aziz-ejaz · 5 years
BSAC, On The Way To Find The Creams Of Society. Aziz Ejaz
Baloch Student Action Committee (BSAC )is a non-profitable committee and has no links with any political party. BSAC has been a symbol of change with its strict policies regarding the lapses that have wrapped up the whole educational system of the province into its cancerous strike.
As the educational matters and situations are concerned, Balochistan with such an enormous resourceful land has been deprived of educational facilities for a long time. If we have a gaze at the literacy rate, children ratio out of schools, enrolment percent in schools, colleges and universities, we surely can get a cognition how severely Baloch have been kept away from such a magnificent blessing.
BSAC, which if we call an institute so will not be wrong, to its education has been kept on top priority and any negligence to it can be considered an immense loose and a sort of darkness towards enlightenment so that the activists of BSAC fledged to raise their fingers in obtaining all those rights which will undoubtedly be the ultimate rights of the students.
It is truly a misfortune condition for the students of Balochistan that hitherto there appear no student organization to attentively highlight the issues of educational institutes and students studying in that, but BSAC on this regard substantiated it a committee to be adequately durable until the student’s rights to be not fulfilled. It completely believes in a peaceful way to attain all the legal demands which are the globally predetermined privileges of the students. Whither it is the issue of medical colleges functionality and inauguration, engineering universities up gradation, new universities and sub campuses initiation, colleges and schools illegibility all have been the fragments of its voices raised where they could go to record their reservations.
Today, BSAC has been successful to attract the concentration of people towards it and it has been utterly functional in most of the areas of Balochistan. This is also one of the intentions of BSAC to have steps in all backward and outskirts areas to attempts in developing an educational which would be meant to wash up the evils practices which are creating an aggravating mentality among the young generation
They (BSAC) from the first time in history from student platform commenced a book caravan which apparently aims at developing of an environment where reading books would be the utmost habit of people. This historic step which was declared as the first phase by BSAC started its first journey from District Mastung and ended at a backward place known as Dalbandin. It covered Mastung, Kalat, Washuk, Kharan, Noshki and Dalbandin.
 At every station the move taken from the true helpers of students has been praised by educational community and lovers of the books. BSAC is trying its best to reinstate the merit in all spheres of education and believes until the students don’t understand what roles they have in making the educational institutes it perhaps be a very daunting challenge for BSAC alone to be accomplished. However, the call which is to make the institute free from the menace of corruption, nepotism, favoritism, bogus recruitment etc. declares how sincerely the activists of BSAC demand from responsible authorities to have a glance at improving the worse situations. It is hopefully a great sign of commitment from the members of BSAC to take such outstanding and productive steps for a society where illiteracy speaks of all.
The current central chairman Rasheed Karim Baloch with his central members seems to be always a task oriented and optimistic team to have a keen consideration towards educational and academic affairs. All students here need to support them in accomplishing such a fatigued task to be done as soon as possible. Surely such movements will ever be the parts of history and BSAC has written a history of its own which will be appreciated.
Published in The Balochistan
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
Izzat Academy- Where Does It Stand? Aziz Ejaz
Literature is a field completely separated from politics and if it is involved in politics then it foils the pleasant odor of it unexpectedly. Academies need to toil in enhancement of every field that a literature constituents, if it conveys the slogan of a specific political party then it cannot be called a literary academy whither calling it a ‘’party office’’ doesn’t become a sin.
I remembered Shaheed Saba Dashtayari used to visit a literary group in Panjgur interval by interval and when at the first time I saw him in a home of his colleague was discussing about the activities that a person does engaged with literature and repeatedly the prominent name of ‘’Syed Zahoor Shah Hasshmi’’, ‘’Khair Mohammad Nadvi’’ and ‘’Atta Shad’ were coming. In that time I was a bit unknown about them and their devotees. When I got to receive the Balochi periodicals owing to my elder brother I became fluently nice at reading and writing of Balochi. Monthly ‘’Ulus’’, ‘’Balochi’’ and some others were the books that I used to read as my memory recalls and became aware about some persons and literary activities.
The group which Saba Dashtayari used to visit was the members of the academy we called Izzat Academy. It was formed in 1984 in Panjgur in capital city known as Chitkan. Reverend Haji Qayum and Anyatullah Qoumi served as the president of it. Both were the renowned poets in Balochi and toiled till their last breath and did what they could do. Mullah Izzat himself is another chapter on behalf of whom the academy is named. The story of izzat and Mehrok who we don’t know about, uttered in folk stories of Balochi Being thought in B.A and M.A Balochi curriculum.
Current president of Izzat Academy is Zahoor Zaibi and General Security is Hamza Baloch. In anticipation of this time Izzat Academy has became able to publish just 9 books among which most are the books of poetry. The books it published are as follows,
“Jugr’aye Kapoot’’, this is the  Anayat Ullah Quomi’s poetic collection, who was a renowned poet and writer of Balochi literature and his fastidious efforts in enhancement and creating a literary environment is exemplary. His other books include are Dilay’e Tawar’’, ‘’Jalshk’’ published by Izzat academy.  ‘’Hoon o Hushaam’’, this is Saba Dashtaryi’s book published in 1994. ‘’Bachakan Bachakan Gawazi’’, a book was written by Wahid Shahkir published in 1998. ‘’Humarain Rushn’’, this is the poetic collection of Yuonis Naseer. He is a young poet and his way of arranging the words give them a sense of expression is outstanding.  ‘’Sogind’’ Basheer Shezad’s poetic collection published in 1989. ’’ And ‘’ Panjgur Tahrrekh oh Shaksiayat’’ Khalid Baloch’s book which contains the history of Panjgur and about the personalities of Panjgur. 
‘’There is not any fixed fund from side of Govt. and we completely rely upon those ministers belong to Panjgur that they may collaborate with us’’, Stated the current General Secretary of Izzat Academy.
‘’It is registered as accordance with the rules of government but we are not receiving any sort of assistance. The case of the academy has been taken by the CM Dr. Malik Baloch himself we hope he will take it with full consideration and let it stands on its foot’’, Said the member of Academy Zaheer Shah Wafa.
It seems the reason behind its functionless because every time it eyes is feasted upon political tycoon, which in results want their publicity to be rehashed according to their manifesto as they grant fund for it. If an academy become such in perplexities and obligations will never can work appropriately. Same is the case with Izzat Academy by interval of times every that political party backed it that came into ruling government and resultantly the very close workers of them became the president of it.
Saba Dashtaryi has contributed a lot in enhancement of it and his every visit to Panjgur passed away being engaged with literary activities and the members of this disappearing academy. He really wanted to boost off the talents of the literary chunk of people to toil their utmost and bring Izzat academy at a position becomes a symbol of change. Over viewing the activities, publications and programs it conducted is far away to meet the borders of satisfaction. In Balochi literature there hasn’t come a prominent name belongs to Panjgur has earned a glimpse praiseworthy. Academies are of most concerns regarding creation of literary environment paving a way for reading, discussion and collective activities.
Once I visited the academy the books were kept range to 200. Very disheartening it is and a fact of failure for those who claim for books provision to libraries and academies. In Panjgur this is the only institute but negligence has wrapped it up with a scenario none can feel proud of it.
Published in The Balochistan Point on November 12, 2014
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
Tribute paid to Siddiq Baloch and Rasool Buksh Raisani.
In the fields of education and journalism, two reverent personalities Dr Rasool Bukhsh Raisani and journalist Lala Siqque Baloch played great role respectively. In honor of both, Baloch Student Action Committee held a reference at University of Balochistan to highlight the exceptional contributions they played in their respective fields.
Journalism and education both can be considered the fields which have not yet unluckily advanced at a level on which people from Balochistan should feel satisfied. The continuity of involvements in the particular field are still severely required to be acclaimed and adjudicated for a change which the society we live necessitates to have preferably.
The reference program was presided by the central chairman of Baloch Student Action Committee Rasheed Karim Baloch and the chief guest of the even  Director, Student Affairs, and Chairman Fine Arts Department UoB, Dr Akram Dost Baloch.
President of Quetta Press Club, Raza-ul-Rehman, chairman of Bravi Department, Dr.Manzoor Baloch, Vice Chairman of Baloch Academy Sangat Rafik Baloch, director Institute of Research and Education, Nasir Kiazai, son of late Siddique Baloch, Sadiq Baloch and sons of Dr.Rasool Bukhsh Raisani included lectures and students from UoB and colleges from Quetta were present at a majority.
The speakers paid legendry tributes while addressing the audiences and said Balochistan gave birth to the iconic persons who played their outstanding roles in various fields. The iconic personalities, Dr Rasool Bukhsh Raisani and Lala Siddique Baloch come among those persons who Baloch will never forget due to their advantageous contributions. Both of the persons opened their eyes in such backward and deprived areas namely Wadh and Lyari, where education and journalism both have been considered with least enthusiasm and considerations but the places and names that amazingly attributed to the late personalities in whose tribute the remembrance reference is held transparently indicate there born many such people with creative potentials who the society didn’t tolerate to have.
Both have seen the worst challenges via ways of becoming educationist and journalist but their sentiments could never get desiccated and one gone through the hardships to have the degree of PhD in Education and other to be a well-known writer whose attempts highlighted the significance of education and extended ethics of journalism that today the progenies gladly attempt to follow.
The addresses of the reference revolve around the life circle and contributions of both reverent personalities. At the concluding session, BSAC has felt pleased to announce an annual award on behalf of Dr,Rasool Bukhsh Raisani’s educational contributions to be attributed to a person who will keenly and enthusiastically attempt to play the utmost role in progressing the educational proceedings in institutes from Balochistan.
The 2018 excellence award of Dr.Rasool Bukhsh Raisani has been awarded to a lecturer of post graduate college Quetta, Barkat Ismail Baloch. He was among the persons who primarily adopted the American Language system to be thought in Makuran, which has greatly attracted the students towards education that increasingly elevated the literacy rate.
Published in The Balochistan Point on April 9, 2018
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
The Laden Buses of Panjgur Bother The Passengers By: Aziz Ejaz
One of the main issues that Panjgur confronts is the extremely overloaded buses which take them to the roughly connected cities such as Quetta and Karachi via the single carriage route.
The accountable authority and especially the district administration after the tragic and ruinous mishap of burning a passenger bus adjacent at Bela along with nearly travelers strictly initiated a crackdown to halt all the transport owners in a case of further overloading the buses. Especially with unlawfully smuggled diesel from Islamic Republic of Iran.
However later on as the egg got onto the frypan it has slowly come into a smooth re-initiation of transporting the trafficked goods and diesel by means which should be only used for the public conveyance.
Abdul Haleem, an Engineering student and a passenger while travelling to Quetta has been asked about the long-lasting issue of the laden buses. In reply he stated, “The situations with the passenger’s buses are very serious as the entire Panjgur is senseless, no one stabs to halt them playing with the precious lives and all of the so called public conveyance providing companies which have a route from Panjgur to Quetta are seriously making funs of the people futures”.
“Numerous of accidents occurred yet to now taking the several people’s lives. Several buses burnt blatantly and many times it has been aired federally and provincially to avoid the public conveyance carrying extra loads but here nothing works as for the said statement because until the system of paying offs to the installed outposts don’t get stopped,” an elder citizen and a teacher by profession Hakeem Baloch replied.
When a question regarding this injustice to public was asked to the transporters often in exception of a rude reply we received is to mind our own business and the concerned authority is responsible to ask them such questions.
It has been attempted to approach the district commissioner and taking his esteemed opinion and details of the actions taken over this callous unfairness to the public nonetheless as usual it turned ineffective just because of dearth of receiving an appointment.
“We take different things to Quetta. It relates to the senders as our dealings and business differ from trader to trader but frequently the banned imports such as oil, diesels, carpets, dates and dried fruits etc. which are expensive transported to various places. The public and drivers all survives are on a verge to perish anytime as knowing the fact we have no such a tongue to roll. This defends upon these transports and vehicles possessors what to how to manage it protecting hundreds of lives”. On condition of anonymity a driver of a passenger bus answered.
“These vehicle (while pointing a finger towards the parked buses at the terminal in Panjgur) for public conveyance travel in two shifts. At the morning service vehicles carry the goods but in a smaller extent as in association of the evening shift’s.  But they carry an inexplicable quantity which only the brokers know. Both of the times shifts are dangerously playing with the lives of the people as we lack of true administrators who would be able to take prompt actions against any such injustice being penetrated upon public”, Mohammad Shafi, a social worker scolded upon the absurd system.
Published in The Balochistan Point on August 14, 2019
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
Failure of Private Schools In Panjgur. Aziz Ejaz
Besides Government Schools there are more than twenty private schools in Panjgur functioning to provide education. Both the sectors are unsatisfactory in provision of good education. At one hand, the abysmal structure of the Government schools is undeniably deplorable. There have been reportedly appointments of many bogus teachers via political sources and on the basis of nepotism as well. Such discriminatory intactness has badly deteriorated the situation of the Governmental schools which has created an environment of shipment of the parent’s thoughts towards private institutions.
There are many failures of the private schools in Panjgur which deem the incapability. Absurdly, they have become the source of business, taking high fee and give unfulfilled necessities to the students in the form of laboratory and computer facility. Most of the owners of the private schools are business minded individuals and some of them are copiously illiterate. Those who are well educated and operating the institutes as well have become intolerant to think for making a bomb of money rather than emphasizing on the exactness structure of providing excellence education to the local inhabitants.
Secondly, the concerned institutional administrator bodies ineffectively and deliberately select incompetent teachers as part of the teaching staff which often have the qualifications of matriculation and most rarely intermediate. All such selected teachers at this stage are themselves students and this menace of the malaise induce us to instigate thinking that how appropriately will they be able to handle the students and teach staggeringly.
Thirdly, the private institutes don’t provide motivational environment to the students and extra curriculum activities which are considered the parts of the education and give the impression that they are utterly wiped out from the manifestation of such institutes. Even though no one sees a playground in the boundaries of the most schools.
Fourthly, the private sectors teachers are being exploited in a way they feel themselves fatigued by the passage of time and in upshot pay very less consideration while instructing the students, as he/she thinks about the matter of salaries which is nonsensically very less as comparison with teachers of the governmental sector. This has been greatly spoiling the image of the private sectors but unwillingness of the administration has concentrated a deep hear to this aggravated issue.
Lastly, a way of communication between the teachers and administrator body in any private schools appears to be vanished which created a big gap understanding the compulsions and reservation of the teachers regarding institutional affairs.
All above mentioned complications eventually stemmed into a scenario of uncertainty between the parents and administrations. These junctures of the private schools in Panjgur merely the incapability which is an appalling issue to be dealt with prompt consideration if not the situation may get worse.
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
The Pain of The Falling Leaves. Our hearts bleed as like the falling leaves
Your's shadow in solitude of a crowd
Will ever have some inflicting wounds
Come and take me with you to a journey to a place faraway
Where I could have a taste of your dried lips
Where I would have a chance to take you into my feasts
I am no more accustomed to tolerate the pians alone
Let the dried memories wipe out
Let the complaint be devastated
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
The only drowned fish harbour of Pasni
Aziz Ejaz
The only fish harbor of Pasni is ineffective for last ten years. The trawling and haunting milieu at the stunning coast belt is rowdily congested with locally constructed and fashioned vessels of the fisherman getting equipped without having disposal of an anchorage system.
The harbour which was constructed in 1989 is located east of the Pasni city. As soon as it get completed the construction company had admitted, owing to monsoon seasons and sand erosions or silting after period of almost five years it will require dredging and operational up keeping.
A research paper published in the journal of Researchgate in November 2012 by five authors entitled,“the issue of coastal erosion and accretion along Makran coast of Pakistan”, made an effort to point out, any man made structural development along the Makran coast has resulted in a swift response both in terms of accretion and erosion. Farther they stated that, to speak technically, this type of a bay is created in an area where the net transport of sediment is almost equal to the volume of sediments going out of the bay. One of the supporting sentence in the matter of dysfunctionality of the Pasni harbour is that, in such environment where the erosion and accretion are equal, a small disturbance in the naturally stable condition might drastically change the physiography and hydrodynamics 0f the area. This is what happened at Pasni.
Pasni is a mini medium sized area with a population of approximately 4, 00000 People. The source of majority of the people’s livelihood is fishing. The only fish harbour was comprised of an approach passage, harbour basin and the docking area. In a rough estimation somehow twenty to twenty four thousand people of Pasni are fishermen and mariners. Regrettably, these days it has been a complete decade the jetty is impracticable for fishing purpose.
The secretary of the fisheries and managing director of Pasni Fish Harbour (PFH) while briefing over the evolutionary performance of PFH to Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan at the beginning of 2019, said despite of operational work at the harbour an amount of Rs1.5 billion was paid as remunerations to the employees and staff.
To recuperate and uphold the harbour for the purpose of facilitation and comfortability of fishermen began in 2009 during the reign of then Chief Minister, Nawab Muhammad Aslam Raisani who’s cordially invitation brought a Japanese government assistance for the project. Asa result in 2010, the grant of Rs800 million was approved for the rehabilitation work of the harbour.
The drowned Pasni Harbour was built during the tenure of General Ziaul Haq and the funds for the project were provided by the Asian Development Bank. Late renowned journalist Siddiq Baloch, while expressing his view in the daily Balochistan Express impugned the authorities of appointing a Chairman and Managing Director who reside in Quetta and Karachi respectively, however couldn’t go to Pasni and look after the project from Karachi for supervisory operations. He further added,“This was one of the causes as a remote control there appeared a structural fault and failure of navigational function just because of erroneous planning and designing”.
The current secretary of fisheries Managing Director PFHA said,”the harbour needs regular dredging however due to dearth of the funds it has been entirely turned into a ground. It requires at least 3 meter water for berthing the boats but owing to steady silting it has dried up wholly and this has made the harbour ineffective”.
“While talking to the author, local fishermen Chakar Wajo and Badayshah lamented that,“We the poor fishermen of the area face sever hardships as the harbour is inoperative due to heavy silting. Neither the fishing trawlers which bring large catch nor the small vessels with a small catch are able to dock at the harbour. We the fishermen anchorage the trawlers few kilometers away from the coastline at the water and hired some people to bring out the weight which is desperately worrying the fishermen and some of the fishermen berth the yachts at a small inlet known as Juddy Hoor”,.
Ihsan Baloch, a fishermen and only breadwinner of his family said,“It is certainly something to misbehave and an act of antagonistic attitude towards us. The fishermen take days to months and when they return only Almighty Allah knows how seriously exhausted they are. If there was an operational harbour at Pasni it would be at ease for them but despite of the cries and requests still we lack the opportunity and availability of a harbour with traditional facilities”.
Balochistan Chief Minister has proposed the project of reconstruction of the silting harbour in a meeting of PFHA at some other place in the same area to protect the rights of fishermen on 18th February 2019. The meeting also reviewed to use the grant from Japan which has been provided for rehabilitation of the harbour earlier.
No doubt, operational jetties not only provide jobs to the local people but also strengthen the economies. Mr Kamal said but unfortunately the concerned institutions and departments in Balochistan are not working effectively however the concerned authorities will be held on account.
Beside relocation of the Pasni fish Harbour, another eight new jetties in coastal areas of Makran to be constructed has been reviewed by the provincial Govt. but most of the local fishermen annoyingly refusing any such beneficial project development for their comfortability.
A master student from Pasni, Norouz Baloch requested the provincial government to take an action hastily as dysfunctionality of the Harbour has paralyzed the local fishing industry.
In August 2018, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing has assured that China will help for remodeling and dredging of the Pasni harbour site to address the issues of the fishermen. Aslam Bahootani, MNA Lasbela-Gwadar was also present.
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
The Cave City of Bella
Written by Abid Mir
Translation; Aziz Ejaz
On the way from Quetta to Karachi, a small hotel will come to your right hand somehow twenty to twenty five kilometers before Bella City, where located a turning round, called MahiPeer cross. From here, a road goes to west, take this road and start driving very straight from it and approximately about ten to fifteen minutes drive you need to turn to the south side. From here, there begins a rough and rocky path. That road, however, will lead you to a mysterious place that would be a unique experience for you as a part of your explorations. This area with constructed caves like small lofty rooms between the mountains is called the Cave City.
Two years ago, along with some friends i had explored it but for our beloved Najeeb Sair this was entirely an undiscovered place.
So we reached there under the supervision of Khalil Ronjo. Noor Jatak and his restraining matter of job restrained it with us for longer.
As you descend from the main highway, there the path continuously welcomes you with a scattered and constant population ahead. However It is a nomadic and outskirts population. The exactly real and undefined population of poverty-stricken Balochistan will be seen located at middle of the hills. Just on the next circled turn as you move forward there on the south you take to the rough and rocky path, where children wearing old and torned clothes rush to your car from the wretched tents to ask for something. Try to carry fruit, toffee or something else that would be eatable while you intend to go towards that way, Instead of giving money to children, it would be better to give them something to eat.
There are two separated paths to reach to the Cave City from here. If you have a perfect car and a well-trained driver, you can also select the raod just below from it and that leads you straight up the hill.
However the path situated in downward, there the water of the springs flows, which fluctuates seasonally in a capacity of drainage into more and less. The Bike-riders often take riding through that route, even families who come for picnics try to get the ways from this route because the other path leading to the site is a bit tricky and perturbing. However, the vehicle is safe to drive on this road.
This rough and rocky path will end at exactly straight to the mountain. Now you have to leave the car there and come down the hill. It's also a very good and energetic exercise and sometimes it is an act that make you exhausted and fatigued.
While leaning down from the rocky mountainous region, it requires to cross the spring and walk somehow one kilometer on foot and you find out and reach to a marvelous and outstanding part of the mountains known as the Cave City.
There are hills on the both sides of it, and between them there are intricately and polished carved nests' like caves. The area of the caves stretches for two to three kilometers.
Previously just owing to a healthy friends' becoming abruptly tired and exhausted we were forced back from the initiating steps. This time with the young engertic men went far away particularly.
While capturing photographs we came acroos to meet a local teenager. As he was asked, he told that the area stretches for another one to two kilometers, where it is followed by smaller populations as well.
This is astonishing, the books related to Balochistans' history and archaeological sites, I have yet read or came across to my sight, from them a single book I couldn't find describing the interesting and outstanding place mentioned above.
However there isn't any reference available in any such books regarding the place name and also why it has been called the city of caves.
Today most of the historians are accustomed to sit at the home calm and take the benefits from various books and internet while they start writing about something. This is why the historically blessed island and asset of Balochistan is still undiscovered. There it has a story of it's every rocky and mountainous part, God may knows better, when we will be eligible to read the stories of our ancestors and let the world be appeased of it.
These nesting cave are specially crafted. It seems as if these crafted structures once used to be the means of passing paths. It is also possible that a soldier might has to stay here for a long time and has made these nests for a temporary halt and purpose.
If there was such a historic place in a decent and civilized region, the government would have declared it a national heritage and asset. Even today, if only an accessible road and a public park be made It would also turn to be a source of good generating income for the government and an appreciable work to be praised. But our government is virtually lenient in its ability to earn a good name and status, so any such hope will be absurdly fruitless.
However, after walking on foot two or three kilometers via the rocky paths, we were pretty tired and exhausted.
while moving ahead to cross the fountains, my socks get entirely soaked that i hung on a branch of tree with an idea that I would pick it up when we return back but forgot to recalled just because of the fatigued and tiredness.
Continuously taking photographs on our return via the route, Najib Sair found a rapper on which it was written: "Wi-Fi baij".
The world is enjoying Wi-Fi in space, our people are using hardly to spend the time using Wi-Fi in these mountains.
Say long live to Jam!!
From here we bide goodbye to our host Khalil Ronjo. He went out to his field in his area. We came out of the Empire of Jam, complaining on his political seriousness and laziness and moved towards shaal intended a hope of an excellence journey.
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aziz-ejaz · 5 years
چلتن روح میں بستی ہے۔
اُس سفید برف کی دلکش چادر نے
بہت خوبصورتی سے رنگ بھرا ہے بلند سنگلاخ پہاڑوں کو
میں کہیں بھی آنکھیں اٹھا کر دیکھوں
کہیں بھی تفریح کرنے چلا جاؤں
اس نظارے کو دیکھنے سے دل بھرتا ہی نہیں
دماغ پھر بھی تسکین کو ترستی ہے
جیسے ہی آپکی خوبصورت یاد آتی ہے
گھوم کے واپس آپکی آغوش میں
آنے کو پڑتا ہوں.
وہ بات کیسے بتادوں
مجھے اپنی تھکاوٹ مٹانے کو کہیں بھی ملتا نہیں جگہ
وہ چاہت
وہ ایک روحانی رشتہ
ان سرخ مائل چٹانوں سے جھلکتی تسکین
مجھے محبت کے احساسات سے دوست تصور کرتے ہیں
بے پناہ پیار دیتے ہیں
اُسی سفید چادر کے آنگن میں
میں ایسا سوجانا چاہتا ہوں
جیسے کسی پری نے مجھے گود لی ہو
جیسے عطا شاد کو امر ہونے میں
تیری ڈھلوان نے سایے دیا تھا
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Current State Of Balochi Literature
Importance of literature cannot be ignored in the development of any society. Literature gives birth to the most sensitive individuals and writers that contribute in shaping up norms and values of the society. It’s unimaginable for any society to sustain itself without presence of literature.
If we take a look at French, Cuban, Russian, and American and other worldly known literatures then we can precisely be aware of the influential literary persons like Ernest Hemingway, Khalil Gibran, Gabriel Marcia, Edgar Allan, Shakespeare, John Elia, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy and many more. All of them in their capacity contributed in fertility of their literatures. So that their literatures and ingenuities today being learned by other is a transparent dedication of brilliance.
Resultantly, such immortal services in the field of literatures paved plentiful ways for others as it encourages and boosts up the skills of ingenuity. This all can play a role when there would be someone to read what someone has written. If not so the talents gradually seem to be camouflaged for a certain period until it gets to produce readers and appreciators.
The productive literature in the world of creativity has brought many moderations in the form of modernism and post structuralism. But dishearteningly the Balochi literature has failed to even produce a sufficient reader.
In 1951 Khair Mohammad Nadvi with his literary friends initiated a platform of establishing, spreading and enhancing  the Balochi Literature by publishing a periodical of Balochi known as ‘’ Oman.’’ This periodical provided way for emergence of its publications gradually. But with the passage of time, as accordance with tradition, it has observed failure using some new techniques and way of implementation.
Later on, the abundant services of reverent Syed Zahoor Shah Hashmi cannot be ignored. He was the only person who served all his life to think how to bring Balochi Literature in equal standing with others. He worked in all spheres of literature including research, translation, poetry, language and novel writing. He wrote the first novel of Balochi called ‘’Nazook’’ and arranged the first ever dictionary of Balochi called ‘’Syed Ganj’’. His everlasting contribution is a sort of encouragement for the upcoming generation.
The field of poetry, narration and translation is crawling with its potentials. But except few writers no one bothers to bring changes in it as the time of modernism and post structuralism has occupied all the traditional ways.
Balochi literature is considered one of the richest literatures in the region. There are many names it has in its history.  Just with few contributions and insufficient resources it is toiling hard to coup with the internationally famous literatures. Academies like Syed Zahoor Shah Reference Library in Karachi, Balochistan Academy in Kech, Izzat Academy in Panjgur and Rasko Adabi Academy in Noshki want to work with full energies but negligence of Government of Balochistan is major stumbling block for development of Balochi literature.
Most burning issue being faced at the moment is that the Balochi literary books and periodicals are not allowed to be kept on bookstalls in Turbat, Gwadar and Panjgur. The owners of the publications are utterly worried where to keep the books for selling. Shopkeepers expressed their compulsions in not selling Balochi books as they have been intimidated to be killed by unknown miscreants.
Dr. Abdul Malik, Chief Minister of Balochistan, who is a poet and reader of Balochi literature, must take prompt action and prevent Balochi Literature form strangulation. All the literature academies in Balochistan should be treated equally by Government. Funds should be allocated for the literary academies so that they can work for preservation and promotion of Balochi language and literature.
Published in The Balochistan Point on March 23, 2015.
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Why The Media Neglects Baloch Missing Persons
Domestic media in Pakistan and international media omit proper coverage of the plight of Baloch missing persons.
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The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), an association of peaceful protest formed by the families of those missing, claims there are 18,000 unsolved cases of missing persons.
Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest of its four administrative provinces, is a resource-rich territory where thousands of innocent Baloch civilians and political activists have allegedly been abducted since President Pervez Musharraf’s tenure. Locals say the missing individuals have been abducted by Pakistan’s military and associated forces as a way to suppress the Baloch people.
In a report documented by VBMP’s Chairman Nasrullah Baloch, 455 bullet-riddled bodies were discovered from the missing in 2014; not 164 as the provincial government claims in a statement. This figure seems a major threat for all missing in Pakistani custody whose whereabouts is still unknown. After recording an unprecedented march on Oct. 27, 2013 on foot with missing family members from Quetta to Karachi—and finally to Islamabad—the plight of the Baloch remains elusive.
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The 71-year-old Mama Qadeer Baloch who led the long march said that the half-decade long Baloch demonstration has been deliberately ignored by the media. Mama Qadeer Baloch stated that negligence kept the international community frustrated even after a 10 day UN-fact finding mission to Balochistan about the issue of enforced disappearance in mid-September 2013.
“The media has ignored us. The entire theme of VBMP is to raise the issue of the missing persons, but how is that possible if the media ignores it? How can we get our message through? And raise a voice to be listened as negligence is likely astonishing,” says Sammi Baloch, daughter of missing Dr. Deen Baloch.
The VBMP chairman asserted in statement that on every dawn a Baloch is being allegedly abducted and the number has increased gradually to almost 4,000 in 2014 as the families of the missing were optimistically assured when Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch became Balochistan chief minister in May 2013.
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Nearly every Baloch citizen accuses the Pakistani military and Frontier Corps (FC) of abducting, torturing and killing their loved ones. In 2013, 160 unmarked dead bodies were uncovered in mass graves in the Kuzdar district, Thotak.
The relatives of the disappeared are still recording their protest via VBMP with a hope of drawing media attention and international human rights organizations, as well as involvement from the UN.
Until now there has not been any prompt response from any human rights organization, stated a protestor of VBMP.
           (Published In Sharnoff’s Global Views)
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Pakistan’s Response to Charlie Hebdo
Pakistan must to a better job ensuring the protection of journalists in 2015.
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On Jan. 7, a gruesome terrorist attack on the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris resulted in the murder of 12 people including a police officer, cartoonist and journalists.
The response in pursuit of the suspects started within just a few minutes after the incident. It was condemned wholly worldwide and the newspapers declared this one of the biggest cowardly acts on journalism.
Undoubtedly, the bloodbath at Charlie Hebdo has sparked global outrage, with spontaneous and poignant rallies around the world in support of press freedom under the banner “JeSuisCharlie” (I am Charlie).
President Obama sent a message to France after Paris terror: “We grieve with you. We fight alongside you.”
The situation could not be more different in Pakistan, where murdered journalists receive little attention nationally and rarely if ever coverage internationally.
Since 1992, 56 journalists have been killed in Pakistan. Since the 9/11 terrorist attack and subsequent war on terror in Pakistan, journalism was considered a field full of fears and threats. A damning report by Amnesty International has confirmed what people involved in the media industry in Pakistan have known all along—that journalists are simply not safe in the country.
Another 2013 report by Amnesty International found that journalists in Pakistan are under “serious threat” from state security forces, some political parties and religious militant groups. The same holds true for journalists reporting in Pakistan’s restive Balochistan province.
More than 48 journalists have fallen victim to targeted killing, most of whom were Baloch. Among all the four provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan often reports more murders of journalists.
Razzaq Sarbazi, Irshad Mastoi, Ilyas Nazar, Rehmat Ullah Shaheen, Siddique Eido, Munir Ahmed, Shakir Sabzbaat, Razzaq Gul, Abdul Razzaq Baloch and many more were the unlucky journalists included in the list of slaughtered ones. All of them were from Balochistan.
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                                           Irshad Mastoi
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                         Abdul Razzaq Baloch
 On Aug. 29, 2014 a senior journalist Irshad Mastoi, trainee reporter Abdul Rasool and accountant Mohammed Younus were shot in the head and chest in Quetta. All died on the spot. In response, the Balochistan Union of Journalists President Irfan Saeed said, “There is no security for journalists in Balochistan. We lost our many friends but not a single perpetrator of the crime was booked. We are facing constant threats to our lives.”
The Balochistan government just issued a statement condemning the deadly attack on journalists. It did nothing for the journalists. There were no reports of police storming a group of killers supposedly linked to the killing of any journalist. This exposes a mass distinction between the journalists killed in France and Pakistan.
Attacks on journalists from any corner of the world must be condemned unequivocally and unambiguously. Pakistan must to a better job ensuring the protection of journalists in 2015.
              (Published In Sharnoff's Global Views)
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Poem: Waiting For Your Entrance.
Dedicated to a daughter of a missing person
The clay made-dreams of a kid
Grow flowery spikes in each remembrance
Ever since you promised for a gift
Why don’t you come back shortly?
She has waited, waiting and will wait
In every single jiffy of absurd reminiscences,
She made a castle with a shabby walls around
She has bade all her friends once
And now calling them over
As she dreamt your entrance in preceding dark
And asks you in a mawkish tone,
Will this time you come to fulfill the partial dreams?
As this home seems a forest without your aroma
The door to it a way to thwarting
How I tolerate with?
How I bow my head to the only Divinity?
Fairly a translucent secret in my physique
You come and see,
How badly the loneliness occupied the calm into its hooks
How sharply the lighting glommed the dark
How innocently I kept my hands to the redden-heaven
It is all an untold story I have in my ribs
For your fancy arrival
For your beautiful smile …
(Published In SGV)
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
New Education Challenges in Balochistan
Balochistan faces serious education challenges as youth quit school to protest the enforced disappearances of their family members.
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Cases of Baloch missing persons have gone unresolved since 2001.
In an unprecedented march on October 27, 2013, 71-year-old Mama Qadeer Baloch led a grueling long march from Balochistan’s capital Quetta to Karachi, and finally to Islamabad. This march was documented by the Voice of Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) for the safe release of thousands of Baloch allegedly abducted since Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
The family members of the missing are now protesting in Karachi near the Press Club arranged by the VBMP. The families wait for the their loved ones as they were optimistically assured in 2013 when Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch became Balochistan’s chief minister. The number of missing gradually increased to almost 4,000 in 2014.
Sammi and Mehlab Baloch, daughters of the missing Dr. Deen Baloch in 2010, quit school until his safe release. Both girls participated in the grisly long trek on foot as well. “I cannot go to my school because I am frightened about my father’s vanishing, stated the 12-year-old Mehlab.
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Mehlab Baloch. Credit: The author
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Sammi Baloch. Credit: The author
Dr. Baqir and his young son were abducted in December 2014. Their whereabouts are still unknown and his daughter Sangeen, a college a student, now patiently waits for their release.
Farzana Majeed, a sister of Zakir Majeed Baloch (missing), was a Biochemistry graduate student at Karachi University and dropped out of school to protest Zakir’s disappearance. She also joined the long march to Islamabad yet her brother’s whereabouts remain unknown.
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Farzana Majeed. Credit: The author
Mohammad Ramzan Baloch went missing in 2010. His 12-year-old son Ali Haider was a participant of the long march and he quit school to protest the safe release of his father.
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Ali Haidar. Credit: The author
This is a burning issue. Since its inception the VBMP’s chairman Nasrullah Baloch says there are as many as 18,000 missing persons.
Aziz Ejaz is a freelance writer, columnist and a poet. He contributes to the Balochistan Point and is subeditor at the Monthly Bolan Voice. Read other articles by Aziz.
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Celebrations of Gul Khan Naseer
Chief Minister and Governor of Balochistan praise the life and achievements of poet Gul Khan Naseer at a two-day international seminar in Quetta.
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Gul Khan Naseer, a notable poet who wrote in Balochi, Brahvi and Urdu, authored many books on history and collections of poetry. He passed away in in 1983.
In commemorating Naseer’s achievements, Balochistan’s Department of Culture Tourism and Archives held an international seminar from December 5-6 at the Serina Hotel in Quetta, Balochistan. The year 2014 has been declared the year of Gul Khan Nasser by the Balochistan government.
This international seminar consisted of an inaugural session, five plenary sessions and a concluding session. Guests attending the program included Dr. Malik Baloch, chief minister, Governor Muhammad Khan Achkazai and Mir Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Muhammad Hassani, minster of culture, tourism, archives and sports.
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International guests included Abdul Sattar Purdely, an author and researcher from Kabul, Abdul Ghafoor Liwal, director of the regional study center of Afghanistan, Muhammad Sherdilow, research scholar from Turkmenistan and Kazuyuki Murayama, lecturer at Wako University and Chuo University in Tokyo.
                     (Published in Sharnoff's Global Views)
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Will These Education Advocates Receive Nobel Prizes?
Will these education advocates receive the same prestige like Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi for risking their lives for equal education?
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The Oasis School in Panjgur, Pakistan. Credit: The author
Malala Yousafzai, a 17-year-old Pakistani education advocate, has been awarded the Noble Peace Prize in Oslo.
She, along with her fellow 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi from India, received the award for championing education and children’s rights.
Female education is being threatened in Pakistan and Afghanistan ever since the horrific 9/11 attacks. Since then various militant and terrorist organizations have appeared in these nations but one thing they all have in common is their anti-gender equality attitude when it comes to education as this is perceived as a Western attack on Muslim cultural and religious values.
First private schools in Kech and Panjgur were shut down. The Bombing of a girls’ school in Swat and other restive areas of Pakistan was a common occurrence. A US-educated private school Principal named Zahid Ali Baloch was murdered in Gwadar, and finally violence escalated into the gruesome attack on the army-run school in Peshawar that claimed the lives of 148, most of whom were children.
Pakistan’s Makuran district, once having a low illiteracy rate, has increased its literacy rate by advocating co-ed education. Makuran also established English-language institutes as a source of acceleration to establish private schools. However conservative and militant forces reject this type of open education, namely the religious organization called Tanzeem-ul-Islami-ul-Furqan.
Zahir Hussain, a US-educated instructor, taught English classes at primitive private schools and language centers like The Oasis Academy in the Panjgur district. Today there are almost 30 private schools. Barkat Ali, a US-educated director, founded the Delta Academy in Kech (Turbat), and is known as one of the first successful private schools.
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Zahir Hussain. Credit: The author
Zahid Ali Baloch, targeted earlier in December on his way to school in Gwadar, was also a US-educated private school principal and founder of the Oasis Private School. His education efforts helped build a school in the coastal city of Balochistan.
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Zahid Ali Baloch. Credit: The author
More schools and academies have been founded due to their efforts and thousands of students now have new opportunities. Will these education advocates and instructors who so courageously risked their lives to create a better world for boys and girls ever receive the same prestige and distinction like Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi?
(Published in Sharnoff's Global Views)
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aziz-ejaz · 10 years
Remembering the legend Balach Marri
In the world of luxurious there born very few people who may abandon his/her life of peace to toil for a collective purpose. Those who earn such an exceptional honor in their life not for oneself but for the future of the deprived nation make a history interminable. The roots of a struggle often initiate growing when someone feels whatever his/her surrounding is facing that are a sort of hardship. If we view over such outstanding historical stories, we can easily understand how much a vision is making a history.
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The striking point that compelled, the 12years old school girl Vo Thi Sau became a guerrilla fighter, who later joined hands with the crusaders of Vietnam to fight against the tyrannies, obviously was the conscience of being a slave, treated as the indigents, measured as the suppressed nation and the humanitarian violence which was a rebuttal act of the occupiers. She accompanied the fighters and twice attacked the French force with the hand grenades at the age of 15. This is a vision for a great purpose, this is the glimpse of future of the upcoming generations obligated a teenage girl to toil as the existing life is harder to be passed under a colonial rule.
the execution of this girl at the age of 19, built up a stronger feeling of abhorrence but doesn’t keep anyone to be intimated so then the sacrifices and the blood of Vo THi Sau and thousands other paved a way of lighting a candle to celebrate a day becoming an independent nation.
Fareed Ali, a well-known warrior of Algiers, by occupation was a shoemaker tolerated the most alarming moments but the love of him to Algiers provoked  his sentiments to fight with till the last breath and he had done what a guerrilla does while defending a dignity of a nation.
In world history, we can find the most glinting names had sacrificed their lives for a collective gain whether that is the Cuban war of self-determination, the Vietnamese’s war of identity,the war of Algiers in acquisition of the land and the war of Libyan, in which the name of most reverend fighter Umaar Mukhtar comes, who fought bravely and tactically for almost 20years against the Italian forces. He was a multitalented warrior, in time of his resistance the Italian caught the women and the children and prisoned beyond the bars as to frighten them as joining the group being supervised under the supervision of Umar Mukhtar. The detainees including the children, women and men were stretching to 2.5 million among which most of them got martyrdom. In spite of such an inhumane act the movement of Libya didn’t halt but prompted it very comparatively.
We don’t need to go faraway, in history of Baloch there come the names of Hamal Kalmati, for detail ‘’Hamal kalmati; a symbol of arousal’’ can be visited, who fought against the Portuguese during the times of 15th century defending the land of his people. When the Portuguese’s forces initiated a huge scale of plundering, the sort of operation at the coastal region of Makuran, commonly known as Ormara and Gwadar. He has sacrificed his life for the inhabitants of the area but didn’t negotiate with the tyranny at any cost who were being guided by the notorious voyager Vasco Digamma.
On 13 November 1839, is one of the famous days of honor for the Baloch, on which Mehrab Khan, the legend with his several friends stood in front of the strengthened army of British and fought for the land of innocent Baloch! This audacious effort of him given Baloch a name integrated unity and a fear in the hearts of the British until the colonial rule existed in the region.
Later on 1948 the rebellion of Prince Aga Khan is a praiseworthy as The Baloch insurgents fled to Afghanistan and encamped at Sarlath, an area in the province of Kandahar. The Prince also organized the Baloch Warriors, former soldiers and officers of the Khanate’s army for fighting to achieve ‘’ Greater Baluchistan’’.   While returning back, they carried on their proceedings but were caught inauspiciously during a mission against the state forces.
Babu Noruoz, commonly known as Noruoz Khan is another chapter of resistance who initiated an armed struggle against Pakistan in 1958, but he was deceived getting a benefit of religious norms of Holy Quran by state machineries which resulted in capturing and later executing of him with his seven companions.
Hundreds of Baloch sacrificed their lives among which Balach is one, the entire Baloch feel proud of him. He was the brave heart of Hamal kalmati, the chest of Mehrab Khan, the temperament of Prince Aga Khan and the vision of Babu Noruoz Khan, and that made him a legendry in the history of Baloch.  The overall martyrs blood were in his bodily vessels that kept him engaged in a rebellion for a future be translucent from oppressions.
Balach Marri, once said that ‘’We mustn’t waste our energies in criticizing and distressing to each other while we have to employ our insight to make intellectualized pronouncements on political ground and instruct the nation mentality pro-independent’’.
Martyred of revolution Balach Marri was born on 17th January, 1966, at Khair Bakhsh Marri house in Kohlu. He was on third position among six sons of Khair Bukhsh Marri. He had got his basic education from a grammar school in Quetta, and for higher education went to Moscow, where the legend Balach did his master degree in Engineering and Journalism. He was journalist fully known about the humanitarian violence and the status of his nation so that he initiated his armed struggle tactically to provide the utmost energy to fuel the resistance of determination with a least lose.
Eventually, on 20th November, 2007, the martyrdom news of Balach Marri was proclaimed and Baloch legend Balach Marri’s martyrdom was confirmed by his elder brother Gazine Marri afterward, too. Balach got fragmented from Baloch Nation physically but his thoughts, vision and philosophy is leading the Baloch Nation even now. Every year’s 21 November is commemorated the day of Balach Marri and it is 7th remembrance of him has been celebrated in 2014.
                              (Published in Monthly Bolan Voice)
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