axialjoel-blog · 9 years
No… No you’re not.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
...I’m gonna steal a cat. 
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
AxialCat would destroy the office, so no.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
Things I want: cat
Things I can’t have because SOMEONE won’t bring theirs to work: cat
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
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Muppet Neck; Requested by → ???
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
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Joel will get it together one day
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
...bring it on, kid. 
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
...he started it. 
Why are we fighting. Why this.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
Look, I'm not saying I would voluntarily beat a blind man half to death, but.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
Aren't you blind, though? How the fuck are you gonna sneeze in someone's mouth if you can't find their mouth? 
If anyone bothers me today I’ll sneeze in their mouth I don’t give a fuck.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
[Text]: … Nah.
[Text]: I have a boyfriend that actually shows up in pictures. What about you?
[text]; You are. You're so fucking creepy.
[text]; ...
[text]; This isn't fair. 
Text to Caboose
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
[text]; ...
[text]; you're a fucking creep
Text to Caboose
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
[text]; Do I really want to know
[text]; what the fuck did you do
Text to Caboose
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
rooster teeth + og5
"I would say that I can’t think of a better group of people to spend ten years with, but I probably can." x
credit to count3d for the photos
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
No, yeah, I noticed. 
I’m too busy in AHS to notice that there is life around me.
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axialjoel-blog · 9 years
it's always cloudy except for when you look in to the past (i/?) || a drabble
The pictures in his mind arose and began to breathe.
He doesn't remember the first one...or the second one. Or even the third one, if he's being quite honest. What he does remember, though, is not sleeping. Ever. He would joke, as he grew older, that he was actually a vampire. That no, he didn't need to sleep, anyway. Sleep was for the weak...and those who didn't have terrifying nightmares when they weren't even sleeping.
Well, no. That wasn't quite right. They weren't actually nightmares, not really. Nightmares would involve them not coming true...but kids didn't realize this. They never did. Who would ever expect a child to understand that the visions they were having in broad daylight, in the middle of the fucking day time, were actually of the future? Hell, not even those around him understood it. Nobody could figure out why this perfectly healthy, perfectly normal little boy was randomly blacking out, only to come to to babble on and on about something he had seen within the darkness. 
They thought he was crazy. He couldn't tell you how many times he was taken to the doctor, or the hospital, or a psychiatrist...only to be told that there was nothing wrong with him. Maybe he had anxiety, maybe he was depressed. Maybe he just needed more attention. These were the things he heard when he was young, when he was just learning about all the world around him. Unlike others, who were making friends, trying to keep  those social connections and relationships afloat, Joel was trying to figure out his...special ability, as he had come to call it. 
By the time that high school rolled around, the visions had become more and more frequent. The amount of times that he either didn't show up to class or ended up just leaving was pretty damn high considering he still passed...most of his classes with a fairly decent grade. What could he say, he still wanted to succeed. No...weird visions or whatever they were could stop him from achieving his goals which, at this point, mostly just included graduating from high school. Which he did, might he add. Never forget. 
As time marched on, the visions came and went. He learned that they had no real rhyme or reason (he did notice that they mostly included big, general events or things that would hit close to home - he learned this the hard way numerous times; sometimes, he wishes that he could tell his friends that he almost stopped it, that he could have helped them. Sometimes, he wishes he could just fucking apologize.). He also learned that events that were far off would come through as blurry, vague, where as things that were very close would come in as vivid, clear as day. He learned that the point of view could change. He learned that voices, voices were important. He learned streets in different cities, cities in different states. He learned landmarks that were only really landmarks in his own mind - a grey house, a murder of an entire family happened there. A busy intersection, a three way accident that took four lives and injured three others. An old and dusty church, a young couple married. A bridesmaid was giving the groom looks that were...pretty damn inappropriate. Sometimes, Joel wonders what ever happened to that little group.
He learned to not care about his visions; there wasn't much that he could do to help anything that he saw. Not really, anyway. And so, he tried to ignore them, to just...go about his life just as he had planned to do. He wanted to be an actor; childhood dreams bloomed in to this becoming an actual goal of his, and he was actually pretty successful...for a bit. This was all before he was at a gig, a smaller one, one that would have been fucking easy money, when he had one of his dreaded visions. The vision itself was of little importance, but blacking out with no explanation as to why (plus his added panic about the entire fiasco - hey, how was he to explain to a bunch of strangers that he saw the future sometimes? Yeah, he fucking wouldn't, that's how.), it did not help him get anywhere. And with this, he decided to give up. He could...he could surely find other work, right?
Soon after, he found the love of his life.
Okay, well not really.
He did, however, meet a man who just...randomly, out of the blue, came up to him and asked him about his power. Now, Joel had had a vision of this man weeks and week prior. He never saw a face, as the vision was from this stranger's point of view,  but he had heard a voice. And when this man came up to him saying some stupid joke about seeing the future, Joel knew that this guy was going to make his life a complete fucking nightmare. And he thought he had nightmares as a kid...
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