axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
My mom had her first chemo treatment on Thursday, and has been incredibly sick. Sorry I haven't been around. I will always take care of this amazing, loving, and extremely brave woman first. I'll be back as soon as I can. So sorry, guys.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I'm so sorry, guys. I'm in the process of moving, and with everything going on in my family, I'm seriously lacking time right now >.< I'll do replies tomorrow. I promise.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I’m so bored and about to start replies…
Edit: I only have two replies. I may do them tomorrow.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I fixed the ask problem... So Gunnar and Patryk are open, now! I’m on a computer, so lemme link their ask pages.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
Do you think you should stay in Switzerland after the attack?
“No, I don’t. Addie and I will be leaving as soon as we can, as long as I can talk that stubborn woman into it...I only have my daughter, and she is too young to rule Germany. I won’t risk the Queen or myself.”
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I'm on mobile, but you can send asks to my babies (Axl, Ailis, Eden, Gunnar, and Patryk) on their pages... don't know if they all have links, but /ask will get you there!
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
Would any of you want plots with a Katie McGrath face? I'm still trying to decide on who I should bring in.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I’m off to bed, then tomorrow I will answer starters with my babies. I’m also thinking of bringing in another female... Any FC ideas?
I suck at picking FC’s... >.>
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
So… I just need to share a little for a second, and I can’t share it on Facebook so I’m going to share with you guys. My husband was diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma about two years ago. They removed his right eye and he has been fine ever since, other than the occasional doctor visit for a knot in his spleen. My mother had breast cancer 18 years ago. They treated it and it went away. Then about nine years ago, she found out she had rectal cancer. They treated that, and it also went away. Last month my mom was rediagnosed with breast cancer, and is having a double mastectomy very soon… This afternoon we found out that there is a strong possibility that my sister may also have breast cancer… I am so close to my family, and I feel like I’m falling apart… so just remember me, guys, and please be patient with me. I’m about to start a move, and I also have a two year old, so what spare time I do have I use to do replies and spend time with my husband. I love you all.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
I've been rewatching The Tudors trying to calm my nerves, but I'll be on later to do starters. Let me know if you want starters with my babies!
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
@emperor-jin I wanna say no, but no one is really participating… so maybe. You guys put so much work into this event tho
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
Dimitri had been awake, his mind full when he tried to sleep. He’d been in his office working on papers when things started. His first thought had been run to find Vivenne but he couldn’t get past where he was. He’d taken a sword off one of the dead bodies and had been fighting towards his room. The sound of Axl’s voice he ran towards the German king. “Have you seen Vivenne?”
Axl heard his brother-in-law’s voice, his words causing his eyes to widen as he shook his head quickly. “No, I haven’t seen Viv. Were you not with her when all of this started?” He was distracted momentarily by a hard bump to his left side, turning to find the body of a German soldier slumping to the ground beside him. He thrust his sword through the chest of the man who had taken down his guard, then turned back to Dimitri. “I can only hope that she got away. I haven’t seen Addie since I sent her away, either.”
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
Showering, then coming for replies! I have sooooooo many head cannons… *sigh*
Edit: My husband had other ideas… like dragging my ass to bed since I’ve got to get up at 6am and make a long ass drive. So replies tomorrow. Definitely.
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
Axl had been woken up to a hard fist pounding against his door, all the screaming alerting him to what was happening in the castle. Kissing Addie gently, he pushed her out the door toward safety, then ran out toward the courtyard. When he arrived, the enemy was everywhere, and he secretly wished that he’d had more time to put on more than just his pants. “Let’s try to hold these bastards off for as long as we can!” He yelled to the German men that fought around him, then turned to the others at his side. “Where the hell did these people come from?!”
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
“No, No. You dont’ have to call me majesty. Seriously, you called me Addie, days ago.” She cried, smacking her forehead with her hand. She’d been arguing with her ladies for a while. This whole being Queen thing was stressful. “Please will you just listen to me. You don’t have to – No you don’t have to curtsy either.” As one of her ladies pointed she turned to find her husband. “Axl. For the love of all that is holy, make them stop.” 
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As Axl walked into the room with his new wife, he raised a brow, holding in his laughter as he leaned against the wall and watched her with her ladies. The women weren’t making this easy for the new Queen, and when he couldn’t keep his laughter hidden any longer, he made his presence known in the room. When Addie turned around, he pressed his hand to her lower back, waving his hand gently and watching as the ladies left the room. “Addie, love, you have to remember that you’re in charge. If you want them to stop, you have to tell them to stop... Tell them to find something to do, but make it known that you are dismissing them.”
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
“A night of drunken revelry, I shall look most forward to it. And I think you mean prove again! I have done it many times and ill do it many times again, including today. I’m sure I cannot be an interesting friend, unless you stretch the meaning of that word” He smiled in a teasing way at his friends discomfort “ Well with the way today going you might have to wait more than a day for your sight to clear, that on have some one else write it” He joked and then uttered a few words of thanks as a servant made her way over to them to them, jug of Ale in hand. “So do I! It would be hard to share drinks with a headless corpse” he said sipping from his refilled tankard.
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Axl felt like they had been there for most of the night, and honestly, he had missed talking with his friend. He hadn’t realized that he had been away for so long. “I would rather not stretch the word, no.” Chuckling at his friend, he nodded his head and drank deep from his refilled glass. He knew he was going to get drunk quickly this time, due to the fact that he hadn’t been drinking in quite some time. “Addie is damn good with a sword... Maybe I should be more worried about that.”
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||Strange Territory|| {Open}
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
The German Queen
Adalynn: She felt so nauseous. She hated big things, hated eyes on her like this. It reminded her of being paraded around in front of everyone. Her hands shook as her ladies handed her the bouquet and finished fixing her veil in place. She managed to take a few deep breaths before the Choir began to sing and the doors were swung open wide. She heard the rustling of everyone moving and turning, but her eyes were fixed on Axl. This was about them, becoming his wife, loving him. Each step made her heart beat faster and she could feel the tears of happiness. As she reached him she reached out for his hand, the shaking of hers visible as she met his eyes. "Only a few more steps and then we're alone." She told him, offering him a asmile.
AxlHapsburg: He felt like he had been waiting a lifetime for this, and here it was, finally happening. It felt like he couldn't breathe, he was so nervous and his palms were sweating. He knew the time was coming, unable to tear his eyes away from the door in fear of missing the first glimpse of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in her wedding dress. When the doors open, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes, blowing out a huff of air from his inflated cheeks to keep them from falling from his eyes. She looked like an angel, and she was his. Every step she took felt like it was miles long, and as she finally reached him, all he wanted to do was take her in his arms. Smiling, he wiped his cheek, removing the traitorous tear that had fallen before he spoke in soft tones. "Thank God."
Adalynn: She took his hand, squeezing tightly. "Just keep me grounded." She told him. She walked up the steps with him, trembling at all the people staring at her back. As they stopped and she turned to face him Her smile wide. 'I love you.' She mouthed, as the priest started. "Welcome..." Addie sighed biting her lip as they waited. 'I'm scared' she mouthed, hoping that he understood.
AxlHapsburg: Axl led her up the stairs, shaking his head as she said she was scared, squeezing her hand gently. 'Don't be', he mouthed back to her, and he tiurned toward the priest, listening to him drone on and on. He had wanted a shorter ceremony, but that apparently wasn't going to happen. The priest asked if he took her to be his wife, and without hesitation, Axl nodded his head with a loud "I do" leaving his lips. Soon, it came time for the vows, and Axl turned to Addie, a beaming smile on his face. "Addie, I have loved you since I was old enough to know what love was. Through everything, all of the pain that we've endured apart, I can't believe we have finally reached this point in our lives that we can be with each other freely. You are my heart, my life... You are the air that I breathe and I cannot imagine my life without you in my arms. You will never want for anything, and I will take care of you first and foremost in my life. I love you so much, Adalynn, and I am so happy, and proud, to have you as my Queen."
Adalynn: She nodded when he mouthed that she shouldn't be. It helped some, knowing that she was there with him. She listened to the priest and as he asked her about consenting she faced him, meeting his eyes. "I do." Her voice was firm and strong. As the priest told her she coudl say her vows she handed off her bouquet and lifted her veil. "Axl, you have literally been the one man in my heart. There has never been another that I have loved more than you. We have been through so much, you have loved me even when you shouldn't. Even knowing my background you accept me and you want me and I can never tell you how grateful that makes me. I promise you that I will love you, that you will have my heart and that you will be the only man to have my heart, body and soul from this day forward. You are more than my King, you are the King of my heart and my life. I will be the best wife and Queen that I can be. I love you more than life itself, and I am proud to be your Queen, even if I do mess up."
AxlHapsburg: Her vows made him smile broadly, his hand reaching for hers as the priest said that it was time for the rings. He pulled the ring he had purchased for her out of a pouch hidden in his shirt, listening as the priest spoke, then clearing his throat as he repeated the words to Adalynn. "I give you, whom I love above all others, this ring as a symbol of our love and marriage. You were my yesterday, you are my today, you will be my tomorrow. All that I am I give to you." He meant every word, unable to look away from her beautiful eyes. She would be his wife, and then, her coronation would make her his queen.
Adalynn: Addie couldn't stop the smile on her face. She was giddy, any nerves she had before washing away. She took his ring from her lady, and repeated the words teh priest told her. "I give you, whom I love above all others, this ring as a symbol of our love and marriage. You were my yesterday, you are my today, you will be my tomorrow. All that I am I give to you." As the ring settled on his finger she looked up at him, biting her bottom lip. The priest said a small prayer before " You may kiss yoru bride."
AxlHapsburg: As she placed the ring on his finger, he slid hers on her own took a deep breath, widening his eyes at her to show her just how nervous he had been, a huff of air leaving his lungs. He closed his eyes for the prayer, but he couldn't pay attention to a word the man said, his thoats elsewhere. Finally, the priest said it was time to kiss his girl, and he wrapped his arms around her, his lips meeting hers, but the kiss was over too soon, because anything longer would be inappropriate. Leaning in, he whispered softly in her ear, his lips teasing the lobe as he spoke. "It's about time we got here. I love you, Addie."
Adalynn: The kiss was much to brief for her, but it still meant that she was his. After so many years she was his. She chuckled, "it only took you eight years. I love you too." She teasedhim before the priest was pulling her away for her coronation. She knelt, listening to the prayers and all the words he had to say. She hadn't been groomed to be a queen, she wasn't even sure if this was the right choice for Axl to be making. She was so lost she didn't hear him prompt her the first time and jumped a little when he cleared his throat. "oh! I, Adalynn Siobhan Kinloch, do solemnly swear to be a good Queen to the people of Germany as the Lord, our God commands. I swear to have their best interests at heart and to do as is proper. I swear to take on all teh duties and responsibilites as Queen and to do them to the best of my ability. Amen." The priest spoke again, anointed her forehead, and placed the crown of the Queen of Germany on her head. She could feel her hand shaking as she stood and was guided to Axl. "I present to you King Axl Alaric Hapsburg of Germany and his Queen, Adalynn Eloise Kinloch."
AxlHapsburg: Axl was about to kiss his wife once more, but the priest whisked her away for her coronation much too soon for his liking. It was strange to watch the coronation, because he hadn't been sure he would ever have a queen, but here she was, the woman he had been so in love with for so many years. Once the priest lead her back to him, he linked his fingers with hers and looked toward his people gathered in the room. His Queen. Addie was his Queen.
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