azucar-y-te · 9 months
in this new year I want you to be alright. I hope you move out. I hope you have enough money to feel safe. I hope you abandon shame and forgive yourself. I hope you get enough sleep and some good news. I hope you laugh a lot and the heaviness of the world eases a bit. I wish you to be alright.
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azucar-y-te · 9 months
we’re gonna be ok btw
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azucar-y-te · 9 months
this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it
buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell
leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist
put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.
when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!
plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.
if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge
if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.
its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.
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azucar-y-te · 9 months
☾ you find happiness when you are..
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moon in the houses
MOON IN THE 1ST HOUSE: you find the most joy in being able to freely convey your emotions, forming connections with others, nurturing those around you, recharging in solitude, making independent choices, and trusting your instincts.
MOON IN THE 2ND HOUSE: you experience happiness when you achieve financial stability, can provide for yourself and loved ones, feel secure and worthy, possess numerous assets and possessions, maintain control, and are surrounded by comfort and familiar things.
MOON IN THE 3RD HOUSE: you experience the most joy when expressing your feelings through writing or speech, having someone to talk to, engaging in conversations with siblings and friends, participating in meaningful discussions, reading, learning new knowledge, and feeling stimulated.
MOON IN THE 4TH HOUSE: you find happiness in emotional security, having a safe haven, feeling protected, receiving comfort and nurturing, earning praise from your family, fostering positive relations within your family, and feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance.
MOON IN THE 5TH HOUSE: you experience the greatest joy when expressing your childlike nature, being surrounded by fun people, engaging in creative hobbies, enjoying freedom from responsibilities, expressing yourself dramatically, and feeling recognized and accepted.
MOON IN THE 6TH HOUSE: you find the most joy when you’re productive, sticking to a stable daily routine, offering help to others, accomplishing tasks, receiving recognition for your efforts, maintaining a healthy body, solving problems, and keeping your home well-organized and tidy.
MOON IN THE 7TH HOUSE: you find happiness in companionship, cultivating deep emotional connections, maintaining balanced and fair relationships, mutual understanding, empathizing with others, feeling nurtured, feeling accepted, and having a reliable person to lean on.
MOON IN THE 8TH HOUSE: you find the most joy when you can trust and feel trusted, express intimate emotions, be vulnerable, feel a sense of safety, have secure financial matters, discover secrets, know what motivates people, and establish deep connections with others.
MOON IN THE 9TH HOUSE: you find happiness in mental stimulation, embracing change and variety, experiencing freedom of thought, exploring different places, expanding your knowledge, seeking wisdom, trying new things, embarking on adventures, daydreaming, and learning about diverse cultures and foreign subjects.
MOON IN THE 10TH HOUSE: you find joy in receiving recognition for your career, maintaining a positive reputation, gaining approval from the public, witnessing progress, pursuing a career that resonates with your emotional needs, feeling validated, earning trust, and emotionally connecting with others.
MOON IN THE 11TH HOUSE: you find happiness in forming friendships, establishing connections with like-minded individuals, embracing individuality, feeling involved in a group or community, sharing innovative ideas, helping others, bringing people together, and nurturing harmony within your social circles.
MOON IN THE 12TH HOUSE: you find the most joy in solitude, connecting with your inner self, valuing privacy, residing in a peaceful environment, engaging in artistic pursuits, escaping into imaginative realms, daydreaming, and exploring the hidden things in life.
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azucar-y-te · 1 year
i love that for him, he just wanted company 🥺
No offense, but Xie Lian thoroughly testing Hua Cheng to see if he's a ghost and coming to the conclusion that he's either a regular human (doubtful) or Ghost King Hua Cheng, Scourge of the Heavens Crimson Rain Sought Flower and continuing to sleep under the same roof as him and go on little adventures is so funny. This is peak "I do what I want" behavior. He'd rather have a Ghost King friend in disguise that all of his peers are afraid of than try to figure out what he wants from him and potentially drive him off.
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azucar-y-te · 1 year
"I could fix him" but...
Mu Qing & Feng Xin
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Shi Qingxuan & He Xuan
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Bai Wuxiang & Xie Lian
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Shen Qingqiu & Luo Binghe
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Xie Lian & Hua Cheng
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Shang Qinghua & Mobei-Jun
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Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian
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Mo Ran & Chu Wanning
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Xie Lian & Hua Cheng p. 2
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Shang Qinghua & Mobei-Jun p. 2
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azucar-y-te · 1 year
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Sixth love language
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azucar-y-te · 2 years
Midheaven in Pisces
Midheaven in Pisces Creative and professional careers
The Midheaven (MC) is your public reputation, your persona that is linked to your profession. With your Midheaven in Pisces the Pisces zodiac sign, you possess a distinct artistic flair that creates your public image with an appealing and mystical aura.
Midheaven in Pisces
Those with a Pisces MC are often perceived to be elusive, artistic, empathetic, romantic as well as adaptive, restorative romantic, glamorous, and attractive. They can be noticed for their caring, gentle character and willingness to go to great lengths to guarantee the happiness of everyone around them. Since their creative mind is always creating and generating, they are the person that everyone turns to for imaginative ideas. The people with a Pisces MC feel the most alive when they contribute an original idea and innovative to the world.
Pisces Midheaven Career aspirations
People who have the Pisces Midheaven aim to understand the other people and inspire them in an unimaginable way that nobody else can. They have the highest recognition in professions that allow the use of their empathic, spiritual artistic, and somewhat psychic gifts. They can make their mark as playwright, poet, screenwriter, artist, dancer and actors, musicians singing, acupuncturist and naturopathic physician. They can also be counselors or psychologist. Keep in mind that all aspects of the chart of the natal chart is a factor in the ideal career choice for a person with a Pisces MC. But whatever career they choose they will do it with creativity and originality.
Do You Have A Pisces Midheaven?
To determine the astrological sign for your Midheaven you'll require a birth chart constructed using all of your birth data--date, location and time of birth.
Trademarks of a Pisces Midheaven
Whatever the sun sign or the rest of your birth chart, there are some signs that could be used to identify someone who has the sign of a Pisces Midheaven. The persona they present to the world could be:
Compassionate and kind
Versatile and adaptable
Mysterious and unknowable
Ethereal with a distant style
Charming and tempting
Imaginative and inspiring
Bright and lively
Fun and creative
Content and quiet
Negative Pisces Midheaven
If you're born with Midheaven in Pisces, the public might also perceive people as indifferent and aloof or indifferent. It is possible to see them as lost, lacking a awareness of the direction they are heading, always at a loss, or as an unrealistic daydreamer, victim, or savior.
Pisces Midheaven opposite Virgo Imum Coeli
The angle that is opposite to the MC is called the Imum Coeli (IC.) A Pisces MC and a Virgo IC are opposites that are interconnected. It is believed that the Pisces MC is the bloom and the Virgo IC is the taproot. With Virgo on the IC the people who have a Pisces MC are likely to have an excessively self-critical and analytical personality and a constant need to improve themselves that comes from childhood. While they might have a very different reputation but their closest friends and family members know that they are realistic as well as intelligent, quiet organized, and put together. Their analytical personality, their desire for perfection, and well-ordered private lives is the basis for the Pisces MC.
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azucar-y-te · 2 years
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Nedra Glover Tawwab, Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, The Six Types of Boundaries
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azucar-y-te · 2 years
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only after having met you did i rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy
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azucar-y-te · 2 years
Moon in the signs and how you process emotions...
(go on dark mode)
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  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“What are moon signs?”
The moon is the planet of emotions, the mother figure, our deepest personal and emotions needs, our basic habits and reactions, our style of need, our unconscious and such. Your moon sign can tell you how you process emotions, about how your mother treats you, survival instincts, defense mechanisms, eating habits, the subconscious of yourself you may keep hidden, and the soul of your identity.
☾ Aries Moon ☽
These people are impulsive and head strong by nature but they truly just experience their emotions in a very erratic way. This doesn’t mean that their personality is erratic or necessarily unpredictable but the way the do experience their emotions can come on very strongly, but they also go away quite easily. They may feel like they have something to prove to the world, and this is because they know they’re very strong emotionally, and can do great things and accomplish anything they desire. My advice for Aries Moons would be to learn how to balance all of this energy they have so that they can use it to do productive things, you want to keep all of this energy occupied and entertained otherwise it might just end up exploding and literally breaking things. Exercising can really help with this too because it’s good for the human body, AND they can channel all of their anger through the physical activity & even sports. Aries moons are very humorous and have a good sense of humor, this may be prominent in their personality as well, or when they’re talking about their emotions they may just slip something funny out. They’re very sarcastic and witty and also quick. Their relationship with their mother or other female figures in their life can be challenging, some may even have anger issues as well. They have child-like energy that is really contagious to be around and even though they have many mood swings and temper tantrums, they are so much fun and have a joyful and useful spirit to them. They may not like experiencing the more darker, sadder emotions or just don’t allow themselves to because they don’t like to experience the pain and negative affect it has on them. They have to learn that it’s okay to experience grief and that’s it normal to be upset sometimes.
Celebrities with their Moon in Aries: Angelina Jolie, Kim Taehyung, Rihanna, and Kendall Jenner.
☾ Taurus Moon ☽
So first of all, I really love this placement in a natal chart. This shows someone who sticks to their opinions and really stands for them. Now, this can be bad or good depending on the person and the opinion. They’re very good at sticking to the facts of a situation too and are able to push through any problems. They can also just be really stubborn because they like staying inside their routine and practice, and they don’t really like trying new things because they’re not used to it so they may think it will disrupt their routine. (This also depends on other placements.) They like waking up early to get ready for their day, and often have their outfit picked out for the next or at least have an idea of what they want to wear depending on the event. Taurus Moons are the type of people to spend a lot of money on items for self-care like lotions, bath bombs, lip balm, face scrubs, perfume, etc as well as food they enjoy or just things they love overall. They like expensive things. They often find themselves overspending more then they expected to. Their love language can be touch & gift giving and receiving. They know how to hold grudges but are also emotional and touchy. Deep down, they are big hard workers that know how to keep track of their money. They know their self-worth and aren’t afraid to work for what they want. When they don’t want to do something, you will quite literally feel it. It’s like their whole energy changes and you can feel how they won’t budge and that’s why you can’t easily get through them. But, they can be very chill and make people feel very comfortable just with their presence. They might’ve had a mother that was strict or had a very comfortable vibe. They can be great artists or just have a good eye for beautiful things. They can appear very cold and unbothered at times as well, especially in the eyes and eyebrows. They process their emotions by adapting at their own pace and maybe even eating, they need to feel stability and affection so that they feel like they’re safe. 
Celebrities with their Moon in Taurus: Joe Biden, Zendaya, Chris Brown, and Lindsay Lohan.
☾ Gemini Moon ☽
Gemini Moons are very popular for getting bored easily and in response to that, they like to keep things interesting meaning they will think about everything. They’re genuinely very smart, but they do care about how their appearance comes off to others- even if they don’t verbally let you know, their actions will literally speak for themself. They like to be sneaky and witty, but sometimes they can prioritize love over things that are more important like themselves. But, like with every Gemini placement (especially if it’s in the big 3) they have 2 sides to them (they’re very adaptable!) If you betray them in any way, they will somehow make it up to you, but many people don’t see or know this side of them that they keep hidden. Since this is an air sign in such an emotional planet, Gemini Moons may feel detached or just disconnected from their feelings at times which can lead them to not caring about anything at all. They are also very prone to mood swings, they can go from crying to energetic very quickly. They have a quick and curious mind, although, its often filled with several topics so it makes it hard to concentrate, but they can focus if they really try. They also experience a lot of feelings all the time which is why they are prone to mood swings, it’s like they don’t know what to feel and it can be very overwhelming and cause them to feel anxious which causes them to feel mad. But then, they can also be extremely obsessive or needy. Their decisions are more rational then emotional too. It takes a lot for them to get upset and they don’t get over it quickly, but they can get over their emotions fast and get over problems very quickly. They’re also very good at admitting when they’re wrong, and this is quite admirable! They process their emotions by talking them out. When it’s too much to handle inside, they just let it all out and vent whether it’s by themselves or with someone else.
Celebrities with their Moon in Gemini: Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Khloe Kardashian, and Jimin.
☾ Cancer Moon ☽
Cancer Moons are seriously the sweetest. Ever. But. They can also be very crazy. They’re intensely affected by what sign the moon is in right now. This is a very good sign to have the moon in because it’s in its rulership. The thing they do best is feeling emotions, and they’re very driven by them as well. They understand that people can be emotional at times and they just understand people in general. They know that sometimes all a person needs is just a little comfort and kindness, so out of the kindness of their heart, they provide it. Their emotions are very strong, and their emotional or family world may make them cry a lot. They may look calm on they outside, but they’re actually falling apart on the inside. Their emotions are really jumpy, they have a lot of mood swings and think they’re feeling a certain way when in reality they’re not. They jump to conclusions easily. Their mother may have been very emotional even if she was nurturing or just crazy, she had heavy emotions and the individual felt them as if they were experiencing it first hand, or they just got really good at reading their moms emotions and moods so that they could understand her and protect themselves. They may find that over time they’re learning the importance of taking care of their emotions and healing. They need to learn to just go with their emotions instead of being overwhelmed by them, and this will not be easy. But this will help their intuition develop and their emotions will actually become very powerful and instead of fearing them, they can start to work with them to get what they want. They can manifest anything to be honest. They process their emotions by taking their feelings of empathy and kindness and then turn it onto the people they care most about. They will literally smother you with affection.
Celebrities with their Moon in Cancer: Taylor Swift, Kurt Cobain, Shakira, and Gwen Stefani.
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☾ Leo Moon ☽
Leo Moons are either confident or insecure, this can vary depending on the chart. They may even feel in between at times but they mostly have their mind set on one. Unlike other Leo placements, they aren’t trying to entertain anyone but themself. This is a very famous/iconic placement. They really just radiate celebrity energy. They have a certain type of magnetism that just makes other people attracted to them and want to be their friend. People may just naturally respect individuals with this placement because they feel like they deserve it and are worthy of it. They can be very optimistic even though things in their life may not be the best, they also have like a happy attitude about life. They know how to find their spotlight and aren’t afraid of shining. Even if they don’t like to “shine” they still like to share with others something they’ve created because that’s very important to them. They really want to express themselves to the fullest and show people their true self. They’re excellent entertainers & usually do well in that industry. In their head and feelings, they made truly see themselves as a celebrity. They probably think that people are waiting for them to post on social media, and to be honest, they’re not wrong! They are very aware of their power, and because of this they can get under people’s skin without seeming like they’re trying anything. They know how to be loving, generous. They actually quite like bossing people around. Validation can be very important for them because since they don’t really have the lightness Leo suns have within them, because in the moon type of position, Leo isn’t getting any light, so they crave that light from other people; validation. Leo moons process their emotions by being their own biggest fan, doing creative things to please themselves, and shining bright.
Celebrities with their Moon in Leo:: Jeon Jungkook, Megan Fox, Lana Del Rey, and Paris Hilton.
☾ Virgo Moon ☽
Virgo Moons can be very harsh and rude to themselves, that’s why it’s hard to be mean to them. They probably think they have many flaws because they over-analyze everything. They’re the type of people that think “if this doesn’t look good in my perspective, I’m not wearing it.” They’re very critical and analytical, they’re probably right most of the time too. They have a very sharp perception of reality, and when they criticize themselves, it hurts sometimes so when they learn how to give constructive criticism, that’s when they really learn. They do very well in big, messy situation because they’re there to organize them and give their perspective and suggestions. They know how to fix everything and make it run properly, but this might be the opposite for their personal life. Their moms may have been super critical with them and had high expectations. If they have good aspects to their moon, their mom could’ve been very clever and supportive, she might’ve encouraged them to learn more and to upgrade their skills often, and she could’ve been very reliable and productive. If there’s bad aspects, their mother could have been very anxious and nervous most of the time and scattered. They overthink a lot, especially in certain situations. This is really not good because it can lead to stress and then they aren’t able to focus. They can also be easily embarrassed so they feel the need to protect themselves and put a guard up. A lot of their critics may be directed at their body. They’re constantly trying to get to their standard of perfection. They are very good at analyzing & are very hard workers. They like talking about different ideas & perspectives and even though they don’t like changing their minds, if new information makes them question their opinion, they may change it. They need a calm, peaceful, and well-organized environment so that they can truly think and contemplate their feelings. That’s how they process them.
Celebrities with their Moon in Virgo: Nicki Minaj, Blake Lively, Bella Hadid, and Gordon Ramsay.
☾ Libra Moon ☽
Libra Moons are very social by nature, they often feel like they have strong connections with people around them (friends, family, etc) or with people in their social circle. They do crave partnerships and deep romance, but this can be fluctuating because they have hard times committing to things. It really takes something/someone very unique and special to them for them to actually commit. They prefer company over being by themselves, and have interest in beautiful things around the world. They have a good sense of style! They know how to see both sides of a situation or perspective, and this comes in handy. Sometimes, they’re not actually sure how they completely feel but this can be something that protects them. They HAVE to create balance, harmony, and peace in their life. They can also be just very naturally charming. It’s like an instinct of theirs. They’re great at relating to how others feel and because of this people want to be near them. If they relate to how you feel, they will validate your emotions and if you relate to theirs, then they may feel like their own emotions are also validated. This is how they process emotions. It’s very fair and balanced with these people. Even if everything’s not well in their life, they might try to make it out as if it was. Their mother could’ve been extremely fair and selfless, so they learned this lesson from her. It’s either that or their mother wasn’t very active in their life, she was indecisive, intolerant, impatient, etc. They can be very honest but sometimes they just let it out so they can’t take it back, sometimes it may be good things, and sometimes it may be bad things. They can be people pleasers and don’t want to ruin the relationship or the “vibe” which is why they don’t truly speak their emotions. They still have a very beautiful look to them nevertheless.
Celebrities with their Moon in Libra: Justin Bieber, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ariana Grande, and Kristen Stewart.
☾ Scorpio Moon ☽
Emotionally, these people are very intense and have a deep side to them that not many people see. This is a very hard and strong placement to have. They often feel like they need to get to the bottom of things and often discover things by chance. They have spot on intuition and their detective skills are second to none. They have many abilities and one of them is how they’re able to see through people and their facades or acts. Their emotions was transform a lot, and they’ll go through periods of emotional rebirth. They really strive for balance in their emotions, so in order for that to happen, there has to be less extremes & more moderation. They can be very intense and honest so this really triggers other people because it’s like they want to be more like the native. Many people may project their insecurities onto them as well because their like a “scapegoat.” They may often come into contact with their deepest emotional fears and obviously this isn’t always easy. Many Scorpio Moons have trust issues, or they just feel a sense of betrayal and loss and that’s why it’s hard for them to trust others, but when they see someone who has earned their respect, they pick individuals who seem like the real deal and that’s who they usually stick around. They are always thinking ahead so that they don’t get hurt and so that they can protect themselves because when they do get hurt, it’s very hard to go through it. They feel deep revenge for those who have wronged them and this needs to be managed because if not they may actually end up doing something they regret. It will also help them move on and grow. They are very driven. If they truly want something, they will go and get it no matter what. They can be emotionally paranoid so in response to this, they may feel emotionally repressed. They genuinely transform their darkness into a power for them to use. Their mother may have also taught them an important lesson, and that’s why they’re so strong. They can have a very strong connection with their mother or their mother is just plain possessive and vindictive. Their relationships with their mothers transform; a lot. Either way, she definitely left a mark on the natives life. Scorpio Moons process emotions by holding them in instead of letting them out, and only speaking of them to people whom they truly trust.
Celebrities with their Moon in Scorpio: Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Jenner, Avril Lavigne, and Adriana Lima.
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☾ Sagittarius Moon ☽
Sagittarius Moons are very humorous & funny. They know how to cheer up a person when they’re feeling down and just overall have a very illuminating and jocular energy to them. When they have a problem in their personal life, they will talk on and on about it to their trusted friends seeking advice or just validation on the situation. This is how they process their emotions. They also have a very adventurous and enterprising side to themselves, and many people see this. They like to explore emotions, feelings, etc. They can be blunt and if they feel like they know the truth (which is most of the time) they will tell you, and aren’t afraid to do so. But sometimes, they’re not right. Their emotions are spontaneous and out of nowhere these feelings may just come out. What’s really good about this placement however is that if they’re in a bad or preposterous situation, they’ll still make the best out of it and stay positive. To them, it doesn’t make sense to dwell on problems or situations. They don’t really see certain situations as serious because they just have a playful attitude about everything and then when they do realize the situation is serious, it’s too late. Their mother could’ve given them a lot of freedom, or no freedom at all. She may also not let the native fully express themselves in the religious or spiritual ways they want to. (Ex: the native wants tarot cards; the mother says no because of her beliefs.) They can be extremely persistent, and be honest they’re quick and can get things done in an instant. If they have goals, they will quite literally climb mountains. They’re not going to think negatively about it and they’re going to strive to get it done. This is why they are great manifesters. And even if they do have a setback, they won’t be down for long. They have the potential to become great artists and even earn money in the art industry because of their amazing creative expression.
Celebrities with their Moon in Sagittarius: Albert Einstein, Ted Bundy, Vincent van Gogh, and Pablo Picasso.
☾ Capricorn Moon ☽
People with their Moon in Capricorn have a very serious and mature nature to them even if they’re young. They have high expectations for themselves and others, and when they or other people can’t meet those expectations, they’ll most definitely get frustrated. They are strong-willed and have a great sense of self-control. They can really resist to do things, and are better about going at something the smarter way. They’re more likely to not give in to peer pressure because of this. However, they can be more prone to depression. Capricorn Moon natives can be sarcastic & witty once you really get to know them, but they can be just as serious in an instant. They crave success and will stop at nothing until they get it, their drive is very high for things that they really want and many people admire this about them. They may have had to learn to take care of themselves when they were younger and because of this they grew up faster than their peers. They could’ve also spent a lot of time alone, leading into isolation and the feeling that nobody wanted to hear their feelings or what they truly feel. It’s hard for Capricorn Moons to truly speak what they feel because of the fear that it will get used against them. They are strong, and really hate to act vulnerable in front of people. But if push comes to shove, they will. Their mother was most likely not as present as she’d like to be, and was most likely constantly working, or she just wasn’t there much for some reason. They’re the type of people that are better at showing their love through acts of service because they may not be able to verbally communicate it. However, they can express their emotions through creative endeavors like drawing, dancing, etc. I don’t want to say they don’t process emotions but sometimes that is the case just because they’re so used to not being emotional so they don’t feel the emotions there until they actually realize it. In a type of “crisis” situation, they’ll seem fine and more calmer because they are just kind of prepared for it. They honestly have so much strength and wisdom within. I love Capricorn Moons so much.
Celebrities with their Moon in Capricorn: Johnny Depp, Jojo Siwa, Bella Thorne, and Emma Roberts.
☾ Aquarius Moon ☽
Aquarius Moon are the more avoidant types. They avoid their feelings more then anything else. They only process their emotions when it’s convenient or when they can’t hold it in anymore but personally, I’ve never heard an Aquarius Moon talking about how they feel. They do value friendships but they need to learn how to express their emotions better in order for the friendships to be expressed in the best way possible. They are very creative, and if they do art, they like to base their art on themselves and how they feel. They can be reserved but extroverted at times, so they’re pretty in between and are more like an ambivert. They feel the need to restrict and control sometimes, and if they haven’t healed this yet then it can produce a very chaotic and difficult inner world. People will notice the native is not as sensitive as most people and this is because they can naturally just disconnect and distance from what they’re feeling. Yes, they may be aware of how they’re feeling and what they’re experiencing but they won’t actually process it. They have an ability that lets them switch their emotions on and off, which can be very unpredictable and changeable. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t care about other people. They actually care a lot about their family, friends, etc. But they just show it more subtly. It’s hard for people to come to Aquarius Moons with their emotions because it’s hard for them to empathize with people. It’s possible the natives mother wasn’t emotionally around much to the point where they learned not to rely on her for emotional needs or affection. Their relationship may also not have been normal. It could’ve been very unique, and eccentric. It was definitely not the type of parent-child type of relationship you see everyday. These people are very good at excepting all different kinds of people into their life & friend circle. They have many resources, and are very welcoming as well as open-minded when they want to be.
Celebrities with their Moon in Aquarius: Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Eilish, and Gigi Hadid.
☾ Pisces Moon ☽
Pisces moons are honestly so kind deep down. They are prone to crying a lot even in light situations, and don’t mind showing this in front of their loved ones. They can really be mysterious, and just have that subtle aura to them. They can be very dreamy, as well as intuitive when they’re in their feelings. They can imagine and invent many things inside of their head. If they have a dream, they will try their hardest to make it into reality even if the dream is “impossible.” Their emotions can be changing, and so this is also what makes them mysterious. People wonder why they change their emotions often which leads to the air of mystique. Their dreams may be constant, and vivid. They can even have many memorable dreams that seem abstract or surreal. Since they’re so intuitive, they may receive messages through visions, dreams, etc. Lucid dreaming & astral projection may be especially easy for these people as well. They have a lot of creativity, and they will express in through art, music, writing, literally anything. They tend to follow what they want to do, and create their own path & this makes people admire them. When they were young, they could’ve been the type of child to be more reserved and timid because they weren’t sure of who they were. They can lack confidence, and this is an area of improvement. When they do start to gain confidence, they will begin to understand themselves better. The natives mother could’ve been very empathetic, caring, and nice. The relationship could’ve been very understanding as well. The native treated their mother very nicely and respectfully & was a very strong child because sometimes the mother had difficulties and had to make sacrifices. Because of their intuitive nature, they can pick up other peoples emotions and may find it hard to process their own emotions because of this. But when they know how to differentiate, they process their emotions pretty well.
Celebrities with their Moon in Pisces: Kesha, Michelle Obama, Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West.
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