azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Note: She has some room for more things in the future.
Base of hand skeleton fingers/hands Hand - Between thumb and forefinger - Five dots - the four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner.
Forearm/Palm side up - Sun tattoo, just under where the elbow bends. Followed by the lyrics below, it’s facing towards the reader.
The sun will fade away Everyone will change But we will still remain I will feel you I will see you I will hear you And I will keep you After the silence
Teardrop, outline - corner of the right eye. (signifies her attempted murder charge) Three dots - Corner of the left eye. (Signifies - mi vida loca, or my crazy life)
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Barbed Wire choker - centered/extends around the whole neck. (10 tiny tattoos between each barb) ~ Happy little pink pill with x eyes. ~ Outline of the bullet with 567 (Not pictured) ~ Gun ~ Switchblade ~ LCL (Not Pictured) ~ 567 (Not Pictured) ~ EWMN (Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty.) ~ Crown ~ Card of Spade ~ Pot Leaf
Detailed dripping red lips with a bullet in mouth - LCL 567 on bullet end. (Right side of neck above the barbed wire/just below the ear.)
Microphone, wire says Free Zone. (Left side of neck above the barbed wire/just below the ear).
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Shoulder to top of elbow - Panther warrior woman. Base of hand skeleton fingers/hands
Right hand thumb- Cross and Rosary. Right hand pointer finger - A crown. Right hand middle finger - Snake. Right hand ring finger - Skull. Right hand pinky finger - Dagger.
Style text - the numbers/letters are spaced out between the pointer, middle, and ring fingers on the left side/as if you were looking at the top of your hand. Pointer - 2004 Middle - LCL Ring - 4Life Pinky - 567
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Using this for a discord group. A reference page.
Feel free to keep following.
Old posts will remain.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
You’re my fucking family too! I just got you back and it feels like everything is telling me I have to pick between you and Kitty and I fucking hate it. You’re my oldest friend and my best friend and I get you’ve gone a lot of fucked up shit, but you’ve never not had my back and I trust you with my life and I shouldn’t have to fucking choose. 
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You don’t understand...
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I would never make you choose between us. I’m asking you to stay away from LCL’s business, cause if you try and get me out they know you. I don’t talk about my life outside of LCL to any of them, because that would give them something. You have always deserved better than me, Q. Always... I’m a punk, a low life, yet here you are. It means a lot that you all stick around.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Unlisted Number || Mamba
M: This Zone?
A: No.
M: It's Mamba.
A: Don't know anyone by that name.
M: [inserts address]
M: I'll be waiting, Zona.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
What can I do, Zone? How can I help? I want you to get away from them you deserve a chance at a normal fucking life after all this.
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Nothing, you got me? I don’t want you anywhere this. They are asshole chicks who will do anything to anyone. I don’t want to be the reason they get you. So, for your little family’s sake- don’t try and help me. Focus on your girl and that baby coming.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Oh, I’m just fine! Thanks for asking!
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Welcome back by the way. Is it the same as it was when you were here or different?
Bit different, younger people - a lot more sex.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Toast with cinnamon sugar and butter! Tasty and delicious, kind of like you!
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Also is there a night that works best for you on the dinner party front?
Oh, yeah I had that. Tell me something I don’t know, dimples.
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Where this taking place?
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Guess I’mma shoot my shot here, aye? 
Anyone know of clubs around here hiring dancers? 
We’re always hiring at the shooting stars, might be a vacancy soon too. Who knows...
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Moving to the most magical city in the world has already proven interesting.. I see Disney merchandise in almost every store I go into and little tiny lizards are everywhere. Like, everywhere haha. Still exciting!
To anyone who's been here a while, what are some things for fun you recommend? I know the theme parks are a must, of course.
I'm Haneul, by the way! Just moved here from Korea about a month ago. I live in apartment 6D with my little sister and we are very welcoming of new friends!
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Welcome and nothing you would enjoy, trust me. Look at you, all sunshine and smiles...
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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I don’t do anything harder, so you’re fucked with me on that one. 
It’s fine, can’t do it. Still on probation.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Yo like… y’all are rowdy. I never heard things like I been hearing here, hahah. 
No way you can hear me all the way down there, dude.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
It was before my time but I’m a sucker for the 90s. Prison. I’d ask what you did, but that seems rude, so I’ll let you decide if you want to tell or not. But, I gotta ask, does the food suck like I hear it does?
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It’s cool. I mean I was into some heavy shit when this all went down. Got me for assault with a weapon and possession. I got minimum, bought myself a heck of a lawyer with my dirty money. Most of the fucked up shit I did, I was a kid and those records were sealed. Las Chicas Locas, 813- mi hermanas got my back always.
Yeah, food fucking sucks but it’s food.
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Nah, I don’t see a problem. I could totally give him walks. He’d probs have to figure out what a leash is but I think you could totally take a goat on a walk. 
Yeah sure, but why?
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
Yes, several people have told me about the fee. Are you considering getting a new pet?
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Naw, it wouldn’t fair to it. I mean, I’m always working. I mean if I got something small enough, maybe... 
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azcruzinthezone · 2 years
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Okay, so I may or may not have been working on a new music video for my song Jealousy. I found the perfect girl for it and we shot for it all day yesterday. I have to admit… I lost focus a few times. 
You gonna become famous and forget us little people, M-man?
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