist and with both arms he caught Isen before he touched the ground. The feline unconscious, which Master Raven simply checked by pushing his whiskers close to Isen’s nose, and when he felt shallow breathing he relaxed. He hadn’t died from over using his magic.
          “Hand him over.” A voice demanded from behind, and Master Raven turned around to see three armored knights bearing the mark of the Royal Guard. “Or do we have to take him by force?”
          “Wait, I’ll let him go, but he needs to rest. He shouldn’t be moved around too much like this, you know the symptoms of magical exhaustion. If he doesn’t rest he could very well get sick.” Master Raven stated and the Knights pulled back their command and stepped closer.
          “Lead the way.” The lead knight simply commanded and Master Raven made his whip disappear before carrying Isen back to his Brothel, upstairs, and into his personal bedroom laying him down on his bed since he couldn’t access Isen’s room. He tried to remove the laptop bag but when it wouldn’t budge he stopped trying and simply undressed Isen, and with a wash cloth laid it on top if Isen’s head, mainly over his eyes, because that was the only place it could properly go without falling off.
          “Do you mind?” Master Raven asked looking back at the guards who were standing over him watching his every move.           “You’ve lost the right to be alone with him after what you have done. You’re lucky we even let you carry him.” The guard simply countered and Master Raven said nothing, and just pulled up a chair and sat next to Isen as he rested, he needed to fix this before the guards pulled him away. So Master Raven closed his eyes and waited, the guards fell silent and took rounds watching Master Raven, and Isen while the other’s slept.
          “Food was prepared by the slaves and brought for everyone to eat, though thankfully his slaves were smart enough to pick up the note on the bar and do as he commanded, because soon enough the guards crumpled to the floor unconscious. A strong drug was placed in there food, he could taste it in his, but he had become immune to the effects after training his body in order to prevent abuse. There were times when he was offered a drink and was poisoned, waking up to find himself trapped, he wouldn’t let that happen again. The slaves took the guards and restrained them to beds, this action if Isen didn’t forgive him could send him to prison for sure.
         Thankfully though Isen woke soon after the guards had been removed. He pulled the wash cloth off of his eyes, and when he saw Master Raven, he nearly bolted to the door to run away but a firm hold his shoulder kept him place on the bed. “Isen please you shouldn’t move when you’re like this, it’s dangerous.”
          “Like you fucking care!” He cried out in anger, Master Raven’s hold became tense and he let go when Isen stopped resisting. “I’m sorry.” The words were simple and something Master Raven hadn’t spoken in so long, they felt dry on his tongue, and just naturally felt wrong.
          “I should have never touched you like that, I shouldn’t have put you on display like that. I was an idiot. I had forgotten my duty.” Master Raven said feeling his head, all of his words felt strange coming out of his muzzle, but right now he needed to say them.
          “You deserve whatever comes down on your head.” Isen simply stated bitterly and his words just made the cheetah growl in anger.
          “I’m trying to apologize!”
          “Do you think you really think anything you say is going to take back what you did?! You raped me you bastard! You fucked me and put me on display, and let everyone else mock me! You turned me into a fucking sexual fantasy that Males and Females will touch themselves at night thinking about! The story of what you did will always be there, it’s part of the brothel, you bastard! People are going to talk about the show you put on for them, and come back wanting more, and the story will bring more people hoping to see the same thing. They are going to talk about how great you were, how you’re such a good Master! They will say nothing about me, and if they do say something about me it’ll be nothing good! You turned my kindness into a fucking publicity stunt, I was willing to help you and you just shit on everything I was try to do for you! I didn’t want to fight you, I didn’t want to hate you, I was supposed to live here and be trained by you! I rolled a fucking die because I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life, I’m here by fucking chance, and I hate it and I can’t fucking take it back!” Isen countered yelling angrily at the master as tears of rage and sadness came down his eyes, the words keeping Master Raven silent and shifting in his chair uncomfortably as he listened to Isen yell at him, he had never been yelled at before in his life, and so it was strange, it made him angry it wasn’t right for him to be yelled at he was the master, but he clenched his hands into fists in order to stem his personal feelings. He had to try and fix things.
          “There is nothing in all of creation that you could give me that would say your anything else other than a monster.” Isen simply stated and Master raven got up from his seat, bitter and he wanted to yell at Isen but that’d just make things worse so he took out his frustration out on a chair nearby and kicked the chair into the wall, shattering it to splinters.  The Action made Isen flinch and he watched Master Raven lean on the wall his claws digging deep into the wood. He was doing everything he could to hold back his own anger, and own savage words. He didn’t deserve this, he was just trying to do his job, the job he was trained to do at birth.  But he growled lowly and pulled his claws free of the wall.
          “I’ll have the slaves get you a fresh pair of clothes and a proper meal before taking you to the guards. You shouldn’t move from the bed, you’ll just hurt yourself.” Master Raven growled lowly in bitter anger but still doing everything he could to keep his cool, but before he left the room quietly, he quickly realized what Isen’s words meant and his body tensed up in frustration…
          “Wait…” Isen trailed off just as Master Raven opened the door
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