axelkai · 3 years
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       the  promise  of  shopping  on  melrose  proved  to  be  a  lot  more  exhausting  than  sasha  had  initially  anticipating,  not  expecting  the  seemingly  endless  crowd  of  tourists  flocking  into  high  end  stores  when  they  had  sketchers  on  their  feet.  it  didn’t  take  long  for  him  to  take  shelter  outside  some  hippie  coffee  shop  after  securing  a  rather  nice  sweater  in  helmut  lang.  perhaps  more  suited  for  russian  weather  than  any  humid  climate  like  he  was  in  now,  but  it  gave  sasha  something  to  look  forward  to  once  homecoming  arrived.  what  he  wasn’t  expecting  was  for  a  familiar  face  to  come  barreling  toward  him  out  of  nowhere.  ❝  is  what  we  are  doing  now  not  talking  ??  ❞  sasha  asks  with  raised  eyebrows  before  taking  a  small  sip  of  his  iced  latte.  ❝  HORRIBLE  weather  actually.  too  hot.  too  humid.  i  feel  like  steamed  oyster,  you  know  ??  ❞  it’s  hard  to  ignore  the  heavy  breathing  from  the  other  with  how  much  his  chest  is  heaving.  ❝  nobody  runs  that  fast  unless  they  are  running  away  from  something,  ❞  sasha  observes,  tone  sounding  more  accusatory  than  he  intended  due  to  the  harshness  of  his  accent.
He certainly didn’t expect comments criticizing the weather.... didn’t every sane person love LA? And Malibu beaches? Kai loved the sand and the sea, and he wondered for a minute, almost chuckling, how the other held the weather like while they were on board. “it really takes some getting use to, I think? but the beaches are great”. It almost made him forget about what he had been running away from— was the other trying to start a lecture? They sounded harsh. Maybe it was just the accent? Or probably not. Kai usually took things to his personal side, anyway. “I am not running away” he said, crossing his arms to lean on the wall near them, not sounding as casual as he wanted to. “ok, maybe... I mean, I am, but I didn’t do anything. But the guy might think that I did” he tried to explain himself. “you know, I actually say it when I do something” well, not always, but the other didn’t need to know that. “If they see my records, though, I guarantee no cops will take my word of what happened”.
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axelkai · 3 years
You see, Kai had done lots of illegal stuff during his lifetime and got arrested once or twice as a result. But surprisingly, he hadn’t done a thing this time— he just watched as a rushed guy bumped into him and disappeared in an alley. A guy with the same jacket color as him. Fuck. He didn’t even know if someone would try to blame him for whatever had happened, but, as someone was yelling “thief!” from far away, Kai didn’t wish to stay long enough to find out. He ran. Two blocks away, heavy breath, he found a familiar face. “Please, pretend we are talking. Nice weather, right?”
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axelkai · 3 years
“i’m a fast mover, what can i say?” tilly joked back. “yeah sure, i know a few good ones and i can give you a list of ones to avoid unless you’re in to getting robbed blind.” she hummed. “what do you prefer? actual huge nightclubs? potential celebrity hot spots? sky bars?”
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"I’m not an easy guy” he said, as arrogantly as he could manage, passing a hand through his hair. “but I accept the nightclubs suggestions. some crazy one, actually.... neon and lots of dancing? and, you know, cheap. I just wanna have some fun while not running out of money”
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axelkai · 3 years
💬 text to: kai!
duckie: see! how fast can you run? that's also super important if we're planning a heist
duckie: b4 we got rich, i had to call my friends to bail me out so my parents wouldn't find out..... and i feel like i would still just call my friends so my parents don't find out.....
duckie: so actually, yeah! i may or may not be writing my friend's number on my leg in case i drop my phone in the ocean and i have to try to remember it off the top of my head LMAO
duckie: you're bad news, braxton!! you're gonna get us stuck in a jail cell!
kai: jesus, im never tired of saying that your pretty, innocent face and small stature... is actually a mischievous pixie :0
kai: i feel ya, our parents are never supposed to know our adventures. no matter how old we are, the lecture is ALWAYS coming
kai: wait, im bad news??? i thought i was teaching you about having bail-friends and you have a fucking NETWORK of thooooose! arent ya popular? thank god bc i dont have the money or influence to get us out
kai: i do run fast, tho. maybe, if we are caught, i should throw you to the police and get the fuck out of there. would you still talk to me afterwards?
kai: i'd keep your giant plush safe.................. but if you snitched, i'd prob geet rid of it :o
kai or the cops would? i dont think they'd let us keep stolen goods anyway fjldksdfsdf
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axelkai · 3 years
Noah: iiiiiii am at in & out
Noah: do you want me to bring you a burger?
Noah: where are you at??
kai: im in my bedroom, thinking about going to the beach
kai: wanna meet there? i totally want that burger
kai: AND whiskey, obv
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axelkai · 3 years
Noah: of course! i (almost) always have a bottle of whiskey for emergencies
Kai: ok, you are awesome
Kai: im in land, where r you
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axelkai · 3 years
💬 text to: kai!
duckie: i already love this plan, omfg
duckie: we can absolutely skip to the part where we steal a couple! one for you, one for me? to remember our dastardly deeds!
duckie: we're gonna get arrested in la, aren't we?
kai: of course we are not
kai: ok, maybe
kai: but you are rich af and know someone that can bail us out............ dont you?
kai: the number one rule is to ALWAYS know someone that can bail you out
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axelkai · 3 years
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“Fine. Be an ass then”, James rolled his eyes. Kai’s words leaving his mouth were literally what James was expecting, it was clear this would just be a waste of time. Wishful thinking believing the pair could talk things out, that James could help Kai with what he was struggling so the other didn’t feel as alone as he was so clearly feeling. “Be an ass and deal with whatever you are dealing by yourself… why the fuck do I care?”, he got up, walking directly to the door to unlock it and leaving the key right where it was before he took it. Taking his backpack with him now, James sat down on his desk and took his laptop out. Now his back was the one ‘facing’ Kai. 
“If you hate living with us so much, maybe you should ask Dean Murphy to change rooms or something. Believe me… I’ve tried it but without luck. But maybe if you say it yourself it works? I just can’t fucking live under this tension anymore, it’s getting unbearable. That’s the only reason why I wanted to talk shit out with you, but whatever helps you sleep at night. I just won’t get your shitty self loathing vibes get me”, he only turned a bit to say this in the most annoyed tone possible, then turned his attention back to his laptop. “And you fuck off if you don’t want me around because I’m not going anywhere… I need to finish this paper before tomorrow’s class”, he spat as he put his headphones on and began typing his assignment. Volume as loud as possible to muffle any upcoming sound leaving Kai’s annoying mouth now as he didn’t care anymore to keep on listening. 
Well, Kai did feel 20% better once the door was left unlocked. But still unhappy because the other persisted in staying around. Kai curled his lips, imagining that, in any other situation, he’d be laughing at James’ suggestion... because... well, really? James thought that Kai had any liberties with Murphy? Kai was the last one in that fucking boat that could ask for any favors from high-ranked staff. You see, not just a lottery winner, but a trouble maker. He just knew Murphy didn’t like him, like, at all, which shouldn’t actually be a surprise to anyone. Most people didn’t like him and he was ok with that, wasn’t he? It kept the idiots away. Like James. An annoying, hot, and insufferable idiot. Which existence made Kai’s impossibly terrifying.... which meant he was scared, right...? “Self-pity?” he repeated. If anything, he was pitying the other for the insistence. Honestly.
The other’s following question was reasonable though: why did he care? They weren’t friends. They didn’t get along. Or at least Kai pressed it so they wouldn’t. After all, what liking James could mean? The thought would send shivers down his spine. Just as the thoughts he had been having earlier, about the other’s lips, skin... fuck. He held the pencil so tightly between his fingertips that only God knew how it didn’t break; it was just so annoying how much he cared about what was going on... because if he didn’t care, then it would mean the other really didn’t mean anything to him, right? But being so pissed off... it certainly was because the other was making a fuss with these thoughts. Was the other aware of that? Kai kept quiet for a few minutes, not exactly trying to calm down, but doing it anyway. Life sucked. Honestly. He really wished that, right now, he was another person. Even being some annoying cousin of his. Anyone that would be so pained about this or so... vulnerable. He gulped. How much time had passed and how long they’d stay in that position? It shouldn’t matter; he knew James’ lips would gaunt his dreams even after this. Or even after fucking college.
 “Did you.... tell anyone?” he asked. Because, obviously, he had been too pissed to listen to the other’s monologue. And now, as he stared at the other’s back, he really needed an answer so he could sleep peacefully. 
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axelkai · 3 years
tilly had packed a bag with a few of her things. being back in los angeles meant she had her home that she could stop in while they were docked. “by the way, you’re more than welcome to take one of the guest rooms at my house if you want to sleep not on a ship for a few nights.” // @seasstarts​
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"Inviting me to your place already? Not even gonna date me first?” he rose his eyebrows before laughing. He had been in LA a few times before, just having a good time, not enough to get familiar with the place “I could use some nightclub tips, tho”
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axelkai · 3 years
Kai: you know, if im nowhere to be seen is bc i dont wanna be bothered........ except if there's alcohol envolved
Kai: is there alcohol envolved....?
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axelkai · 3 years
💬 text to: open!
duckie: if we find a carnival at our next destination, will you win me a giant stuffed animal?
duckie: alternatively - would you be impressed if i won a giant stuffed animal for you??
Kai: i can try? but it would be easier to steal one
Kai: cant we skip to the part that we steal some?
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axelkai · 3 years
“Thank you.” Parker smiled, her nose wrinkling in the process, “But really. How hard can it be? Sand and a little water.”
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“Well... it’s clearly one of those things that look easier than they actually are” he pointed out. “but you look stubborn enough to nailt it down. you sure you don’t wanna check youtube?”
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axelkai · 3 years
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Parker shrugged, “At least I tried really hard. I mean, they did too, clearly. But even if- I’d feel guilty.”
“you are cute. You could also look for a youtube tutorial?”
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axelkai · 3 years
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Parker looked over at the other and narrowed her eyes before trying to fix the tiny sandcastle she had attempted on her own, “That would be a lie though.”
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“People would only know it’s a lie if they figured it out” he crossed his arms, watching her “or you can show them this thing there you are working on... looks awesome, you know...” he said with sarcasm dripping from every word.
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axelkai · 3 years
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it may have been late, but ella had always been a night owl. she felt like she had to take advantage of being docked in this amazing place so rather than heading right back to the ship after a night out at the bars, the ballerina had other plans. she couldn’t bring herself to walk back onto the boat when she could feel the sand beneath her toes on the beach instead. “you can’t honestly tell me you’re ready to call it a night. look at that ocean. it’s time for skinny dipping.” the blonde was already walking down to the shore line, glancing back over her shoulder, “you in?” @seasstarts​
Well, that offer was unexpected. And Axel couldn’t help but chuckle, somewhat drunk and really feeling her adventurous vibe, thinking that maybe it was some of the shit he really to get away from his tormenting everyday thoughts. Interested, he got up from the sand and started taking his shirt off. “You know, when I first saw you in the ship, I didn’t take you for one with improper offers. You better not deflower me, I’m too innocent for you”.
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axelkai · 3 years
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Parker sat in the sand with her feet burred. She was covered in tiny molecules. A pile of sand between her legs. She looked over at the incredible sad sculptures and sighed, tossing her lime green toy shovel to the right, “Mines never going to look like that is it?”    @seasstarts​
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”that looks like poo” he rose his eyebrows “but you can take a picture by one of those and tell people you made one of them anyway”
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axelkai · 3 years
At his roommate’s response, James rolled his eyes and sighed. He knew this wouldn’t be an easy task, and frankly if it hadn’t been something so serious, he wouldn’t ever be bothering to try and say a word to the other. James understood thay maybe Kai wasn’t ready to have the talk, but the tension in this room was building up and if it wasn’t adressed now: it could explode in a really ugly way and James wanted to avoid that. Besides, no one liked to live under a roof under these stressing circumstances. He got up and locked the door, hiding the key in his pocket: then got to sit back to where he was: facing Kai. “Well, we are not going anywhere till we talk about it”, he boldly commented, eyeing the other. Noticing the disturbing drawing on the others notebook, James only frowned but didn’t bring it up. If anything, this only confirmed to him that this talk was very much needed before something worse happened.
“I don’t care if we don’t leave this room for days. I won’t unlock the door till we talk”, of course that was an exaggeration, Colin needed to be welcomed back too and they had classes they couldn’t miss for nothing. But he was sounding dead serious about it, eyes glued to the other. He sighed again. “Listen…”, he softly began. “I won’t ever tell anyone about what happened, okay?”, James promised and shrugged lightly. “If that’s what scares you… I know how scary these things can be. And I won’t tell anyone about anything you could trust me with either. I just… want you to trust me Kai, this is an elephant in the room and we both know we can’t keep running from it forever. Though If you really aren’t ready yet, it’s okay, I’ll respect that. It just didn’t hurt to try”, here we was… opening up to Kai for the first time (something James never thought he’d ever see) only to most likely be told to fuck off again.
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When he looked up and heard the key click, it was... well, surprisingly annoying by itself. Kai held his pen way harder than it was needed, and his digits were turning white because of it. Funny... He had thought this damn conversation would be the worst part.... but being trapped was annoying enough to get him to hear only to parts of the other’s emotional plea. What the fuck was wrong with James that he possibly thought about this being a good idea? It was terrible. Why couldn’t they just leave it alone and let Kai avoid him like the plague for the rest of their lives? What was wrong with that? Gee. It would be easier for every-fucking-one. Kai did hear the scared part, though, “I’m not scared, idiot. I’m fucking angry and really playing with the idea of throwing your ass off this ship” to be fair, even though the words were harsh and severe, they didn’t sound as threatening. Kai closed his sketchbook.
What he had done to deserve this..? Oh right, he remembered very well.  Heleaned back, staring at the ceiling for one torturous moment. It had been.... good. But it couldn’t possibly be right. Which was nauseatingly tricky. His stomach was a flipping mess. “I’m fighting really hard not to throw up on your fce right now” which could either be understood as an offensive commentary or, maybe, what it really was... someone that really didn’t know how to deal with whatever had happened and felt awful about having the other staring at him. “I advise you to fuck off and leave me alone. Thank you” the last word was not a polite one, but something spat out. “And keep your damn mouth shut.
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