azhchay · 23 days
Happy Pride!
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azhchay · 2 months
Of course they tasted foul. It would have been very odd if they tasted fowl.
Me to Miss Moose: I'm retiring you from breeding so I won't be giving you extra food and there's no need to lay eggs, okay?
Miss Moose: *lays a clutch of 20 dud eggs, her largest clutch ever*
Me:..... :(
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azhchay · 2 months
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@talesfromtreatment @pangur-and-grim @followthebluebell
Saw this. Thought of y'all
For the record, of my three cats, two are pure Doorstep Gremlin (they Just Showed Up one day) and the third is Orange.
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azhchay · 2 months
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azhchay · 3 months
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azhchay · 3 months
I feel attacked. Like personally, Arrow straight to the heart, attacked. I'll have you know I was making gels those days ok!? I had a lot of PCR products to verify and purify.
I've worked in biochemistry, molecular biology, developmental biology, microbiology, and genetics labs. This is so so friggin true.
Also now I'm an epidemiologist. So I'll just write a paper showing the association between microwaving water for 7 hours and the odds of spontaneously being affected by a prion disease.
The thing about being a "scientist" is that some days you're creating novel experiments or analyzing important data using complicated math, and other days you're microwaving water for 7 hours.
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azhchay · 4 months
In my expert opinion, you are working on a piece of leather.
On a granite or other solid table/countertop.
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One (1) internet point to whoever can guess what I'm working on now! :D
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azhchay · 4 months
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
this post must be reblogged by everyone
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azhchay · 4 months
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what a way to announce your skills issue anyway how long is y'all's longest internet friendship, mine is 14 years
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azhchay · 4 months
Your 0's and 1's to the universe's quantum void. I need this in my life.
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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azhchay · 7 months
Fellow Lutheran!!!! Did you also grow up learning gay people are loved by God and then get real confused when you met non-Lutherans?
Oh I grew up with the church not acknowledging any LGBTQIA+ at all. Like. "Let's pretend they don't exist." My church also didn't allow women to be acolytes in church services (school chapel was fine though) until I was in high school. We weren't quite as bad as the Wisconsin Lutherans, but we were on the conservative side of Missouri Synod.
Impressively, they taught evolution in science class, and not as a "The *scientists* think this is what happened..." kind of way, but legit actual "Evolution is what happened."
Still taught creation in religion class. But it was kind of a "The Bible doesn't say a 'day' for God was exactly 24hrs. And yes, evolution is what happened, but God guided it".
Later on, they started the anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric for a bit. I was in college by then and had made friends who were of multiple different religions. I think my friend group at one time was a Driuid, a Wiccan, a Buddhist, a Catholic, a Russian Orthodox Jew, and an atheist. Plus I met actual LGBTQIA+ people. My church said even the Catholic was going to The Bad Place, and I couldn't reconcile that with the fact that my friends were amazing wonderful people.
That was the start of my break. As my husband says, after that I "sauntered vaguely downward" (I love that book) until I finally completely left the church and am now an atheist.
I can still sing the hymns though. My confirmation present from my Grandma was a hymnal, not a Bible. I still treasure it.
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azhchay · 7 months
Bluebell, you are not allowed to hide this in the tags. I was raised Lutheran. I legit cackled.
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I don't think anyone appreciates how funny Pope Franics actually is. Imagine being elected to the head of an over the top bad guy organization that would make you the final boss of a jrpg, and you spend your entire time there sitting around and saying things like "maybe we should reconsider our 'people dying is good' policy. I'm not saying we should reverse the 'people dying is good' policy, it's been our policy for thousands of years after all, but maybe we should, oh I don't know. Reconsider it." And every time you do so it causes half of a major world religion to get so pissed off that it almost causes a religious schism
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azhchay · 9 months
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azhchay · 9 months
if you could put your age and where you're from in the tags that would be cool!
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azhchay · 9 months
Not chimera. Not somatic mutation in a spot or two. But full on MALE TORTIE.
The split right down the balls amuses me though.
(@talesfromtreatment I believe this is relevant to your interests)
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azhchay · 9 months
okay here's the random question of the day. what specific word or phrase in your vocabulary is a dead giveaway for the local or regional dialect from where you grew up? like for me it's saying "chonies" instead of underpants. that's just very southern san joaquin valley/maybe southern california in general, but like, VERY southern valley
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azhchay · 10 months
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The meowfia has some things to say about your choices.
What is your favourite colour of cat?
Silver tabbies are my absolute favorite, followed by a really strong, long-haired Smoke. Then it's a toss up between high white calicos where the spots of color are very distinct and rich red-orange and white long-haired tabbies
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