azucenaaa · 3 years
Internet Trolls
Trolling has become a normalized action that is often overlooked by today's society. It takes on a variety of forms such as doxxing, sea-lioning, concern trolling, and mocking/insulting. By the disgusting efforts trolls take to ridicule an individual, it may seem that they are different from normal people, but what I learned from this week's learning materials is that any of us can be trolls. From a study conducted by Stanford and Cornell University, anyone is capable of becoming a troll based on mood and other factors. This is an issue that should be prioritized by social media platforms and they need to work towards reducing their tolerance towards trolling. Such behavior can result in negative consequences for the victim and lead to their complete removal from social media sites or other extreme results. Besides social platforms taking action, I also believe it is important for the individual and the witnesses to take action. Sitting back and watching this vile behavior take place is unacceptable and standing up to the trolls is a step, in my opinion, to slowly removing these nasty comments from the internet.
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azucenaaa · 3 years
Maia Kahlke Lorentzen uses this opportunity to introduce what online trolling is, talk about why it is important to intervene when one sees it happening, and how to intervene.
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azucenaaa · 3 years
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Simply ignoring online trolls will not bring their negative activity to an end.  One must figure out a way to fight back, whether it’s with the assistance of your closest friends or on your own, but taking action is crucial.
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azucenaaa · 3 years
"When sites are overrun by trolls, they drown out the voices of women, ethnic and religious minorities, gays–anyone who might feel vulnerable. "
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azucenaaa · 3 years
Manrika from the reality show, The Circle, speaks about her post-show experience being a victim of trolling, doxxing, and how she took action against it.
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