ayasugi-san · 3 years
Batman Beyond Rebirth retconned most of the previous comics’ continuity and some of the best parts of the original series. It’s just fair that now it’s being retconned.
Anyway, most of what you talk about was already practically erased by the run itself. Terry and Melanie’s relationship disappeared when Melanie was shoved aside once Elainna showed up to be the Token Young Woman. Terry had no character development, just sudden characterization swerves. Matt ended the series the same place he started, the gee-whiz kid commentary by Bruce’s side as if he’d never been Robin. Rebirth even wasted aging up the characters, as it practically had everyone in stasis. The main change was that now that Terry wasn’t in high school he didn’t have a life outside of Batman.
As awesome as Batman Beyond: Neo-Year looks, I hate how they seem to be completely retconing all of the Rebirth Batman Beyond comics (one of the few good things that Rebirth created). They show all of the characters looking younger and even show his mom (who was dead prior to the Rebirth comics even starting). They’re getting rid of a ton of really amazing character development. I despise this retcon so much, it seems like they making it so that Terry’s back in high school.
They better not be retconing it solely so they can have Terry and Dana get back together, while completely erasing Terry and Melanie’s relationship at the same time.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Hot take: Dana should have found out about Terry being Batman and stepped up as his confidant. She understood him better even without knowing his secret.
Hot take, though it's probably been said before:
Terry McGinnis and Max should have been the official couple since she found out his secret instead of it being Daina.
Terry and Max had a Ton more chemistry than he and Daina ever did on the show, plus he wouldn't need to come up with an excuse all the time.
At least that's my opinion.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Anyone else think this could be a good Jane Foster love song?
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
How he looked in the mid-credits scene of Thor + how he looked and acted at the start of Avengers + The Other’s very thinly veiled threat of torture if Loki failed with the strong implications that Loki had previously felt pain at Thanos’s hands before and what was being threatened would be even worse.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
I think it could’ve worked as being about Gothel if we’d had more of Blue Tiri brainwashing Cass and convincing her it all came back to Gothel. Sort of like inducing Stockholm Syndrome on Cass, but aimed towards someone who’s dead and Cass never knew.
I also think Cass’s fixation on Gothel is probably an artifact of her original character conception, which apparently was evil all along and knew she was Gothel’s daughter and wanted revenge for that, but had doubts once she got to know Rapunzel.
Honestly, I hated the whole "Evil Cassandra" storyline, mainly because she was directing her anger at the wrong people. She shouldn't have attacked Rapunzel simply because Gothel chose her over her own daughter. She shouldn't have attempted to murder Eugene or trapped Varian because she wouldn't listen to him.
I think the whole narrative could have been handled much better, in general. When Cass took the Moonstone at the end of S2, I thought it was a great twist, and I couldn’t wait to see the justification or how it would pan out. And then the premier of S2 just filled me with dread and disgust.
It should never have been about Gothel.
Even with Gothel as her biological mother (which she shouldn’t have been, that was a really dumb move on their part imo), Cassandra had been displaying reasons all along why she might do this, and those reasons, while touched on, were largely overshadowed by the scapegoat reasoning about Gothel. If Gothel had been the straw that broke the camel’s back, but then basically ignored for the rest of the season, I’d have been more okay with it. If Cassandra hadn’t waffled back and forth all season, but ultimately decided over and over that hurting Rapunzel was the way to go, it would have been a stronger story. If she’d owned being evil all along, I’d have been more than cool with it. But the whole thing was handled so sloppily that it gave me the opposite reaction than they wanted: instead of me feeling sympathetic towards Cass, I was just endlessly frustrated and annoyed at every move she made.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Y’know, I find it disappointing that Loki never brought up Odin stashing the Tesseract on Earth in order to put the blame for his invasion at Odin’s feet. My AU Loki definitely would’ve done that if things had fallen apart, and would bring up how he got the Tesseract off of Earth once he learned that a greater power was targeting the planet because of its presence as an example of him doing more to protect Earth than the All-Father has.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Actually, thinking about, morality for pretty much everyone else works on “oh look I’m gonna die doing one heroic thing and call that redemption”, only without even necessarily having to die. The biggest example is Asgard itself. It can be built on conquest and slavery, can stay on top thanks to ruling its conquered realms with an iron fist and call it “keeping the peace”, but once it’s destroyed (by a problem it caused), everything’s forgiven! Even though its destruction doesn’t benefit its victims one bit and even ensures that they’ll never get back what Asgard stole from them.
the best thing about ragnarok is that it doesnt do the whole "oh look I'm gonna die doing one heroic thing and call that redemption" for loki. it actually gives him time to do good and prove that he can be better than the worst things he's done.
like if fans hadn't been so upset with his originally plotted death in the dark world, he would have just done one good thing, died, and then never actually do anything to make up for the wrongs he committed.
ragnarok actually let's him do good. he focuses on rebuilding asgard and puts emphasis on public works instead of focusing on war and fighting after odin was ready to let everything be destroyed in tdw. he doesnt kill odin as tdw implies he did, he left odin in a place where he would be taken care of even if he was stripped of his powers. loki helps save the people of asgard. and he goes back to help thor in the aftermath of asgard's destruction instead of fucking off and just doing his own thing.
ragnarok allows loki to grow in a way that the "big heroic action immediately followed by death" scenes in tdw and iw didnt. and i just love that because loki wasn't a good person prior to ragnarok. he reacts to learning that odin and frigga have lied to him his whole life by plotting the genocide of his actual people. he doesnt fight the dark elves with thor out of the goodness of his heart in tdw, he does it because he wants revenge and then he tricks thor into thinking that he died and takes control of asgard (and yes, I did say that he did good things while he was pretending to be odin but the way he got to that point was awful). his actions during the avengers may not have been of his own free will, but ultimately he did hurt people and he does need to atone for that even if all of the responsibility doesnt fall on his shoulders. but in ragnarok we actually see him taking steps to be a good person. there's no expectation that he'll be forgiven because he died for someone else. expectations like that are just huge cop outs. redemption and atonement take work. death gets you out of work and doesn't give anyone a real reason to forgive you.
it really is too bad that it was decided infinity war would just repeat his lackluster storyline from the dark world instead of building on the awesome foundation taika waititi gave us
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
I see them as like fate sisters through the Gothel connection. Their fates were entwined as soon as Gothel stole Rapunzel. And for the worst for most of their lives.
People who see Rapunzel and Cassandra as sisters through the concept of found family: I don’t agree, but you do do
People who see Rapunzel and Cassandra as sisters through their connections to Mother Gothel: HOLY FUCKING YIKES!?
Imagine putting kidnapping on the same level as adoption.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Not much chance of them interacting; the last time female characters interacted with each other without being prompted to by a male character was at the end of the Scarecrow Beyond arc, when Melanie recognized Dana as part of the Batman hate mob and didn’t get she was brainwashed. Which means that the last time female characters had positive interactions was probably the Batgirl Beyond issue, and both Max and Nissa vanished without a trace after it.
f*** terry mcginnis
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i said what i said
 let them interact with each other @ dc make them girlfriends 
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
But so funny!!1!! You just don’t get Kiwi humor!11 Also finally gay representation in MCU!!!!11!
this has been bugging me since the movie came out and I’m finally gonna say it:
taking a character who’s based on a rape victim in mythology and having him pimp himself out to avoid being thrown into a cage match is, uh, really fucking shitty
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
It just occurred to me that paleolithic cave paintings wouldn’t just excite Rapunzel, they’d probably make her cry. Because she’d look at these walls, at this ceiling, and she’d see a journal. She’d see herself. She’d see the life she leads and she’d recognize that a part of her taps into this ancient, raw need to create and to tell your story on any surface that will hold it. She’d marvel in the art style and the limited colors based on what they’d discovered, and she’d know in her heart that she belongs with these creators, these storytellers, these prehistoric people who were shaped by the world around them, who grew and learned and sought greater knowledge to make life better for themselves.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
“She's not used to the idea of being given what she asks for, particularly when it comes to responsibility. She's got centuries of thinking she needs to trick her way into importance to unlearn.”
Inside Loki’s inferiority superiority complex. (Female pronouns because bodyswap event and current body is female.)
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Loki has been more identity issues than solid identity since the start and it’s time that gets treated seriously by canon. #LetHimDiscoverWhoHeIsRatherThanHavingHisIdentityDictatedByOthers
I tend to be pessimistic about anything MCU related these days, but this sounds really promising and like Waldron really does understand what Loki’s character is about - So yeah, I’m definitely excited for the show!
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
I RP him as not really regretting it. After all, he’d only just found out Laufey was his father, had been told all his life that Frost Giants were violent monsters who should be killed before they killed others, and Laufey had jumped at the chance to murder Odin, which fits in perfectly with what Loki was told. He has some vague regrets that he’ll never know whether Laufey would’ve been a better father to him than Odin, and a nagging feeling that Odin’s death would’ve satisfied him more than Laufey’s, but it’s all mostly abstract.
Do you think Loki ever regret killing Laufey? That eventually it weighed him down that he was responsible for the death of his biological father? Especially after he also felt responsible for the losses of Odin and Frigga aswell, even though they were more indirect of his own actions?
All the parental figures in his life were gone because of him. And I think with that deleted scene in Infinity War(Endgame? idk anymore) where Loki was seen hiding on Jotunheim alone? I think if he could have, he would have went to Laufey and gotten his protection. But instead he'd killed him, made enemies with the Jotun, leaving him to fend for himself. Because he went back to Jotunheim, back where he was born, because it was the only place he felt safe, the only place he could call home for what little it was worth.
idk where I was going with this, but I just,, poor Loki has so much regret probably holding him down, that he never got a chance to express. He deserved better.
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
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"Over the centuries I've taken the form of whatever suits my needs. A warlock, a demon, even a blizzard."
Zhan Tiri! From tiny gremlin to terrifying demon form, she's been the most fun to make! 🤣
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
Session is over (except for endgame), and he ended up being less dramatic about it than I thought. More put out by the lack of magic and with derisive remarks about human frailty, but he did try to focus on what (little) he could do. Also “I’m gonna burn this place to the ground” came up in the OOC chat and would’ve been entirely appropriate and very much deserved for the owners of the place he was exploring.
Inspired by my RP game’s upcoming bodyswap event
Loki after Thor’s banishment ends: What a joke, Thor spent a few days away from home, how is that a punishment?
Loki after spending five minutes as a human: THIS IS THE WORST EVER how did Thor stand it for days Odin was a sadist to inflict this on his son
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ayasugi-san · 4 years
That’s canon, this is an AU Loki who was never imprisoned, and he’s not being punished by becoming human, it’s just how the trial works. And he’s definitely being overdramatic considering that his closest friend there is a pony who arrived stuck in a human body with no memories and no idea why she was human. Plus he’ll still have his magic and might even be able to put up an illusion of his normal appearance, and he’ll likely know that it’s temporary and he’ll be back to his own body once the mission is over.
EDIT: Turns out Loki won’t have his magic. He will be in an even worse mood. Poor guy.
Inspired by my RP game’s upcoming bodyswap event
Loki after Thor’s banishment ends: What a joke, Thor spent a few days away from home, how is that a punishment?
Loki after spending five minutes as a human: THIS IS THE WORST EVER how did Thor stand it for days Odin was a sadist to inflict this on his son
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