axlegrace-blog · 7 years
Reasons for tomorrow’s TUESDAYitis
I know I am already breaking the rules of my own blog ... that I made all of ten minutes ago, but today is the last day of school holidays, so really today feels like a Sunday. 
I have managed to jam a lot into two weeks but I THINK I am ready to go back. Let’s see what I think about that tomorrow. Holy Cow, where do I begin!?!
I think the most noteworthy thing I need to mention here is that I bought a FREAKING wedding dress!! Can I just say, that I did so in the best freakin’ way possible. I flew to Queensland with my mum and my two best friends to go and check out two amazing bridal stores. Really we went up for one dress, it was called the Alexandra and I just needed to know whether or not it was the dress for me. It wasn’t, but now I know. The dress we ended up deciding on is nothing short of magical - that’s the word the stylist used and that majorly resonated with all four of us. It is nothing like what I had been trying on previously and I think that’s what makes it so special. For that reason all four of us are sworn to secrecy; no mention of where it comes from, no mention of what it looks like, no mention of what it is called. Can I tell you though, I am so excited to wear it! I am glad we were able to find a dress though, I can’t bare to think of how much shit I would get if we flew all the way just for “a little bit of a look”.
What made this trip even better still, is that when we returned I got to ask those two amazing girls to be my made of honour and my bridesmaid. I did so (with a little help from mum’s best friend) in poem form and give them their own white Lasting Belle. If you don’t know what a Lasting Belle is, then get on the Google search. They are roses that are set up in a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ kind of arrangement, and they last an entire year! I have no idea how they do it, but can I tell you they are amazing! Given, I asked them on the 6th of April, one day and one year out from our wedding.
On the 7th, it was my turn to spoil my main man. He is constantly spoiling me and looking after me with nothing in return. So I took him on a helicopter that flew us from the Geelong Waterfront to Terindah Estate, our wedding venue. The flight was a little nerve-racking. It was blowing a gale that day and even though I didn’t show it on my face, I was well and truly “crapping my dacks”. When we got there, we were the only ones there, the only ones booked in for the day. They treated us to free champagne, well it’s certainly not going to be free the next time we are there, and really looked after us well. Being there just majorly solidified to us why we had chosen Terindah. 
Furthermore exposing myself to cuteness these holidays, the in-laws got a new puppy. His name is Colby (after a Survivor contestant not the cheese) and he is a Golden Retriever. He is such a cute little fluff ball. He is happy to be on or near any one and loves to play around. Safe to say that my Easter long weekend was spent snuggling that little face til my heart was content. 
Other times during these holidays were spent with friends at the Footy (during a hideous down pour might I add), going to the movies to see Fast and the Furious 8, going out for dinner, eating lots, going to a beautiful wedding of a beautiful friend and just relaxing. I have got to say that I have done a horribly minimal amount of work these holidays and today on the day I decide to do something, I fall ill. But i actually feel semi-human again. 
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axlegrace-blog · 7 years
oh hey!
Thanks for tuning in to the first edition of my blog posts. I have no idea how long this is going to last but hey, it’s worth a shot right? Knowing me it won’t last long and given that I am going into two weeks of parent-teacher-interviews chances of continuation are pretty low. 
I am planning on having themes for each day of the week and depending on what day I post will obviously dictate what type of blog I am going to write. These are my ideas; 
Sunday - The reasons for tomorrow’s Mondayitis - things I have been up to over the weekend that I don’t want to end.
Monday - Memory Monday - Cos who does flashback Friday any more? Things I want to look back on and talk about
Tuesday - Teacher Tuesday - Stories and things going on in my teacher world
Wednesday - Whinging Wednesday - Things that are just grinding my gears
Thursday - Timewarp - Things that are or may be coming up in the future
Friday - That’s a wrap - Positive vibes and fab things that have got me through the week
Saturday - Styling Saturday - Things that have caught my eye, that I think are worth sharing
None of the stuff will be edited and it will just be as I write, so feel free to read or don’t. It’s more just for me to get stuff down and keep my written ramblings in one place. 
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