aylivaa Β· 18 days
That’s great!! I’m not sure if you read the most recent chapters but they are all published until chapter 10 <333
I've decided to publish my story on Wattpad instead. It'll be less messy and confusing. Of course, I'll still keep this blog and all. But I feel like Wattpad is the better choice and it'll be easier for me… I'll publish the already finished chapters and then work on the next ones!!!
If you guys are still interested in my story this Is my wattpad username : ( @/salvatvre ) and the link to my STORY
β€” TAGGING :: @aventxsha @dxmoness @lxdymoon0357 @reneezsq @yoghurtsan @yourlocalintrovertt
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aylivaa Β· 18 days
I've decided to publish my story on Wattpad instead. It'll be less messy and confusing. Of course, I'll still keep this blog and all. But I feel like Wattpad is the better choice and it'll be easier for me… I'll publish the already finished chapters and then work on the next ones!!!
If you guys are still interested in my story this Is my wattpad username : ( @/salvatvre ) and the link to my STORY
β€” TAGGING :: @aventxsha @dxmoness @lxdymoon0357 @reneezsq @yoghurtsan @yourlocalintrovertt
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aylivaa Β· 29 days
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ᝰ ZEHN : HANGOUT m.list β€’ next chap
Zayne walked through the door of Jones’ garden house with his head bent and regretment at the same moment that he had come. Actually, he could have used his Saturday much more productively, but his close friend Adam had asked him several times to come too, and he didn't want to disappoint his friends.
But in this case, he should have simply stayed at home, because he knew that he would get incredibly bored. Ayla and Elina were already sitting on the garden chairs inside, and when Elina saw him coming through the door, she got up smiling and hugged him as a greeting. Zayne did not return her hug, but also did not push it away, as that could become very unpleasant next to the others.
Instead, he simply waited for her to break away from him and then sat down on the empty chair next to Adam, who reached his hand out to him as a greeting.
The two talked about various topics, while the others from the group of friends gradually came in and greeted those already present. Zayne reached his hand out to some of them, to others he just nodded to them, and he simply ignored certain people.
Today he was generally in a little worse mood than usual, and he wondered if his group of friends had always been like that, or if he had. Everyone talked to everyone, and yet the conversations seemed incredibly superficial and bored him.
Zayne just took a sip of his iced tea when Jones dropped on the chair next to Elina and clapped his hands. He greeted everyone and thanked them for coming when he paused and pulled his eyebrows together questioningly.
"Is Elif not here?" he asked, and Zayne felt his attention automatically turn to him. Of course, he had noticed that she was invited, but for inexplicable reasons it was already clear to him in advance that she would not appear today.
She didn't seem like the kind of person who could make friends with ease, and especially not that she would like to go to places with large groups.
"No," Elina pouted and shook the small coke bottle in her hand. "She has already said that she will be very busy moving in."
"Right," Jones nodded. "Do you actually know where she lives by now? We could go to her home as a congratulations on moving in."
"No, unfortunately not, she hasn't told me yet."
Zayne looked back and forth between the two and tried to recognize that this expression was on Elinaβ€˜s face. Ambush? But why? That wouldn't make sense. Jonesβ€˜ facial expression also seemed disappointed. All this didn't make sense, did it?
"Maybe she just has to get used to the circumstances here," Adam commented next to him and stroked through his hair. Zayne noticed that Adam was bored of the topic, and he also didn't understand why Jones was so dismayed that Elif didn't come.
They didn't know each other that well. He sat next to her in the classroom most of the time, and when she wasn't with Elina, she sat in her own place and drew.
Something about him felt annoyed that Jones talked about her so often.
The evening was so boring that Jones decided to leave shortly after eight o'clock. Most of them were gone anyway, only Alya, Elina, Adam, Jones and him were sitting in the small garden house, and the conversations also became more and more empty and wandering until Jones opened the Mira topic again.
Eventually, he really got on Zayneβ€˜s nerves with it.
"It would have been really great if she had come too."
"Yes," Elima said again and took a sip of her coke. She was the only one who had drunk that evening, which is why her words were just digressing and she sounded very exhausted, but no one wanted to get involved and tell her to stop drinking.
"We all know why Jones wanted her here so much," she added giggling and looked at Jamal, who is now literally up his ears.
Jones also laughed funny and lowered his head, and the look in his eyes disgusted Zayne.
"It's not like she would give you a chance if she had been here," he commented quietly and runned his hand through his hair when he felt all eyes turned to him. Apparently he was louder than he had thought, but that didn't bother him. After all, he had only said his opinion, nothing more.
But Jones visibly didn't find that okay at all, because for a moment his eyebrows twitched strangely, then he caught himself again and put on his smile again.
"What does that mean?" he asked and leaned back as if his position intimidated Zayne. The thought that Zayne was almost twice as tall and broad as Jones made him smile.
"Exactly what I said."
"It's not like you're entitled to her."
"I never said that," Zayne replied. "That's what you're convincing yourself right now."
"Hah," Jonesβ€˜ corner of his mouth twitched. "Why should I convince myself? I just wanted to be nice and invite her so that she has connections at school."
Zayne lowered his head laughing. He would certainly not argue with Jones, he had known this boy for almost 12 years now and knew exactly how to act whenever.
Jones wasn't the kind of person who just did others a favor and didn't expect anything in return. For every good deed he did, he expected three back. He was a shameless child, and Zayne didn't like him.
"Jones, what do you even know about her that you want to take care of her connections?"
"You can't care about that," he replied snipply now and pinched his eyes. The mood was now totally tilted and all the others who were present stared back and forth between the two. Even Adam, who could not have been less interested in it, just sat up and listened eagerly.
"You don't even know her last name, and want to ask her for a chance? Don't you think that's a little paradoxical?"
"Oh, because you know her well."
"I never said that. But I don't plan to enter into a relationship with her, unlike you."
Jonesβ€˜ face was delayed, and eventually Zanye realized that his ego was completely offended. It was no longer about Mira, it was about Jones feeling inferior next to Zayne and having Insecurities.
"You have no idea what she is like," Jones groaned now.
"Well, I know her enough to know that she would never give someone like you a chance."
"Well then, Mr. Zayne," Jones let out an uncertain laugh and Zayne could see how he began to rock his leg. "Since you know her so well, what is her favorite show for example"
"Demon Slayer," he answered, without even a moment's hesitation.
Jones' face fell, and his gaze was bitter.
"And her favorite color?"
"Khaki green."
Zayne thought of the last free period, in which the two had stayed alone in the classroom and she drew flowers the whole time, while he had written down his scraps of thought again in parallel.
She had told him out of nowhere that she liked Khaki green the most because it complimented her hazel eyes. This was also the day where Zayne looked into her eyes for the first time in clear sunlight and noticed her extraordinary color.
"And her favorite song?"
"M. by Anil Emre Daldal."
In the same free lesson in which he had experienced her favorite color, she had heard music so loudly with her headphones that Jamal had asked her to reduce the volume a little. She had completely turned off the music and then told him that she liked this song so much that she always had to turn up the volume completely to really enjoy it.
The mood in the garden house had completely vanished. Even Elina, who giggled all the time until just now, looked at Zayne with a disappointed look, who skillfully ignored her. He knew why she was looking, and he would not support her imagination by returning her gaze.
At the same moment, Zayne realized how much he had actually learned about Mira. She was actually a very talkative person, she only had to get used to the people around her once.
"I will still win her for myself, and now the topic is closed."
"Your assessment of her person is based purely on how her visuals. You don't know anything about her and only chose her as your next girlfriend because you like her very much in terms of appearance."
With these words, Zayne finally stood up. He had been here for too long and didn't feel like dealing with these people anymore. Adam also got up and straightened his glasses on his nose before he walked towards the door.
Jones also stood up and tried to stand in front of Zayne with a wide position, which effortlessly cast a shadow over him.
"She won't give you a chance," he added.
Jones laughed with one side of his mouth and then looked back as if he needed the confirmation of the other before he replied and something that made Zayne smile even more. He was really a small, embarrassing child.
"What are we betting on?"
Zayne tightened his eyebrows and shook his head: "I don't bet with you. Especially not because of something like that."
"Just say you're scared," Jones laughed now with such confidence that you might think he would conquer the world. All this was so embarrassing for Zayne that he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
"I'm not afraid, Jones. It's not about how impossible something is, but about how much I want it. And I don't want to bet on you because you're a small child who can't even have reasonable interpersonal relationships without interfering with your parents' money."
With these words, he and Adam left the garden house, and at that moment the student realized that Jones would become a very big problem in the next few weeks.
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 30 days
Ohh okay I was confused cause you didn’t interact w them 😭
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ᝰ NEUN : ARGUMENT m.list β€’ next chap
The second week of school quickly ended for Zayne and Mira. Although they had talked every now and then during class, they no longer saw each other privately.
After the relaxed introductory week at school, the students were literally overwhelmed with work and homework, which is why she already had to spend most of her time at home.
The initial euphoria of the school year was also slowly disappearing and she had settled into the everyday life of her new school. In the meantime, she knew where the rooms were, who all her teachers were and where she could find what.
But that also started the challenge of school life; she had less and less time to go out or live out her hobbies. Instead, she fought every day against the pile of homework on her desk and just when she finished, it was time to sleep.
Today was also such a day: it was Friday evening and she had been sitting on her history project for several hours, which she had to hand over next week. She was incredibly irritated and gradually all the tasks rose to her head, and she was afraid that she would leave this bad mood out on someone at home.
Just when she had decided to take a little break and ran into the kitchen to make herself a tea, her mother opened the front door humming and walked in with several shopping bags. Mira greeted her politely and then just walked past her.
The communication between her mother and her became increasingly tense, she noticed that at that moment, and she wondered how long it would take for one of them to finally break.
She put on water and already put a cup on the small worktop so that she could go back to her room until her mother blocked the door with a demonstrative movement and pointed one hand into the kitchen as if she would symbolize Mira that she should return.
Mira sighed irritatedly and pushed her mother's arm away as gently so that she could pass, but this time her mother was really serious. She didn't let go and grabbed Mira by the shoulders before she pushed her back in and closed the door behind the two.
"How much longer will we ignore each other?" she asked a moment later and brushed her hair out of her face before putting it up with a hair clip. Mira evaded her gaze and instead stared out the window while she hoped inwardly that her mother would end the conversation quickly. She didn't feel like arguing, and she didn't want to say anything that could hurt her mother.
"I have to do homework," she said when she realized that her mother didn't want to let go, but she still didn't move an inch from the spot.
"Tomorrow is the weekend, you have enough time for homework."
"But I want to do them today."
"Mira -"
For a moment, the two just stared at each other, and Mira could see the dismay in their eyes. She really didn't want to hurt her mother, but her mother should also accept that the two needed time apart.
"I would like to talk to you, but I have the feeling that you have completely closed yourself and won't let me in anymore," she remarked after a while and stepped from one foot to the other.
Mira sighed for the dozenth time that evening and lowered her head.
"I just don't want to talk about it, that's all," she replied.
"You're too hard on me," her mother replied. "As you can see, I'm trying to change some things, but you're still hanging on past things and -"
"Past things?" Mira said now horrified and leaned away from the kitchen top.
"I'm attached to past things? Mom, just a few weeks ago you were the one who passed on all my savings to my father, if you remember?"
"Mira, but I have already apologized for that!" her mother now also shouted in horror and took a step towards the young girl, who did not let herself be irritated by it.
"It doesn't matter," she replied in a calm tone. "Just because you apologized doesn't mean I forgot it right away. I'm still hurt, and that won't change anytime soon."
Mira watched her mother freeze for a moment before she caught herself and waved her hands in the air.
"Mira, I will be patient with you because this situation is very exhausting for all of us, but you can't judge me so much either."
"I want to go to my room."
"No, I want to solve this."
"I want to go to my room," she repeated, trying to walk past her mother, but her mother just didn't let her pass, which irritated the young girl even more.
Since her mother provoked the quarrel between the two, one of them would fall asleep crying tonight - with a great probability it was Mira if she did not go to her room now and thus avoided the dispute.
"You are far too hard on me," her mother repeated again. "I may have done the wrong thing, but I still always tried to be there for you and Elias."
"Yes," she interrupted her mother and tiled her head as if she could then understand her mother better, but she was far too angry, far too hurt, far too disappointed -
"But if my father hadn't just kicked you out of the house, you would still stand by him."
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 30 days
Wait did you read the recent chapters 😭
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ᝰ NEUN : ARGUMENT m.list β€’ next chap
The second week of school quickly ended for Zayne and Mira. Although they had talked every now and then during class, they no longer saw each other privately.
After the relaxed introductory week at school, the students were literally overwhelmed with work and homework, which is why she already had to spend most of her time at home.
The initial euphoria of the school year was also slowly disappearing and she had settled into the everyday life of her new school. In the meantime, she knew where the rooms were, who all her teachers were and where she could find what.
But that also started the challenge of school life; she had less and less time to go out or live out her hobbies. Instead, she fought every day against the pile of homework on her desk and just when she finished, it was time to sleep.
Today was also such a day: it was Friday evening and she had been sitting on her history project for several hours, which she had to hand over next week. She was incredibly irritated and gradually all the tasks rose to her head, and she was afraid that she would leave this bad mood out on someone at home.
Just when she had decided to take a little break and ran into the kitchen to make herself a tea, her mother opened the front door humming and walked in with several shopping bags. Mira greeted her politely and then just walked past her.
The communication between her mother and her became increasingly tense, she noticed that at that moment, and she wondered how long it would take for one of them to finally break.
She put on water and already put a cup on the small worktop so that she could go back to her room until her mother blocked the door with a demonstrative movement and pointed one hand into the kitchen as if she would symbolize Mira that she should return.
Mira sighed irritatedly and pushed her mother's arm away as gently so that she could pass, but this time her mother was really serious. She didn't let go and grabbed Mira by the shoulders before she pushed her back in and closed the door behind the two.
"How much longer will we ignore each other?" she asked a moment later and brushed her hair out of her face before putting it up with a hair clip. Mira evaded her gaze and instead stared out the window while she hoped inwardly that her mother would end the conversation quickly. She didn't feel like arguing, and she didn't want to say anything that could hurt her mother.
"I have to do homework," she said when she realized that her mother didn't want to let go, but she still didn't move an inch from the spot.
"Tomorrow is the weekend, you have enough time for homework."
"But I want to do them today."
"Mira -"
For a moment, the two just stared at each other, and Mira could see the dismay in their eyes. She really didn't want to hurt her mother, but her mother should also accept that the two needed time apart.
"I would like to talk to you, but I have the feeling that you have completely closed yourself and won't let me in anymore," she remarked after a while and stepped from one foot to the other.
Mira sighed for the dozenth time that evening and lowered her head.
"I just don't want to talk about it, that's all," she replied.
"You're too hard on me," her mother replied. "As you can see, I'm trying to change some things, but you're still hanging on past things and -"
"Past things?" Mira said now horrified and leaned away from the kitchen top.
"I'm attached to past things? Mom, just a few weeks ago you were the one who passed on all my savings to my father, if you remember?"
"Mira, but I have already apologized for that!" her mother now also shouted in horror and took a step towards the young girl, who did not let herself be irritated by it.
"It doesn't matter," she replied in a calm tone. "Just because you apologized doesn't mean I forgot it right away. I'm still hurt, and that won't change anytime soon."
Mira watched her mother freeze for a moment before she caught herself and waved her hands in the air.
"Mira, I will be patient with you because this situation is very exhausting for all of us, but you can't judge me so much either."
"I want to go to my room."
"No, I want to solve this."
"I want to go to my room," she repeated, trying to walk past her mother, but her mother just didn't let her pass, which irritated the young girl even more.
Since her mother provoked the quarrel between the two, one of them would fall asleep crying tonight - with a great probability it was Mira if she did not go to her room now and thus avoided the dispute.
"You are far too hard on me," her mother repeated again. "I may have done the wrong thing, but I still always tried to be there for you and Elias."
"Yes," she interrupted her mother and tiled her head as if she could then understand her mother better, but she was far too angry, far too hurt, far too disappointed -
"But if my father hadn't just kicked you out of the house, you would still stand by him."
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 30 days
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ᝰ NEUN : ARGUMENT m.list β€’ next chap
The second week of school quickly ended for Zayne and Mira. Although they had talked every now and then during class, they no longer saw each other privately.
After the relaxed introductory week at school, the students were literally overwhelmed with work and homework, which is why she already had to spend most of her time at home.
The initial euphoria of the school year was also slowly disappearing and she had settled into the everyday life of her new school. In the meantime, she knew where the rooms were, who all her teachers were and where she could find what.
But that also started the challenge of school life; she had less and less time to go out or live out her hobbies. Instead, she fought every day against the pile of homework on her desk and just when she finished, it was time to sleep.
Today was also such a day: it was Friday evening and she had been sitting on her history project for several hours, which she had to hand over next week. She was incredibly irritated and gradually all the tasks rose to her head, and she was afraid that she would leave this bad mood out on someone at home.
Just when she had decided to take a little break and ran into the kitchen to make herself a tea, her mother opened the front door humming and walked in with several shopping bags. Mira greeted her politely and then just walked past her.
The communication between her mother and her became increasingly tense, she noticed that at that moment, and she wondered how long it would take for one of them to finally break.
She put on water and already put a cup on the small worktop so that she could go back to her room until her mother blocked the door with a demonstrative movement and pointed one hand into the kitchen as if she would symbolize Mira that she should return.
Mira sighed irritatedly and pushed her mother's arm away as gently so that she could pass, but this time her mother was really serious. She didn't let go and grabbed Mira by the shoulders before she pushed her back in and closed the door behind the two.
"How much longer will we ignore each other?" she asked a moment later and brushed her hair out of her face before putting it up with a hair clip. Mira evaded her gaze and instead stared out the window while she hoped inwardly that her mother would end the conversation quickly. She didn't feel like arguing, and she didn't want to say anything that could hurt her mother.
"I have to do homework," she said when she realized that her mother didn't want to let go, but she still didn't move an inch from the spot.
"Tomorrow is the weekend, you have enough time for homework."
"But I want to do them today."
"Mira -"
For a moment, the two just stared at each other, and Mira could see the dismay in their eyes. She really didn't want to hurt her mother, but her mother should also accept that the two needed time apart.
"I would like to talk to you, but I have the feeling that you have completely closed yourself and won't let me in anymore," she remarked after a while and stepped from one foot to the other.
Mira sighed for the dozenth time that evening and lowered her head.
"I just don't want to talk about it, that's all," she replied.
"You're too hard on me," her mother replied. "As you can see, I'm trying to change some things, but you're still hanging on past things and -"
"Past things?" Mira said now horrified and leaned away from the kitchen top.
"I'm attached to past things? Mom, just a few weeks ago you were the one who passed on all my savings to my father, if you remember?"
"Mira, but I have already apologized for that!" her mother now also shouted in horror and took a step towards the young girl, who did not let herself be irritated by it.
"It doesn't matter," she replied in a calm tone. "Just because you apologized doesn't mean I forgot it right away. I'm still hurt, and that won't change anytime soon."
Mira watched her mother freeze for a moment before she caught herself and waved her hands in the air.
"Mira, I will be patient with you because this situation is very exhausting for all of us, but you can't judge me so much either."
"I want to go to my room."
"No, I want to solve this."
"I want to go to my room," she repeated, trying to walk past her mother, but her mother just didn't let her pass, which irritated the young girl even more.
Since her mother provoked the quarrel between the two, one of them would fall asleep crying tonight - with a great probability it was Mira if she did not go to her room now and thus avoided the dispute.
"You are far too hard on me," her mother repeated again. "I may have done the wrong thing, but I still always tried to be there for you and Elias."
"Yes," she interrupted her mother and tiled her head as if she could then understand her mother better, but she was far too angry, far too hurt, far too disappointed -
"But if my father hadn't just kicked you out of the house, you would still stand by him."
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ ACHT : SIBLING TIME m.list β€’ next chap
Saturday began with bright sunshine, and Mira decided to spend the day with her little brother Elias.
The two had left the house right after breakfast and had spent the whole day in the shopping center, tried delicious food, bought new clothes for Elias and then finally went to a playground to end the day.
Once Elias was finally completely exhausted, the two decided to buy ice cream and go back home before it got completely dark.
So the two now walked across the yard together with ice cream in their hand and talked about the day. Elias liked to spend time with his sister, because then he never had to be afraid that he would talk too much or become too exhausting, as it sometimes was with his parents.
Elias swallowed the last piece of his croissant and jumped excitedly into the air when he noticed that he had defeated his sister at the "ice cream competition" as always, and she made him think again this time that he had won because he could eat quickly, and not because she deliberately ate slowly and half of her ice had already melted and stuck to her hands.
With her free hand, Mira reached into her pocket and searched for the house key when the two suddenly heard a loud group of boys behind them and both turned around at the same time.
It was the same children from the other day that Mira had seen when she went for a walk, and also this evening they had met again to play football.
"Sami, Lucas, you both choose teams!" shouted a little boy with a Morocco jersey and played with the ball in his hand. Two other boys stepped out of the crowd and looked around briefly before they started voting for their team members.
Mira didn't know why Elias really wanted to watch the two, but she wondered if he might want to play with them, but didn't dare to ask.
When the two teams were elected, the boy named Sami realized that there were not enough players in his team and was just starting to complain when Mira suddenly had the idea of interfering in her little brother.
He was a little younger than the others, but he would certainly be able to adapt, he was also a big football fan and played in a children's team in Herne before their parents had to cancel club membership.
"Hey, boys!" she shouted and laughed when she saw the frightened face of her brother. She pushed him a little forward and then ran to the group before pushing Elias a little forward again so that he also stood in a circle between the boys.
"I happened to hear that you need another player," she said and looked Sami directly in the face, who looked at her a little shyly and then nodded. "Here, my little brother Elias would like to play with you."
Elias looked surprised, but she could see the discreet smile that formed on his lips, and the other boys agreed and took him, he thanked her laughing and ran with them to the small sand square.
Mira smiled contentedly and looked around for a free bench where she could sit and keep an eye on Elias, and when she had actually found a nice bench, she let herself fall exhausted and decided to watch the first season of Demon Slayer again in the meantime.
It was the only series that she downloads over and over again from Netflix so that she could watch the series on the way when she was bored.
She was just at the point where Tanjiro said goodbye to his family to go into the forest when she suddenly felt the presence of another person behind her and heard a deep voice a moment later.
"His whole family is attacked and eaten by demons and his sister becomes a demon, and he has to become a warrior so that he can take revenge for his family," said the boy behind here, and a second later she watched, scared as Zayne sat down on the bench next to her and threw his legs relaxed over each other.
He was wearing black sweatpants and a T-shirt with a saying in Arabic. He had hidden his curly hair under a black cap.
She tried to cover her surprise by going into his statement.
"You can't spoil me, I've already finished Demon Slayer," she replied and smiled. In contrast to the last encounter, where she had run home, she was prepared this time. She had rehearsed an answer to all his possible questions so that she wouldn't panic if he happened to see her in the yard.
"Really?" Zayne asked and leaned forward. She nodded again and pointed to her cell phone. "I just keep downloading the episodes so that I can watch them when I'm outside. All other series or anime bore me after a while."
"I didn’t expect that."
"What? Why?"
"I don't know, you look more like the type to watch romantic animes."
"Yes," Mira laughed. "I like to watch that too. Why not watch both."
He also laughed now and she felt how her muscles in her face began to hurt. Today was really a very nice day, and she had laughed so much again after a long time.
"Yes, of course, everyone has their own taste," he answered and leaned back again. Mira finished her food and looked at him from time to time, but Zayne also seemed to enjoy the silence and just looked at the sky.
"So," began Zayne, when it became very quiet again between the two and no one knew what to say. "What are you doing here?"
Mira smiled. She had prepared so well for this question that she could simply lie without hesitation. "We are here to visit my aunt."
"Ah, okay. I was confused to see you here."
"Yep." Silence. "And what are you doing here?" she asked, as if she didn't already know the answer.
"I live here," he said, without hesitating for a second. Mira immediately felt guilty. He had directly admitted that he lives here, and neither in his voice nor in his face were any signs of shame. He was not ashamed to live here, for him this was quite normal, and she distorted her entire identity to hide her place of residence.
Actually, she should be ashamed.
"How do you like life here?" she asked carefully and turned so that she no longer had such neck pain because she had to turn to him all the time. Zayne thought for a moment, then he sat up straight and also turned to her.
"It's actually possible," he finally said, nodding as if his words described exactly what he was thinking. "I think outsiders have a strange picture of such places of residence, but I've gotten used to it. I've been living here all my life."
"And were there moments where you would have preferred to live somewhere else?" she said. "I don't know if I could live here," she lied shamelessly.
"Well," another break. "I think that everyone would rather live differently, but there are also nice aspects of life here. Everyone knows everyone, and we are always there for each other."
"That's definitely nice."
"Yes," he said. "Every place has its advantages and disadvantages."
Mira nodded.
Before even Mira realized, she spent more than two hours on this bench and talked to Zayne about various animes that the two had watched, they talked about school and the courses and Zayne told her about his experiences with teachers in the lower school.
He was more pleasant than she would have thought, and she also noticed that he was a completely different person outside of school. He was awake, active and talked to her for a long time, instead of sitting quietly all the time and drinking one energy drink after another.
Both had lost track of the time and Mira looked at her phone in shock when her mother called her shortly after midnight and asked her to come upstairs. Elias also seemed to slowly be very tired, which is why she decided that it was probably time to go upstairs.
She said goodbye to Zayne and checked if everything was in her pocket before she got up and knocked off the dirt of the bench from her white dress. Elias extended his hand and rubbed his free one over his tired eyes before he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Elif," Zayne shouted when the two were already in front of the door and had ringed the bell.
Mira turned around with a questioning look and brushed her hair out of her face.
"So let me know when you come to visit your aunt again and you get bored. I live right here, I'll come down again if I'm at home."
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ SIEBEN : NOT THE SAME m.list β€’ next chap
Word count : 1422
Mira had successfully survived the first week at her new school and only longed for her bed. The warm weather and the hectic nature of the first few days of school made her so tired that she had stayed awake on the bus ride home.
As soon as she got home, she had dropped her bag into some corner and jumped straight into her bed to do nothing all day except watch her favorite series and eat tons of ice cream and drink cold iced tea.
Her mother had a day off again for a long time and was already at home all day, and when she offered Mira to pick up Elias from kindergarten, the young girl had of course gratefully accepted the offer.
Normally she always picked up her little brother right after school, but today she was just too powerless and restless to become productive.
Meanwhile, it was slowly dawning outside, and the boasting sun was no longer as penetrating as it was at noon. After a few hours of sleep, Mira had actually managed to pick herself up and leave the house so that she could get into the fresh air a little.
With a cold iced tea in her hand and a shopping bag full of new make-up products on the other hand, the young girl stroll through the streets and listened to music.
The streets were full, but quiet. There was no one hurrying, it was no longer as hectic as during the week and there were not so many cars anymore.
In front of some restaurants, friends sat on small chairs and talked laughing about something, others played Tavla or stood on the side of the road with a cup of black tea and had serious conversations. It was as if the city was slowly leaving the stressful weekly routine behind and finally driving something down.
Again and again, young people walked past her, who had shopping bags or cold drinks in their hands and let the week pass.
Mira was also one of them.
After a long time, she had taken another day just for herself and today she only wanted to do what she personally liked. Today she did not take care of her little brother, nor did she have to cook for the family because her mother had to take over a shift in the hospital again.
Today she wanted to be unconditionally happy, she had promised herself that when she locked the front door behind her a little less than two hours ago, but no matter which store she ran to, no matter what she bought and no matter how much she ran, today of all days her soul seemed to be burdened by something so heavy that she simply could not shake off.
Again and again, memories of her father pushed into her consciousness, and she wondered if this would ever stop.
Was there even a time when children no longer feel responsible for their parents' failed partnership? Or would she have to live until the end of her days with the thought that her parents might have separated because of her?
Mira didn't know.
She noticed didn't know many things.
But if there was one thing she knew for sure, it was the fact that she couldn't understand her mother. Sometimes, when Mira went to the bakery after a long and exhausting day at school and bought something just because it was decorated with pink cream and star sprinkles, she wondered how her mother could simply leave her home without any academic and financial security when she was her age.
She wondered where this inner security of her mother must come from.
Sighing, Mira shook her head and looked up from the gray asphalt.
Today she didn't want to think about anything negative,
Humming to a song, she ran down the stairs to her subway and stood next to the other young people who were also waiting. It was a little fuller than she had thought, but maybe she was just used to the fact that it was a little bit more empty in Herne than here. Essen was a lot bigger, more confusing and above all fuller.
The same song had been booming from her headphones for almost an hour, but she didn't feel the need to change it.
Mira held her shopping bags a little closer to her body when she saw the subway coming and then got in a moment later. She found an empty seat next to a slightly older lady who smiled and took her own handbag on her lap when she saw Mira..
The young girl thanked her and let herself fall on the seat by the window. The trip home was not very long, but she wanted to spare herself the rest of the way home walking and wanted to get to rest.
After three stops, Mira turned her gaze from the window to the aisle and looked directly into the face of an older lady who had just entered and was desperately looking for a seat.
Further back there were still free seats, Mira could see it, but the lady seemed to sway a little and visibly did not have the energy to walk to the back, which is why she stood up and offered her her place with a smile on her lips.
The woman smiled with relief and thanked Ceylin several times, who was now smiling again. She straightened her headphones and apologized to the people standing in front of her before pushing her way back because it was a little empty there.
She had just squeezed past the last woman and wanted to quickly go back when her cell phone vibrated several times and she took a look at it. In order not to be brought out of balance by the subway, she continued to take small steps to keep her balance and looked at her mobile phone in parallel.
The messages came from her mother, who asked her to buy bread and sweets for Elias on the way home, and Mira typed an answer with a shaky attitude when she suddenly slammed into something and looked up scared.
A moment later, she felt her bile rise.
She looked directly into the eyes of Alex, who now turned around with an annoyed attitude towards her and opened her eyes.
"Watch where you're going!" she muttered at Mira, but the young girl couldn't answer her. She just looked into her face, and opened her mouth several times in vain, but no sound came out.
Alex narrowed her eyes and stepped one step closer, which is why Mira took a step backwards out of reflex.
"Don't you even want to apologize?" she said now and narrowed her eyes even more, and Mira cursed herself on the inside that she just couldn't get a sound out.
But she couldn't help it, so much chaos unfolded in her head that she couldn't breathe anymore. The blood shot into her ears and she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears, so fast and loudly it pounded. Her hands became sweaty and she swallowed several times before taking another step back.
Suddenly she no longer heard music, she was no longer standing in this subway and she was no longer on her way home; she stood alone in the locker room after PE and cried hysterically while packing her clothes. She sat in her seat in the old classroom and felt Alex throw paper balls at her head. She walked alone through the school hallway and watched Alex walk past her hand in hand with Aymen, the boy for whom Mira had feelings for the last two years.
Mira took another step back, and the same sentence repeated itself again and again in her head.
She didn't recognize me. She didn't recognize me. She didn't recognize me.
As tragic as this situation was, it was a confirmation for Mira that Mira and Elif are no longer the same people. Those who knew Mira do not recognize her as Elif, and those who had met her as Elif would never know about Mira.
The announcement that the doors of the subway were opening tore Mira out of her chaos of thoughts and she did not hesitate another second before she stormed to the door and left the subway.
A moment later, she watched with heavy breath as the doors closed again and Alex shook her head to her friends and visibly complained about Mira.
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β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ SECHS : QUESTION m.list β€’ next chap
Word count: 837
Warnings: none.
When Mira entered the classroom the next morning, she immediately noticed the group that had gathered around her table and was talking heatedly about a topic.
Elina sat in her seat and scribbled something in Zayne’s notebook, which sat in his seat and slurped on his drink just like yesterday.
She hesitated briefly whether she should walk up to her place and so disturb Elina, or whether she should simply wait outside the door until the beginning of the lesson so that the group was not interrupted by her presence.
With an uncertain movement, she straightened her handbag and took a step towards her table when Elina suddenly noticed her and called her to the table.
Her stomach contracted and turned as the small group turned in her direction and looked at her as she walked with soft knees to the table and gave a soft "hello."
Elina greeted her, but didn't get up.
"Hello Elif," she said with a wide smile on her lips and looked around before continuing.
"Unfortunately, you missed a large part of the class yesterday, but that's not so bad."
With her right hand, she pointed to the girl with the red hair right next to her and then walked around clockwise.
The girl with the red hair was called Maria, the boy with the slightly too big glasses was called Adam, the boy with the curly hair was called Jones and the blonde girl with the beautiful dimples was called Ayla.
Zayne already knew her.
Elif smiled and tried to remember the faces and names of everyone, but the paralyzing fatigue made it harder for her than necessary.
She would have preferred to sit down and put her head on the table so that she could sleep, but her teacher could show up at any moment and start math class, so she tried to keep herself awake.
From the corner of her eye she could see how Zayne looked from her to Elina, and then from Elina back to her, and an uncomfortable feeling spread in her before she looked at the ground.
A moment later, Zayne stood up with a loud sigh and pointed his hand at his place without even giving her a look.
Elif stood a little perplexed in her place and looked at the empty chair, and normally she would have declined this nice offer, but that morning she was so tired that she ran past him and thanked her before dropping herself on the chair.
Elina examined her briefly, then she smiled again and moved a little closer and put her hand on Mira’s shoulder.
"Elif," she said excitedly and looked at the rest of the group. "Following our tradition, we always celebrate the start of school a week later at Jones’ in his garden house, you should come too."
Mira tried to hide her immediate rejection and pretended to think before shaking her head a moment later and pressing her lips together: "Unfortunately, I'm still very busy with the move, I can't," she apologized and hoped that Elina would leave it be, but the young girl in front of her was visibly disappointed and dissatisfied with her answer.
"But Elif, this will really be very fun, and we can get to know you more," she insisted, but Mira shook her head again. She definitely didn't want to go to a celebration of people with whom she hadn't exchanged a word before, but at the same time she felt bad about hurting Elina.
After all, Elina was the first to welcome her here at the new school.
"But -"
"Adelina," Jones interrupted the two and pointed to the teacher, who was walking through the door with his briefcase and visiting the class. Elina nodded and lowered her shoulders before she got up with a depressed look and made her way to her place.
A second later, she turned back to her to ask something.
"Elif, then at least tell us where you live, then we could celebrate a welcoming at your home," she suggested.
Mira felt the blood shoot into her ears and a wave of panic caught up with her. She did not know Essen well enough to name a district, and she would certainly not admit where she lived.
She tried to think of a district that she could name when Elina repeated her question and thus put even more pressure on her.
"Elif, where do you live? In which district?"
"Adelina, that's enough," Zayne interrupted the two and pushed them away from the two's table.
Elina sighed again and then nodded before she turned around and ran to her table.
Mira exhaled deeply and closed her eyes for a moment to regulate her heartbeat a little before turning to Zayne and quietly thanking him.
His look was a little confused, but he gave her a soft "please" back and took out his college block before he leaned back to her and smiled cheekily.
"Do you happen to have your calculator with you?"
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β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ FÜNF : DISAPPOINTMENT m.list β€’ next chap
word count: 1158
warnings: none.
Mira locked the front door and dropped the keys into the small bowl on the drawers next to the entrance.
The shock was still very deep in her chest, and to calm down a little, she leaned against the front door and took a deep breath a few times before taking off her cardigan and rushing into the kitchen to wash her face.
The thought that she had moved to a city with more than half a million people, just so that her direct seat neighbor lived in the same settlement as her, which almost made her laugh, the whole thing was so absurd.
On one hand, the encounter with Zayne had thrown her a little off track, on the other hand she was also happy that she had found out that he lived in the same neighborhood, because she knew that she had to be even more careful than before.
If she had already taken the opportunity to use the move as a new beginning, then her plan was not allowed to be revealed, because someone lives in her indirect proximity and could then expose her. She was glad he hadn't seen her.
When the shock had disappeared and she had calmed down a little, she put the dirty dishes into the sink and began to empty the leftover boxes in the kitchen and living room that she had not managed to do at noon today.
Cleaning up alone has always been a kind of therapy for the young girl, and just now, when there was no sun but the kitchen lights and no sound was heard far and wide, she enjoyed cleaning up.
Sometimes, when, like tonight, she was alone for a long time, she began to have conversations with herself that no one but her could ever hear.
She also didn't intend to ever talk to anyone about it, but sometimes she had the feeling that in her head two different people live, two different versions of Mira Elif Akar, who discussed with each other, just like at that moment.
One side was already shouting in her head since this morning that she should try to understand her mother and finally forgive her, while the other side desperately tried to convince Mira that she should finally go her own way, and she simply no longer knew who to listen to and believe.
A year ago, Mira had started working in a pizzeria in Herne. She was never registered with an insurance company and therefore had to work illegally, which is why she could not defend herself against the bad treatment.
Nevertheless, she had clenched her teeth and worked until her feet got sore and she threatened to fall over, just so she had enough money to make her little brother's dreams come true.
Since she had found out a few weeks ago by chance that her mother had simply booked all the money that Mira had saved over the last year by working for hours from the joint account of the two and passed it on to her father, that woman had lost all value in her eyes and no matter what she tried, she could not win over Mira’s trust since that day.
In order to earn the money, Mira had pushed herself to her limits, only to overcome them, and knowing that all these hours that she had sacrificed after school, just to earn a little money for her brother, were wasted for an unemployed system cheater, made her blood boil.
The thought of the chaos that had broken out at home at the time alone made her shudder today. She could not recognize herself, for the first time she became a victim of her anger and let herself be controlled by her, which only led to her mother bumping hurtful sentences on her head until her mouth dried up.
She felt like a child left by her parents in the middle of a fair and sometimes she wondered if she was simply too mature for her age, or if the people around her were just too stupid.
To this day, she could not understand how her mother could still have even a spark of hope that Amir Akar would still change after all that they had been through because of him.
People like Amir Akar don't change, they just say they will.
Nothing but empty promises, Mira had already learned that at the age of seven, when her father had not witness a single school performance of her dance group, although he had promised her to come every time, yet her mother kept coming back to him and believed him.
It may be that she couldn't understand her mother because she was never in love, and couldn't understand why people were willing to ruin their whole life just to make someone else happy, who in turn doesn't even appreciate it.
If that's love, then she didn't want to fall in love either.
She would much rather die alone before she gives up on herself, just to see someone else smile.
"Big sis?"
Mira twitched and dropped the glass in her hand into the sink when her little brother's beeping voice broke through the complete silence.
Elias stood at the doorstep to the kitchen and held his favorite cuddly toy Dragi in his one hand, while he rubbed his tired eyes with his other hand.
His green pajamas with the little dinosaurs on the front was completely wrinkled, and his undershirt hung out under his top. When he took another step into the kitchen, she noticed that his brown hair was in all directions.
A fleeting glance at her mobile phone told her that it was already just before one o'clock in the morning. With a safe look, she knelt in front of her brother and took his little hands into hers.
"Elias," she then said and then brushed the messy hair out of his face. "Why are you awake? It's already so late."
"You were loud."
"I'm sorry, love."
"Big sis, I want to eat," he said after a while, pointing his finger at the fridge, and Mira hesitantly followed his gaze.
Due to the somewhat abrupt and chaotic move-in, her mother had no time and strength to cook for days, and Mira was so tired of packing and clearing that she survived with ice cream and fruit tea.
Of course, at the end of the day it was again Elias, who was still too small to make himself food, who was too young.
"I'll see what we have there, okay?" she finally said and tried to find something that she could prepare for her little brother within a short time.
In the freezer of the small refrigerator, she found a pack of fish sticks and pushed it into the oven while the milk warmed up so that the two could still drink cocoa with many marshmallows.
Just the way Elias liked it.
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β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @dxmoness @reneezsq @lxdymoon0357 @yoghurtsan @roseadleyn
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ VIER : EVENING WALK m.list β€’ next chap
Word count: 626
Warnings: none.
Shortly after midnight, Mira had unpacked all the boxes and the contents. Her mother had been at work for a few hours and Elias was already asleep, which is why she took the time to take a short walk to explore the surroundings.
Outside it was still pleasantly warm, only sometimes a sweet summer wind blew, running through her long hair, and to make sure she didn’t catch a cold, she took a thin brown cardigan with her, locked the door several times and then hurried down the stairs.
Outside in the yard, a few children were still playing football, and Mira wondered if this was normal here. No one seemed to be in a hurry or be afraid that the mother would call them immediately home. There was a certain calmness here in this massive restlessness, and she kinda liked that.
Only a little later did she notice the few women sitting in the dark on white plastic chairs and chewing on something that resembled the sound of sunflower seeds. They talked about something excitedly and sometimes would point their fingers towards the children playing football.
When they noticed Mira, they nodded to her and waved, then they continued to talk about something and ate their sunflower seeds.
There was actually not much to see in the area she had thought. If she had previously left the apartment in Herne for a short walk, she could just walk up the street and browse around the various shops, but here, in the apartment in Essen, there were only high-rise buildings everywhere.
Some were even bigger than the one in which she lived, and she wondered if the elevators in these high-rise buildings fell out as often as theirs. In the meantime, she could only hear the children muffled from a distance, and the lights were also getting darker and darker.
Until a few minutes ago she was still doing quite well, but suddenly with every step she took, she was plagued by discomfort and felt how uncomfortable she was with every step.
Evening walks had been a routine to the young girl for several years, and she took advantage of almost every opportunity to get some fresh air when her mother left the house again for a Night Shift in the hospital.
But she didn’t know if it was because of the lack of environment, or because of the lack of street lights here, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.
With a slow movement, she wrapped her cardigan a little more tightly around herself and turned in place to walk back home until she heard muffled voices behind her and paused.
She could not decipher what exactly the person said, but the dull sound, and the way the words echoed seconds later seemed incredibly familiar to her. She paused and tried to imagine from which direction exactly the sound came from when she suddenly saw a figure walk towards her.
It was a guy.
Mira took a few steps back and felt the fear in her asking her to run as fast as she could, but on the other hand she couldn’t move a single muscle. She just stopped there without stirring until the shadow approached her more and more and she noticed that it was not one man, but two.
They shouted at each other a little, and the closer they got, the clearer their words and tone became. They seemed to be joking about something.
Mira frowned and tried to recognise how she knew the voice until it made click: she heard his voice this morning, right after the first lesson, when Adelina had come to her.
It was Zayne.
And he walked directly up to her.
Mira didn’t hesitate for another second and ran home.
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β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @avens0nly @dxmoness @lxdymoon0357 @reneezsq @roseadleyn @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ DREI : SEAT MATE m.list β€’ next chap
Word count : 1186
Warnings : none
The boy next to didn’t say anything for the whole lesson. Sometimes he clicked his pen a bit too much or rocked his leg so much that the table wobbled slightly, but Mira didn’t dare to say anything or ask him to stop.
Instead, she listened to Mr. Brown as he explained the course for the coming school year and noted important dates, such as a trip to a museum and two exams.
When the lesson is ended with the horrible-sounding school bell, and Mr. Brown said goodbye to the class, Mira looked around a little lost.
Some students packed their bags and left the room, others stayed in their seats and chatted with their seat mate about their summer holidays.
The boy next to her also got up and left the room, but left his things on the desk. When he had completely disappeared from the room, she looked around once and then took a curious look at the sheet of paper that he had left on his place.
The whole time he had scribbled something on it and then crossed it out again, only to write something on it again, and she wondered what it was, because it was definitely not the notes on the blackboard. But she could not decipher it.
At first, she thought of ideas for a story, maybe it was scarps of ideas that he wanted to write down before forgetting them again, but when she took a closer look, they looked like lyric. Maybe he had a song stuck in his head and just wrote it down, she thought to herself, and went back to looking at her own place.
To make sure that she wasn’t mistaken earlier when she looked at her timetable, she opened her notebook and took another look at the piece of paper.
She wasn’t; she now had social science in this classroom. She breathed a sigh of relief and closed her notebook before she just stared into the void and tried to pass the remaining time until she felt someone pulling back the chair next to her and a moment later sat down next to her.
It was a girl from the second row who had asked several questions during the lesson.
"Hello, I’m Elina. Well actually Adelina, but everyone calls me Elina,” she introduced herself and reached her hand out to Mira with a smile. The young girl looked at her uncertainly for a moment before she also held out her hand and smiled.
"I’m Elif,” she replied. Adelina seemed to be a very nice girl, and Mira was happy that she introduced herself first and she herself didn’t have to approach someone on her own.
"Do you also have social science now?” Mira asked to keep the conversation going, and Elina nodded before she brushed a strand out of her face and looked annoyed at the blackboard.
"I really don’t understand why we have to take lessons on the first day after summer holidays. I’m still totally in the vacation mood.”
Mira nodded, "Yes, that surprised me a little too. We never had that at my old school.”
Elina nodded and then turned her gaze away from the blackboard to look back at her face. "Which school did you come from?”
β€œI was actually at a comprehensive school in Herne,” she replied.
"Herne? Isn’t that a little further away?”
"Yes, kinda.”
"Oh okay, do you really drive from Herne to Essen every morning?”
"No,” Mira smiled β€œI live in Essen.”
"Ohhh, I understand. Why did you move to Essen-β€œ
"Adelina, get up,” a male voice interrupted the two and when Mira looked up, she looked directly into the face of Zayne, who suddenly stood in front of the two with his redbull in his hand and waited.
"But, Zayne, we were having such a great conversation right now,” Adelina complains, upset, but Mira could hear from tone that It was only meant ironically.
The two were probably friends and teaseed each other like that, she thought and turned her gaze away from Zayne.
"Then talk while standing,” he commented and dropped on his chair as soon as she got up. Adelina just rolled her eyes.
"Oh right, Elif. It’s best to give me your number right after the lesson, so I can add you to the class group and you won’t miss anything,” she noted with a smile, then she walked back to her own seat and talked to her seatmate when the teacher came in.
There were two things that caused Mira a bad feeling in her stomach: one was the math exam, and the other one was partner tasks with classmates she didn’t know.
So when her economics teacher Mr. Red said that they should discuss with their seatmate what their expectations for the upcoming school year were, she immediately felt the blood shoot into her ears and her cheeks turn red.
They were all in Highschool, why did the teacher still consider it necessary for students to tell him what their expectations were in class? Don’t you do something like that in fifth grade so that the new students could get an idea of how secondary school goes?
Mira took a look around and noticed that everyone was already talking to their seatmate, even if it had nothing to do with the lesson. From the corner of her eye, she looked at Zayne, who stared at his table and did not give the impression that he was interested in talking to her.
"Elif, don’t be shy,” her teacher smiled at and pointed his hand at Zayne, who now also looked up from his table and gave her a brief look before he looked forward again. His Curly hair moved a bit.
She nodded and then turned a little on her chair before she rubbed her hands nervously against each other and cleared her throat. A moment later, he also turned a little on his chair and looked directly into her face for the first time that morning.
His eyes were incredibly intimidating, that was the first thing she noticed. They were brown, and reminded her a little of the discolored leaves in autumn.
Mira turned her eyes away.
"So…” she finally said quietly, secretly hoping that he would simply finish her sentence. He still didn’t say anything. Mira sighed when she realized that she seemed to not have a very talkative seatmate.
On the other hand, this was of course good, because she preferred to concentrate on the lesson, but on the other hand, the situation was very unpleasant at the moment. Just when she wanted to turn forward again because there would be no results between the two, he finally said something. At first he was very quiet, which is why she had to concentrate very hard.
"I haven’t slept all night, so don’t expect any cooperation on my part today.”
She just nodded slowly and turned back to the blackboard when Mr. Red clapped his hands and thus asked the class to listen to him again.
The dark sound of his voice still echoed in her ears.
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β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @avens0nly @dxmoness @lxdymoon0357 @reneezsq @roseadleyn @yoghurtsan
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aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ ZWEI : NEW SCHOOL m.list
word count : 859
warnings : none
The school was bigger than Mira had thought. It was quiet in the schoolyard, and even in the building itself she could not find anyone she could have asked for help. With an uncertain movement, she clasped her hand around the handle of her backpack and walked towards the direction that seemed right to her at that moment.
She could hear distant laughter of children, but she didn’t see anyone. Once she passed the toilettes, she had the option to go up the stairs or go trough the door on the right, and she went with the latter.
A minute later, she had found the door to the school’s office and knocked. Her heart was pounding incredibly loud and she could feel the blood shooting into her ears. She had absolutely no idea what to expect as soon as she walked into this room and picked up her timetable, and she was afraid of the unknown. Yet she had no choice but to go in.
She counted to ten one last time and then knocked on the door before she got invited in. Behind the large table in the middle of the room sat a middle-aged woman who put on her glasses and smiled at Mira.
"Good morning,β€œ she smiled and stood up so that she was on equal footing with her. A moment later, she asked Mira to sit down on an empty chair.
The young girl gratefully accepted and put her bag on her lap before taking out her ID.
"Iβ€˜m Mira Elif, today is my first day of school and I was told on the phone that it’s best to come to the secretaryβ€˜s office.β€œ
The woman nodded smiling. "You’re never at the wrong address here.β€œ
"Yes,” Mira replied in a hoarse tone, because she didn’t know what else to say.
"Okay, great, could you tell me your last name?”
"A-k-a-r,” she spelled out and put her ID on the table so that she could check again.
The woman nodded and typed something on the old computer in front of her before she nodded again and looked at Mira.
"Mira Elif Akar?”
"I’m confused. Your mother only wrote down Elif Akar on your registration form.”
β€œI only use the name Elif.”
"Oh, okay. This was also taken over on the course list.”
"Yes, I had said so when I registered.”
"All right.” She said and gave Mira her ID back. The young girl just nodded. She didn’t know what else to say, and the secretary seemed to be busy with what she was doing on the computer.
"You would now have to go to your history course in room 2-12,” she finally said and got up to walk to the printer. A moment later, she pressed her timetable into her hand and and handed her another cookie, which Mira accepted with a smile.
"The first number is the floor and the second one the room,” she informed Mira and send her a smile before she sat down again.
Mira nodded and grabbed her bag before pushing the chair back to its old place and waking towards the door.
"Mira,” the secretary called out while she was about to open the door.
"You can do this!”
Mira felt the corner of her mouth twitch and thanked her quietly before she opened the door and went to search the next room.
It took her just four minutes to find where her first class for today would take place. Behind the door you could hear the muffled sounds of conversations and just as she was about to knock, she heard the teacher shush the class.
With each passing second, she felt how her knees softened more and more, and if she didn’t enter this room immediately, then maybe she might even pass out.
Mira took a deep breath and gently knocked on the gray door. A second later she heard a loud "come in.”
With a shaky hand, she pushed down the door handle and and stepped in before looking directly into the questions of dozen of students.
She didn’t know what to say, and therefore looked a little awkwardly at the young teacher, who also looked at her questioningly.
Mira cleared her throat and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress.
"My name is Elif, the new student.”
The teacher nodded immediately and changed his facial expression immediately. "Right, I was informed this morning that you were joining us today.”
Both nodded and looked at each other helplessly. What else would she say now?
"Okay, Elif,” the teacher cleared his throat and pointed to the blackboard. β€œToday we planned a very relaxing start and are going to discuss the course. It’s best to take a seat right away, you haven’t missed so much yet.β€œ
Mira nodded and looked for an empty seat. The curious looks of her classmates burned like fire on her skin, but she tried to ignore them as good as she could.
The teacher pointed his finger at a table on the last row.
"There is still a chair available in the back. Please take a seat next to dear Zayne.β€œ
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @avens0nly @dxmoness @yoghurtsan @reneeyxs @roseadleyn @lxdymoon0357
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17 notes Β· View notes
aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ ZWEI : NEW SCHOOL m.list
word count : 859
warnings : none
The school was bigger than Mira had thought. It was quiet in the schoolyard, and even in the building itself she could not find anyone she could have asked for help. With an uncertain movement, she clasped her hand around the handle of her backpack and walked towards the direction that seemed right to her at that moment.
She could hear distant laughter of children, but she didn’t see anyone. Once she passed the toilettes, she had the option to go up the stairs or go trough the door on the right, and she went with the latter.
A minute later, she had found the door to the school’s office and knocked. Her heart was pounding incredibly loud and she could feel the blood shooting into her ears. She had absolutely no idea what to expect as soon as she walked into this room and picked up her timetable, and she was afraid of the unknown. Yet she had no choice but to go in.
She counted to ten one last time and then knocked on the door before she got invited in. Behind the large table in the middle of the room sat a middle-aged woman who put on her glasses and smiled at Mira.
"Good morning,β€œ she smiled and stood up so that she was on equal footing with her. A moment later, she asked Mira to sit down on an empty chair.
The young girl gratefully accepted and put her bag on her lap before taking out her ID.
"Iβ€˜m Mira Elif, today is my first day of school and I was told on the phone that it’s best to come to the secretaryβ€˜s office.β€œ
The woman nodded smiling. "You’re never at the wrong address here.β€œ
"Yes,” Mira replied in a hoarse tone, because she didn’t know what else to say.
"Okay, great, could you tell me your last name?”
"A-k-a-r,” she spelled out and put her ID on the table so that she could check again.
The woman nodded and typed something on the old computer in front of her before she nodded again and looked at Mira.
"Mira Elif Akar?”
"I’m confused. Your mother only wrote down Elif Akar on your registration form.”
β€œI only use the name Elif.”
"Oh, okay. This was also taken over on the course list.”
"Yes, I had said so when I registered.”
"All right.” She said and gave Mira her ID back. The young girl just nodded. She didn’t know what else to say, and the secretary seemed to be busy with what she was doing on the computer.
"You would now have to go to your history course in room 2-12,” she finally said and got up to walk to the printer. A moment later, she pressed her timetable into her hand and and handed her another cookie, which Mira accepted with a smile.
"The first number is the floor and the second one the room,” she informed Mira and send her a smile before she sat down again.
Mira nodded and grabbed her bag before pushing the chair back to its old place and waking towards the door.
"Mira,” the secretary called out while she was about to open the door.
"You can do this!”
Mira felt the corner of her mouth twitch and thanked her quietly before she opened the door and went to search the next room.
It took her just four minutes to find where her first class for today would take place. Behind the door you could hear the muffled sounds of conversations and just as she was about to knock, she heard the teacher shush the class.
With each passing second, she felt how her knees softened more and more, and if she didn’t enter this room immediately, then maybe she might even pass out.
Mira took a deep breath and gently knocked on the gray door. A second later she heard a loud "come in.”
With a shaky hand, she pushed down the door handle and and stepped in before looking directly into the questions of dozen of students.
She didn’t know what to say, and therefore looked a little awkwardly at the young teacher, who also looked at her questioningly.
Mira cleared her throat and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress.
"My name is Elif, the new student.”
The teacher nodded immediately and changed his facial expression immediately. "Right, I was informed this morning that you were joining us today.”
Both nodded and looked at each other helplessly. What else would she say now?
"Okay, Elif,” the teacher cleared his throat and pointed to the blackboard. β€œToday we planned a very relaxing start and are going to discuss the course. It’s best to take a seat right away, you haven’t missed so much yet.β€œ
Mira nodded and looked for an empty seat. The curious looks of her classmates burned like fire on her skin, but she tried to ignore them as good as she could.
The teacher pointed his finger at a table on the last row.
"There is still a chair available in the back. Please take a seat next to dear Zayne.β€œ
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @avens0nly @dxmoness @yoghurtsan @reneeyxs @roseadleyn @lxdymoon0357
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17 notes Β· View notes
aylivaa Β· 1 month
You will understand my reaction later LMAO
β€” π™π€π˜ππ„ :: LOVE INTEREST
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» 🩢 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @aventxsha @dxmoness @yoghurtsan @yourlocalintrovertt @reneeyxs @roseadleyn @lxdymoon0357
28 notes Β· View notes
aylivaa Β· 1 month
He’s not a gangster!!
β€” π™π€π˜ππ„ :: LOVE INTEREST
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» 🩢 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @aventxsha @dxmoness @yoghurtsan @yourlocalintrovertt @reneeyxs @roseadleyn @lxdymoon0357
28 notes Β· View notes
aylivaa Β· 1 month
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ᝰ ZWEI : NEW SCHOOL m.list β€’ next chap
word count : 859
warnings : none
The school was bigger than Mira had thought. It was quiet in the schoolyard, and even in the building itself she could not find anyone she could have asked for help. With an uncertain movement, she clasped her hand around the handle of her backpack and walked towards the direction that seemed right to her at that moment.
She could hear distant laughter of children, but she didn’t see anyone. Once she passed the toilettes, she had the option to go up the stairs or go trough the door on the right, and she went with the latter.
A minute later, she had found the door to the school’s office and knocked. Her heart was pounding incredibly loud and she could feel the blood shooting into her ears. She had absolutely no idea what to expect as soon as she walked into this room and picked up her timetable, and she was afraid of the unknown. Yet she had no choice but to go in.
She counted to ten one last time and then knocked on the door before she got invited in. Behind the large table in the middle of the room sat a middle-aged woman who put on her glasses and smiled at Mira.
"Good morning,β€œ she smiled and stood up so that she was on equal footing with her. A moment later, she asked Mira to sit down on an empty chair.
The young girl gratefully accepted and put her bag on her lap before taking out her ID.
"Iβ€˜m Mira Elif, today is my first day of school and I was told on the phone that it’s best to come to the secretaryβ€˜s office.β€œ
The woman nodded smiling. "You’re never at the wrong address here.β€œ
"Yes,” Mira replied in a hoarse tone, because she didn’t know what else to say.
"Okay, great, could you tell me your last name?”
"A-k-a-r,” she spelled out and put her ID on the table so that she could check again.
The woman nodded and typed something on the old computer in front of her before she nodded again and looked at Mira.
"Mira Elif Akar?”
"I’m confused. Your mother only wrote down Elif Akar on your registration form.”
β€œI only use the name Elif.”
"Oh, okay. This was also taken over on the course list.”
"Yes, I had said so when I registered.”
"All right.” She said and gave Mira her ID back. The young girl just nodded. She didn’t know what else to say, and the secretary seemed to be busy with what she was doing on the computer.
"You would now have to go to your history course in room 2-12,” she finally said and got up to walk to the printer. A moment later, she pressed her timetable into her hand and and handed her another cookie, which Mira accepted with a smile.
"The first number is the floor and the second one the room,” she informed Mira and send her a smile before she sat down again.
Mira nodded and grabbed her bag before pushing the chair back to its old place and waking towards the door.
"Mira,” the secretary called out while she was about to open the door.
"You can do this!”
Mira felt the corner of her mouth twitch and thanked her quietly before she opened the door and went to search the next room.
It took her just four minutes to find where her first class for today would take place. Behind the door you could hear the muffled sounds of conversations and just as she was about to knock, she heard the teacher shush the class.
With each passing second, she felt how her knees softened more and more, and if she didn’t enter this room immediately, then maybe she might even pass out.
Mira took a deep breath and gently knocked on the gray door. A second later she heard a loud "come in.”
With a shaky hand, she pushed down the door handle and and stepped in before looking directly into the questions of dozen of students.
She didn’t know what to say, and therefore looked a little awkwardly at the young teacher, who also looked at her questioningly.
Mira cleared her throat and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress.
"My name is Elif, the new student.”
The teacher nodded immediately and changed his facial expression immediately. "Right, I was informed this morning that you were joining us today.”
Both nodded and looked at each other helplessly. What else would she say now?
"Okay, Elif,” the teacher cleared his throat and pointed to the blackboard. β€œToday we planned a very relaxing start and are going to discuss the course. It’s best to take a seat right away, you haven’t missed so much yet.β€œ
Mira nodded and looked for an empty seat. The curious looks of her classmates burned like fire on her skin, but she tried to ignore them as good as she could.
The teacher pointed his finger at a table on the last row.
"There is still a chair available in the back. Please take a seat next to dear Zayne.β€œ
» 🀍 «
β€” π“π€π†π†πˆππ† : @avens0nly @dxmoness @yoghurtsan @reneeyxs @roseadleyn @lxdymoon0357
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17 notes Β· View notes