azhima · 5 years
Aspirasi Mereka
Siapa sangka kita yang amat beragam
Dari yang berjenggot, berkopiah, dengan jidat hitam
Hingga yang suka ke spa dan cari teman tidur hanya untuk semalam
Bisa satu suara dan jadi sangat mengancam?
  Ketika rekan seperjuangan ditangkap dan dipermalukan
Saat titipan mandat dan amanat mulai diusik
Kepentingan pribadi dan golongan mari kita sisihkan
Ayo keluarkan seluruh akal dan trik
Demi tujuan maha pelik:
KPK harus dijinakkan!!!
  Pedoman kita adalah semboyan bangsa:
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Berbeda-beda tapi tetap satu kepentingan jua.
  Jakarta, 26 Sep 2019
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azhima · 5 years
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Year One Song of the year: Started Out - Georgia Losing You - Boy Pablo Me & Michael - MGMT My Kind of Crazy - Royal She - Elvis Costello Baby - Bishop Briggs It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You) - the 1975 Lover Is a Day - Cuco Started Out - Georgia Jet Black Heart - Young & Sick First Person on Earth - Robert Delong May I Have This Dance feat. Chance the Rapper - Francis and the Lights ————————————————————— Satu tahun itu sangat lama Dibanding 10, 20, atau 30 menit time-out ketika kita mendinginkan kepala Setelah adu ego dan kontes teriak Satu tahun itu lama Mengingat 1-2 minggu harus mematikan lampu kamar sendiri, tak perlu khawatir AC terlalu dingin, tak cemas kamu tidak kebagian selimut Selama aku keluar kota Satu tahun tak terlalu lama Bila dalam 4 bulan pernikahan kita bisa disiapkan Dan alhamdulillah berjalan sesuai keinginan dan keuangan Namun pastinya, satu tahun tak ada apa-apanya Mengingat dasawarsa-dasawarsa yang kita harap lalui bersama (at Year One) https://www.instagram.com/azhima/p/BxFo01jhEmU/?igshid=vhkdwh63069o
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azhima · 7 years
Thought via Path
My happiest news today: 1 Bitcoin reach over 11,200 USD just now, 29 Nov 2017. And it was 973 USD per coin back then in 1 January 2017. I would like to talk a bit about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. I won't talk about what are Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and its decentralized system. It is everywhere on the internet. If you have time, please read this article on Forbes on how Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency right now is kind of similar with 1994's tech boom. This parallel the Forbes draw is really interesting in picturing of how potential this technology in the future. If you dont have time to read it, here are the highlights of the article: - Bitcoin is like email back then Only used by engineering hobbyist at the early stage, adopted for commercial use, then eventually used by common user because its robust technology provides value. - Cryptocurrencies is kind of like websites (My additional explanation: Blockchain technology is kind of like the internet) There are lots of other coins in the Cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin, this was like many websites on the internet back then. Many websites have parallel usage with existing service such as Wikipedia for Encyclopedia, or Youtube for MTV, or email for mails. At that early stage, not even the most genius IT engineer could think about service like Facebook, Linkedin, or Dropbox. It was developed almost a decade after emails started being adopted by general public. The same case goes with Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, where only several basic services exist right now. Being a currency is one the most used of all the existing services. But Cryptocurrency and its blockchain technology also have big potential to develop something big and game changing as Facebook, or Google. Yet beware, it might took another decades or so to further develop as we are right now like in the 1994 of Cryptocurrency. Disclaimer: I am not inviting anyone to invest in Crypto and join me in any kind of pyramid scheme network. I really am not. This is highly volatile, unregulated, decentralized, high risk investment option. Please do your own research before deciding to even invest in this. And if you did decide to invest, start by your own. I dont have any referral link that will give both of us bonus or something like that. This is just like me introducing Facebook, or Dropbox to friends back then. Just want to share this new interesting technology. https://www.forbes.com/sites/apaul/2017/11/27/its-1994-in-cryptocurrency/#10fd8a6b28a3 – Read on Path.
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azhima · 7 years
Selepas Senja
Kau telah bangun, berlari, dan terjatuh Seharian Kau sudah bertahan dan menahan Sejak pagi berjalan Memang, Harimu tak pernah jemu Gembira menggebu-gebu Walau dukamu setia menunggu Lalu datang senja Kursi malas, teh, dan buku Dan larik lirik Serta bising kau sebut musik Semburat awan indah memerah Rekah jingga meretas lelah Juga gundah terbalut serapah Dan selalu, Sebelum jingga beranjak Dan gelap menyergap Langit kan merindu sendu Waktu biru selepas senja Kau tak tahu malam ini seperti apa Tapi kau bersyukur Beristirahat pada senja Nyaman bersama sore Dan jujur padanya Malam ini bisa saja tenang Dilindung terang purnama Malam ini sangat mungkin riang Dituntun kilau bintang Namun kau perlu ingat Cahaya purnama dipinjam dari surya Gemerlap bintang, bisa saja, Datang dari yang telah mati Menjadi supernova Di sudut lain semesta Jakarta, 271117
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azhima · 7 years
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with Janice, Oji, and Garjita – View on Path.
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azhima · 7 years
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"We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours!" Bane - the Dark Knight Rises That is Bane's speech in front of Blackgate Prison in The Dark Knight Rises. He lead a (so called) revolutionary movement in Gotham. He promised to break the establishment, give an open-street court for the corrupts and elites that control Gotham, promised that Gotham will be better because the power is now back to the people. Everyone that saw the movie actually know that was just his plot of controlling Gotham. Gotham's street court is just a fellow villain sentencing people as he like. The police trapped and stripped down from their power yet he gave his army the authority to control Gotham. The switch of the bom was held by his accomplice, not by ordinary Gotham citizen. The power never really went to people of Gotham. The people were just shoved with false hope, while he lead them to destruction. Now if Bane were a politician and not a mercenary, his speech will be soften down to be, more or less, like this: "We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people. For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you." #POTUS #inauguration – View on Path.
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azhima · 7 years
– Setiap hari “A” walau hanya “B” –
A = aktivitas berdampak positif
B = indikator spesifik atau terukur dalam satuan terendah atau yang sangat mungkin tercapai
Setiap hari olahraga walau hanya 10 menit
Setiap hari makan buah walau hanya satu potong 
Setiap hari memperbanyak minum air putih walau hanya satu teguk
Setiap hari membatalkan merokok walau hanya sebatang
Setiap hari membaca buku walau hanya satu paragraf 
Setiap hari belajar bahasa asing walau hanya satu kata
Setiap hari membaca berita walau hanya judulnya saja
Setiap hari membaca Quran walau hanya satu ayat
Setiap hari bersedekah walau hanya 500 rupiah
Setiap hari menahan gelisah walau hanya 1 menit
Setiap hari tidur lebih cepat walau hanya 5 menit
Setiap hari bangun lebih awal walau hanya sekali snooze
Setiap hari menahan marah walau hanya sekali
Setiap hari membuat orang senang walau hanya dengan satu senyuman
Setiap hari mengurangi share berita sampah walau hanya satu kalimat
Setiap hari meminta maaf walau hanya dalam hati
Setiap hari meninggalkan masa lalu walau hanya dengan membuang satu memento
Setiap hari melupakan cerita lama walau hanya satu kisah
Setiap hari menghapus rindu walau hanya…
Setiap hari menghapus rindu walau…
Setiap hari menghapus rindu…
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Setiap hari menghapus rindu.
Jakarta, 1 Januari 2017
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azhima · 7 years
Watching Captain Fantastic
Do you love Into the Wild? For me, Captain Fantastic to Into the Wild is like the Revolutionary Road to Titanic: an unofficial spot-on realistic sequel. Imagine Chris McCandless is safe and sound, find his soulmate, have kids, and go live in the wilderness all together. They're raising a bunch of healthy, smart, and admirable kids. For them, the wild is their world now. Then for a reason, they have to leave their life in the wild and go to the so called 'civilized world'. They need to face this reality, this 'real world'. For them, this is their 'Into the Wild'. This movie is a family movie, and really an inspiring one in how to raise kids. Personally, this is how I want to raise kids. Not particularly as extreme as their way, but in that direction. This movie will give you questions like: Is formal education a must? Is it okay to lie to your kids? Is there any way to keep your kids safe and pure from the bad side of the world? Is isolating your kids from the bad side of the world, the best thing for them? Is it worthy to sacrifice the benefits of good side of the world for the sake of keeping them from the bad? Enjoy the movie! *This is just entering my top 3 movies of 2016 so far. The other two are Zootopia and the Handmaiden. – View on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
Thought via Path
http://m.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/cl4464/penghinaan-terhadap-agama Dapat link dr @TangguhC26 kalau secara hukum delik penghinaan agama diatur seperti ini: "Bila ada orang yang melanggar aturan ini maka akan diberi perintah dan peringatan keras untuk menghentikan perbuatannya itu melalui Surat Keputusan Bersama (“SKB”) Menteri Agama, Jaksa Agung dan Menteri Dalam Negeri." Jadi yang mau demo tujuannya apa ya? Proses Ahok secara hukum? Lagi jalan tuh prosesnya. 20-an saksi udah dipanggil (termasuk Habib Rizieq sebagai saksi ahli). Ahok juga sudah diperiksa, datang sukarela tanpa dipanggil dulu sama Polisi. Ahok dipenjara? Kalaupun akhirnya Ahok divonis bersalah, hukumannya adalah teguran keras SKB. Ga bisa dipenjara karena baru kesalahan pertama. Kalau masih diulang sm Ahok, baru bisa dituntut 5 tahun. Menegakkan Izzah Islam? Islam ga bakal hina cuma karena omongan Ahok. Benar Ahok salah. Benar umat Islam tersinggung, Benar umat Islam marah. Gua harap masih benar kalau dibilang umat Islam adalah umat yg pemaaf. Ahok sudah minta maaf. Proses hukum harus dan sedang berlanjut. Yuk mari perlihatkan izzah umat Islam dengan memaafkan dan menghargai proses hukum. Toh track record Ahok ga suka menghina dan menyerang agama Islam sebelum ini. Jadi tujuan demonya apa? Kalau gini kan susah ga curiga Rp 100 M dana demonstrasi (pernyataan KH Bachtiar Nasir - Ketua GNPF-MUI) cuma buat tujuan politis? – Read on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
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We are helpless to resist Into our darkest hour Decks Dark - Radiohead – View on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
Watching The Bang Bang Club
What will you do? - Stop a happening crime in front of you so that you can save other people's life, save your morality and humanity because you know you still care and just did something good to other human, then sleep well in the night. or - Just stand aside, let it happen, observe and take pictures about the crime, left your feelings and humanity at home, focusing only on capturing the crime as objective as possible to later inform and 'move' the world and other powerful forces to do something about it, lessen the chance of same crime happening again. Yet, you suffering of depression and self questioning yourself 'why did you let that happened before your very eyes and do nothing to stop it?', and sooner or later you get used to stepping aside your humanity, and forget how to properly use it. Both of those choices are heroic choice. But this movie is not about heroes who fight crimes, so that their morality and humanity can help them sleep tight in the night. This is another kind of hero movie. Hero who do something for a greater good by sacrificing their own feelings and sanity. – View on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
Thought via Path
The only 'breakthrough development' that Tim Cook ever announced during his reign as Apple CEO was when he came out of the closet. – Read on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
Watching Zodiac
Dont get me wrong, some series are great piece of art. However, the reason why I dont watch series is because there are still countless great movies that I never watched yet. I cant afford to invest so many hours on a single story or universe no matter how good it is. Also, I cant stand the cliffhanger. Life itself is a one big ass cliffhanger. You got to experience it every day. Why would I bother my mind with other cliffhangers to think of? Then I watched this movie. It was great. With long hours and big ass cliffhanger ending. Yeah, tell me why I dont watch series again? – View on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
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For a minute there, I lost my self (at Summer Sonic 2016)
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azhima · 8 years
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I used to be a Coke dealer, and promised people happiness. Now I make people fly. #redbullgivesyouwings I think it's still a pretty dope job... *Pun intended *I'll find my way out... at Red Bull HQ – View on Path.
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azhima · 8 years
The way I talk to you is hate. The 'why' I still talk to you is love.
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azhima · 8 years
Listening to Daydreaming by Radiohead
Do you notice that Thom never go down in Daydreaming video except in the basement at first 15 seconds? After that he always goes up. Stairs, elevator, hills... Until he crawl up to a cave, then lay down beside the fire pit alone and exhausted. It was like our dreams and ambitions getting bigger and higher, just to end up in painful regrets and disappointments. – Preview it on Path.
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