azalynestudios · 3 years
Happy holidays <3 <3 <3
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Update time. 
p.s. at this point my tumblr inbox is a bit overwhelming so I’m just going to clear it out and start fresh. Please send any asks with game questions I missed again!
But note that I won’t be responding to anything about the release/release date. Sorry!
All updates re: game release will be super obvious, like here. 
hugs to you all! <3
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Quick forums/feedback update
Hi guys! I hope everyone is having a great day!
So unfortunately it looks like the broken forums are turning into a bit of a nightmare, so it’s not going to be a quick fix. I’ll keep working on it but no eta yet. So sorry guys!
On a happier note, thank you everyone for your asks/comments/messages replying to the ending gallery question. I’ve read them all <3 It seems like there is a pretty clear consensus on where I should go with that, so thank you for taking the time to reply!
It also makes me think that the way endings work will probably be a surprise for you guys, so hopefully you will all enjoy them! mwahahaha
(And just in case my last update was confusing, the achievement dilemma isn’t the reason the final alpha build isn’t done yet, there’s still writing to do before it’s all finished. It’s just that the endings are really complicated so the writing takes much longer to do than easier parts of the game. Sorry again for the delay!)
Have a lovely week everyone <3
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Sooo secret societies are a thing... mhmm is the matchmaker also part of *you know 👀* or does she have to be neutral and how did lady yvette join them just asking for my friend...
Some mysterious are unknowable (through asks) mwahaha...
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Hi Aly! Hope you're enjoying the holidays! :) I have two questions, if that's ok. When romancing Jarrod, how much of what the Matchmaker said about him is true? About him not being wounded but just plainly cruel and unable to change. Also I somewhere read that Lisle plans to have children. Would he actually want to be the biological father? How awkward would that conversation be with his queen even if they're good friends? Thank you so much!
As much as her myth may be exaggerated, the matchmaker doesn’t have any supernatural insights. She’s making her judgement based on her own observations. How accurate she is is kind of in the eye of the beholder as the story unfolds as well as what you do (or don’t) do about events and characters.
If you ask me? Any question about heir-making would be hardcore awkward in any circumstance. For other people, I can’t say.
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azalynestudios · 4 years
I adore Hamin and Ana, bdjsnxkdksnzkandnfd Thank you sm for this wonderful game. How much does the full game cost?
We haven’t made a final decision yet. I expect it will be somewhere in the 25-40 dollar range right now.
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Hi, I love 7kpp so much but due to my disability, sometimes it difficult for me to sit up for periods of time, especially at a computer. Are there any plans to port this game to mobile in the future?
Thank you
The biggest problem with porting to mobile is that none of the resolutions were designed correctly for that (it’s really a decision that’s best made at the beginning) and because the game itself is so huge and filled with text that I’m not sure how well that will translate to mobile.
However if the game becomes successful enough and there is enough demand that it is feasible to hire someone to deal with those headaches for me, absolutely will consider!
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azalynestudios · 4 years
I realize that it probably too late in development to ask for this, but is it possible to add in an option to disable the whole nickname thing? My favorite names are too short for nickname and I like the names as they are, but just typing them in again as nicknames break the story hard when Kade showed up and on Ria's path.
I’m sorry, changing this at this point will probably cause a whole host of bugs. 
Nicknames don’t generally show up that often, so I would just write the name you like and handwave any weirdness away. Sorry!!!!
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azalynestudios · 4 years
This is probably an extremely redundant question, but I have to ask because I can't seem to find the answer anywhere (also, because I wanted to tell you this is one of the best otome I've ever played, and I've only been able to do the extended demo, so that's saying something! ^_^) - Where do I go to check the estimated release date of the full game, and what's the best location to check for updates?
There currently isn’t any formal release date estimates because I gave up on those once I realized my guesses and reality had very little in common and I didn’t want to miss deadlines and make people sad.
Big updates you will always find on our kickstarter page. Smaller, more frequent updates will be here on tumblr.
Thank you so much
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azalynestudios · 4 years
This might be a bit of an odd question but when you succeed a character's friendship/romance event you get a boost in a certain stat from them. So if those delegates had their own profiles like the MC has with skill and knowledge pages for us to look at, would those stat(s) they give a boost in be their highest stat(s)?
Both the upside and downside of being the MC in a stat-related game is that you are defined/can improve in an easy to see numeric way. But real people are way more complicated.
Because the game doesn’t require the npcs to be on the same kind of numeric scale, they get to more complicated and less easily defined.
But I think it’s a fun mental exercise to guess what their highest stats might be. (Obviously Lyon is rocking some mad intelligence, Cordelia has broken the etiquette bar and Avalie and Gisette are competing for manipulation queen.)
What do you guys think?
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Please, tell me there's a happy ending with Jarrod? :_( I feel like whatever you do, in the end the mc will suffer from him. But he's young - I still hope it's possible to tame him and to change some sides of his personality. He's not hopeless, right?
That really depends on what you consider happy and how you go about it.
I will say that characters who are in a romance with him will have very different potential outcomes with him than those who aren’t.
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Something weird is going on with the forums. This error is all over the page: [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session. php on line 580: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
Thank you for letting me know! I will work on a fix asap. So sorry for the inconvenience guys!
Just fyi for everyone the best way to let me know about anything urgent is azalynestudios(at)gmail.com. If you don’t get a response there within a few days send again just to make sure it got through! Thanks so much!
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azalynestudios · 4 years
I love your game, and I've been awaiting its release for the past four years. However, your grammar bugs me. It's not just simple stuff like punctuation errors; there's sudden tense changes, run-on sentences, and more. Is there some way I can help with the editing besides reporting every single error I find through this box?
The game hasn’t been edited yet, since it’s a nightmare job with the terrifying word count I’ve been saving it until the bulk of the writing is done before I have an editor/(s) go through it all. 
In the meantime there is an ever-growing list of reported typos and errors on the forums. Feel free to add to it!
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Seeing a lot of Jarrod q’s around for some reason, which is so surprising since it’s clear he is LITERALLY an abuser. Just wanted to say thank you for NOT romanticizing him. I work with survivors of domestic violence and so often I see fictional men who share the same characteristics as the irl abusers viewed in a romantic light, people think they can change the abuser, etc, and fiction bleeds over into people’s real life ideas/expectations. Just wanted to say thank you for how you handled him!
I’ve been saying from the beginning that I wrote him the way I wrote him on purpose. 
Thank *you* for your work! It’s so difficult and draining but oh so important! 
All the love to you!
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Hiii, hello :> Just wanted to say your game was a complete surprise for me - I am a sucker for roleplays and for diverging pathways, and some games do make attempts to do this. However, I never would've thought possible to accomplish what you have in a visual novel - enough of a choice to feel like you are creating a legit person, and complicated enough to make it engaging. I think it is truly spectacular and have my hopes up that you will inspire a new way of creating visual novels :D
Thank you so much!
It was all part of my evil plan... mwahaha.  MORE GAMES OF AWESOME! YES!
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(btw there are way too many lovely notes from you guys for me to post them all. I read and appreciate them all very much, but I respond to the ones... mostly when I think I can have a fun gif response.
*cone of shame*)
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azalynestudios · 4 years
I remember you saying how much you liked Alistair in DA:O (great taste, btw :D ). So fyi, David Gaider (his creator) has a new game on fig, tumblr doesn't allow me to link in here but it'c called Chorus (I'll go put the link on the 7kpp forum now). But don't let that distract you too much from 7kpp, nah, seriously, you do you, you rock either way. :)
Yes! I know about it! I’m excited
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azalynestudios · 4 years
Hi! I'm super excited to buy the game and see this actual masterpiece you've made. Is there any set time for when it comes out? Ill wait as long as needed haha
Of all the questions asking about the release, yours is randomly the one I will answer. *confetti*
Sorry guys, still no firm answers. Progress with the endings is like two steps forward three steps back, three steps forward one step back, another step back, another forward and then oops I’m lost in the maze.
Just know I’m working hard to make sure it gets to you guys as soon as possible.
Thank you all for the patience I appreciate you guys so much and your support and understanding is one of the major reasons why I’m able to fight on against all odds!
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