ayannamachikan · 4 years
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5.11.19 Using one shakespearean quote and 5 different fonts we had to create a poster. The saying i chose is ‘Beware the Ides of March’ which was taken from julius Caesar. The fonts used were: Chalkduster, CF glitch city regular, linglenglang, Arial black and Bradley hand bold. This poster was created in Adobe Illustrator.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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For this page i chose the phrase ‘Yuh cyah play mas if yuh fraid powder’, which means means not to get involved in something controversial if you can’t handle criticism. The fonts used for this were in this page design were: Tegami and Trali-vali. A gradient was used as the background to illustrate the liveliness of the phrase and since mas is associated with alot of colour i chose to go with a colourful background. However the feedback recieved was that a solid colour might have been more suitable for this page design as it makes it look more professional. The restrictions faced were that no visuals or vector images could have been used.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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For this page i chose to do this chapter on the saying ‘Any time is Trinidad time’. The following fonts were used: Tegami (For the chapter title), Apple chancery (For the chapter number) and Geosans light (for the body of text). The heading of the chapter was done in the colours, red, black and white to replicate the colours of the Trinidad flag. The black background was done to make the words on the page pop however, it was later noted that using black for the background was not the best choice as it is quite costly to print an entire page in black and therefore the better option might’ve been to leave the background of the page white. The page however is still understandable to the reader and sticks to the theme of ‘Trinidad’. The restrictions faced were that no visuals or vector images could have been used.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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For this page, i chose to use the phrase ‘Anytime is trini time’ which is commonly used as an excuse by Trinis who are late to a party or to the office. A black background was used accompanied by a red and red white gradient for the colours of the fonts, to represent the colours of Trinidad and Tobago. It was only later noted that using black as the background for this page might not have been the best option, as printing an entire page black can be quite costly. The better option might’ve been to keep the background of the page white. The fonts used for this page were ‘Tegami’ and ‘Apple Chancery.’ These fonts were chose as it created a very carefree feeling. It is both understandable to the reader and effective. The restrictions faced were that no visuals or vector images could have been used.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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For this assignment, we had to create four pages of a book entitled ‘Trinis’ by Soleil Morris. A black background was chosen to highlight the red of the Chaconia, Trinidad’s national flower in the background. The reason this background was chosen is because i felt as though it was a good representation of Trinidad. The Fonts chosen were ‘Tegami’ and ‘Motive Bold Condensed’. The cover for the book was put together in Adobe Illustrator. An image trace had been run on the picture to give it a more rustic look. White text chosen for the front cover was chosen to catch the readers’ attention. The background image was found on the following website https://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelpascal/5922051003
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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14.11.19 The front and back cover of a book titled “The Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison was made only using text and colour. The right side of the picture displays the front cover of the book while the left shows the back cover. We were instructed to use only text, so i decided to use a simple yet effective font for the cover. When creating the back of the book i realized that it should have been a bit more spaced and the text should’ve been bigger to make it easier for the readers.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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12.11.19 Using the mesh tool on illustrator we created the shape of an apple using only text. A typographic poster with the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away was created with a blue gradient background.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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24.10.19 A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry which conveys a message in 17 syllables. This is the haiku that i came up with. We were then instructed to use the haiku and create a poster that reflects the message being communicated in the poem. The poster consists of a yellow orange background, a silhouette of a person looking bored and navy blue stars to give it a day dream effect. This was created in Adobe Illustrator.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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8.10.19 Using lyrics from a favorite song we created a poster. The poster was created in Adobe illustrator. The song chosen was ‘pineapple skies’ by MIguel. The lyrics were placed in the center and enclosed by a circle while two pineapples were placed at the edges of the page, all placed on a soft pink and white background to create a light feeling.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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29.10.19 The task given was to create a magazine layout and use a picture to visually represent the word “joyous.” This was created in Adobe Indesign. The art was used as a layout for the design of the pictures and text would be placed. 
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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29.10.19 Using the pen tool, in Illustrator, we created letters that correctly described the words given (to the extreme left of the page), gave a description of the word and drew the letter accordingly. The purpose of this exercise was to test our understanding of the anatomy of typography.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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5.11.19 Using effects in Illustrator a font was created. I used the arch effect that i thought would be suited for the poster in mind that we later had to create. The entire alphabet was created, both capital and common letters. The font i created was called ‘Arch text’
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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7.11.19 Using the fork font created, a poster was made in Photoshop. It comprises of a phrase saying “save the ocean” accompanied by a background of the ocean.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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7.11.19 This exercise was done in photoshop. We created the alphabet using a plastic object. The objects chosen were forks. They were all placed in a specific manner to form each letter of the alphabet. This fork font would later be used to create a poster.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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5.11.19 using a created font, ‘Arch text,’ made in illustrator a poster was created to show how the text could be used. The poster consists of the phrase “Save the turtles” which uses the arch text font, accompanied by a background of a turtle under the sea.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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24.10.2019 A typographic logo was created using only text and colour of our names. Two different fonts were chose along with a colour of choice (teal) for the background.
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ayannamachikan · 5 years
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31.10.19 We were told to choose a fairytale to recreate a typographic book cover design. The story was then shortened into the three following pages each using different fonts. The story was chosen and using only text and colour it was recreated. The fonts used for the pages were chosen due its childlike look. This was created in Adobe Illustrator. The blue yellow and orange colours for the front of the book were chosen to create a soft and childlike feel.
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