azevedomilo · 4 years
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                    “ i’ve survived up to this point. be kind of stupid to throw it in now, wouldn’t it? ” besides, bootcamp gives him an excuse to pick fights with zero consequences. “i’ve got what, one more after this? no big deal.”
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                    milo  shrugs,  “  maybe  i  just  never  underestimate  people’s  thresholds  for  how  much  of  this  they  can  tolerate.  ”  his  belief  system  pretty  much  consists  of  never  underestimating  his  surroundings  and  the  people  around  him.  people  can  change  and  give  up  as  quickly,  and  they  can  turn  on  a  dime  in  any  direction  they  wanted.  despite  the  other’s  quite  scrawny  appearance  —  who  knows  ?  maybe  he  can  beat  him  in  a  fight.  he  knows  he  can’t,  but  nothing’s  impossible.  “  alright,  then.  you  ready  for  some  hand-to-hand  combat  ?  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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“Much appreciated, but I’m good,” Austin answered with a few chuckles of his own laced in his voice then fell silent as he nodded in an understanding manner. He’d also seen a fair amount of people struggling instead of succeeding so far yet he had faith in Gallagher’s student body when it came to powering through bootcamp. Hell, he had some in himself as well thanks to pure hard-headed resilience that was common in his family. “Same here. And yeah, let’s move on to hand-to-hand,” he agreed, a grateful smile on his face as he spoke. Another light laugh escaped after a few moments of silent pondering. “How cheesy would it be of me to say hit me with your best shot?”
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                    despite  the  numerous  people  he’s  spoken  to  who’re  nervous  and  unenthusiastic  about  bootcamp,  he  feels  a  little  relief  that  they’re  also  resilient.  he’d  feel  bad  if  he  had  to  do  his  best  against  people  who  couldn’t  push  through  and  fight  on  his  level  —  but  that’s  why  he’s  taking  it  easy.  of  course,  he  wants  to  do  good,  but  he  knows  better  than  to  showcase  his  entire  skillset.  “  i  don’t  know,  ”  he  nervously  chuckles,  hand  at  the  back  of  his  neck,  “  you  don’t  know  who  you’re  asking  that  from.  ”  truthfully,  milo’s  ‘  best  shot  ’  might  get  him  expelled.  “  how  about  i  start  at  a  four,  and  we  go  from  there  ?  just  basic,  straight  punches,  yeah  ?  ”  he  asks,  getting  into  a  proper  stance,  forearms  up.
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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      “  𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜  𝚘𝚗𝚎  𝚠𝚊𝚢  of  getting  through  bootcamp  .  but  i’m  rather  attached  to  my  perfect  scores  and  i’d  like  to  keep  it  that  way  ,  ”  satomi  sticks  their  tongue  out  at  him  .  “  are  you  fishing  for  compliments  ,  milo  ?  ”  there  is  no  doubt  that  he’ll  certainly  get  a  perfect  score  .
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                    he  laughs  —  a  proper,  bellied  laugh  at  satomi’s  silliness  and  shakes  his  head,  “  i  thought  friends  were  supposed  to  build  each  other  up  ?  ”  though  really,  he  doesn’t  expect  to  be  showered  with  compliments.  it  just  feels  quite  nice  to  tease  his  friend.  “  all  right,  since  we’re  both  getting  perfect  scores  —  what  about  a  foot  race  ?  500  meters  ?  for  fun,  ”  he  taunts.
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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      “  𝚗𝚘𝚝  𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢  !  i’d  like  to  show  some  level  of  improvement  in  my  combat  scores  .  ”
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                    “  too  bad  driving  isn’t  part  of  bootcamp,  huh  ?  ”  milo  teases,  before  shaking  his  head,  “  what  do  you  need  help  with  ?  ”  he  asks,  wiping  the  sweat  off  his  brow  with  a  towel.  “  maybe  i  can  teach  you  a  few  tricks.  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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     rafa’s glad to hear that his roommate isn’t struggling too much, but he is still a little surprised because even coming from blackthorne, he had been a little shocked with the rigor of it all. either way, he’s sure milo will do great. “yeah, same. i’ve had to do stuff like this for far too long now.” the curse of having his father as an instructor before he had even enrolled in a prep school. he chuckles softly at the question, “not yet, no. thinking of staying in the us though for a little bit.”
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                    “  that’s  good,  right  ?  for  you,  it’s  just  repetition  at  this  point.  ”  it’s  the  same  for  him  since  he’s  been  taught  how  to  put  his  siblings  in  headlocks  since  he  was  twelve,  but  those  memories  don’t  necessarily  evoke  positive  emotions.  it  did  make  him  into  a  great  fighter,  though.  “  in  your  defense,  there  aren’t  many  career  options  for  your  major…  unless  you’re  thinking  of  doing  something  else  entirely.  ”  it  sounds  like  a  suggestion,  how  he  poses  the  statement,  but  either  way,  he  isn’t  fazed  being  friends  with  someone  who’d  murder  for  a  living  —  not  when  that’s  already  who  he  is,  himself.
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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       . “if i don’t ace this, let everyone know i called for gilly’s soul to take me.” she deadpanned, already gearing up for whatever’s next. “i mean it. send everyone a mass text for me, please?”
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                    “  no,  don’t  think  like  that,  ”  he  smiles,  “  you  just  gotta  tough  it  out  for  thirty  more  minutes  and  you’re  home  free.  i’ll  even  let  you  win  in  combat,  for  moral  support.  ”  milo’s  smile  extends  into  soft  laughter  at  her  words,  “  if  gilly  does  take  your  soul  and  i’m  the  one  who  has  to  send  a  mass  text  to  everyone  about  it,  you  gotta  teach  me  how  to  send  mass  texts  first.  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
“The second one.” Denis replied. “Wait, no… Neither.” He added, looking like he’d confused himself for a second. “I just wanna finish.” Bootcamp was hard, but Denis couldn’t say it was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. It just took determination, which he had plenty of. 
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                    he  nods,  “  yeah,  i  get ��it.  a  friend  of  mine  said  bootcamp  is  just  glorified  PE,  so  when  you  think  about  it  that  way  —  you  just  gotta  bear  down  and  grit  your  teeth  until  the  bell  rings.  ”  at  least,  that’s  what  he  assumes  ‘  normal  ’  PE  is  like.  “  you  wanna  move  on  to  the  last  part  ?  combat  ?  ”  he  offers.
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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“i think some people are just looking for sympathy, and don’t get me wrong. i’ll give it to them, they deserve it. it’s tough out there, but i think they can do better than they say they’re doing.” he had done that before. he liked the sympathy touches, the hugs and the nice gestures some people had when someone was in need for them. it was easier than to ask for them. the latter got too awkward. boot camp was not exactly the situation for him to do that. “i think some may slip by. maybe the teachers will give them half a point for originality,” he laughed a little. the school was strict, though, so he was sure that would not be it. he better be saving his sheens, if they bruised easily, from now on. “i think there’s always one or two. i hope it’s just one or two. then again, i think what happened last year was more of a reason to scare people away than a little bit of glorified P.E.” he didn’t sound too serious about anything: not about bootcamp, not about cyrus’ death, even if both were completely valid and serious things for him. it was simply better to take it lightly.
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                    “  i  feel  a  little  bad  for  the  ones  who  aren’t  physical  majors,  ”  he  opines,  “  objectively,  bootcamp  is  just  a  heightened  version  of  self-defense  classes  for  spies  in  training.  but  it’s  definitely  nowhere  as  easy  for  the  ones  who  aren’t  combat  adept.  ”  milo  would  go  so  far  as  to  say  bootcamp  is  simply  a  fundamental  class  for  anyone  who  chooses  to  be  a  part  of  the  world  of  espionage,  but  for  ‘  normal  ’  people,  it  is  quite  unforgiving.  he  clicks  his  tongue  at  the  vague  mention  of  what  happened  last  year,  and  warily  eyes  danny,  “  it  was  awful,  what  happened,  ”  he  carefully  starts,  “  but  i’m  desensitized  to  it  all,  at  this  point.  ”  he  knows  that  makes  him  sound  callous,  but  what’s  the  point  of  being  dishonest  about  his  perspective  ?  “  and  it  isn’t  right,  i  know  that.  if  anything,  i’m  still  a  little  shocked  that  even  in  this  place,  you  can  still  be  a  liability,  ”  he  sighs.  “  just  goes  to  show  nowhere’s  really  safe.  ”  it’s  disheartening,  to  say  the  least  because  he  once  again  remembers  how  he’s  still  on  the  run.  he’s  just  hiding  in  a  well-built  fortress.  not  as  well-built  as  he  first  presumed,  but  it  was  better  than  the  motels  he  slept  at  across  the  country.  “  glorified  PE  sounds  about  right,  though,  ”  he  chuckles,  “  and  it’s  a  little  funny  how  people  like  us  are  still  paying  attention  to  grades  and  a  curriculum.  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
“Would you?” they asked. “Would you help me?” rubbing their ankles, they let out a shaky breath. Medical training was their passion so the only thing going around inside their head was to make sure their body didn’t get too sore. “Because that would be really nice”
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                    “  sure,  ”  he  nods,  without  hesitation.  there’s  nothing  wrong  with  helping  other  students,  is  there  ?  especially  the  ones  who  aren’t  physical  majors.  most  of  bootcamp  is  just  going  through  the  motions  —  muscle  memory,  for  the  most  part.  “  what  do  you  need  help  with  ?  anything  specific  from  the  rubric  ?  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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“i don’t give up,” she replied flatly. and she wouldn’t say she was gunning for anything, elliot figured she would ace it relatively easily. “why, do you?”
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                    “  giving  up  isn’t  an  option  where  i’m  from,  ”  he  says,  and  it  takes  him  about  five  seconds  to  realize  how  utterly  haughty  he  sounds.  “  i  mean  —  ”  his  eyes  close,  bashful  at  his  own  minor  faux  pas,  “  —  i’ve  been  doing  this  for  most  of  my  life.  none  of  this  is  new,  so  it’d  be  questionable  if  i  suddenly  folded.  ”  a  better  explanation,  but  not  his  best.  “  but  then  again,  this  is  only  my  first  year,  and  it  might  just  get  harder  from  here.  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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“i’m a fourth year. i think i know what to expect.” perhaps he was bragging. not that milo would feel any sort of envy for him, there was no need, but it simply was in his regular form of speech. “i mean, maybe a little. some of them are too cute to just take advantage of, but it’s like… you know, like a good hazing in a normal college. they gotta live through it.” he laughed. it wasn’t nice, but he had been through it once in yale and then in blackthorne and then in gallagher. those kids could take one. “bruises and injuries? that i didn’t know. better get some good coverage makeup then.”
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                    “  i  mean,  it’s  refreshing  to  see  someone  confident  about  bootcamp.  i’ve  spoken  to  more  people  who’re  pretty  anxious.  makes  you  think  if  they  knew  what  they  were  getting  into  coming  here.  ”  he  doesn’t  necessarily  consider  himself  an  empath  —  more  than  anything,  he  just  has  a  soft  spot  for  the  people  who’ve  been  brought  into  this  life  without  a  choice.  he  doesn’t  doubt  this  place  is  full  of  people  who  can’t  wait  to  do  good  in  the  world,  but  he  knows  some  are  still  teetering  on  whether  they’re  confident  of  the  path  they’ve  chosen.  especially  those  who’re  meant  to  kill  for  a  living.  “  if  makeup’s  enough  to  sneak  past  the  grading  curve,  then  everyone’s  getting  a  perfect  score.  ”  and  he  doesn’t  doubt  there’ll  be  people  who’ll  try  exactly  that.  “  and  hey,  i  know  all  about  necessary  pain,  ”  he  chuckles,  “  you  think  there’ll  be  first  years  who’ll  give  up  after  bootcamp  ?  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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Austin took a few swigs of water from his nearby thermos as he shook his head. The cap was swiftly clicked back into place while he pushed himself up. “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt with giving up,” he quipped. But in true Austin fashion, smartassery quickly gave way to genuine politeness and concern while he added, “If you want to take a break though, I have no problem with that.”
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                    “  hey,  i  was  just  being  polite,  ”  he  chuckles,  wiping  the  sweat  off  his  forehead  with  a  towel.  “  it’s  just  that  i’m  seeing  more  people  struggling  than  succeeding.  ”  not  that  bootcamp  itself  is  a  competition  (  though  he  wouldn’t  be  surprised  if  some  people  see  it  that  way  ),  but  he  reckons  he  should  take  it  easy  on  everyone  regardless  —  unless  they’re  asking  for  it.  “  i’m  good  to  keep  on  going  until  we’re  off  the  clock.  you  wanna  move  on  to  hand-to-hand  combat  ?  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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SHE NODS, it must have been obvious to anyone that sophie wasn’t exactly the poster child for gallagher academy. “ i don’t mind not having a perfect score, ” she admits, though she does, usually, but even outside of campus she knew she had never been a top physical performer. “ everyone just seems so quick and i’m out before i can do anything. ” but what would she do if she was quick enough ? next to nothing. “ would you mind ? i just feel… really out of my depth. ”
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                    “  fair  enough,  ”  he  nods,  “  as  long  as  you  do  everything  right  and  don’t  mess  it  up  completely.  ”  performing  decently  in  gallagher  is  hardly  an  embarrassment,  considering  how  difficult  this  all  is.  “  what  do  you  need  help  with  ?  combat,  endurance,  agility  ?  ”
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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azevedomilo · 4 years
Looking at the guy who was talking to them, they let out a heavy sigh and wiped the sweat from their forehead. “I am not gonna give up” they simply answered.
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                    he  nods,  accepting  her  answer,  though  he  doesn’t  seem  convinced.  “  good  on  you,  ”  he  offers,  “  that’s  the  whole  point  of  bootcamp,  pretty  much.  but  hey,  if  you  need  any  help,  ”  he  shrugs,  a  gentle  motion  that  he’s  offering.
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azevedomilo · 4 years
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“i’m not gunning to do anything,” he scoffed. “when you know what you’re doing, there’s nothing to even think about.” he said, as he stretched post boot camp session, his last of the day.
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                    “  like  autopilot,  ”  he  nods,  “  i  get  that.  ”  for  him,  most  of  bootcamp  is  muscle  memory  and  trying  to  hold  back  from  giving  someone  internal  hemorrhaging  —  not  that  he’s  proud  of  that.  “  c’mon,  you  don’t  feel  even  just  a  little  bit  bad  for  the  ones  who  have  no  idea  what’s  coming  to  them  ?  i  heard  they  count  bruises  and  injuries  to  your  score.  getting  pummeled  to  the  ground  doesn’t  seem  like  the  best  way  to  start  the  year  for  some  of  them.  ”
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