azure-witch13 · 2 months
“Girls gays and theys” <- uninclusive while trying to be inclusive. Bad. Makes me uncomfortable.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished guests” <- inclusive but far, far too formal
“Alrighty gamers” <- Incisive of everyone, informal, and fun to say.
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azure-witch13 · 5 months
dark green is a nice color. underrated
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azure-witch13 · 6 months
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azure-witch13 · 7 months
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azure-witch13 · 7 months
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by いんそ 名前変えました
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azure-witch13 · 7 months
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There's an episode from the OG cartoon called "The Incredible Shrinking Turtles" and it was on TV all the time. Here's an 03 version.
Klunk is making sure to keep all his kittens safe.
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azure-witch13 · 7 months
Sephiroth:*walks into science with black hair and red eyes*
(what does Hojo do?)
*Hojo holds a chair as self-defense*
Sephiroth: Professor, for the last time, I don't know why you're—
Sephiroth: Who's Vincent? This is just a costume for Genesis' play. I'm not—
*Hojo throws a chair at him and Sephiroth blocks it*
Sephiroth: You know what? Yes, I'm Vincent.
*Sephiroth takes slow steps towards him while Hojo screams in terror*
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
Alright class, on todays episode of turtle science, we’re talking about multiversal height differences!
(Transcript under the cut)
In the 2012 and 1987 crossover, people have pointed out before that the 3 dimensional versions of 87 turtles are a decent chunk bigger than they should be. The funny thing is their height does seem accurate back in their world, it’s only when they travel over do we reach our problem.
Comparing the height differences between counterparts in the two dimensions, you can clearly see that there’s an attempt to gaslight us being made by Nickelodeon. I know Michelangelo is not that tall, he’s a lying punk.
We can assume then that the 3D-ificiation process makes these little green bitches bigger than they previously were.
In turtles forever the 87 turtles heights remain consistent between universes further confirming this is a 2012 dimension thing, and in that movie the 87 turtles are fucking tiny. Because there’s no height change for them between home and 03 we can just assume 03 is a naturally bigger sized universe. How did I reach that conclusion? Fuck you.
03!Raph is like two foot taller which is an inaccurate measurement I just made the fuck up on the spot but the point still stands that he could step on 87!Donatello and not even notice.
The scientific conclusion you can draw from this hypotenuse is that if there was ever a 2003 crossover with 2012, not only would you have to consider how much bigger the 03 turtles are from the 87 turtles, you’d also have to consider how much bigger they’d then get when hit with the 3D beam.
The point being that this angry 5’5 beanpole would suddenly be hitting his head on every fucking door way because he’s now like 6 feet tall.
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
We know jack shit about Ray, sge hardly appeared outside of Flash backs and as a fucking ghost who took over Rera to fight Zack, she was split into four people who got sidelined and frdiged because her dad is a fuckibg asshole, we don't kbiw her personality, we don't know who her mom is, we don't know her DECK
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group A
Match 7
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Propaganda under the cut!
she’s just a little kitty!!!!!!
Ray Akaba
She took down the big bad that mopped the floor with everyone else, twice Even with other ppl tried to use the En cards, nobody else was as skilled as her to actually pull them off, the instant she was revealed, Leo became a much more interesting and compelling villain, the true center of the Akaba family drama, we love a deceased character who even after her death shapes the narrative, and comes back just long enough to put everyone in their place, the ultimate ygo girlboss
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
It does not end great
It is once again time to cope with my poor mental health by watching Yu-Gi-Oh. The question is, should I:
(1) continue watching Vrains Season 2 and get to know Soulburner/Takeru;
(2) continue watching season 1 of GX because I just got to the part where Manjoume joins Silfer Red and need to catch up on Judai's nonsense;
(3) start Zexal because every post I see of Zexal and Yuma makes me think, "What the fuck happened in Zexal?", and my friend just informed me that a lot of people died in Zexal????
or (4) start Arc V because what the fuck is Yuya's deal, why does everyone say Arc V has a terrible ending, and how the fuck does pendulum summoning work?
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
Ace moments before I realised I was ace
Thinking celebrity crushes was just an exaggerated way to say X is aesthetically pleasing and that people weren't actually serious. Making up celebrity crushes just to fit in.
Being able to acknowledge that someone is conventionally attractive by beauty standards but not feeling attracted towards them. Friend: "Aren't they hot?? I'm dying over those abs!!!". Me: "I mean sure, they look fit and healthy. shrug".
Making grossed out faces when asked who I would frick during the 'fuck, marry, kill' games. "Look here, the guys in our group are cool and all but even if the opportunity to be intimate with them came, I still wouldn't do it."
Thinking demisexuality was how attraction worked for the vast majority.
Being VERY confused on why the girls in my high school year thirsted over the young male student teacher.
Being genuinely surprised when peers in my high school year got into sexual relationships ("Huh?? Aren't we too young for this?")
Not understanding what people mean by "the butterflies". Never experienced the physical symptoms commonly associated with a crush.
Not understanding why thirst traps are used and thinking 'sex sells' is an obvious lie.
Not understanding the appeal behind hookup culture.
Reading smut fics and thinking the hyperfixations on a character's physical appearance was so "grown up".
Not understanding why abstinence is difficult. ("What do you mean you couldn't resist... just don't do it???")
Not understanding why couples broke up over sex. Not understanding why lack of sex is a deal breaker in relationships. Thinking that I would be perfectly fine if my partner didn't want to be intimate.
Happy ace week everyone. 💜🤍🖤
EDIT: To anyone that's questioning: if you do relate to some of these, there is a possibility you could be on ace spectrum. However, don't take this as THE guide, this is just a recount of my own personal experiences. Instead, I highly encourage you to read up more on asexuality and other ace people's experiences - asexuality is a wide spectrum, and I just happen to fall in the "no attraction whatsoever" side. I'm also happy to answer any questions, feel free to hit me up.
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
Oh 12 can shut the fuck up 65% of it's personality it took from 87. 25% are horror movies refrences 5%from 03 and comics and 5% from the live action movie. IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY ROOM TO FUCKING TALK
Love you 2012 but what the hell were you talking about here-
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
I think it’s very hilarious that the 2003 TMNT show changed the theme song lyrics to say “Leonardo is always in control” right as the show entered an arc where he very obviously is slowly having a mental breakdown in every episode
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
I’d like to think that other than Genesis dragging Sephiroth to do stupid shit, if he was acquainted with Aerith she would probably bully him into doing things with her. Like that one annoying little sister he can’t ever escape from.
Exhibit A:
Genesis walks out with his hair tied up in pigtails.
Sephiroth: ????
Aerith appears, sporting her own pigtails and the most devious smile on her lips.
Sephiroth: Aerith, no.
Aerith: Aerith, yes.
Ten minutes later, Sephiroth exits the room with his hair up in twin tails looking like some sort of demented Hatsune Miku. Genesis can’t even laugh because his hair is tied up too (and they’re looped with the pompom type hair ties)
Even better if it’s Gen + Aerith duo, Sephiroth is in for a bad time.
*Genesis and Aerith run in, put a bag over Sephiroth's head, tie him up and drag him off*
Angeal: Uh..
Zack: They're bonding~
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azure-witch13 · 8 months
There is a reason that episode was banned
God, yeah that's enough turtles for the night basically. Jesus fucking christ,
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azure-witch13 · 9 months
Sorry for another random TMNT post when I know no one follows me for it
But I felt like visualizing how I talk about 03 VS 12 cause I realized I basically talk about them together like this
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