ayejlaw · 10 years
Nick just wanted Jennifer to get back on track with their daughter before anything else happened. I hand been a long time and the girl had missed a lot and she should really know everything about the little girl before they even thought about them-self. “Yeah really helps cope.” he said to her. Nick walked towards the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water before he grabbed the pills. He popped two in his mouth before he took a sip.  
Nick walked back to the music room. “I am sorry to hear that.” he said. Nick walked back over to the couch and sat down. “Harmony was in the hospital for a few days because of a fever, but since then she seems to have been in good health.” he told her. Nick did not wanted to alarm Jen, but he had to tell her because that fact was important.
Jennifer thought about what Nick said and how it helped him cope. She couldn't think of what helped her cope. She always felt as though everything was stuck to her back no matter where she went or what she did. The girl was confused, and hoped coming back was for the better and wouldn't make things worse. 
The girl shrugged, not caring about herself. Jen's eyes dropped hearing his words before she shook her head. "How long ago was this?" she almost whispered, looking up at him. She felt like a terrible mother, she knew she was a terrible mother. She wasn't even there for her own daughter. "I'm not what anyone expected of me. Or what I expected of myself at all."
Some Time Together | Jen and Nick
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ayejlaw · 10 years
Nick chewed on his lip. He always been tight lipped about his lyrics until they were ready. That is how Nick alway been even when had been with the Jonas Brothers. “Just some songs. Nothing is really fished yet.” he said to her. Nick placed his computer back on the desk. “When they are ready I might sing them to you.” he said to her. Nick mostly did not want anyone to know how he felt in the moment. “My deepest thoughts are my thoughts right now.” he said.
Over the years Nick’s allergies seemed to get get worse and worse. It seemed that that year his allergies had been at an all time worse. “Yeah actually I think I need some.” he said to her. Nick pressed his lips together as I thought. “I don’t think they have ever been as bad as they been this year.” he said,
Giving him a small grin, she nodded, "That sounds nice." Listening to him, Jen nodded, rubbing her head. She wanted to know how Nick felt but knew it was none of her business now. Nick was one of the most emotional guys she'd ever met- in a good way. He'd always know what she was feeling and be open about his emotions.
"Yeah. Mine have been terrible too.. Has Harmony gotten sick?" Jen asked him, getting up from her spot on the couch and leaning against the wall. 
Some Time Together | Jen and Nick
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ayejlaw · 10 years
Nick pressed his lips together when he finished the song that he started to sing. He opened his computer to write more of a song that he’d been working on. It had been about his relationship of himself and Jen. He never wanted to end things with her, he still loved her very much, but at that time it had gone all wrong and that had been the only thing that Nick could think of. If she had been around Nick would of tired to make things work like his mother taught him.
When Nick heard a knock on the door he looked up. “Uh, yeah. Just a song that I have been working on for the last few days.” he said to her. Nick closed his laptop then placed his guitar down on it’s rack. “Did you get everything that you had to get down?” he asked her.
Jen nodded rubbing her tired eyes before moving toward him, genuinely interested. The woman plopped on the couch next to him, testing his limits. She didn't know what boundary was between the two, so she wanted to find out. "That's cool," Jen mumbled awkwardly. She could never connect with him with his music writing, but she would always listen to the lyrics and she'd know what was on his mind. "What's it about?" 
Watching as he got up and went around the room, putting things back into their place, she nodded. "Yep. I left your claritin in the kitchen, if you want I'll go get it?" she offered him, motioning to get up. "How are your allergies anyway? Any better?" Jen knew she was being smothering, but that was just her nature.
Some Time Together | Jen and Nick
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ayejlaw · 10 years
Nick finished feeding Harmony before walking to her room while burping her. He placed his little girl in her bed before he gave her a kiss. Nick grabbed the baby monitor before he walked out of the babies room down to his music room. He had been writing songs about everything mostly for fun or just to get his mind on paper. Mostly Nick wrote to just get his feeling out. One thing for sure he would have a good album once he returned to music. 
Nick chewed on his lip as he picked up his guitar. He started to strum an old Jonas Brothers song. He smiled to himself as he started to sing a long. It had been months and he finally felt okay to sing his own music. I did not make him feel like he wanted to cry.
Jenn and Nick had decided that tonight he'd put Harmony to bed so she decided to take a hot shower. Showers helped her clear her head. She needed an open mind being back in the house that her ex husband was in and her little daughter. She couldn't help but feel the weight on her shoulders that she was the reason why her and Nick were done and why her sweet little girl had to have divorced parents. It wasn't like the two weren't civil, but it wasn't the dream she had in mind for her life. 
Wrapping a towel around herself as she got out of the steamy stall, Jenn went through her nightly routine of washing her face, brushing her teeth, moisturizing, the usual before she threw her clothes on and her hair up into a bun. Taking a walk toward the living room, she heard the usual strum of a guitar, something she'd hear nightly when her and Nick were married. A small sentimental smile climbed onto her face as she gently knocked on the door to make herself known. "Writing again?"
Some Time Together | Jen and Nick
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ayejlaw · 10 years
I am not mad at anyone. Yeah! He’s really happy.
I'm sure he is. I'm happy for them and you guys. Now Harm's got a little cousin.
Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
Yeah, LAs home.I could live with it, if I even seen your face every day.
I get you. I don't really want to be stuck somewhere either. But, at least its relaxing. 
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ayejlaw · 10 years
I wish you wouldn’t.  Nothing really just being a dad. We got a new baby in the family.
I'll get over it soon enough. It's fine. You should be mad at me. I heard! A little man, huh?
Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
You can’t be mad at your self forever.
I can for at least a while. So, what’s new with you? Might as well fill me in.
Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
It’s only going to go by fast because I want to go back to LA.
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You want to go back? What? You don't want to see my face every day? Bummer.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
Yeah that was really something that should of been thought about. We got pregnant and that changed everything.  She is just eight months she really does not know the days or anything.
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It should have been. I know she is and I know she doesn't realize it, but I do. I'm just ashamed of what I did.
Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
That won’t be for awhile.
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Yeah, but time seems to fly by when you have kids. Get prepared. 
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ayejlaw · 10 years
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Yeah. It got hard.. You started to come on and go and then finally you just left. I could not live like that anymore.
I know.. I never wanted to do that to you. I couldn't figure out what was going through my head or if I was even ready to start a family. But, I should have thought about that before I agreed to any of it. I am really sorry. But, I'm here now. I know that doesn't change anything between you and I. But, I want to fix things with her before it's too late. 
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Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
I guess she’s just supposed to sit there and suffer while she watches me.
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That's how it goes. Just wait until she can ask for some, thats when we suffer. 
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ayejlaw · 10 years
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We pulled ourself together. We did not just walk down the isle because of Harmony.
I know we did. All I was saying is she's what kept us together for the last couple of months. Walking down the isle was all us.
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Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
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... No, you can't. The texture is too thick for them yet. 
Can you give a four month old ice cream or is that a no?
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ayejlaw · 10 years
She is one of the best-things that has ever happened to me. I think that would be really cute.
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She is the best thing that's ever happened to me. She really pulled us together at one point.
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Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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ayejlaw · 10 years
I do. I remember she was born the day after my Papa Jerry died and that is why she got the middle name Gerri. I don’t think that is going to happen.
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She was a little miracle. She is a little miracle. Isn't it crazy how in a few years we'll be reminiscing on how small she is now? I know it's not, I just wish time could freeze. 
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Tis the season for colds. I am totally kidding it's just allergies.
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