azaliaoriginal · 5 years
#MeToo Article
The article from CNN How #MeToo could move from social campaign to social change by Sandee LaMotte. Reading the stories of women sharing their #MeToo experience was heartbreaking. With the #MeToo, employers have also gotten involved with training using sexual harassment videos, their examples of sexual harassment is, and emphasizing how it will not be tolerated. For me, I have always remembered when I was a younger girl, older men blowing me kisses, trying to get closer to me, trying to talk to me, catcalling me when I was walking home from middle school, get whistled at, and just making me uncomfortable in general. I honestly thought it was just the norm that any girl goes through, but #MeToo argued that it should never be the norm for a young girl or woman to be catcalled or whistled at. Women are not in control of how another person feels by what they are wearing. #MeToo is something that will always resonate with me because I understand the perspective of women and my own experiences. 
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azaliaoriginal · 5 years
"Slacktivism," a portmanteau of "slacker" and "activism," as part of the problem. It's a pejorative term coined by sociologists to describe keyboard activists who react to an online movement so they can feel good about themselves, but these social "slackers" are thought to stop short of taking offline action.
How #MeToo could move from social campaign to social change by Sandee LaMotte, CNN
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azaliaoriginal · 5 years
Actor Justin Baldoni’s call to action for men in his Ted Talk: Why I’m done trying to be “man enough”
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azaliaoriginal · 5 years
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Roman Emperor and Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, even before social media knew how toxic masculinity would affect men and culture. 
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azaliaoriginal · 5 years
Ever since the movement of #MeToo, men are trying to change the definition of masculinity to take away the negative impacts and change the cultures of it. This link will lead you to what PBS published on September 8, 2019.
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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My circle of trust is small. It is small for a reason. For the reason, that the people who are in the circle of trust have earned that spot. They have given me their respect, loyalty, brutal honesty, love and support. I value their opinions. These people will not judge me. Not everyone is going to make the cut into the circle of trust. People stab you in the back and then ask why you are bleeding. I am not anti-social. I am selectively social. There's a difference. Let's be honest... we are all adults here. Adults do not have to like each other. I can be cordial. I can be civil. I can say hi. I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions and unnecessary conversations with anyone. I do not have to deal with drama or any bs. I will not tolerate any of it. I am not in a popularity contest. I do not need everyone to like me. I know that not everyone is going to like me. I am the way I am. You can accept me the way I am or not. You do not make me or break me. You do not provide for me. I provide for myself. I am not rude. I am honest. I just speak what is on my mind even if most cannot handle the truth. I do not care about losing people who do not want to be part of my life anymore. I have lost people who meant the world to me and I am still doing just fine. I am just trying to live my life as I see best for me. I am doing what makes me happy. I have no problem cutting anyone out of my life that is not good for me. End of story. #CircleOfTrust #WhoIAm #NotAntiSocial #BrutalTruth
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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My circle of trust is small. It is small for a reason. For the reason, that the people who are in the circle of trust have earned that spot. They have given me their respect, loyalty, brutal honesty, love and support. I value their opinions. These people will not judge me. Not everyone is going to make the cut into the circle of trust. People stab you in the back and then ask why you are bleeding. I am not anti-social. I am selectively social. There's a difference. Let's be honest... we are all adults here. Adults do not have to like each other. I can be cordial. I can be civil. I can say hi. I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions and unnecessary conversations with anyone. I do not have to deal with drama or any bs. I will not tolerate any of it. I am not in a popularity contest. I do not need everyone to like me. I know that not everyone is going to like me. I am the way I am. You can accept me the way I am or not. You do not make me or break me. You do not provide for me. I provide for myself. I am not rude. I am honest. I just speak what is on my mind even if most cannot handle the truth. I do not care about losing people who do not want to be part of my life anymore. I have lost people who meant the world to me and I am still doing just fine. I am just trying to live my life as I see best for me. I am doing what makes me happy. I have no problem cutting anyone out of my life that is not good for me. End of story. #CircleOfTrust #WhoIAm #NotAntiSocial #BrutalTruth
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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Yes I do work hard. My sign-ins/comp tickets are not for YOUR convenience. If we barely talk and suddenly out of the blue, you message me about sign-ins/tickets like no. I'm saving those for my friends and family, not acquaintances. The audacity of some people... Have a Magical Day ✌ #CastMember
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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Rain☔💧 #Rain
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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One day... one day... #Empire #Deadpool #Comics
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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Sucks when you rearrange your schedule for others and then they cancel you. It hurts when it's constant. I'm done making plans.
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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I am so excited for Now You See Me: The Second Act. I loved the first one. I loved the twist. I loved Mark Ruffalo in it and I love this picture. He's got it💋 #NYSM2 #MarkRuffalo #HottieHotHottie
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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This is why I love Adele. Her lyrics touch my soul. I can relate to her songs and her voice is just so powerful. I'm absolutely happy that she has returned to the stage. #AllIAsk #Adele #AdeleAllIAsk #SongLyrics #Soul Music #SongOfTheHeart
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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💙💙💙💙💙 #TheGoodThing
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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#GoodNight #SoulWords #ArmsOfADream
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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💙💙💙 #LoveToLaugh #LaughterIsMedicine #LaughForever
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azaliaoriginal · 8 years
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Won tickets for a special taping. Can this be a sign for good things to come? #BestDaysToCome #Hopeful
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