axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
It unnerved her, keeping direct eye contact with him but she dared not to look away. She was positive he already knew that she was intimidated by him and she knew doing so would just provoke him further. Make some stupid comment that she’d have to combat yet again and she didn’t have time for that tonight. Not with a killer, or killers, on the loose and not much to go on. Even though he was humoring her questions it wasn’t likely that she’d get much out of him because everyone has the same story. They hadn’t seen anything, no one had been acting out of the ordinary, and the masks had done their job concealing identities. “Come on, you know I have to ask these questions.” Frowning because while he might be frustrated recounting the night with nothing to give her, she was just as tired of it too.
Her eyes rolled at his next comment as he all but told her if he had information he’d already have acted on it. Unsurprisingly that was the case with half of the people she’d taken statements from. “Of course not, you’d what? Take the law into your own hands?” Raising a brow at the other as she egged him on. He was starting to piss her off and the worst thing about it is Adriana believed him, every word. Which meant they were not any further than they’d started and she was wasting her time. Which was what forced her next outburst that she’d usually just bite down and ignore. “What’s unsettling is that you’ve admitted that even if you did have something that would help find the killer of your own friend you wouldn’t give up that information to the authorities. That you’d just continue this cycle of thinking the world is your playground and the consequences don’t apply to you.”
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“Just as you could predict my answers, making this whole thing kind of pointless.” They were never going to get anywhere with it. She was doing her job sure, but he had nothing to give her. He was as clueless as everybody else was at this point so it wasn’t like he was purposely being unhelpful. Even though he certainly would be if he did have any information. “I take it back, I think I should pour you a drink, you really need to take a hit and unwind just a little, it won’t kill you,” he looked a little amused, pouring a shots worth of whiskey into a clean glass before pushing it her way. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” not that he really expected her to believe him, or take the drink, call it a gesture of.. Well, just a gesture, really. 
“I didn’t say that. You really shouldn’t try and put words in your witnesses mouths, it’s bad form.” He’s teasing, that dark smirk making its way back to his lips. “And what’s irritating is the constant assumptions and words that keep on tumbling out your mouth. I said I wouldn’t tell you, personally.” Really she had it spot on the first time, he wouldn’t speak to any of them, but he did enjoy taking her words and twisting them around. Let her think maybe, just maybe there was someone on her team he would tell. Likely to be a cop on their payroll, if ever. “I’ve got a life time worth of damage to prove you wrong. Maybe it’s not me who thinks this is a playground, maybe it’s you who thinks this is as simple as good guys and bad guys.” Knocking back the last of his drink, he couldn’t help but chuckle, devilish eyes not yet having left hers. “Do you think I’m a bad guy, Detective?” Genuinely curious, he gave her the floor to answer.
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
Location: Home
With: @axelsharpx​
Status: Closed
Maisy checked her phone, it was already five minutes past seven, the time that she told her dad that dinner would be ready. Well, the dinner was still cooking and he wasn’t home. It was Sunday evening, and it was the one thing she always insisted on. Sunday dinners, just him and her, no other people, so they’d have to make some small talk. Just them two, dinner and a movie. It was his choice to pick one and hers to make food. She wasn’t great at cooking, but she got the basic Italian dishes down. |So it was Spagbol for dinner, with a side of salad. Just to make it look healthy. Every little counts. 
She was just tasting the sauce and ready to pour in the pasta in the pan when she heard the door. “You’re late!” She shouted, taking the bowl and pouring the spaghetti in. It had been years since she burned anything. She was still proud every time she managed to make it well. “And, “ Maisy looked directly at her father in the eyes. “Don’t think I don’t know about you trying to ask around my friends about me.” She knew he was worried, and also the fact that she wasn’t telling him everything for the same fact. She didn’t want him to be worried about the fact that having a killer on the loose scared the shit out of her. Simply because it could have been him that was found murdered in the streets. “We will talk about this at the table. So wash your hands, grab a few beers, and sit.” She motioned for him as she put the food on the plated and brought it to the dining table, where everything else was already set up. 
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Late. Again. There’s a pause after he pulls up and looks at the house, by his watch he’s not that late... Though the splatters of blood all over his hands and shirt reminded him why he didn’t typically wear white. “Hello to you too,” he shouted back, shrugging out his jacket as he made his way into the kitchen to place the box of cakes down on the counter. He knows they’re her favourites and hopes all would be forgiven once she looked inside. “I got held up.” Axel shrugged, keeping his hands tucked around his chest to hide not just them, but the state of his shirt. It’s pointless really, but he only does it so it doesn’t ruin family nights good vibes. “That’s exaggerating just a little, I only asked Abel.” He chuckled. “Wouldn’t have to if you didn’t sugar-coat how you feel about it.” It being the situation surrounding them. There’s a mocking eye roll as he relaxes his arms to point behind him. 
“Think I’m better off getting changed, give me two minutes.” And as spoken, two minutes was all he needed to scrub away the blood and change his shirt. “Smells good, kid. You make some garlic bread too?” Returning to grab a couple beers from the fridge, he pops the tops off and places one on her side of the table. “The fuck’s this shit?” He’s teasing, picking up a lettuce leaf from the salad bowl and turning to her with a raised brow. “Better not be a bunny hoppin’ around here that I don’t know about.” Only logical explanation he had for it, after all, she surely couldn’t expect him to eat rabbit food. 
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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Why are you so interested in her?
784 notes ¡ View notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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331 notes ¡ View notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
girls will say they "know a spot" then take you to the sacrificial altar
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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Euphoria (2019—) Created by Sam Levinson
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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#FDTDfanfest | favorite male character: seth gecko
“I am not your enemy and I am not your friend. I am simply here for what is mine. Now I understand that it was yours, but due to the unwritten rules of this life which you chose, it now belongs to me. So I’m gonna take it.”
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
05: What is your relationship status?
14: Do you miss someone?
lincoln maddox. ( roman’s deceased bro ) 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
nah, if they fucked off and left they can stay dead to me. 
34: Who/what was your last dream about? 
adriana lima and body shots, you don’t want details.
0 notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
A bad idea text
text: i was just saying, you deflect the 911 call and i’d split the cash with you, idk why you got so uptight about it, it was a great plan 
0 notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
56: How many people have you fist fought?
fucked if i know, lost count many years ago.
57: Do you believe in true love? 
58: Favourite weather? 
59: Do you like the snow? 
no, snow is never good when you ride a bike.
60: Do you wanna get married?
sure, round the same day i wanna get my balls amputated. 
0 notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Yeah, I hate everyone except my kid & the mc. If you meant specifically then that bug-eyed blonde ( @siennahendrix ). No concept of personal space, it got on my last nerve. 
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
( 6. A taunting text )
text: image attached  text: reminded me of you.
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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SOMEONE LIKE YOU (2001) dir. Tony Goldwyn
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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771 notes ¡ View notes
axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
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axelsharpx ¡ 4 years
@captdelgado @andreashaw
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