aziraferals · 8 days
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Dorianne Laux, from Smoke; “Heart”
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aziraferals · 18 days
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pigeon friends :)
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aziraferals · 18 days
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aziraferals · 20 days
when florence and the machine said "I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject" and when romeo x juliet said "a simple life with you would be paradise" and johnathan coulton said "it's okay, I like you in glasses" and everything everywhere all at once said "in another life I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you"
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(edit: I made a longer thing with more examples here)
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aziraferals · 21 days
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Don't say this stuff anymore.
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aziraferals · 21 days
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aziraferals · 25 days
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aziraferals · 26 days
can’t use the internet without adblock because it’s so crowded that it’s unusable can’t read important breaking news without a subscription can’t get a streaming service without them eventually adding commercials can’t watch youtube videos without 30 ads can’t search up things on google without seeing a shit ton of sponsored results can’t answer unknown numbers because everything is a scam call can’t use essential app features without a 30 dollar subscription per month can’t watch a music video without product placement. is anyone else tired
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aziraferals · 26 days
One thing the analysts back in 2012 were right about is that they’d stop calling it “Obamacare” the second it started working and lo and behold anytime it was actually threatened under Trump it became The ACA and now Leftists who were in Kindergarten when the ACA was passed think Democrats have added nothing to this country.
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aziraferals · 27 days
i really think one of the reasons the democrats don't really want to work on a ceasefire (and one of the reasons the israeli public is by a majority opposed to one) is that once the war ends, the extent of the damage becomes clear. you know the quote about how liberals are opposed to every war except the current one? once the war in gaza is hindsight, it will be impossible to deny the genocide. the war prevents international observers, it prevents foreign journalists, it prevents counting bodies under the rubble, it prevents saving lives and rebuilding hospitals, all under a security pretext. the 40,000 number will likely triple. the annexation of the west bank will be more noticeable. the obituaries will finally be written, the mass graves finally marked.
above all, the war prevents mourning. it prevents the world—the leadership of the world in particular—from humanizing palestinians. they are only humans when they are victims, and the war allows israel to maintain the illusion that this is a war with two sides, that these soldiers are fighting a symmetrical war with an opposing army, rather than a war of extermination against an entire people. you end the war, you end the illusion.
the idea that continuing the war will allow hamas to recoup or launch another attack is a joke—hamas don't need to. the damage israel will take once this is assessed in sober hindsight will be astounding. not just for the international community, but for israelis themselves. all those idf soldiers sniping babies in the head will have to go home and think about what they've done. and they'll talk about what they've done. they've filmed it, they've recorded it, but it will look very different when the war ends. this is also why israel continues to escalate. they are the only ones who benefit from a regional war. lebanon and iran know this well. so does the united states. politically and tactically, israel will not be the same once the war is over. this has always been true, and it has always been why it needed the occupation in the first place—it is a country that requires perpetual war to maintain itself. how can israelis live if they do not feel threatened? what is israel if it is not surrounded by enemies, but by victims and allies?
as the US knows, israel only switches from "high intensity war" to "low intensity war" with palestinians, but it has never actually chosen peace nor has it ever seriously engaged in a peace process. this choice has never been more obvious than it is today, but it will only become more obvious once the war ends.
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aziraferals · 27 days
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aziraferals · 27 days
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See also, "We're in a drought; conserve water!" Meanwhile, bottled water companies and golf courses for rich folk empty the aquifers.
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aziraferals · 27 days
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aziraferals · 30 days
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aziraferals · 30 days
- cherry wine is about domestic abuse. it’s now called a cute proposal song.
- too sweet is about seizing the day and ignoring healthy habits in favor of having more fun with unhealthy ones. he’s actively critical of himself in the song. it’s now called a song about thinking you’re superior for drinking black coffee.
- take me to church is about worship as a metaphor for sex. it’s called a religious song.
- eat your young is a song about war and political greed. it’s called a song about sex.
- now, the strongly political message of nobody’s soldier is being ignored in favor of calling it a metaphor for hozier’s relationship with his fans.
when are we going to stop simplifying hozier’s music down to cute little cottagecore bogman forest music? maybe you dont want to hear this but i don’t care. quit listening to hozier for the aesthetic. there’s a reason why empire now, foreigner’s god, butchered tongue, etc. songs with unignorable political messages are among his least popular songs.
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aziraferals · 2 months
popular culture used to be very much about eroticism. rockstars used to be on stage in sequins and thongs and thigh high boots playing guitars like they were masturbating. girls used to wear velvet mini dresses and no bras and red-brick-brown lipstick and mascara on their bottom lashes. people used to have body hair on television and in the movies. people used to be sweaty. people used to touch each other over denim and under cotton. foreplay used to be staring at someone over the rim of a glass across a bar across a park across a dinner table. people used to want. i think we’ve lost something
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aziraferals · 2 months
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